Chapter 12

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Over the next couple days, a semblance of normalcy returned to the Korynn homestead, though even so, the new peace wasn't without its kinks. For instance, Dustin and Jude remained at arms' length from one another and only spoke when absolutely necessary, which wasn't often. Instead, Dustin spent most of his free time with Kyle in what he called his workshop, watching and assisting him with a series of intriguing experiments.

Kyle had a theory on weapons which Dustin took great interest in. First, Kyle asserted, mankind had developed the spear and used it as a more close-combat weapon before quickly learning properly weighted spears could be used for throwing. Following that, he theorized the art of bow and arrow had originally come from experimenting with launching miniature spears through the use of tension. Of course, those evolved into arrows, which further developed into crossbow bolts, which still utilized tension to launch the projectile, but from a more refined mechanism.

All this led to Kyle's idea, that the next stage in weapon evolution would be to launch bolts with a controlled explosion. This method could theoretically send the projectiles farther, and with greater force. Through much experimentation, he'd already discovered that a combination of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter created a sufficient explosion when exposed to a spark, but the next task on his hands was to discover the perfect proportion of each component.

As Dustin and Kyle discussed the idea one late afternoon, Dustin made the remark that the bolts for Kyle's proposed weapon would have to be comprised entirely of metal for the fact wooden shafts would either splinter apart in the explosion or catch fire themselves inside the weapon.

Kyle laughed. "In that case, I'm fortunate to have a blacksmith for a father."

"Indeed. If this design of yours ends out working as you imagine, it could very well end out making archery and shooting crossbows obsolete."

"Well...I'm not sure that's true. Crossbows, maybe, but it would take some time to set up each consecutive explosion. An archer could shoot several arrows in the time this weapon takes to launch one."

"That's a valid point." Dustin conceded, "Even so, it could easily prove itself to be a superior weapon."

"Your confidence is inspiring." Kyle said with a laugh, "Now, before I forget, we should visit Michelle when you have a moment."

"Oh? I have no objections to obliging her at once, but did she give you a reason as to why?"

"Just that she had a word to speak with you in private. Specifically away from the ears of my parents and Jude."

Dustin perked up. "That could only be about one thing, then. Take me to her."

"Your wish is my command, your highness." Kyle jested, "She should be in her own shack by this time."

Dustin acknowledged with a quick nod, and then the two men quickly covered themselves to go outside. They only passed Kelly on their way out, and in no way did she question their departure, much to Dustin's relief. Their boots crunched on the hot desert sand as they made the way to Michelle's abode.

When they reached it, only one word came to Dustin's mind—austere. The shack appeared to have been built in haste, a jumble of stone blocks stacked atop one another to create a jagged dome shape. Several sharp protrusions jutted out from the overall shape due to the poor quality of the materials. Also, by its size, the structure could only accommodate one room, and a small one at that. Dustin's bed back home couldn't even fit through the narrow doorway.

Kyle rapped on the door and stepped back to await a response. It wasn't a long wait. In seconds, the door creaked open, and Michelle's face peeked out.

"Your timing cannot be better." she said with a subtle smile, "I arrive not half an hour ago."

Dustin chuckled. "Wonderful. You wanted a word with me?"

"Yes, please come in."

Dustin stepped through the doorway with no trouble, but being half a head taller, Kyle was forced to duck through. Then they both undid their head coverings and obeyed Michelle's urge to seat themselves on the only viable spot in the cramped chamber, her cot. Even though the space was small, Dustin remarked inwardly that she used the space well. Partly because she owned little, but also because she organized neatly, the kitchen taking up a third of the space along the wall, her cot another third, and a shelf of miscellaneous items for the last third. A circle of free floor space in the middle still remained.

Dustin glanced up and found himself intrigued when Michelle emerged from her kitchen area holding a piece of flatbread which she immediately tore into three pieces. She handed two of the pieces to Dustin and Kyle respectively while keeping one to herself. Lastly, she held up her piece with a dip of her head and took a bite, Kyle following suit. Dustin quirked a brow and copied them.

"Forbachean custom." Kyle explained, patting Dustin on the shoulder. "You have someone over, you break bread."

"Oh, I see. Well, that's an honorable custom, and the bread is tasty; you made it yourself?"

Michelle nodded. "It's my mother's recipe."

"Fancy. My mother isn't so much of a cook herself—wasn't really allowed to be." Dustin said, laughing.

"How ironic that she who rules a land has less freedom in the work of her hands than a humble laborer in the fields."

"Ironic indeed. At any rate, I'm still intrigued what word you have for me."

Michelle waited to reply until she'd finished her bite of flatbread. "Tomorrow night, I return home. I can stay here no longer."

"Ah, you feel the same way I do, no doubt. It is difficult to lay your head down in security, knowing that somewhere out there lie others who can't say they have any confidence in waking up at all."

"Exactly. I run from the fight long enough, your highness. I either stand with my people or I die with my people, but I refuse to let them fail because a daughter of Forbache runs from her responsibilities."

Dustin rose to his own feet and stared thoughtfully into Michelle's eyes for a moment. "Your motives are honorable, and I endorse your decision. In fact, I will accompany you, for you are also a daughter of Monterayne."

Now Kyle sprung to his full height. "Didn't my father instruct you to—"

"Not you too!" Dustin interrupted, "I am well aware of your father's instructions, but I rebel. Would you like to hear something my mother taught me?"

"A word from the queen of Monterayne is a coveted commodity." Kyle remarked.

"My mother told me that in a sense, the worst kind of men are not tyrants and dictators, those who shed innocent blood and withhold from the poor that which is their due. Rather, the worst kind of man is he who witnesses such evil and does nothing. Who turns a blind eye to the suffering of others for his own benefit. Son of Korynn, I will be no such man."

Kyle shrugged and exchanged a glance with Michelle. "Who am I to argue against her royal majesty?"

"I'll tell you who you are. You'll be our guide."

"Me? I've never left the wildlands all my life."

Dustin smirked. "Yes, but you do know some of the gatherers, and I have no doubt you could charm one into telling you a route to Forbache. There are attributes you inherited from your father, after all."

Kyle hung his head in feigned frustration. "I have my orders."

Michelle took a deep breath and put a hand on each man's shoulder with a widening grin on her face. "I am thankful you two will accompany me. The journey is terrifying alone, I imagine."

"Of course." Dustin said, "Together, we shall avenge Forbache's fallen children. But Sir Korynn, his wife, Jude...they must all know nothing of this, understood?"

Kyle nodded. "Obviously."

"I'll prepare provisions for our journey as inconspicuously as I may." Dustin continued, "Kyle, you'll obtain information on our travel route, even a map if necessary, and arrange for pack animals."

"Do you want to bring your horse? Or should we all ride camels?"

Dustin frowned at the unfamiliar word. "Camels?"

"The...creatures the gatherers ride."

"Oh, I'll bring Consequence along, but I suppose you and Michelle will need camels, yes."

"Sounds like a plan." Kyle said.

Dustin turned back to Michelle. "And as for you, I'd like you to smuggle some extra weapons along with us. Sir Korynn is fine at his craft, and Forbache deserves the best armaments available."

Michelle squinted. "My people produce exquisite weapons of their own, your highness, but nonetheless, I oblige you. More weapons on hand hurt nobody."

"Well, nobody but the Innutukians, that is."

Michelle giggled. "Nobody but the Innutukians."

"This is exhilarating." Dustin commented, "I think we'll accomplish much good."

"Agreed." Kyle said.

Michelle took in a deep breath. "I'm confident Forbache's liberation is close at hand, as is Innutuk's reckoning."


A/N: Well, I'm pretty sure none of us really thought Dustin's desire to reach the wildlands would be quenched by Nathan's mere saying so, lol. Now with Michelle and Kyle at his sides, he has more support and a better direction; what could go wrong?

(Well, one thing that could go wrong is you not voting and commenting. 👀😂)

But anyways, any thoughts on the story in general so far? I'd love to hear 'em. ❤️

And with that, I take my leave for the week! In this story, anyways; I am juggling two books, after all. But I'll see you in next week's update, and take care 'til then! 

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