Sleep Fighter

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At the house, Mordecai and Rigby are sleeping. "Mm. Margaret, more coffee please." Mordecai said. "I'm the pizza king..." Rigby said. The door opens and Muscle Man, who's also sleeping, comes in and starts punching Mordecai which causes Rigby to wake up. "Muscle Man? Dude!" Rigby jumps off his bed and tries to stop Muscle Man but gets punched. He falls to the ground and Muscle Man tries to punch him again but he rolls out of the way and Mordecai holds back Muscle Man's arms. "Muscle Man, quit it!" Muscle Man head-butts Mordecai, kicks Rigby to the ground, and punches Mordecai in the stomach. Mordecai tackles Muscle Man to the ground but Muscle Man keeps fighting them.

The next morning, Benson is humming and sees a skateboard ramp and sighs. "I thought I told them to clean this up." Benson looks up and sees the others, who look beaten up, confronting Muscle Man outside of the house. "I don't know what happened!" Muscle Man said. "Yeah, right. You're just trying to prank us." Mordecai said. "It's not a prank!" Muscle Man shouted. "Yeah, I got a few bruised ribs because of you." Skips said. "You wouldn't stop hitting me until I pretended to be dead." Fives said. "But you're already dead..." Y/N said. "You smashed my model train set." Pops said. "How did you even find out where I live?" Thomas asked. "Yeah, man!" Y/N shouted. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Muscle Man said desperately as Benson walks over.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Muscle Man's beating people up in his sleep." Y/N said. "I wouldn't do that. I hate senseless violence." Everyone glares at Muscle Man, not believing him. "I seriously can't remember fighting you guys!" Muscle Man said. "Well you did." Y/N said. "At this rate, he's gonna put us all in the hospital. Benson, we gotta do something." Rigby said. ""We"?" Benson asked. "Yeah. This is a park problem. Everyone's gotta be on board." Mordecai said. "This has nothing to do with me. Anything that happens in the park after hours is your own problem." Benson said.

Later that night at Benson's apartment; Benson is sleeping when Muscle Man opens the door, runs up to Benson and punches him while Benson is surprised. The next morning Benson comes to work injured. "Okay, this is a park problem." Benson said. "Oh so NOW it's a park problem?" Y/N asked, slightly annoyed. "Thomas lost a tooth last night. And I got my right arm injured." Y/N said. "I still don't know how he knows where we live..." Thomas said to Y/N. "Maybe he hates us so much he just knows?" Y/N asked, and Thomas shrugs. "I guess that's possible...?" He asked. "And Rigby won't go to sleep unless we barricade our bedroom door." Mordecai said.

"Sleep in the hallway if you want, it's your funeral." Rigby said. "I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not like I want to hurt you guys." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, well you obviously have no control over yourself while your sleep fighting." Benson said. "Way to state the obvious!" Y/N said. "Your sleep strength is double your normal strength. Nobody's safe until we get you to stop. We gotta find the source of your problem and take it head on!" Skips said.

"What if I can't be fixed? Am I just gonna be a sleep fighting freak for the rest of my life?" Muscle Man asked. "Don't say that. I'm sure there's a way we can help you." Y/N said. "Yeah, we won't give up until you're cured." Mordecai said. "Thanks guys, you're the best." Muscle Man said. Later that night outside of Muscle Man's trailer, a white van with the trunk opens near it; it goes to a tied up Muscle Man on his bed and a walkie-talkie is on his nightstand. "Muscle Man, can you hear me?" Benson asked through a walkie talkie. "Loud and clear bro." Muscle Man said.

"Okay, we're gonna get started." Benson said. "Wait, I understand the ropes." A bunch of cameras are seen all around his room. "But what are all these cameras for?" He's seen on five screens in the van. "You're not gonna do anything weird, right?" Muscle Man asked, and Y/N snickers. "Relax. We're just gonna watch you sleep." Benson said. "Yeah, that's not weird at all." Y/N joked, and Benson rolls his eyes. "We think your sleep fighting is being caused by night terrors. If we figure out what kind of dreams you're having, we might be able to cure you." Skips said. "But what if I break out and hurt you guys again?" Muscle Man asked. "We pad locked your trailer from the outside, plus you have to get through Rigby and he's wearing a police dog attack suit that we found in the trash." Rigby is flexing his arms to test the suit. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" He said. "There's no way you can get to us." Mordecai said. "Okay, here we go Muscle Man." Benson goes to the van. "And...." He presses a button on the keyboard that plays lullaby music on the walkie-talkie.

"Ugh, what is this junk?" He falls asleep and starts snoring." Each person watches Muscle Man; Y/N and Thomas watch, then go to outside of the van where Mordecai is chasing Rigby and hitting him with a bat to test the suit, Fives watches, then Benson and Pops, then Skips watches, and it ends with Y/N and Thomas watching again while Thomas is drinking coffee. Y/N had fallen asleep while resting her head on his left shoulder. Thomas stops as he sees Muscle Man waking up and nudges Y/N softly.

"Y/N. Y/N, wake up." Thomas said softly. She groans slightly and rubs her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Guys, wake up." Thomas said to the others. The guys wake up and walk over to Thomas and Y/N to see what they're seeing on the screens. "I think he's dreaming." The screen shows Muscle Man moving around and talking in his sleep. "Turn up the volume." Y/N said. Thomas turns the volume up. "No, get off of me! Let go!" Muscle Man shouted.

"Whatever he's seeing, it's intense." Benson said. Muscle Man struggles against the ropes and breaks them and gets out of the bed. "Uh oh." Y/N said. Mordecai gasps. "He's breaking loose!" Muscle Man is now sleep fighting, and pushes a camera over and then knocks out one of the cameras. One of the five TV screens go static and the gang gasp. "I'm gonna turn your face into a meatball pizza!" He picks up a camera and throws it at a camera that's on the ceiling, causing it to go static as well,

he then knocks out the remanding cameras and all of the screens go static. "Look!" Pops said. One of the screens shows the room but then goes back to static. "Where's Muscle Man?" The screen then goes to the ground, goes static, then goes to the outside of Muscle Man's trailer, goes static, then to the trees, goes static, and finally goes to the gang in the van watching the screen; they turn and see a sleeping Muscle Man, who has the camera wrapped around him, heading towards them. "We're screwed." Y/N said. "You're on dude." Mordecai said to Rigby.

"Please don't make me-" Mordecai pushes him out of the van and closes the trunk, Muscle Man walks up to Rigby who whimpers. The gang are watching as Rigby is beat up by Muscle Man, fighting noises are heard and Rigby is screaming, all of them wince and close their eyes, and Y/N whimpers a little. "Not the face!" Rigby shouted. "Oh! Sorry Rigby." Mordecai said. "The suit's not working! UGGGAAAHHHH!!" They can hear more punching and screaming and the torn up suit is thrown at the window. The next morning, Rigby is moaning, laying on the coach with an ice bag on his head while the others surround him. "Thanks a lot guys, for being such great spectators!"

He throws the ice bag at Thomas who catches it. "I do hope we figure this out soon. I don't know how much more chaos I can endure." Pops said. "So what's Plan B?" Y/N asked. "Plan B is to say "Bye, bye, Muscle Man". Muscle Man is carrying two bags. "What? Where are you going?" Mordecai asked. "Some place far away where I can't hurt you guys anymore, across town into cheap motels." Muscle Man said. "What?" Y/N asked. "You gotta let us try to help you!" Skips said. "We just got started!" Benson said. "And I'm ending it! Goodbye, bros." Muscle Man said. Fives comes down the stairs. "Wait! I was going over the surveillance tapes from last night. There's something you guys gotta see!" Later on the computer, an ostrich is kicking a ball and then kicks a guy standing by in the groin. Everyone laughs except Muscle Man.

"Ok, ok. That's not what I wanted to show you guys. Check this out." The footage is being rewound in a strange way. "Could be a technical glitch." Skips said. "No, wait. Can you get a closer look, Fives?" Y/N asked. Hi Fives zooms in on that shot. "What's that? On Muscle Man's sweat?" Y/N asked. Hi Fives captures a piece of sweat. There appears to be something weird on it. "Uh, let me enhance the resolution." He does, and the sweat then reveals some strange looking creatures. Everyone is in complete shock. "Creepy." Mordecai said. "Whoa." Skips said. "What is that?" Benson asked. "The camera must have picked up some remnants of your dream." Muscle Man backs away. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked. "Do you recognize these things?" Benson asked. "Oh no, bro!"


Starla kisses her baby sister on the cheek. "Goodbye sweetie." Ana picks up the suitcase. "Mommy loves you." She said. "We'll be gone until tomorrow night. Are you sure you can handle this, Mitch?" Starla asked. "Come on, babe. I can take care of a little baby. Go have fun with your sister at your curling tournament." Muscle Man said. "Okay." Starla said. The two start kissing each other.

"Miss you, muscle muffin." She starts to walk away. "Miss you, too, pork chop, bring home the goal!" He takes the TV remote from the baby while she was chewing it. "Alright, time to switch on the real babysitter." He turns on the TV to see the strange purple creatures called Huggstables. "Wait, mister bank robber, don't you wanna play?" One of them asked. "You Huggstables stay away from me!" The robber shouted. "I know, let's give him a hug!" The four Huggstables cheer. "Pfft, next." He presses the button and changes the channel. "DESTROY! DESTROY! DESTROY!" The car flew and exploded in the TV. "The world's gnarling hit crash pit!"

The announcer shouted. "Alright!" Tina suddenly starts to cry which gets Muscle Man's attention. "Are you sick, hungry, you make a mess in your diaper?" Tina continues to cry as Muscle Man changes back to the Huggstables chasing the Robber. "No, get back!" The robber shouted. They hug the robber. "Hugs." Tina starts to clap her hands happily as Muscle Man sighs. In the show the robber grunts as he tries to get out, but it's too late, and they turn him into glitter.

"Ooooh, now he's beautiful glitter!" One of them giggles. "Let's sing the glitter song!" She said. "Glitter Smitters, glitter glitter shining." All of them sung. Muscle Man sighs. "Creepy." He said. One points at a troll. "Oh no, more trouble." She said. "Huggstables hug!" They run up to the terrified troll and hug him turn him into a glitter too as they started to laugh and so does the baby. "Why won't they stop hugging people?!" Muscle Man looks at Tina as she started to laugh happily then turns around a little paranoid. "Hug time!" They hug on the man. "Help me..." They all laugh. "Wanna hug?" Muscle Man's eyes went in horror to hear the word.


"I tried to turn it off, but every time I did the baby would start crying again. They played all eight seasons; two hundred and fifty seven episodes back to back. When Starla and her sister found me the next day, I was crying in a ball on the floor." Muscle Man said. "It sounds like that show messed you up pretty bad." Mordecai said. "That must be what's causing your nightmares." Benson said. "How do I get them out of my head?" Muscle Man asked. Skips turns to Pops.

"Eh, Pops, you still have that dream catcher I let you borrow when you were having those talking dog nightmares?" He asked. "Yes! They ride bicycles now, but it's not as scary." Pops said. "Good. I have a plan." Skips said. Later, Muscle Man is asleep tied up on the stair banister as the gang are holding the giant dream catcher. "So when I give the word, tilt the dream catcher towards Muscle Man and it will draw out the nightmares." Skips said. "How delightful! I usually miss this part because I'm asleep." Pops said. Muscle Man starts to snore. In his dream he falls through a purple vortex and lands in a colorful playroom. Suddenly he hears the doorknob and looks to see a Huggstable open the door.

"Oh no, bro!" Muscle Man said. "Do you want a hug?" It turns around to call the others. "Come on friends, let's give him a hug!" Four more show up and they all started laughing as they chase him as the terrified Muscle Man runs. "No! NO!" As he tries to run for his life but one of the Huggstables hug behind him, while the other hugs him on the leg. As Muscle Man trips over while the rest of them are about to hug him. "Get off me, you freaks!" All of the Huggstables continue to hug him and he was buried in the hug.

Meanwhile Muscle Man starts screeching in panic. "Now!" As the gang lift the dream catcher, a bright pink light appears out of the dream catcher and shoots towards Muscle Man, causing all of the Huggstables to come out of his dream. "It's working!" Rigby said. As the beam continues to make them all come out, more of them are still coming out of Muscle Man as the dream catcher begins to get full. "Why are there so many?!" Skips asked. "Muscle Man watched eight seasons worth!" Mordecai shouted. As all of the Hugstabbles begin filling up the beam, they start to pop out. "There's too many!" Y/N shouted. Skips looks down to see one the Huggstables hug his leg and starts to lift his leg and flew it away.

"Weee!" The dream catcher suddenly gets full, and the net went straight to the wall and brakes, and all the purple dream creatures hit the wall. "Uh-oh..." All of the Huggstables begin to laugh as they are about to hug the park employees but the gang manage to fight back while Skips runs away. "Hugs!" Pops punches it while Y/N uses her chair and hits three of them to save Thomas. "Hug this!" She starts hitting them as Thomas escapes while the three Huggstables start to hug a chair, Skips arrives with a gym bag and throws it to the floor with dream catcher weapons inside. "Grab a weapon!" The gang pick up their weapons. Mordecai grabs the tennis racket dream catcher. "Cool." Mordecai runs towards the Huggstables and swings the racket dream catcher on the Huggstables, Benson uses a bowing arrow dream catcher fire at the Huggstables. The dream catcher pops out of the arrow and sucks it inside. "Skips, why do you have all this stuff?" Rigby asked.

"Hey! When you're as old as me, you have some pretty crazy dreams." Skips said. The two run around in the living room about to fire their weapons trapping the Huggstables, Pops with his dream catcher gun fires at the two Huggstables, High Five Ghost with the dream catcher mirror traps two Huggstables while Skips runs yelling, a Huggstable hugs Benson, and Thomas and Y/N with their straws blow the dream catcher at the Huggstable, saving Benson. Later Mordecai was swinging the racket trapping one Huggstable, and as he tries to trap another one the dream catcher pounces the Huggstable. "Shoot, it's full!" He said. Five Huggstables run towards Mordecai.

"Hugs, Hugs, Hugs, Hugs, Hugs, Hugs!" A giant dream catcher net appears out of nowhere trapping five of them, which turns out to be Pops laughing and blows the gun, Suddenly one of the Huggstable appears in front of him and hug him on the floor. "Bad show!" Pops said. "Pops!" Benson, Y/N and Thomas shouted. Benson grabs Pops while Y/N grabs the Huggstable and lifts it high as Skips with his dream catcher harpoon fires at the Huggstable. "Hugs!" The dream catcher finally traps the last one. "Did we get them all?" Suddenly they heard a stomping noise. They turned around to see a shadowy figure which revealed to be a giant pink Huggstable. "Want a hug?" It asked. "Nope." Y/N said. Rigby fires the small dream catcher and tries to trap it, but it has no effect. "We're out of dream catchers!" Y/N shouted. "No. There's still one left." Later the gang are in Skips' van as the Huggstable Leader crash through the house.

"Skips, this dream catcher is way too small!" Mordecai said. "I wasn't talking about that dream catcher." As the van starts continuing toward the leader, the skateboard ramp is still there. "Ugh, I told you guys to put that ramp away!" Benson said angrily. "You're gonna be glad they didn't. Hang on!" Skips pulls the brake and accelerates the van towards the ramp and flew in the air revealing that the last dream catcher is under the van and landed on the leader, trapping her inside the dream catcher as the van swirls and crashes into the broken wall. Muscle Man wakes up.

"Uh...Wha.." The gang come out of the van as Benson, Y/N Thomas untied the ropes freeing him. "I had the weirdest dream. You were in it, and you were in it. You and Y/N weren't, Thomas." Muscle Man said, and Y/N deadpans. "Figures." She said sarcastically. "Sounds like you're cured." Mordecai said. "You got those things out of my head? I really owe you guys, big time." Muscle Man said. "Don't mention it. Now let's all go get some sleep." Benson said. "But before we do, group hug?" Pops asked. "Uh... No thanks Pops." Y/N said.

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