Chapter 6: Practice

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After the disappearance of Keith, Lance kept searching for him, search parties were sent and guards were sent to scout the area in case the person comes back for Shiro. Lance kept the words that Shiro said to him before he passed out on the night when Keith was kidnapped. Lance had no clue what Shiro meant by "It's not what it seems". But with Keith gone and the events that occurred earlier that day, it was clear to Allura that the plan that both her and Shiro had planned years ago had failed, and now she needs to find another prince or princess that's suitable for Lance for him to marry so he can become king. But that was the least of Lance's concern cause right now he needs to find Keith and save him.

A couple of weeks have passed and there was still no sign of Keith anywhere or the kidnapper. Some of the search parties were called back after Shiro awoke a week earlier, though he still hasn't fully recovered from his injuries it wasn't gonna stop him from looking for his brother. He decided to stay in Altea till his injuries healed and sent a message to his husband, Adam, to watch over the kingdom until he returns.

Meanwhile, Lance was with Hunk in the palace garden. Coran was with them carrying two buckets of colored tipped arrows, one was blue for Lance and the other was yellow for Hunk.

"The musicians are not happy Lance," Coran said as he placed the buckets of arrows down for them side by side. Hunk a bucket full of colored powder for the arrows since they might need the extra powder for what the practice they're about to do.

"Lance remind me why we have to do this again?" Hunk turned to his best friend who just dropped the other bucket for Coran, as he was emptying out the yellow color powder in Hunks arrows. "Cause one, you know I'm not great at archery and two it's almost lunch time." Hunk replies and so does his stomach with a growl that made Hunk frown sadly.

"Hunk I need to practice, right Coran?"

"Oh no arguments here," Coran was emptying out the blue color powdered bucket in Lances arrows but some seems to be stuck. "Oh quiznak," He mutters then pats the back of the bucket with the powder facing him. "I think it's going to be loads of-" and then powder gets all over his face. "" He coughed.

Lance and Hunk were starting to tie blindfolds around their eyes. Lance spoke again. "The great animal isn't going down without a fight, so I need to prepare myself."

"Your highness, you still don't think Keith's alive do you?" Coran was wiping all the powder off his face.

"Of course! Shiro believes he is and so do I! And when I find that creature I'll find Keith." Lance kicks his bow up from the ground with his heel and grabs it in midair, still blindfolded.

"Your highness I hate to break it to you but we've searched everywhere and we couldn't find anything, no creature, or Keith. I don't think he's coming back and the whole kingdom thinks so too."

"The whole kingdoms wrong! Keith is alive and I'm gonna find him!" Lance replied and Coran expected no less and gave a soft smile in return, even if he couldn't see it. "Alright Hunk, you ready?"

Hunk was peeking from his blindfold for his bow and for the targets, Coran noticed this.

"No peeking Hunk."

"Sorry!" He lets go of the blindfold and then stands up straight. Coran then looks at a few musicians. "Animals! Assemble!" He said, twiddling with his mustache. The musicians all cane out in different animal costumes, but one was missing and Coran noticed. "Where's the mouse?"

"Why do I have to wear this?!" A feminine voice can be heard from behind a tree. "It's stupid! What makes you think you're gonna even shoot a mouse?!"

"Pidge stop complaining. We had a rabbit one for you but you were too small for it so we had to improvise. Now come out from behind the tree."

Pudge groans and then slowly steps out from behind the tree in a cute little mouse themed dress. (Picture up top, also it's not mine)

Coran claps in delight and then looks at Lance and Hunk. "You boys ready?" They both nod and get their bows ready. All the musicians and Pidge start running, Pidge was also regretting on agreeing to this.

"Get set....GO!" Coran pulls the strings and their blindfolds were off. Hunk got a little dizzy from the sudden move and he could barely aim or hold his arrow straight. Lance, however, was already getting started. He grabbed one arrow, aimed and fired at one of the musicians dressed like a pig, another dressed like a fox, and another, he was on fire and was even more focused than he usually is.

Hunk on the other hand hasn't even gotten one animal, but then he spotted Pidge. "Hey Pidge I'm gonna get yay!" He aimed his arrow at her.

"Oh no you don't Hunk!" Pudge starts running and Hunk starts chasing her, Lance wasn't paying attention to them but to his other targets, he was too focused and it attracted some of the other nobles that Allura was having a tea party with. Allura noticed how much her brother was practicing a lot lately, she was talking with another noble. "Oh ever since Keith's disappearance all he does now is practice, practice, practice, and thinking of him and the way that is was." While she was about to take a sip of her tea an arrow goes by her. And then one of the musicians, the one dressed like a duck, was running of the tables.

Coran looks at the hourglass and then shouts "20 seconds left!"

Lance kept focusing on aiming on all of the animals and Hunk was too focused on Pidge that he didn't even bother going for the others, even though he hasn't hit Pidge once.

"I got you now Pidge!" Hunk shouts and then shoots an arrow at Pidge but she had a surprise for him, she used a wooden plank as a bat and hits it back at Hunk. "Hey no fair!"

"Hey you have to prepare for anything." Pidge kept running after that.

"12 seconds left!" Coran shouted and that just Lance more fired up and Hunk to panic. Lance even shot more than one arrow at a time never missing. Hunk couldn't focus and keep up with Pidge at her speed since she was faster.

Pidge kept running and then suddenly Lance see's her. She was in trouble now.

"5 seconds!"

Lance got his last arrow out and then aims at Pidge, who's running away, and then he shoots and she jumps into the bush. But did it hit?

"3...2...TIME! Animals assemble for counting." All of the musicians came back all exhausted from running away and were all covered with blue spots from Lance's arrows hitting them. Pidge came out from under the bushes. But as Coran was tallying up all of Lance's points Hunk sneak up from behind Pidge then secretly and gently hits her with one of his arrows three times, goes back to leaning on the tree.

"Now let's see that would be 298 points, well done Lance." Coran wrote they score on the paper. "Now let's see Hunk you right now from the looks of it."

"Hey don't forget the mouse." Hunk ruffles Pidge's hair.

"Aw yes of course, after all Pidge is worth one hundred points. Now let's see..." Coran see's the three spots from Hunk's arrows.

"Hey nice job Hunk you actually got Pidge." Lance said.

"He did?" Pidge looked confused till she saw the spots on her. "When did he get me?"

"It's just luck I guess. Looks like I won with 300 points-"

"Hold on, just a moment. Pidge could you turn around?" Lance asked and Pidge nods, turning around and then slightly lifts up the dress, dont worry she's wearing leggings, and then there was a blue spot from Lance's arrow.

"Sorry Hunk, looks like Sharp Archer Lance wins again." Lance chuckles with a smile. Hunk laughs and then goes over towards Lance. "You're a great archer Lance, the best in the kingdom. It takes a lot of courage to do this kind of thing, if you know what I mean."

While Hunk and Lance were talking Pidge went to go change out of the outfit. "Finally I get to change out if this outfit, I might as well see how my brothers doing while I'm at it. Oh wait I was supposed to give him some medicine earlier!" Pidge grabs a bag with the medicine in it and decided to just go see her brother first before changing. Once she got to the room he was in she was shocked to see another person inside the room with a black cloak on. The man was currently choking Matt.

"Hey who are you?! What are you doing to my brother?!" Pidge shouted at the cloaked figure.

The figure only grins and then raised his hand and then Pidge was struck by magic and was turned into a green mouse.

"No!" Matt shouted and then kicked the figure, now released from his grasp and was now tackling the figure to the ground. He ripped off the cloak and his eyes widen to see who it was.


"Surprise~" Lotor struck Matt with magic and now he was a turtle. "Well wasn't what I planned but I guess you'll both keep my future bride company." He smirks and then teleports himself and the now two animals to another location.

(Matt's a turtle, Pidge is a mouse, and Lance is getting ready for a battle of a foe he doesn't know. Oh what fun! Also I hope you guys are doing ok with his whole virus going around. Stay safe.)

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