Chapter 25

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Five days later, a somber Manfred Rickland lingered on the outskirts of a festive victory celebration outside the Monteraynian castle. Savory aromas from various meats cooking in beds of vegetables filled the air, as did joyful shouts and exuberant music from the royal band. Accents of color flashed in his peripheral vision as maidens in flaring gowns twirled in the arms of smiling soldiers. Even warriors who had suffered some injury or another participated in the celebration how they could, even if only by drinking and recounting Monterayne's recent heroic exploits with gusto.

In stark contrast, Manfred limped over to a mossy boulder as far from the joyous hubbub as he could. He sat down with his back to the festivities, hands in his pockets and shoulders hunched forward. He'd returned with the rest of the battalion late the night prior, having fought for the remainder of the day after his run-in with Andre, and a little into the next morning. Seeing his old friend had rattled him, though, and seeing Andre so thoroughly set on his new course was nothing short of heart-wrenching.

Manfred tortured himself with sorrowful reminiscing for a few minutes before having his attention snatched up by a feminine voice clearing her throat. He opened his eyes and looked up to see Princess Kate standing beside him with a curious smile on her face.

"I haven't laid eyes on you since your return, Manfred!" Kate said, pleasantly but still cautiously holding back some enthusiasm, "I'm pleased to do so now."

Manfred attempted smiling, but it felt more like a grimace. "Thanks. It's good to see you too."

"You look like something's bothering you. Is it just the stress of enduring your first battle?"

"I...maybe. Well, actually, no. It's terrible."

Kate laid a hand on Manfred's shoulder and gazed at him sympathetically. "No need for haste or eloquence, but if you would like to talk about it, I will be a listening ear."

Manfred shrugged. "Andre was there. On Innutuk's side."

"He...he was?" Kate asked with a gasp, "Why would he do such a thing?"

"Said he was forced into it. Their emperor made him swear an oath of loyalty, I guess. Now he feels trapped. Like he's had his life stolen from him."

"Well, in a large and very true sense, he has! I fail to understand why he feels he can't shelter in his own homeland."

Manfred sighed. "I'm not sure he feels welcome anymore. Not after you pushing him away. And he said Innutuk would just track him down. I don't know, your highness...I mean Kate. It's just distressing."

"I can only imagine your pain, and that with great consternation of my own. After all, I feel loss over Andre's absence, and I didn't enjoy the close and lengthy friendship with him that you did. Again, I only have imagination to draw off of, and that is painful enough."

"It sure does hurt." Manfred's head slowly bobbed up and down. Then he glanced at Kate again. "But you should enjoy yourself. No reason a princess should willingly take her mood through the mud."

Kate laughed lightly. "Neither is there any reason a knight should do the same. My intention is not to invalidate the trial you're undergoing, but you could use some distraction for a little while. Please, come with me."

Manfred took Kate's hand and let her guide him to his feet. "Where're we going?"

"We're going to celebrate, you silly man." Kate teased, "We'll eat, drink, and dance to celebrate the fact Monterayne has emerged victorious, that she will live another day."

"I guess I can do that." Manfred remarked with a glimmer of humor.

With that, Manfred strolled into the mist of the jubilant crowd alongside the lighthearted princess. Even though heaviness remained in his heart, he felt a ray of happiness begin to shine through in her presence. Tough as things had been, he realized the only way to emerge from a valley, literally or figuratively, is to rise and climb again.


A/N:  There we go. Could the story have ended last chapter? Sure. But did I wanna tie things up in a slightly more satisfying way for ya'll? You betcha. 😉😁 

I know this was short, but again, hopefully a sweet note to counteract the bitterness behind us a bit. Please do vote if you enjoyed, and comment as well if you feel so inclined. 

Now, I know I already sorta said this in the note for the previous chapter, but thank you so much for taking the time and brainpower to read the word salad lil old me cobbled together. There's a sea of other (debatably better 😂) stories you could have opened up here, but the fact you chose mine and stuck with it to the end is both humbling and supremely satisfying in one. I hope I've left you something here, however small, that you can take away and laugh at later, think over, cry about, etc. Ya'll are the best, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you. ❤️ 

Since we've reached the end, I do have just two questions if you wouldn't mind answering before you go. First, who was your favorite character, now that you've met them all? 

And second, what would you say is your key takeaway from this tale? (Interpret that how you will, lol.) 

The second book of this trilogy, (book 5 of the series) should launch sometime in the coming weeks, maybe even by the normal Friday update, but we'll see. If you'd like to be notified of any updates on that, please make sure you're following my account so any announcements get to your notification feed. Again, thanks for reading, and may God bless you. 

Much love, 

Y. I. Turner 

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