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Angela's POV

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Lanson." I tell him as I take my scarf and handbag.

"See you tomorrow, Luna." He smiles back kindly. Apparently, he is one of the pack members of Hunter's pack and is actually Derek's Uncle like he said.

Going out, I take see Clay waiting for me. I quickly open the door and get in.

"Hey Clay!" I greet her and take out my phone. It's Hunter again. He has been calling me every hour and left a lot of messages. After I passed out in his office yesterday, I woke up in his bedroom. He asked me if I knew the person in the picture and I don't tell him anything. I just told him that he reminds me of someone. I told Hunter that I will be staying with Clara today. It was not easy to convince him.

"Hey Angie! Is it Hunter?" She asks as she looks at my phone. She starts the car and we are on the road.

"Yeah." I cut the call.

"He has been driving me and Mark crazy. You should lift that call and speak to him."

"I will. But I need to talk to you first." I need to speak to her about what I saw.

"What happened, Angie? Hunter told me that you passed out after seeing a picture." She looks at me with concern and looks back at the road "Do you know him?"

"Can you stop the car?" I feel like my head is spinning. I haven't been able to concentrate at work today. She nods her head and parks the car at the side of the road. I am panicking again. I need to breathe. I take a few breaths in and let them out.

"Angie, what is happening? Are you okay?" She turns to me in concern.

"I am good." I should calm myself down. I have Clay no matter what. I should tell her.

"You are scaring me. Please tell me what happened?" She asks. I look at her.

"I don't know whom I can trust anymore, Clay. I don't know if we came to the right place or just fell into a trap." My heart is beating fast.

"What?" She looks at me confused. "Please tell me."

"The man I saw in the picture at his office... It was... It was him, Clay." I start shaking as I imagine that night again. Clay understood what I am talking about.

"No." She is in shock too.

"Yes. He is Hunter's Uncle." That fact has put me in real shock yesterday. I didn't know if I should tell Hunter this or not.

"What? How can that be?" She asks in shock.

"That's what scares me. That's why I wanted to be away Hunter as soon as possible." My heart is still beating fast.

"But I had Linda test if the bond is real or not and she said he really is your mate. Do you think Hunter planned this?" She asks and I fall silent for a second.

"Frankly, I want to believe Hunter. My heart tells me that he is true, but my mind... I don't know." I sigh. "I don't want to talk about this with you at our house. It's his house and he might come in. They might listen to what we are talking." All of this is making me very paranoid. I push my hair back. She is looking at me with concern. "I don't know what to do, Clay."

"Oh Angie!"

"If it is any other time, we would have packed everything and left, but now, I don't want to go. I don't want to leave Hunter." Tears fall out of my eyes. Clay sits back in her seat and puts her head in her hands. I feel sorry for her. We can't run again. Not when we just found stability.

Fuck this! I can't just pick everything and move again, not when I found something beautiful. Yes! I have to fight for this. It is worth fighting for. Hunter is worth fighting for. It's time for Clay to have life too. She has Mark now. She is his mate and they are both in love. I don't want to take that away from her.

"You know what?" Clay looks at me as I speak. "Let's not run." I have to make a decision. "I will take this chance. I will take this chance to trust Hunter. If I die, I die. I will not be running anymore. Even if I run from Hunter, I won't be happy, Clay. This time, I want to stay and fight." Clay looks at me and gives me a smile.

"I will fight with you. You know that I do." She places her hand on mine. I smile back.

"I know." My heart beat slowly comes back to normal.

We are going to stay and fight. I have to tell everything to Hunter tomorrow.

"I will speak to Hunter tomorrow." I tell her. She looks at me.

"You can speak to him today if you want. Him and Mark are coming to the house." She starts the car as she speaks.

"I can't believe this. I told him that I need a day to myself."

"You are mated to an Alpha, Angie. You have to put up with that." She shrugs.

"They are here." She says as she opens the door. As soon as she does, I am pulled inside and engulfed in a warm hug. I can hear him sniffing my hair. Lately I have grown used to it. Clay told me it's the wolf thing to smell your mate. I hear the door shut and Hunter pulls away to look at me.

"Hey." I greet him, but it comes out as a whisper. My mind is still confused. But the decision is made. I need to tell him.

"Baby, you can't keep cutting my calls like that. I am going crazy." Hunter speaks as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I am sorry. I just needed time for myself." I put my hand on his chest. "I need to speak to you." He stiffens as soon as I say that. He just nods his head. I turn to go and sit in the couch, but find Clay and Mark kissing. I look at Hunter and can't help but blush.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Okay, maybe we should go to my room."

"No, Angie." I hear Clay speak. "You guys stay. We are going to go for a run." She is holding Mark's hand. He is just looking at her.

"Take Derek and Kyle with you." Hunter tells them.

"They are here?" I ask.

"Yeah, they are just guarding the house." He looks at me. "I am sorry. You weren't picking up your phone. How would I know if something happens to you?" He asks and I sigh.

"Come." Clay orders and Mark follows her. I can't help but smile.

"Luna." He greets and they are both out of the door.

"They are both so cute together." I say as we walk to the couch. Hunter sits first and pulls me down on his lap. I try to make myself comfortable.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" He asks as he holds me close.

I wet my lips and think about whether I should tell him or not My heart is beating fast. He looks at me with concern. He kisses my cheek and pushes my hair back. His hand is on my cheek.

"I can hear your heart beat rising, Angel. Don't worry. You can tell me anything." I stare into his eyes. "I am here to protect you." Those words increase my strength. I have to trust him. I have to tell him.

"Your Uncle..." I trail off.

"The one is the picture?" He asks.


"I knew it was something to do with him." He whispers. "Do you know him?" He asks.

"I..." He is waiting for me to continue. "If I tell you something, will you believe me?" I ask. I need to know that he will trust me.

"Of course, Angel." He looks at me like I am asking a crazy question. I sigh. I have to tell him. Whatever the consequences are, at least I will know that I tried.

"Your Uncle was the one that tried to kidnap me that night. He was the one that killed my parents." As soon as I say those words out loud, a strange anxiousness sets in my stomach. I pray silently that he believes me. He looks at me for a second. He looks away.

Please, please say something.

"Hunter." I call out his name. He looks at me as if he just came out of a trance.

"I suspected as much when you fainted yesterday. I knew that he has something to do with your past." He says.

"So you believe me?" I ask in surprise.

"Of course I do. I told you that. You don't know how high I hold you, Angel. Don't doubt that when you are with me." He almost sounds like he is scolding me. "His name is Robert. He later changed it to Lupus when he started living as a rogue. He is my mom's brother." He stops and looks at me. "He knew that she has the blood of red wolf in her."

"Your mother is a red wolf too?"

"No. But her mother was. They are both have same father, but different mother." I nod my head. "He was jealous of her always. He was always power hungry. He fought his pack's Alpha and became the Alpha of that pack. My father always kept him at a distance. He wanted to become more powerful and that's when his obsession with red wolves started. He wanted to take me in when I was born."

"What?" That surprises me.

"Yes. But he knew that he can't win against my father and our pack. He backed down. Later we got the news that he was dead. Someone named Gavin killed him."

"Really? He is really dead?" Can I breath freely now?

"Yes, he is. You can relax now, Angel. I am here for you if something goes wrong. You don't have to be on your toes all the time." He kisses my forehead. "Except for when you want to kiss me." He winks and I let out a breathe of relief. Suddenly he stiffens.

He is speaking to someone in his mind. He has done that before. I can't wait to turn into a wolf and do that. He lifts me up and sets me down.

"Angel, wait here." He gets up and kisses my forehead again. "Don't come out."

"What happened?" Concern grows in me.

"Wait here, till I come." He says as he goes out of the front door.

What is it? Is something happening?

I hear growls. Loud growls of wolves fighting. I quickly get up go out the front door. Is Hunter okay? What are those sounds?

"Hunter." I call out his name as I go behind the house. There is a small lawn behind the house and there are a small clearing. It's dark outside and I see no one. I hear another growl. My heart drops a beat. The trees are rustling and suddenly two brown wolves roll out of the bushes fighting. They roll on the floor fighting and growling. That scares me.

One of them is Clay. I learned to recognize her in her wolf form. She has a dark spot on her forehead. She is on top, fighting the other wolf. I feel scared for her. Just as she opens her mouth to bite, the wolf underneath her pushes her over and gets on top of her. She struggles beneath him and before she can stop him, he opens his jaws and bites her neck. She yelps loudly.

"No!" I scream. "Stop it! Stop hurting her!" I shout. I see Hunter coming out of the woods with three other wolves. The wolf that's on top of my sister looks at me and starts walking towards me. Before he can reach me, a red wolf jumps on him and rips his throat. The red wolf looks at me. Hunter's wolf reaches me.

I feel the headache coming. I look at my wounded sister and I feel a burning ache in my chest. She lies there unconscious with her Mark and Derek near her. Kyle comes to Hunter who shifted to his human form.

I hold my chest and scream in pain. I feel like someone is cutting my brain in half. I feel like itching my skin. With my other hand, I hold my head.

"No, Angel. No!" Hunter carries me and runs. He carries me into the woods and lays me down in the grass gently. "Look at me. Angel, open your eyes."

"How... Clay..." I can't make a sentence because of the pain.

"Clay is just hurt, Angel. Please, please focus on my voice. Look at me." I meet his eyes and the head ache increases.

"Stop this." I shout yelling out of pain. "Stop the pain, please." Tears blur my vision and fall out of my eyes. "Ah! Ahh!" Before I know it, I am vomiting blood. My stomach is churning and I am vomiting again and again. I move out of his arm and crawl of the floor to reach a tree.

"Angel, stop." Hunter follows me.

"I can't... I can't... What is happening?" I ask in pain.

"You are shifting, Angel."

I am shifting? I am going to be a wolf?

This is it.


Hey my cute dumplings!

It is happening! She is shifting! Secrets are being revealed one after another. Tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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