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Angela's POV

"Stop it!" I try to push Hunter's hands off me. He is kissing my neck from behind as I am in the kitchen. He is sucking on my neck, teasing me. He turns me around and kisses my lips.

It's been like this for the past two days. Hunter and I have only gone out for me to shift and train. He has Mark come over to talk about Lupus and the situations in the pack. The remaining time, we are all over each other.

I kiss him back. I can't stop him. I don't want to. I want him too.

"Oh my God! Stop already!" Clay's voice makes us pull apart. I blush and flip the pancake on the pan. Hunter doesn't take his hand off my waist. We have to have some kind of physical contact. She comes and sits at the table. Mark is following behind her. He smiles and greets us.

"Alpha. Luna." He sits down beside her and gives her a kiss. She smiles. I have never seen her like that before and that's beautiful.

"I can smell the sex all the way down here." She says and I look at her.

"Clay!" She shrugs. Hunter chuckles.

"Did you forget the week you both mated?" Hunter asks her as we sit down in front of them. He helps me set the pancakes down. Clay blushes and looks down.

"What happened?" I ask. I didn't know about werewolves then. Hunter gives her a look and clay plays with her food.

"Mark was there every night. You were sleeping upstairs." Hunter tells me and Mark smiles guiltily. I look at them in shock.

"How do you know he was there?" I ask him.

"Because he was there too." Clay says and looks at Hunter as if she got him. "He was up in your room, every day."

"What?" Hunter didn't tell me that. Hunter shrugs.

"I am not ashamed of wanting to be with my mate. Even if it's creepy and stalkerish." He says and leans down before placing a kiss on my cheek. I blush.

"Angie! I am coming with you to your training session." Clay says with a smile.

"Really?" I am excited.

"Yeah. I have waited long enough. I want to run with my sister." She grins and I grin too.

"Me too." I can't wait for it.

"We will be joining you then." Mark says and Hunter agrees.

"No! I just want to run with my sister." Clay says.

"That was not an option." Hunter speaks with finality in his voice. Clay rolls her eyes and I shrug.

"Did you find out anything about the location and what the rogue that we caught said was true?" Clay asks Mark. He pauses for a second and looks at Hunter. He gives him a nod. Hunter then looks at me and holds me closer before kissing the side of my head.

"We did." Mark looks a Clay. "He does have an army building up. He is brain washing them to find Luna, so that they can have pups who might be red wolves and that they can rule the world." That gives me chills. Hunter stays silent beside me. We all can feel anger rolling off him in waves. I rub my hand over his and he slowly calms down.

"That sick bastard!" Clay curses.

"Our pack members are training every day. They can't beat us." Mark says and I just stare down. I have seen them training. They are all so good to me. I don't want to see them hurt because of me. What kind of Luna would I be if I let that happen? Hunter looks at me. He can hear my thoughts since yesterday. We have marked each other and the benefit of mind linking between mates has turned on between us.

"I want to train with them." I speak and they all look at me. "I can't just sit back and let him do as he pleases. I want to fight with my pack." As soon as I say my pack, Hunter looks at me with smile.

"You don't need to train, Angel." Hunter doesn't want me to fight. "Your body is already going through enough with you changing into wolf. It will tire you out."

"You really don't need to train, Angie!" Clay speaks. "Not because you have to fight, but because you don't need to train. You fight very well. I know that. These guys have just not seen it." Clay points at Mark and Hunter.

"I have seen her fight. I have trained her before she is a wolf." Hunter says and Clay shakes her head.

"No. You haven't seen her actually fight." She clarifies. "She can beat Mark any day."

"Hey!" Mark looks offended. She shrugs at him. "I fight well." He defends himself.

"Not as good as her." Clay denies and I smile. Uncle trained was very well. He was particularly tough on me. He made sure that I learned everything without mistake. "She has turned into a wolf now. Her energy matches yours now. We can have a demo fight." Clay tells him and I look at her wide eyed. "What?" She asks me. "You don't need to hide your ability anymore."

"Clay." There is no stopping her.

"Show them how bad ass you are." She tells me and I shake my head.

"Oh, I would love to see that side of hers." Hunter teases me. "Derek and Kyle are here too." I can smell them. "Come on. Let's go out and settle this now." Hunter says and looks at me. "Are you ready, Angel?" He asks me and I look at Clay.

"Damn right she is!" She says and I sigh.

"Okay." I agree and we all go out. Derek and Kyle are about to come in when they see us coming out.

"Alpha. Luna." They both greet us. "Are you going somewhere?" Derek asks.

"Yes. Just outside. Your Luna is going to fight Mark." Hunter announces and I stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"What?" Kyle is in shock. "Mark? Luna, no offense, but you have just turned two weeks ago. He is the second best fighter in the pack." He says and that hits me. My wolf feels challenged. Now I have to fight. I fold my hands near my chest.

"Really?" I ask and Derek speaks.

"Yes, Luna." Derek agrees.

"Maybe I shouldn't fight Mark then." As soon as I say that Clay smiles. She knows that they aggrevated me.

"Oh, this is good." Clay grins at Mark and then looks at Hunter. He looks at her with a frown as to why she is smiling.

"I want to fight your first best fighter." I say. I know that it's Hunter. Mark, Derek and Kyle look at me in shock. I am not going to take this challenge lightly. I am not going to be under estimated.

"I am ready." Hunter smile as he challenges me back.

"I love this!" Clay says excitedly. Derek and Kyle are still in shock. "You know what?" She starts. "Since we are doing this, how about we do it in the pack grounds?" Derek and Kyle look at her in shock. "Since the warriors of our pack are training near the pack house, we can actually take this fight there." I smile.

"That is a good idea." I agree.

"I don't mind fighting you there." Hunter challenges back and I grin biting my lip.

"Is this really happening?" Kyle asks. My eyes are on Hunter who is smiling cheekily.

"Let's go." I say and we walk out.

"Stop it!" Clay shouts.

Hunter and I are kissing before starting the fight. All this challenging has turned us both on and we both just want to fuck. My adrenaline is pumped up and I want to jump on his bones. I can't seem to stop kissing him and the same with him. We are standing in the fighting area and just kissing.

I love you, Angel. His voice resonates in my head. I smile into the kiss.

I love you too, Baby. I reply and we pull away smiling at each other.

I hear the cheering. We are on the pack grounds and I feel something deep in me. All the pack members are standing around us in a circle. This is the first time I am standing in front of all of them. I feel a bit nervous. Hunter meets my eyes.

Don't be nervous. I got you, Baby. He speaks through the mind link. I smile.

They are all cheering louder. As soon as they heard that Hunter and I are fighting, the rest of the members came out too.

Kill it, Angie! Clay tells me in my mind. I look at her and she gives me a nod like you-got-this. I nod back at her. I look back at Hunter and he smiles. I take a deep breath and remember Uncle Anthony.

Fighting is not about beating the opponent. It's about understanding the opponent. It tells a lot about the way they are. Don't take pressure. Be fast. Trust your instincts and let your body free.

Uncle's words bring me to my senses.

Ready? Hunter asks and I smile.


"Go!" Mark shouts and we charge at each other.

We start fighting. I charge at him and he ducks stopping my hand.

We throw punches and miss our aims several times. We can't stop smiling. This is all exciting my mind and my body.

As we fight, I hear Derek and Kyle gasping in shock as I beat his Alpha on his game. At one point, Hunter falls down on his ass as I stand on top of him.

"You go, Angie!" Clay cheers and I see Hunter smiling at me as he gets back on his feet ready to charge on me.

The crowd goes ooh, ahh, woah and a lot more exclamations. At one point, Hunter has me in a head lock.

"You are good, Baby." He whispers in my ear. I smile and hit his leg. He lets me go and as we look at each other we smile. Our eyes hold such intensity. My wolf is howling and cheering.

We fight for a while... It almost feels like half an hour. We are both fighting and are horny. Before I know it, Hunter flips on top of me and pulls me from behind before turning me around kissing me. Cheers erupt around us and I smile into the kiss. His hands are on my waist and he squeezes with one hand.

"Come on! Really?" Clay exclaims. "Well, I guess it's a tie then." She says.

"Luna is pretty good though." Kyle says in shock.

That was pretty good, Angel. Hunter speaks through mind link.

It was. I agree.

"She doesn't need any training." Derek speaks.

"She trained a lot." Clay tells him.

Hunter and I pull away. We hear the crowd still cheering and clapping. I smile at Hunter and look around. It feels wonderful to be here. They are shouting. "Alpha! Luna!"

I feel powerful. I feel wanted. Even though I am not their Luna yet, I feel the love. They are all looking at us both with such happiness, it makes me happy.

They love you. Hunter speaks in my mind again. I smile and slowly they all disperse as Hunter orders them. Some of them go back to training. Clay, Mark, Derek and Hunter come to us.

"It felt like the fight would never end." Mark teases us and Hunter smiles at me.

"It is the most fun thing. It was easy because I know her moves." Hunter says.

"Luna, that was so good." Derek praises.

"Thank you, Derek."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Clay dismisses them and comes to me. "Alpha, can you please give her permission to miss the session for today? I want to go on a run with my sister's wolf." She asks Hunter. I give him an innocent smile. He looks at me and sighs.

"Okay. Derek, take over the session for the new wolves." He orders him.

"Yes, Alpha." He obeys.

"It's okay, Hunter. You take the session. All the new wolves are excited that you are taking it up. I will go with Clay." As I say that, Hunter looks at me dully.

"No. We are coming with you." He speaks including Mark.

"No." I speak for both me and Clay. "Baby, as much as I love you, I want to spend some time with my sister." I try to reason. "It's been a few days since I spoke to her. My wolf wants to connect with her too." He sighs.

"Fine." He agrees.

"Yes!" Clay says excitedly.

Clay and I have been running in our wolf forms. We are trying to hunt down small squirrels. My wolf likes spending time with her. We went for a run. It feels good to run with her. We play around for a while and finally sit down near a tree in our wolf form.

Slowly we shifted into our human bodies and it's a lot less painful for me than before. We take the shirts hidden in the trees nearby before wearing them and turn to each other.

"That was fun!" I smile. She smiles back.

"Oh, you don't know how long I have waited to run with you, Angie! I loved it!" I go and give her a hug. She has been alone all these years. She saved us both. She is younger, I am supposed to protect her, but she has been the one taking up that job.

"You should relax now, Clay. You have done so much for me." I feel her hugging me back. We stay like that in silence for a few seconds. Pulling away she looks at me.

"We did it together, Angie!"

That's brings tears to my eyes. I just nod my head smiling.

"They love you." She says and I look at her. "The pack. They want you to be a part of the pack soon."

"I want to be a part of this pack too. Soon. Once this one month is complete and I learn how to shift without pain and train my wolf, I will be joining the pack." I have been thinking about it. Me and Hunter have talked about it. "It will be in less than two weeks."

"Really?" She grins.

"Yeah." I nod my head.


I will the Luna soon. I feel excited to be with Hunter, Clay and with this pack. All of this nearly makes me forget the danger that's lurking around. I almost feel relaxed as I roam in these woods.

Ifonly I knew what was coming.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Finally, Angela found her place to be herself. It's going to get real now.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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