Chapter 20

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By noon, the Innutukians arrived. They came in from the north and skirted just outside projectile range in order to reach the southwest side of the stronghold, where the ring of water surrounding the city gave way to a narrow strip of land. Despite the protection of the stronghold's walls, the sheer number of Innutukians present appeared a force to be reckoned with.

Dustin dashed to and fro along the southwest wall's defenses, making sure everyone was equipped for the assault ahead. Jude had already found himself a perch in the line of archers and gladly accepted a few extra arrows from Dustin's hand, and moments later, the prince spotted Michelle. She unraveled a distinctively Forbachean weapon, the sling, and dropped a round stone into a pocket in the middle.

Meanwhile, Nathan and Kyle were nowhere to be seen. The last time Dustin had seen them, they'd volunteered to help repair some damaged crossbows and such. By the looks of it, the rebellion would need every crossbow it could get.

A shrill trumpet call from below snatched Dustin's attention. He raced between Michelle and another rebel holding a sling to peer below at the Innutukians. The imperial invaders had stopped far enough behind the southwest wall to remain out of range of any weapons, but still well in sight. A well-decorated officer mounted atop a horse at the head of their formation peeled his lips from a trumpet and gazed upward confidently.

"If you value your lives," he shouted at the wall's defenders, "you will heed my words this day! Lay down your weapons at once, open the gates, and surrender yourselves, and I promise all will be well with you. We will enter one way or another, and I'm sure we'd all prefer that to be on peaceful terms."

Dustin exchanged a glance with Michelle. The muscles in her jaw clenched, and her eyes glinted with a fire of determination. With a nod, he motioned for her to speak on behalf of the rebels present.

Michelle sucked in a deep breath and shouted back at the Innutukian officer. "We don't surrender. Your bluff fails to deceive us. You don't break through, and we don't submit ourselves to you."

"Very well then! I've extended an olive branch toward you, and you have refused it. Your regrets shall be many."

Michelle opened her mouth to reply, but then Ken-Malé sprinted up to the wall, bringing all rebel eyes toward him. Dustin's eyes widened upon spotting that he held the mystical olive branch of Alconte in his right hand, and its glowing leaves glimmered all the more now. Nathan followed closely behind Ken-Malé, and by the looks of it, he harbored great displeasure at whatever action the rebel leader planned to take.

"It is I who extend an olive branch to you, dogs of Innutuk!" Ken-Malé cried at the battalion below, cutting Nathan off in the process, "Namely, the verdant scepter of power belonging to Alconte's god of war! Call off your army, or you shall feel its power."

"Alconte's gods failed to save her in her day of distress, as did your own." The Innutukian officer replied, "Your bluff is nothing."

"Your arrogance blinds you! But I will help you see the truth!"

With that, Ken-Malé bowed his head, closed his eyes, and appeared to enter some meditative state, only to be yanked out of it by Nathan. Nathan snatched the rebel leader by his shoulder, forcing him to lock eyes and listen to his words.

"You dishonor the one true God by turning aside from Him to seek other deities in your time of trouble." Nathan said firmly, "You must not do this!"

"Unresponsive gods don't deserve my praise." Ken-Malé said coldly, nearly sending shivers down Dustin's spine, "I will give Alconte's god a chance to prove himself."

Before Nathan could protest, Ken-Malé turned to the Innutukians over the brink of the wall and extended the tip of the olive branch toward them. "I present my body as a willing vessel through which to channel thy power, O Dove, god of war and peace! I implore thee, use me to destroy my enemies."

With that, the leaves of the olive branch brightened blindingly. The sheen grew so intense Dustin had to look away. A mingled cry from below. Thousands of agonized voices combining to form one pitiable whole. And the sound of a mighty wind like seven storms combined into one. Trees rustled violently, and earsplitting cracks ripped through the air from tree trunks snapping in half. Overwhelmed by the cacophony of noises, Dustin clung to the wall for support.

When all quieted down, Dustin cautiously peeled his eyes open. His jaw dropped upon spotting the entire Innutukian battalion sprawled out dead below. Thousands of dead men and horses, interspersed with great lengths of snapped tree trunks, some of which crushed the fallen soldiers. The clearing around the stronghold on the southwest side had now been pushed a few miles back due to the deforestation.

Dustin's mind swirled with questions as to why not a soul had begun to cheer yet. After all, the rebellion's enemies had been soundly defeated and left no Innutukians alive whatsoever. But when he glanced back at Ken-Malé, he instantly had his answer.

Ken-Malé's hand shook violently as he struggled to retain his hold on the mystical olive branch. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist tighter and tighter, and then the skin on his hand began to rip away. A collective gasp erupted among the rebel onlookers, but nobody dared step closer to intervene. Ken-Malé still refused to let go of the branch, and he rapidly paid the price. He was brought to his knees, and then his entire hand withered away so that he dropped the rod of Dove's power. Then Dustin and the others watched in horror as the rebel leader himself withered into literal dust.

Meanwhile, when the branch hit the floor of the wall walkway, the impact made a louder noise than seemed possible. And then the stones underneath it began to crack. Rebels began running when that crack began to spread. Dustin cried out and headed for the nearest stairway down from the wall.

When Dustin and his companions, along with several dozen rebels reached level ground, they turned back and watched with horror as the entire wall collapsed, and not just on the southwest side, but spreading to all edges of the stronghold. In moments, the rebel stronghold had no walls, like a man suddenly left naked for all the world to see. Worst of all, when the dust cleared, Dustin peered toward the horizon and spotted another Innutukian battalion approaching from the west.

Shuddering from shock and stress combined, Dustin turned to Nathan for guidance. "Wh-what can we do now?"

Nathan set his jaw. "Now we'll need to face them on an even plane. Leaning on false gods is like resting your hand against a wall, only to get bitten by a snake. Look where we are now."

"Dire circumstances indeed." Dustin sighed, drawing his sword. "May our true God keep us safe." 


A/N: Crazy stuff, am I right? The Alcontean gods may help one destroy their enemies, but may also destroy their devotees in the process. I don't know about you, but I'll stick to the one true God. Seems safer. 😂

(You know what else is safer? You after voting and commenting. It's a little-known fact that my legions of guardian angels do their utmost to protect those who support my Wattpad account in such a way, so get to it. 🤣)

Anyways, that'll be it for me this week; gotta continue stressing behind the scenes to bring the updates on. Hope you have a great one, and I'll see you in next Tuesday's update! ❤️

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