Chapter 23

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By the time evening fell over the land of Forbache and the sun began to sail to its nocturnal abode over the horizon, the insurgent force had won a decisive victory over the hordes of Innutuk. With their unconventional tactics and the extreme adaptability of their smaller units, they soundly defeated the bloated and rigid formations of their Innutukian foes. Dustin could claim no large part in their triumph, but nonetheless, he considered it an honor to have played any hand in forcing the rare sight of an Innutukian retreat.

With the clamor and tumult of war having died down, Dustin felt the twilight carried some measure of eeriness with it. No longer did the shouts and cries of man and beast alike fill the air. The hammering of metal on metal had faded into memory. Now all was silent as the rebels gathered the bodies of their fallen and the wounded finally earned the medics' full attention.

Meanwhile, Dustin stood with Michelle at the edge of the crescent-shaped moat that had once served as a defensive barrier for the stronghold that had since fallen. The two stared thoughtfully at their reflections in the water without speaking a word for quite some time, both equally weary from war. And on Dustin's part, his mind churned for words to express the intentions of his heart.

Finally, he broke the silence with a cough. "Surely such a victory gives you hope, does it not, Michelle?"

Without breaking eye contact with her reflection, Michelle nodded. "I see our victory as likely, rather than merely possible."

"That's certainly pleasing to hear. I would say you needed that morale boost, then."

"I do."

Dustin glanced over at Michelle with a tired smile. Even with her dark locks a sweaty mess and her face riddled with exhaustion, she couldn't help but be endlessly beautiful in his eyes. Once again, he harbored the thought Monterayne had never had a queen quite like her.

"Now my mind can't leave thoughts of the future." Dustin muttered, "For both your nation and my own."

"Understandably so. This is a new era for Forbache, a new challenge for Monterayne, and the beginning of the end for the Empire."

"That is certainly the hope. Jude was undoubtably correct about one thing."

Michelle finally glanced up and locked eyes with Dustin. "About what?"

"For better or worse, my involvement in the things that transpired here will be taken as Monterayne allying herself with the Empire's enemies."

"We're not enemies of the Empire, your highness. We simply demand the liberty stolen from us be given back. But nonetheless, I agree. Monterayne is no longer neutral, no matter what her king may say about it."

Dustin chuckled. "I suppose I've made quite the mess for my father to sort out."

Michelle's lips shifted into a kind smile. "No doubt a great storm rages between you two, but all is well in the end."

"I certainly hope so. And speaking of great storms, Innutuk hasn't been pushed out of Forbache yet; what will become of the insurgence in the months to come?"

"Tragically, most of the leadership council is stricken down in battle." Michelle said with sadness, motioning to the heap of bodies a ways off, "I'm asked to lead the rebellion now."

"Oh, is that so? Will you?"

"It's...a burden few can carry, and I don't think I can. But I owe it to my people to at least try."

Dustin laid a reassuring hand on Michelle's shoulder. "You have my full confidence. To me, you are the finest Forbache has to offer."

"Why thank you, your highness. You don't speak such words lightly."

"I certainly do not. Now, I'm not sure there's any graceful way to lead into this subject, and neither am I all that elegant a man to begin with. But as I think upon the future of Monterayne, one particular matter presents itself to me over and over again."

Michelle blinked twice. "And that is...?"

"Well, simply put, when my father and mother grow old, I will become king. And sooner or later, I will need a queen." Dustin paused, secretly wishing Michelle would break the silence with some comment or another, but she didn't. So he continued. "Please don't think me strange, but you seem a fitting queen, Michelle."

"In what way?"

" have a sharp mind, a true heart for the people you serve, a soul strengthened by hearty faith, and within your own body, you understand toil and struggle. You would not be one of those royals who understands nothing of the troubles her people face daily."

Michelle squinted. "I am no haughty lady; that's true. But my path isn't yours and yours isn't mine, Dustin."

"What do you mean?"

"I lead my people to freedom, and then I assist reestablishing a government here. You rule an eastern land with eastern values and eastern goals. I can't serve my people and rule yours at once."

"Monterayne may shift her gaze westward, though. Most likely she will, under my rule." Dustin asserted, "Previous kings have seen fit to simply keep Innutuk at bay. My aim is to bring the Empire to its knees, to topple it over and free its oppressed."

"That's noble, but also an enterprise I want no part in. I don't have strength to fight everybody's fight. Maybe you do, Dustin, but that is where we differ."

Dustin slowly nodded. " decline my invitation?"

"I do. I'll always be an ally, a correspondent, even a friend if you like, but not your wife or queen."

"Understood. I shall hold such a friendship dear." Dustin took Michelle's hand and kissed it, following that up with a bow of the head. "I've never been one for writing letters, but for you, I will perfect the art."

Michelle laughed. "Every stroke of ink finds a home in my open arms. And just as I am a friend to you, I do what I can to ensure Forbache is a friend to Monterayne."

"In that case, the sun will rise on a continually brighter future. One last matter concerns me, though."

"What's that?"

"Surely that sorcerer will return for the Alcontean artifact sooner or later. Is there a plan for stopping him?"

Michelle paused a moment before replying. "We bury it deep underground, out in the wilderness and far from where any man dwells. And in peacetime, we build a fortress around the burial site to further protect it from ever being unleashed again."

Dustin chuckled. "That strategy should work wonders. The nations will be safe from the sorcery of devils forevermore."

After Michelle acknowledged, the two fell into a comfortable silence. Even if not all his hopes and desires would find fruition the way he had imagined, there would still be much to appreciate and be content with for Dustin. And as matters of the future occupied his mind, a few imperatives made themselves clear for him to pursue personally. He would need to redouble his commitment to his swordsmanship training, attain an official knighthood, and begin to prove he would be a worthy successor to his father on the throne. If Dustin Rickland could one day be the best of warriors and the best of kings, he would find himself supremely fulfilled. 


A/N: Well there you have it! We've reached the end of the first book of Dustin's trilogy, with a battle concluded and a sorcerer thwarted! Things are far from fully resolved in the wider world of the Reformation Wars, of course, but this is definitely a step in the right direction. And speaking of steps in the right direction, how about you take one and give me a vote and some comments? 😂

Writing notes for first and last chapters are always tough, but I'd just like to thank you so much for reading through to the end! I hope this book's entertained you thoroughly, and maybe even I gave you a little tidbit somewhere that'll stick with you for a while. But yeah, I hope you've enjoyed, and if you wouldn't mind, how about just telling me what's the key thing you're taking away from this book? ❤️

Book 8 will be in the works at...some point. Likely arriving some time early next year, but I don't like making predictions or promises, because I like to be a man of my word. But make sure to follow my page for any updates on that, and feel free to read my other work in the meantime, if any suits your fancy. 😉

Anyways, thanks again for reading, God bless, and hope you have a great rest of your day/night! 

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