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Angela's POV

"Shh!" I silence my sister as she opens her mouth to say something. My heart is beating rapidly. We are both hiding in the closet. I hug my four year old sister to me so that she doesn't see what's happening. My eight old self is frightened to death, but I tell myself to calm down. 'Stay here and don't make a sound.' My mother said before she closed the closet and ran out to help my father.

I hear the growling of the footsteps and someone opens the door. I try to breathe as slowly as possible so that we won't get caught. But that doesn't help. The door opens and a man stands there with his face covered. I can't see his face clearly in the darkness.

"No." I whisper.

"Caught you!" He says as he pulls me out by my arm. My sister lets out a shriek as he pulls me out leaving her there.

"Leave me." I try to pull my hand away from his hold, but to no avail. I bite his hand that's holding me as he pulls me along with him out of the room.

"You little shit!" He yells as he tugs at a scarf of my mom's that's hanging on the hook of the door. He kneel down still holding me and puts my hands together before tying them. He makes sure that the knot is tight before standing up to take me out.

"Leave her!" I hear my mother shout as she kicks him in the stomach. He flings and falls down in the middle of the room. My little sister is out of the closet and looks scared. I go to her and she clings to me. Mom fights him.

"Mom." Clara, my sister whispers.

"Get out. Go!" She yells, but we stand there in shock. Mom can fight? "Go! Angela!"

I grab my sister's arm and run to the door. We hear a thud and before I can go out the door closes. The masked man is standing above us. Before we know it my mom bangs his head against the door. He flips and fights her.

He pulls out a knife and stabs mom with it.

"No!" I yell in shock and go to fight him to get him off my mom. "Get off of her!" I stand hitting him on the back not knowing that it has no effect on him. He pushes me off him and holds me down. I kick and scratch at him accidentally pulling off the mask. That's when I see his face. A face that will haunt me forever. He quickly puts his mask back on.

Suddenly he is thrown out the door. He lays there unconscious. Mom is standing in front of us with blood oozing out of her.

"Angela!" She calls as takes two steps and falls down on her knees. We both rush to her.

"Mommy!" Clara cries.

"Oh my little angels!" Mom says as she looks at us. The door opens and we see Uncle Anthony, mom's brother. "Oh Anthony!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He comes and kneels beside her shouting in shock. "I will fucking kill him!"

"Take care of my girls." She smiles as she closes her eyes.

"Mommy!" We both cry. The masked man stands up and my Uncle is about to fight him when we hear footsteps. He looks at me and out eyes meet.

"I will come back for you." He says with such determination that it sends chills down my spine. He runs off as he takes one last look.

I wake up gasping for air. The air breezes past me.

"Same dream?" Clara asks she drives looking ahead. She looks at me for a split second to see if I am okay.

"The classic." We both sigh.

"Let's put on some music." She turns on the music in the car. We were distracted for a split second and as we look up there is a huge wolf crossing the road.

"Look out!" I scream. She quickly hit the brakes and turns the car around. The wolf jumps and runs into the woods. My heart stops for a second. "Oh my God!"

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Good. Are you okay?" I let out deep breaths.

"I am good."

"Was that a wolf?" It was so big.

"I think so."

"It's huge. How can wolves be so big?" I am still trying to catch my breath.

"I heard there are a lot of wolves around this town. It's safe though." She speaks as if we were just not about to hit a wolf with our car.

"How are you so cool about it?"

"It's okay, Angie! I heard the town is safe to live in."

"I doubt that."

"We are almost there. Maybe this year will be peaceful."

"I wouldn't dare to dream of it."



Hey my cute dumplings!

Like all my others books, you don't have to wait for long and wonder whether I will update or not, because this book is completed and drafts will be published on time.

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