Grand Magic Games Day Two pt 1

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Alex's pov

Today was the second day and I was determined to participate. I wanted to go goth an little so I were this outfit.

(Just imagine the boots are there.)

"Hey Alex, or should call you Alexandria?" A voice said.

I turned my head and saw Laxus standing there. I smiled and turned the rest of my body around.

"Either is fine, I mostly answer to Alex or Lexie though." I said.

"Who calls you Lexie?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said nobody and Laxus... Smirked?

"Well then, Lexie is what  gonna call you. Like my own personal nickname for you." He said and I nodded and smiled.

"Hey Alex, what are you doing with Bolt Boy?" A gruff and familiar voice said.

Gajeel-nii was standing there with his arms crossed and he did not look Happy.

"I can talk to whoever I want to, Gajeel-nii." I said.

"Yeah, don't baby your sister Gajeel." Laxus said, while mischievously smirking at him which was so subject and caught my attention and-


I mentally slapped myself to stop blushing but I think Laxus caught me.

"Stop fighting you guys, the games are starting." I said as the opening bell rang.

"Welcome to the second day of the Grand Magic Games!!! I'm your commentator, Chapatti!!"

The whole arena shouted out in praise as the Grand Magic Games day two took its start.

"We'll go ahead and get started with the main event! Guilds! Chose your player!"

"So... Who's going?" I asked.

"Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth is chosen!"

"I don't feel like going so.. Juvia you go!"

"Juvia does not feel like going."

"Black Snake from Raven Tail was chosen."

"Ugh, Jellal?"

He shook his head.

"Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail Team A is chosen!"

"And... There is my cue! I'll go!" Gajeel-nii said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Gajeel Redfox from Fairy Tail Team B is chosen!"

"Hit them hard, Gajeel-nii." I said as he headed down there.

Time skip brought to you by the spirit of embarrassment.

Alex's pov

I have never been so embarrassed to be called a Redfox in my entire life.

"We're done for." I said, sighing.

Jellal and Juvia nodded.

As the race continued, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth was failing.

Sting decided to drop out of the race while Gajeel-nii and Natsu continued the race.

In the end, Sting earned no points while Natsu earned two points and Gajeel-nii earned one point.

"You sucked out there." Laxus said as he came back.

"Shut up, you can have the same reaction." Gajeel-nii said.

"What about Alex-san? Do she have motion sickness like the others?" Juvia asked me.

I shook my head and Laxus and Gajeel stared at me.

"Crow's eye did something to take that away. It affected my magic a little but they got it to work."

It was time for the battles and the first ones were Lamia Scale and Raven Tail.

"Toby vs Kurohebi!!!!"

The two mages went out ready to fight.

"Your gonna eat my dust!!" Toby said.

They decided to make a bet.

"So Toby's secret for Kurohebi's real name? Seems fair." I said as the match began.

The match didn't last long and Kurohebi was the winner. So Toby had to give him his secret.

"OK, so my secret is....."

Gajeel-nii and I were using our dragon hearing to listen for what it was. So was Laxus.

"I can't find my sock."

10% loading

25% loading

59% loading

75% loading

100% loaded.

"THE HELL?!?" Gajeel-nii and I said.

So Kurohebi pointed to Toby's collar where the sock was located around his neck.

So Toby was ecstatic about finding his sock and was about to celebrate and be happy. So Kurohebi decided to be a jerk and rip his sock.

"Who gives a fuck about your sock? Cause I sure don't." Is all he said as a reason to rip his sock and walked off.

Next was Elfman and Bacchus Groh.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I got a hot date with a some vodka." Bacchus said, getting in a lazy stance.

{I'm gonna skip the battle and get to Alex's, by the way. It's not going to be Alex replacing Mira in her battle with Jenny.}

"Alright! Time for another battle!"

The crowd went wild as they were announcing the next battle.

"Uh-oh! Looks the newly named Quarto Puppy is fighting again. Against another Fairy Tail member!"

"I bet it's one of us."

"The members have something in common. They both recently joined their guild! Cairo Stein of Quarto Puppy vs Alex Redfox of Fairy Tail Team B!!!"

The crowd screamed in excitement as I looked to see my opponent. The team representing the a male guild were surrounding a boy around my age with red hair.

Why the fuck does he look familiar.

Did you know my mother banned me from my phone but doesn't know know that I know where it is. So I updated this on my phone and I bet you didn't know that I will update this story.

Enjoy bye!

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