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Hunter's POV

Three Weeks Later

"Did you track where they came from?" Mark and Clay are sitting in front of me. Derek and Kyle are standing behind them.

"No, Alpha. The trail ended near a lake a few miles from here." Mark responds.

Clever. Water washes away your scent.

We have been trying to track down the rogues that have attacked us three weeks back. One of them jumped at my mate and that's not going to be taken as an accident or ignored. There is definitely something. It about her safety and I am taking no chances in that area.

"We tried following the scent though. Searches around the pond for the similar scent, but nothing. They are good in hiding their tracks." Clara speaks.

"This is not just some rogue attack." It's clear. The safety of pack members irks my mind.

"We have increased security since three weeks. But from now, I don't want any blind spots. Put more members into patrol working and covers every corner."

"I am on it, Alpha." Kyle takes up the duty.

"It maybe Lupus." Clay looks down as she says that. She is shivering and Mark holds her. Whatever happened that night, surely has an impact on her. She was still a child and watching her mother die would definitely put anyone is that trauma. "He is back." She whispers to herself.

"It's okay, mate. You are with us now. You are with me. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He holds her close. She holds onto him. I take a deep breath and my Angel occupies my thoughts for a brief moment. She is always in my thoughts. I just want to call her and have her near me.

She has been putting me at distance and I am trying to give her some space, but I can't seem to do that. How can I? I need to be near my mate! I go to the restaurant she is working every day. We would just look at each other. I know she wants to talk, but she has a lot to figure. I just want to pause all the issues for a second and hold her. My wolf is trying to break free at her sight.

That's the last thing, we have to do though. We already scared her enough.

The last three weeks have been shitty, except for one thing. Every time I go to the restaurant, even if I don't order, she would sent me some food that she cooked. I love it! I just love it! Not the food, but the gesture! Even if she doesn't speak, the gesture itself shows much more than words can! It gives me hope and I know that she is working on it... on us. That settles my heart.

I have been sneaking into her bedroom every night. I just need to be in her presence. My wolf would lose control. Only a werewolf can understand it. I breath in her scent, take in her presence and feel her energy around me. That's enough for me.

She is being heavily guarded for the past three weeks and she has no idea. I have been changing men and their time of shifts around her so that she wouldn't find out. Clara is being protected too. Mark wouldn't let her leave to teach in school without him tagging along or someone from the pack.

I just don't know who this Lupus is. If I knew him, I could analyse what we are fighting against. But now... We are just guarding ourselves, trying to protect my pack and my mate.

"There have been no other rogue attacks, it might be the case that it wasn't him." Derek speaks and we all look at him.

"It can be. But we can't eliminate the possibility that he knows they are here."

Whatever happens, I am not going to let anything harm my mate or my pack.

Angela's POV

I toss and turn in my bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I get lost in my thoughts. It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I have got to know everything. Three weeks since I actually spoke to Hunter.

Once they left, Clara explained me everything about werewolves. She told me how they live in packs, that they have an Alpha, Beta and the remaining ranks. She told me what a soul mate is.

It is such a beautiful concept. I can't believe something so beautiful and surreal can exist. It brought tears to my eyes.

Mama is my Papa's mate. Marks is Clara's mate and Hunter is my mate. She told me how it feels to meet your mate for the first time and I felt all that. I felt all those things that she said. Since my wolf side is suppressed, I have only been feeling half of what they feel.

How can it be more intense? How can I feel more than what I feel for Hunter?

She explained what a Luna is and what she does. All of this is so fascinating.

Mama and Papa have been rouges. Uncle Anthony belonged to a pack named Night Claws. He was the Beta of the pack. He remained so, till he died.

I have met Clara's wolf. She let me hold her fur and get comfortable with her. It scared me the first time. But it's a part of my sister and my family. I have to meet and accept her every part. Surprisingly, it felt so... so familiar. I didn't expect that. It was revelling.

I turn to my left on the bed and look out the window. The clear sky is visible with stars twinkling.

Hunter has given me space the first week. He called a few times and texted me, but that was all. But since the past two weeks, he has been getting closer and closer. He is trying to connect with me. I want to talk to him, but I still need to gather my thoughts. Mark has been visiting frequently for the past three weeks. Clara is completely well now. They are both all over each other.

They are both so cute together. He likes her so much. They are both so in love. It sometimes makes me want to just call Hunter, ask him to come over and hug him.

He has been visiting my work place during lunch times for lunch or dinner. I wouldn't talk to him, so he would just eat food there and stare at me for some time. That would have sounded creepy if I didn't know all this. But that's all he does and he leaves, telling me bye. Every time he does that, my heart lurches out and I just want to grab him and kiss him.

He wouldn't push me to talk to him, call him or answer his calls. He would just come and... go.

Clara told me that the house that we are living in is Hunter's too. He wanted us to move here so he can keep an eye on us. She told me that Hunter has his pack wolves deployed around the house for our safety. She also told me that Hunter is not a Gangster and apologized for that. I feel so stupid for saving his number as Gangster Hunter.

I blush remembering that. Now, I just feel stupid for believing that.

Oh Hunter, how I wish to hold you.

Slowly, I fall asleep.

His lips are on my chest. He is kissing the place between my breasts. My eyes are closed and I moan as he gently presses my right boob and kisses the other. He slowly sucks on my nipple and teases me as he grips it with his teeth. He meets my eyes and I see the desire in them. That makes me wet. He comes up and kisses my lips. I kiss him back.

His hand is still pressing my right boob and his other hand travels down to my left boob, presses it and then goes to my waist. He squeezes it and goes down to my lips down there. His fingers touch my pussy lips while he kisses and squeezes by boob.

"Hunter." I whisper as I pull away. He smiles wickedly and rubs my pussy.

"You like that?" He asks. He knows the answer.

"Yes." I reply, lying there, waiting for him to do with me as he pleases. "Oh Hunter."

I gasp and open my eyes. It was all a dream. My heart is beating fast. It is hot.

"Oh Angel." I hear Hunter's voice and look up. There he is standing, at the end of my bed. Need is clear in his eyes.

"Hunter?" He is here? He is really here?

He looks down at me with want. His gaze travels down my body. I look down and realize that my one hand is pressing my boob as my shirt has risen over to my neck and the other is over my shorts on my pussy. I blush red and pull my top down quickly. I pull the sheets over me and make sure I am covered. He chuckles. I can't believe that he found me in such a position.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I ask him. He sits on my bed. I like that he is close to me. I wish he comes closer.

"I needed to see you. I came through the window. My wolf is going crazy."

"Why is everyone's wolf always going crazy?" I hear it a lot. Mark's wolf goes crazy, Clara's wolf goes crazy. Hunter's wolf goes crazy. He chuckles as I ask that.

"You will understand someday. You can't control your wolf side." He responds. I don't speak, but just look at him. "What dream were you having?" He asks and I bite my lip to stop the smile. He chuckles again. "I love that you were saying my name. Do you know how it makes me feel?" He asks.

"How?" I wonder.

"It makes me feel like wanting to throw myself on top of you." He pulls away my blanket and gets closer. "It makes me want to dominate you." He kisses my forehead. "It makes me want to mark you." He kisses my cheek. I let him do as he please. "It makes me want to bury myself inside you." His breath falls on my lips and I close my eyes, waiting for his lips. "Your arousal is driving me crazy, Angel."

I open my eyes and find him getting beside me on the bed. His hand is on my waist and I don't push him away. I can't be away from him.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He asks as he kisses my cheek again. I blush and look down. He holds my chin gently and makes me look up. I don't know what probes me to say the next words.

"I missed you." He looks at me in surprise as I say the words. He then pulls me closer. I lay my head on his chest.

"I missed you more, My Little Wolf." He says and I feel weird as he calls me that. I close my eyes for a second. The warmth of his body comforts me.

"It all feels so unreal." I say and feel his legs over mine. "How can all this be possible? Wolves... Witches..." I look up at him and meet his eyes. "But then, you are here. It's all possible."

"I will always be here." I just look into his eyes and stare into them. He is staring into mine and I take in the sweet moment. His words always seem to bring me comfort.

"Is this your first time coming into my room?" As I ask, he grins sheepishly. I know the answer already.

"It's not. I have been here every day since the past three weeks." He replies and I open my mouth in shock.

"What?" Every day? He closes my mouth.

"My wolf needs to be near you. You weren't responding to my calls or texts and when I came to meet you at the restaurant, you avoided me. You know that hurt." He really looks hurt and tries to pout. I chuckle.

"I am sorry. But you have to understand, this is all a lot to take in."

"I know." His hands push my hair back.

"You always do that." I whisper and he smiles.

"I can't help it."

"Is there anything else I should know?" I ask looking up.

"No. I think we covered everything. Did Clara tell you that she will be joining our pack soon?" He asks. She did tell me, but I don't know when.

"Yes, she did. That's it then." He speaks and suddenly freezes. I look at him in worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He looks back at me. "Mark has just come in. He is with Clara."

"How did he-Window?" I know the answer now. I shake my head.

"Him and Clara are going out."

"Now?" It is midnight.

"Yeah. They are wolves. They run together. Also, since I am here, they know that I can hear them and they can hear us too."

"They can hear us from downstairs?" I know that they have heightened wolf hearing.

"Very clearly."

"So did Clara hear when I said you name-Um... Nothing."

"When you said my name while moaning?" He completes and there is a huge grin on his face. "Yeah, she heard." I blush hard and try to cover my face with the blanket. "I love you, Angel." He pulls me in a kisses my forehead. I lay my head on his chest. I feel his chest rumble as he chuckles.

"What happened?"

"Seems like Clara will be joining our pack next week."

"She is." I look up.

"Yes. She just said yes to Mark." He replies. Wolf Hearing. "You should come. Just to see how the ceremony goes." He says and I don't know what to say. I am curious.

"There will be a ceremony?"

"A small one."

"I will come." I want to go.

"Yes." He looks excited and we tighten the hug. I slowly fall asleep.

I hope everything goes well.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Wet dreams. Stalker mate. Ceremony. She is nailing it.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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