Day One of the Grand Magic Games.

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T̤̈ḧ̤ï̤r̤̈d̤̈ P̤̈ë̤r̤̈s̤̈ö̤n̤̈ P̤̈ö̤v̤̈

Alex got dressed and got focus, today was a day to try to get Fairy Tail to it's former glory.

Alex's outfit in the MM

She walked out and saw Laxus, Jellal, Juvia and her brother standing there.

They all just nodded and headed out to the arena, trying their best not to be seen by Fairy Tail Team A.

They soon got to the back stage area.

"Alright guys, we're here and this is our one shot of getting Fairy Tail back to the glory you originally left it. Just believe that we can achieve it and we will!" Laxus said.

They all nodded and smiled. Soon they started to hear cheers in the crowd.

"Alright let's do this." Alex said.

Soon they called Fairy Tail Team B, and we walked out.

The crowd and Team A was shocked of course.

"What! Is that even legal?" Natsu yelled.

"It does say in the rule book that you can enter at least up to two teams." Chapati said. 

Alex smiled as Natsu goes off on how they were still competitors.

"Whatever floats your boat, Natsu." Alex says, walking off with the rest of her team.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, the guild you have been waiting for!!!"

The crowd soon started cheering for the current #1 guild.


They came with their egos big as the crowd cheered thunderous for them. Sting was no different, he was actually the most egotistical there.

They lined up with the rest of guilds. Sting saw Alex and smiled.

"Hey Alex-san!! How you doing?!?" He yelled.

I could feel both Fairy Tail Team A's and B's eyes burning holes through me.

Alex looked away, gave him a quick wave and said fine.

Alex's pov

I wasn't focused on Sting, for now he was the enemy. We were soon released to where we were posted and to wait for the games to start.

"Alex..." I heard a stern voice call my name.

I looked and saw Gajeel-nii standing over me and glaring at me.

"Yes? Gajeel-nii?" I asked.

"Why was that Sting boy being a buddy, buddy with you?" He asked.

I sighed, of course he had to be the big overprotective brother.

"He was in town and he decided he wanted to be friends. I said sure, there was no harm behind it." I said.

"There is EXTREME harm behind it. We are going against Sabertooth to try and be number 1 again." He said.

I sighed and held two fingers to my temple.

"Yes I understand that, but that doesn't stop me from being friends with him." I said.

Gajeel-nii turned around and faced the arena.

"Don't let me catch you with him, alright?" He said.

I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, whatever floats your boat."  I told him.

He grunted and nodded.

"Now let's start our event today!"

Soon the team guild members started heading down into the arena. Due to wanting to impress her precious "Gray-sama", Juvia represented us.

Juvia, don't mess this up for us...

Soon the rules of the event were explained to the contestants and they were ready to begin.

Suddenly the arena was soon turning into a city, a very pretty one.

"Alright contestants! Good luck!" Mato said.

That gave them the signal that they were to start.

They soon all scattered away from each other.

Small time skip...

Alright, I'm mad now. Who decided to let Raven Tail join in on the games. But Gray and Juvia were distracted by their nonsense talking about a stupid bet.

"I'm gonna have a bone to pick with Juvia." Gajeel-nii said.

I forgot, Gajeel-nii told me that he and Juvia was once a part of Phantom Lore.

"Don't worry it's only first day."

But then Juvia hugs a fake Gray...

"WHAT THE HELL JUVIA?!?!???!" We both yelled.

At the end of it all, Sabertooth won the event and Lucy going to have her match with a Raven Tail guild member. 

"Our first match! Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail and Flare Corona of Raven Tail!"

The crowd went wild considering they know the ties Ravens and Fairies have way back from what others have told me.

Once Lucy got to the ring, she shares a few words about Wendy and how they played unfair. Flare ignores her as the bell is played.

"You have 30 mins, good luck!"

Lucy immediately starts with her attacks.

"Open gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus! Open gate of the Scorpion! Scorpio!" She yelled, pulling out two keys.

I raise an eyebrow, two keys, Lucy must of gotten powerful while they trained.

They continued to fight, but then something happened and Lucy had stopped fighting.

She had her tied up and lifted in the air.

"What happened to the Lucy we was just seeing? Did she already run out of magic power?" Chapati said.

This torment went on for sometime before we looked over to where Natsu was standing now. He was holding a burnt out piece of Flare's hair while standing next to Asuka.

I get it, because she was blackmailing Lucy with Asuka's life. Lucy couldn't risk that fact so she tied her best to save Asuka's life. So now...

"Twins! Gemini!!" Lucy said pulling the key and summoning them.

The twin spirits rip through Flare's hair. After they did that, they changed into Lucy. Who only had a towel on.

Soon, they were doing this massive spell. It was really pretty. But something happened.

It just stopped.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

Lucy, who was weak fell to the ground, giving Raven Tail the victory.

"Lucy..." I said as the crowd started booing her.

Natsu came out and picked Lucy up and carried her to the Infirmary.

"They could be a cute couple." I said.

(I literally died writing that.)

Gajeel-nii just rolled his eyes.

Time skip, I'm not gonna bother with "Mystogan's" battle.

Alex's pov

I was sitting at a table while the rest of the guild. I was sipping on a strawberry lemonade.

"I wonder if Stein-san is looking for me?" I asked to my self.

"Alright we are here. Pay up your jewels."

Stein sighed and pulled out $600 jewel and gave it to the driver. The driver took it and Stein got off.

"Pleasure doing business with you." The driver said, before riding off into the night.

Stein turned around and started walking in the Capital of Fiore.

"A way to get Alex back in my grips?" Stein asked, before he changed into a really hot boy with Quarto Cerberus guild symbol.

(Imagine Stein just turning into that.... Yeah.. I know)

"Subject 1664, here I come."

I finally updated, I've been working on this little by little because I've been a hella busy. I also have been reading the Fairy Tail manga. Up to chapter 490...

Exit now if you don't like spoilers or hasn't caught up.


I literally cried when I saw Gale be pushed down the drain like that...



I didn't feel like updating this story when I read those parts of the manga. But he'll come back, Mashima is too much of a troll...

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