Starter Pack

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Thomas and Y/N drive to the park. They greet everyone and they greet them back. The duo then have to go through a series of pranks. Thomas and Y/N both shake Benson's hands, then are both given rakes, Muscle Man then gestures Thomas for a hug, then Y/N, afterwards. They notice everyone laughing at them and look down to see name tags on them that say "hello, my name is starter pack" and the goats laugh along with everyone else. Next, Y/N rakes some leaves into a bag, and walks over to Mordecai and Rigby who are in a golf cart. As soon as she tries to give them the bag, they drive away. Y/N tries to catch up, and they keep driving. Once she catches up, the duo laugh. Y/N then tries to give them the bag and they drive off again.

Later Thomas is eating a bag of chips, when suddenly Skips blows air on him, causing the bag to fly away, and Skips and Thomas laugh. While Y/N is painting, Pops approaches and offers her a cup of lemonade. Y/N grabs it and drinks some, only to realize that one of Pops' hands was on it and she shrieks and holds the glass away. Pops freaks out and begins to cry as the others walk over and Benson puts a hand on his shoulder. Pops then pops his real hand back through his sleeve and laughs, and Y/N figured out it was another prank. Benson had a hand on her right shoulder. "Alright Y/N, you and Thomas made it through initiation week. Welcome to the park." Benson said, and the group pet her head again.

~Time Skip~

The next day. Mordecai, Rigby, Y/N, Thomas, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost are at Pops's House. "Hey guys." Thomas said. "Hey." Y/N said. "Hey guys." Rigby said. "'Sup dudes?" Mordecai asked. "Yo Thomas! Y/N! Saved you some seats right next to me, bros." Muscle Man said. "Oh, thanks Muscle Man!" Thomas said. Thomas and Y/N sit down, then crash through the floor board. "The loose floorboard gag, they fall for it every time.

Get it? Fall for it. Ha ha. What do you think of that, starter packs?" Muscle Man asked. Y/N laughs. "Dude, that's so lame. That joke really fell flat. You get it? It really fell-flat. Get it? Fell—" she falls through and Muscle Man laughs. "Y/N!" Thomas helps her up. "Dude, Muscle Man, their initiation is over." Mordecai said. "You can't prank them anymore." Rigby said. "Its not over till I say its over, ladies. As far as I'm concerned, their initiation has just begun. Right, Starter Packs?" He farts near their faces. "Oh, man! Dude, that's sick! My mouth was open!" Y/N said, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost exit laughing.

"Dude, we gotta stop Muscle Man from pranking Thomas and Y/N." Mordecai said. Later, Mordecai and Rigby meet up with the goats. "Hey Thomas, Y/N. How's it going? Is everything cool?" Mordecai asked. "Pretty good, pretty good." Thomas said. "Why do you ask?" Y/N asked. "Muscle Man's not pranking you guys anymore, is he?" Rigby asked. "Nah. He's been really cool. He said I could drive the cart later." Thomas said. "Hey Thomas, Y/N, heads up!" Muscle Man throws them both a soda. "Wow, hey, thanks man." Y/N said. The sodas explode in their faces. "Nice try, Muscle Man, but we still got a free soda." Thomas said. "Ahh!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted. Muscle Man laughs. "And now you've got free starter pack stashes." Thomas laughs, and so does Y/N when she notices hers. "Ahhh, enough with the pranks, it's getting old, dude." Mordecai said.

"Chill out, bro. Learn how to take a joke like my buddies Thomas and Y/N." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, its not like we'll be interns forever." Y/N said. "See you later, losers!" He pins a "Kick Me" sign to Thomas and Y/N. "Woooooo!" Muscle Man, Thomas and Y/N drive off. Later Mordecai and Rigby go to Skips' house. "Skips, there is something we've got to ask you." Mordecai said. "Let me guess, you want Muscle Man to stop pranking Thomas and Y/N?" Skips asked. "Yeah. How did you know?"

Mordecai asked. "I can sense your compassion for them." Skips said. "Muscle Man is just taking this initiation thing way too far." Mordecai said. "Yeah, and no one is stopping him." Rigby said. "Guys, I know you're looking out for them, but you've got to let them fight their own battles." Skips said. Everyone sees Muscle Man pranking the goats outside the window. "Thomas, take the wheel!" He drives by Thomas and gives him a wedgie, then drives past Y/N and does the same to her. "Drive by atomic wedgie! Ha ha!" Muscle Man laughs, and Skips chuckles as Mordecai and Rigby glare at him. "Aw dude, should've gone commando" Thomas said.

The goat duo are now eating lunch at the bench. Mordecai and Rigby walk over. "Hey, guys, can we talk to you?" Mordecai asked. "Hey guys, whats up?" Y/N asked. "Look, we've been watching Muscle Man prank you guys and it's gotten way out of hand. You can stop him, but you have to prank him back." Mordecai said. "Prank him back? We can't prank our superior." Thomas said. "Don't you get it? Muscle Man is taking advantage of you two because you're new." Mordecai said. "Yeah, stick up for yourself dudes. Fight for your right!" Rigby said. "Fight?" Y/N asked with concern. "No, no. Look guys, we appreciate you guys looking out for us, there's no hard feelings. It's best to leave it alone." Y/N said. As the goats walk away, the duo notice both of their underwear hanging out and groan. "Don't worry, I got an idea." Rigby said.

The duo are now in Benson's office. "So let me get this straight: you want me to stop Muscle Man from pranking Thomas and Y/N, even though they don't mind it?" Benson asked. "Yeah, basically." Rigby said. "Yes." Mordecai said. "No, if they're okay with it, then why interfere?" Benson asked. "'Cause, dude, they don't know what they're getting into." Mordecai said. "Being pranked by Muscle Man all the time is the worst! You don't know what it's like, man." Rigby said. " You've got to do something." Mordecai said. "Ahhh! Alright, alright, I'll think of something." Benson said. Later the three are downstairs with Muscle Man.

"Thank you for coming, Muscle Man. Now because some employees have come forward with complaints-" Benson said. "Hmph, hmph." Mordecai and Rigby said. "I'm going to play this tape that reviews the park's policies on pranking. Watch it, Then get back to work." Benson said. "Sweet, a movie." Muscle Man said. "Pranking: good times at the office just keep on rolling... when there's pranks around!" A blonde office worker pulls his pants off. Muscle Man slaps his knee and laughs. Everyone in the film laughs. "But what happens when pranking goes wrong? Let's watch Keith to find out." The narrator said. "Hey, Keith." An actor throws a pie at him. A blonde office worker pulls Keith's pants off and Keith continues to get hurt.

"Hey, wait, I'm not- " A blonde office worker presses a button and throws Keith out. "DEEEEEAAAA—" he explodes. "We call this overpranking. Its when too much of a good thing goes bad." The narrator said. "This movie is the best! I can't wait to try those pranks out!" Muscle Man laughs. "Y/N Get me some popcorn!" Muscle Man shouted. "Coming!" She gets tripped by a wire and Muscle Man laughs. "Dude, snack bar. Now." Mordecai said.

Time Skip

Mordecai and Rigby are at the snack bar. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Rigby asked. "Yeah man, it's totally going to work. All we've go to do is prank Muscle Man and tell him that Thomas and Y/N did it. That way he'll respect them for standing up for themselves. And he'll stop pranking them." Mordecai said. "Love it. Hope Muscle Man is ready to get trashed by Thomas and Y/N." Rigby said. "Hmph!" Mordecai said. Later, Muscle Man is with Mordecai and Rigby at the Snack Bar. "So why did you need me over here again? Because Thomas and Y/N don't know how to do anything, right?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah, Thomas said they had trouble shutting the lid. We thought you might be able to help so..." Mordecai said. "Well duh! This is obviously a job for a pro." Muscle Man closes the lid and has trash rain down on him, and Mordecai and Rigby laugh. "Aw, what the?" Mordecai and Rigby laugh harder.

"Thomas and Y/N pranked you good, man!" Ridgy said. "THOMAS and Y/N did this?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah, they also told us to tell you that you should think twice about pranking them again." Mordecai said. "THOMAS AND Y/N DID THIS?!" Muscle Man asked furiously. "Uh, Muscle Man?" Rigby asked nervously. Muscle Man roars. "They think they can prank their superior and get away with it?!" He karate chops the dumpster. "They're going to wish they were never born.

THOMAS!! Y/N!" He shouted. Muscle Man starts running off to find them, while creating a path of destruction. Mordecai and Rigby are shocked. They go and find them, who are raking the leaves. "Thomas! Y/N!" They shouted. "Guys, you've got to get out of here!" Rigby shouted. "What?" They asked. "Muscle Man is looking for you two and he's really mad at you." Rigby said. "What are you talking about?" Thomas asked. "Why would he be mad at us?" Y/N asked. " Well, we kind of dumped trash on him and said you two did it." They hear Muscle Man in the distance. "THOMAS! Y/N!' The four run and hide behind a giant boulder.

"Can't we just talk to him?" Thomas asked. The boulders gets lifted up, and it's revealed to be Muscle Man and they scream. "Run!" Mordecai shouted. Muscle Man hurls the boulder at them, and they scream as they dodge it. They are scrambling through the trees. They finally make it through, with Muscle Man still running behind. "Thomas?! Y/N?!" Mordecai, Rigby, Y/N, and Thomas scream as he starts throwing trees at them. Muscle Man start squealing while waving two trees in his hands. As the four continue running, he fails at throwing the trees toward them. He resumes squealing while chasing the four down to the parking lot.

"Come on, this way!" Mordecai shouted. They go in between two cars, while Muscle Man looks around before running in another direction. The four are hiding in a different part of the parking lot. "Hey, my car!" Thomas' car is parked next to a shed. "Thomas, you and Y/N go! Muscle Man just needs time to cool off!" Mordecai said. "But-" Y/N said. "Just get out of here! GO!" Mordecai said. Thomas grabs Y/N's right hand. "Come on, Y/N." He said. "But we can't just leave them!" She protested. "We'll be fine, go with Thomas!" Mordecai said. Y/N lets Thomas drag her to his car as Muscle Man lifts the car behind Mordecai and Rigby, then throws it aside. Mordecai and Rigby scream.

"Where's Thomas and Y/N?!" Muscle Man notices Thomas desperately tries to start his car. He starts charging toward him. Thomas screams in a high-pitched voice before backing out and driving off. Y/N siting in the seat beside him. Muscle Man grabs the shed in his hands. Mordecai and Rigby grab him by the shoulders. "Muscle Man, don't!" Mordecai shouted. Muscle Man gets them out of the way, and starts running toward the car.

"Dude, we've got to tell him it was our fault." Rigby said. "Come on." Mordecai said. Thomas drives out of the parking lot and on the road. Muscle Man stands out in the middle of the road with the shed. "Interns gotta learn not to prank their superiors." He lifts up the shed and starts spinning around on one foot. Mordecai and Rigby run out of the parking lot. "Muscle Man! Thomas and Y/N didn't prank you!" Muscle Man continues spinning and squealing until he finally throws it. "It was us!" Mordecai shouted. The shed goes up in the air and starts to come down. Muscle Man starts panting. The shed catches up to the car. "Noooo!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted. The shed crashes down on Thomas' car, flattening it, setting a spark and starts a fire.

"Oh no, what did we do?!" Rigby panicked. "We killed Thomas and Y/N. They were right, we should have left it alone. And now they're dead because of us." Muscle Man walks up to them. "Then maybe you should tell them you're sorry. Yo, Thomas! Y/N!" Thomas and Y/N were hiding in the bushes. "What?!" Mordecai and Rigby asked. "Did it work?" Thomas asked. "Did we do it right?" Y/N asked. Muscle Man shakes Thomas' hand, then Y/N's. "Yeah, you did! Those losers totally bought it!" He said. "Wait, you're both alive?!" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah they're alive. And they're bonafide prankers. Congratulations, you're no longer starter packs." Muscle Man said. "Wow, thanks!" Thomas said. "Yeah, thanks man." Y/N grins. "Yeah, congratulations, guys." Rigby said sarcastically. "I hope it was worth getting your car totaled." Mordecai said. "Don't worry Thomas, it just needs a little body work." Thomas' car explodes leaving the shed on fire. Muscle Man starts twirling his shirt. "Later, grandmas!" He runs off. "Yeah, later, guys." Mordecai and Rigby walk away. Thomas' phone rings. "Oh hey Mom. Yeah, yeah, everything is going great Hey, can I borrow your car tomorrow?" Thomas asked, and Y/N face palms.

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