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Hunter's POV

The Morning After They Spent The Night At Waterfall

"I don't want to be selfish in love." I speak to Clara who is sitting beside Mark in my office.

"Then don't be." She says as if it's the obvious answer.

"I want to tell her the truth." I want her to know that she is a wolf. She has the right. "Also, I can't keep my wolf forever from marking her. He is going all crazy around her."

"I get it." Mark smile kissing Clara. I roll my eyes. She smiles at him.

"Okay, love birds. Just control your wolves."

"Did you control yourself around her? You both smell like each other this morning." Clay says and scoffs. I smirk.

Last night was beyond words. I can't believe that we did that. I want to treat her with delicacy and sweetness, but that was unexpected. It was dirty, raw and passionate. I loved it.

"If it wasn't for the potion that I gave her last week, she would have had another headache last night, you know that?" She asks and sits up straight. "Look, I know that you are mate and all, but remember, you need to be careful around her. Linda says, the impact of potion weakens when she is around her mate, which is you." I sigh.

"Why don't we just tell her everything? What's the harm in that?" As soon as I ask that question she falls silent.

Good one. Mark says through mind link. Clara is thinking real hard. She looks like she is lost in thoughts. "Babe." Mark calls and she comes out of her thoughts.

"If we tell her, she might freak out. What if in the process of connecting with her wolf it breaks her? Her wolf has been suppressed for more than ten years now. I just don't want any harm to come to her." She is right.

"Clara, she will have to know the truth, one day or another. You have been running all these years with no one to protect, but she is my Luna, my Mate. You both have us now. One day I will have to Mark her and that day she will turn into a wolf. It's inevitable. But you are right. It might hurt her if it suddenly happens."

"That's true. She has to change into her wolf soon."

"How about this? Let's tell her everything, but before that, you talk to Linda and have her make a potion or a spell that she can cast on if something goes." I don't want any harm on my mate.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Mark agrees and Clara nods her head.

"I will talk to her today."

"I will be waiting."

Angela is in my arms. My heart is at peace. Mark and Clara have gone for patrol run. Clara is still to join the pack, which will happen soon, but the pack members are warming up to her. Derek and Kyle have gotten used to her. They have all become good friends. We haven't told them about Angela yet. They still think that she is my Human mate.

My mate giggles in my arms as she watches the move. I can't help the smile on my face. She is more comfortable around me after yesterday. I like that. I love that. The images of last night wouldn't leave my mind. The way her breasts felt big. My whole hand was not enough to hold them. The way she was wet and ready for me.

Thinking about all that gets my wolf running. I have to stop thinking about it. My hand soothes her hair as she enjoys her pop corn, still laughing. Her hair is still black. That takes me back to her wolf. I imagine our wolves running together through our pack lands freely with no care.

Her hair is pulled aside and her neck is so close to my mouth. My wolf is clawing at my skin to come out. I feel so selfish to want to tell her everything. But I think it's better that she knows. I know that the process is going to be painful, but once she is out, she can train. I will help her train. Once embraces who she is, it will help her be more happy.

I want her to feel the way I feel when I look at her. I want her to feel the deep connection I feel towards her.

I hold her tighter. She doesn't complain and snuggles in holding my arm that's around her. She doesn't even realize that. I kiss the crown of her head.

I wish we could stay here like this.

Ifonly I knew that everything would change in the next few minutes.


Hey my cute dumplings!

We have seen all kinds of mates here in Wattpad. I just wanted someone who would be practical and give respect to the mate's choices. Hunter is such a sweetie.

Can we be selfish in love? Tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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