1000th Chopper Flight Party

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Anna, Rigby and Eileen are watching "Mailin it in" on TV. A mailman stealthily delivers mail while dodging a bunch of dogs and a cat. The title screen is then shown. "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!" The trio is sad. Benson walks in, carrying mail. "Bill......bill......" Benson finds a coupon. "Oohh, Bedtopia coupon!" He waves it around. "Papa needs a new comforter!" He winks and makes a clicking noise. "You guys got a couple things too."

Benson hands (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby three green envelopes. "Man Benson, do that with a little less drama next time." Rigby looks at the envelope and passes one to Mordecai, then (Y/n). Mordecai takes the envelope. "Yeah, why can't you be more like the mail guys on TV?" He asked. "Because..." Benson facepalms, then sighs and nods. "I don't know." He walks away. "Woah dudes, check it out." Mordecai shows the front of the envelope. "A square eeennveloooooppppee!" He said. Eileen looks at (Y/n)'s. "Hand-caligraphed addresses?!" She waves a hand in front of her. "Wooooh, things just got fancy in here!" She said.

"Traffic's at a standstill due to a massive backup at the Smith residence." (Y/n) began reading the invitation. Rigby continues reading the invitation. "Some minor congestion is expected at the intersection of cake, fancy sodas, and a good time, as we celebrate the 1000th flight of Chopper 6." He said. Mordecai continues. "We're not seeing any delays of an RSVP for you and one guest." They all look confused,

not knowing what it was saying. "..OH! It's a party, for Sam's dad's 1000th ride on Chopper 6..." Rigby said after a couple seconds. "And Anna and I can go too, right guys?!" Eileen asked. (Y/n) looks worried. "Uuuuuuh......" (Y/n) looks at Rigby, looking nervous. "Oh!" Anna clears her throat. "I promised some friends I'd volunteer at this river clean up thing that day." She said. "Oh, well......" Mordecai said. Everyone is silent for a moment. "......Just go without me! It sounds like it'll be really fun." Anna said.

"Really?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, man." Anna said. Mordecai hugs her, extremely happy. "AAAAAAAWWWHH!" He pulls away a bit. "I'll bring you a piece a' cake from the party for being the coolest girlfriend ever." They kiss. Later at Sam's parents'  house, the party is taking place in the backyard. Darrell and Robby, two of Sam's cousins, are playing with two remote control helicopter toys. They make them collide with one another and they crash to the ground. "Chopper 6 down, Chopper 6 down!" Robby shouted, making shooting and crashing noises while the helicopters crash. "Hehehehehe." Darrell laughs. Then Denise walks by, holding a tray of drinks. "That's not funny kids!"

(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Eileen then walk in through the back gate. "Hi!" (Y/n) said. "Oh hey guys! Glad you could make it. Ugh, can you believe it?! Sam's still at work! He might not even make it at all!" Denise shouted. (Y/n) gets happy and smiles. "Oooohh, bummer." She said. "You're smiling." Denise said. (Y/n) quickly stops. "Sorry, cheek cramp." She said. Then one of the remote control helicopters, the white one, crashes into the punch bowl. "Darrell, COME ON! You almost ruined our special order cake here!" Denise shouted. The four look down at the cake on the table next to the bowl. "That's a cake?!" Rigby asked. "Anna's gotta see this." Mordecai pulls out his phone and takes a picture of it. A second later, Frank can be heard. "(Y/n)!" He said.

She looks up. "Huh? Mr. Smith!" The chipmunk walks over with Jackie Carmichael. He shakes (Y'/n)'s paw, then gives her a hug. (Y/n) is caught off guard by this. "Awwh..ehh!" She said. Frank pulls away. "Hahahaha!" He pats (Y/n)'s back. "Want ya to meet my longtime partner in the skies, Jackie Carmichael!" He said. She elbows Frank. "What a day, huh? I can't wait to find out who's gonna get that coveted extra seat in the 1000th Chopper flight!"

He said. "Extra seat?" Eileen asked. "There's one for my wife, one for my son, and one wild card!" Frank said, and Jackie shrugs. "Sure would mean a lot! Even more than the award I won for being the top traffic reporter in the city." She said. Denise pops up behind Frank and holds onto his chest, Jackie looks surprised. "Frank has a lot of important people in his life, Jackie. Isn't that right Frank?" She asked. "That's true hon." Jackie gets angry and jealous and walks away.

"Haven't made up my mind yet about that extra seat." Frank said. "Have you considered your son's ex-girlfriend's best friend?" Rigby asked. He didn't want to mention that he and (Y/n) were a couple now. "Aren't you guys a couple now?"  Mordecai asked, sounding a bit confused, and (Y/n) and Rigby both cringe. "Shh!" Rigby snapped. "A couple?" Frank asked, he sounded disappointed. (Y/n) rubs her arm nervously. "Uh... yup! Rigby and I are official now..." (Y/n) said.

"Hey, do you mind if I get a piece of cake for Anna?" Mordecai asked, and Frank shrugs. "I don't see why not." He said. Sam then shows up through the back gate with the camera crew. He is reporting about his dad's party. "Here we are now at the celebration of Frank Smith's 1000th chopper ride." He turns toward the party. "Looks like quite a turnout!" Eileen waves at him. "Buddy, you came!" Frank said with his arms spread out. Sam also has his arms spread out. "Course I did!" They hug, then pull apart.

Frank's paw is on his shoulder. "Hi Sam." (Y/n) said." Frank puts his other paw on Sam's shoulder and brings him in. He's got a mischievous look on his face. (Y/n) looks worried. "Your friend (Y/n) here was just telling me something important." Frank said. Sam scoffs and looks embarrassed. "Dad!" He shouted. (Y/n) gets uncomfortable. "I, uh, have to go to the bathroom." She runs away. "Oh no. (Y/n), wait up!" Rigby runs after her. "...Got any new hobbies, Eileen?" Frank asked. "Yeah, I do." She said. (Y/n) leans against the wall and sighs. "You're being weird, (Y/n)!" Rigby said. "That's fine." (Y/n) said. "Come ooon! You have to come out of the bathroom." Rigby said.

"No I don't. Sam's out there, so if I stay here then I won't mess things up. This is the choice of maturity." (Y/n) said. "What about the cake?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Ugh, the cake." (Y/n) looks up and sighs. "I'll come out when they cut the cake and then I'll leave." She said. "That's dumb (Y/n)! Let's just have fun! Please come out here, and I'll stick by you so nothing happens with Sam. Then you can grab the cake, and better yet, your dignity." Rigby said, and (Y/n) opens the door, Rigby smiles at her. "You'll stay with me the whole time?" (Y/n) asked. "Or until you actually have to go to the bathroom." Rigby said, and (Y/n) giggles. "Thanks Rigby." She said. "Let's go." They start to walk.

The couple are seen talking to John, until they notice Sam approaching. Rigby quickly eats a plateful of deviled eggs and shoves the plate toward Sam. Rigby gives him a nervous smile, Sam looks annoyed and walks away. (Y/n) looks sad, while Rigby smirks at (Y/n), then holds his stomach. Next, Mordecai, (Y/n), Rigby, and Eileen are signing their names on the "Happy 1000th Chopper Flight" banner.

Sam is at the end of the table next to (Y/n). He smiles at her, then (Y/n) looks at him nervously and looks at Rigby. Rigby quickly draws a line with his marker all the way to Sam and sticks his rear towards him. He looks disgusted and walks away. (Y/n) and Rigby have the same expressions as last time. Finally, (Y/n) and Rigby are spinning Eileen around, playing "Pin the Tail on the Chopper." They stop spinning her, and she walks towards the poster. Sam walks behind (Y/n) and Rigby, until two of his cousins run into him,

causing him to bump into (Y/n). They look at each other, Sam with an apologetic look and (Y/n) with a fake, nervous smile. Rigby looks at them nervously and quickly grabs one of Sam's cousins and shoves him towards Sam. Sam angrily looks at him, but he points towards Rigby. He looks at Rigby, but is too late because (Y/n) and Rigby run away. Meanwhile, Eileen successfully pins the tail on the chopper and takes off her blindfold. She happily looks towards (Y/n) and Rigby, but seeing that they left, is sad. All she sees is a blurred Sam. Frank is about to give a speech. He clears his throat. "I'd like to say a few words before we cut the cake." He said. (Y/n) looks at Rigby, both are smiling. "Caaake." The couple said. "Chopper 6, Chopper 6, Chopper 6.

How many times have I said those words? Well at least nine hundred and ninety-nine plus the three just now, heh. It's been such an honor to patrol the skies so the people know which highways have less traffic and more car chases," Frank winks and points at someone. "But I couldn't have done it alone." He said. Jackie gives a huge smile. "I'd like to thank my son Sam, and my beautiful wife Denise,"

Frank pats his chest. "For emotionally always being next to me in the Chopper." Sam and Denise are shown standing next to each other. Jackie is a couple feet behind them, giving an angry expression. Freak points to the sky. "Today I'd like for them to literally be next to me in the Chopper. Everyone else, please grab a slice of cake." He gestures towards the cake. "And join us in the front yard, while we make history!" He cuts the cake. In the front yard, Sam and Denise get into the chopper. Jackie is seen desperately getting to Frank, shoving past other people.

"Frank! FRANK!" She smiles. "Aren't you forgetting somethin'?" She asked. "Oh, right! The extra seat, heh. How can I forget?" Frank asked. Jackie is so sure its her, that she begins to climb into the chopper. "Aw, don't worry about it." She said. "I reserved this seat for a very special person." Frank said. (Y/n) is picking out a piece of cake. "Hmm......oh-" she's cut off by Frank. "(Y/n)!" Frank said. She looks surprised. Jackie gets off the chopper. "...(Y/n)?" She asked. "What?!" Rigby asked worriedly. (Y/n) turns towards the chopper. "I, uh..." she said. Jackie scoffs. "Never mind that I won an award and I still don't get respect around here." She mumbles while walking away. "These awards don't get anything for me...." She leaves. Frank walks towards (Y/n).

"Sorry it got heated before. It's hard for me to accept that you and Sam aren't together." Frank said. "It's okay..." (Y/n) said nervously. "NO, it's not okay! You're family (Y/n), at least I consider you family. And I always will, whether or not you and Sam are a couple." Frank said. "Um.." (Y/n) looks down and sees the cakes are going fast. "Well...thank you...for that." Frank then shoves a helmet toward (Y/n). "OOF!" She said. "Haha!" Frank puts a paw on her shoulder, and (Y/n) looks uncomfortable.

"Now go grab a piece of cake before it disappears. 'Cause the flight of a lifetime's about to take off!" He walks away. (Y/n) grabs a piece of cake, and Rigby appears, already stuffing his face. "Hey Rigby, can I trust you to hold this piece of cake for me without eating it?" She asked. "(Y/n)..." Rigby shrugs. "its cake!" He said, and (Y/n) sighs. "Never mind." She walks to the chopper and goes on it. The chopper takes off. The chopper shakes, causing the cake to almost fall off the plate. "Woooaah, WOOOAAUUGGH!" She gets icing on her paws. "Ugh." She said. Sam points at the mess. "Should've brought a napkin, too huh?" He asked.

"Aaauugghh......" (Y/n) said. "How are things at the park?" Sam asked. (Y/n) continues speaking gibberish. She looks all around. "Nnnnhh...aaaaOOUUHH!" The open door of the Chopper is shown. Sam notices the awkwardness. "(Y/n)!" Sam said. "UUUUUUGGGGHHHH!" She shouted. "Why are you being so weird? I know a lot's happened, but I thought we were cool now?" Sam asked.

"Yeah..." (Y/n) looks down. "No, it's still weird." She said. " Well what's it gonna take?!" Sam puts his paws in the air. "This is a party! We're on Chopper 6's THOUSANDTH ride! Can't we just try to have fun like we used to?" Sam asked. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She makes radio noises. "We had a six car pile up around Christmas, but now we're not seeing any delays as we make our way north through the clouds." (Y/n) said. "Hahahaha!" The chipmunks laughed. "That's some solid traffic reporting girl! Where'd ya learn that?" Frank asked from the driver's seat. "Aw Frank! He thinks it takes skill to do what he does." Denise said.

Sam and (Y/n) look at each other. "Hahahaha!" Back on the ground, everyone watches the chopper fly in the air. Rigby and Eileen are standing there, watching as well. Rigby sighs in relief that things aren't weird anymore. "How long are we supposed to watch it?" Eileen asked, while holding a piece of cake. Just then, CJ shows up. "Guess I missed the launch?" She asked, both face towards her.

"CJ!" Rigby said. "Oh cool, didn't know you would be here!" Eileen said. "Of course I would. I'm Sam's girlfriend now." She said, and the duo look at each other in shock. CJ looks around. "Where's Sam?" Eileen points to the chopper, CJ looks up and sees Sam and (Y/n) laughing together. "....Sam?" CJ asked. They keep laughing as the chopper flies around in a circle in its one spot. Sam looks out and sees CJ on the ground, looking devastated, and gasps. "Uhh...I can't be here, I-I gotta hang with CJ." He tries to take off his seat belt. (Y/n) looks at him, worried. He takes off his seat belt and stands up. "CJ! Hi!"

The chopper jerks, making Sam lose balance and fall on (Y/n)''s lap. CJ gets angry. "Aw, come on!" CJ turns gray. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?! That you could just make a fool of me forever?!" She turns into a full on storm cloud and flies towards the chopper. "This is the LAST TIME!" As CJ threatens, the camera crew is recording the whole thing. "Are you getting this Glen?" They run towards the scene. CJ blows some wind. "CJ, STOP!" Rigby shouted fearfully, worried for (Y/n)'s sake. "RRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUG!" Amongst the chaos, she blows Robby and Darrell's toy helicopters and they're slammed into the camera crew. She continues her rampage, shaking the chopper like crazy. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!" "CJ, it's not what you think! There was an extra seat!" (Y/n) yelled above the wind.

"Is everyone ok back there?!" Frank asked. "We're fine-OOF!" Denise said. "MOM!!" Sam shouted. "Whoa, are you ok?!" (Y/n) asked. Frank presses a bunch of buttons, putting it on autopilot and joins the others, angry. "What's with your girlfriend, Sam?!" He asked. "I don't know! I guess we're having a misunderstanding?" Sam asked. CJ starts to shoot lightning and shakes the chopper more. This causes Frank and Denise to fall out of the chopper, holding onto each other. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Sam's parents shouted. "MOM! DAD!" Sam takes off his seat belt. "You're right to be concerned, Sam but it's gonna be ok! I'm a professional! Grab your knees hon." Frank said. "MANNONBALL!!" They land in the pool, but look like they have broken bones. "It really does take skill to do what you do." Denise said. Sam and (Y/n) are still in the Chopper,

with CJ still creating her storm. "(Y/N)!" Rigby shouted. Sam is calming himself down and taking deep breaths after almost losing his parents. "It's ok, they made it." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, but what about us?" Sam asked. CJ continues to cause trouble. She strikes lightning near the Smith house, and everyone runs away. "CJ, please! (Y/n) stumbles and accidentally shoves the cake into Sam's mouth. CJ gets even MORE angry at this. She shakes the chopper again, which cuts some of a tree. Sam falls down and grabs an air horn. He then almost falls out of the chopper. "AAAHH!!" He shouted. "SAM NOOO!" (Y/n) then throws the plate and whatever is left of the cake out of the chopper. Sam grabs onto the chopper's bar with one paw. CJ gets mad because the cake plummets to the ground. She strikes the chopper with more lightning.


CJ shouted. "BECAUSE! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" (Y/n) shouted. "......You have a boyfriend?" Sam asked. "YOU.....have..a boyfriend??" CJ asked, slowly realizing. (Y/n) sighs. "Yes! Rigby..." she sighs, then looks down at him, before looking back at CJ. "Rigby and I are official now." She said softly. Sam looks shocked. " There's nothing to be upset about here!" (Y/n) shouted. "But....you...so you don't....?" She slowly retracts into her normal form.

"....Oh no...." She covers her face. (Y/n) flips the switch labeled "auto land" on. The chopper lands, and Sam gets off. (Y/n) picks up what is left of the cake and sighs. "(Y/N)! Oh my god!" Rigby quickly runs toward her and hugs her. She hugs back. "Are you okay?" Rigby asked. "I was really worried about you up there!" Rigby said. "So was I." Mordecai said. (Y/n) smiles at the duo. "I'm fine."

She then looks over at CJ as she hears soft crying. "....CJ? Are you okay?" She asked softly. "I'm not really in the mood to talk right now." She said. "I'm sorry about all of this, CJ." (Y/n) said. She turns around. "This time it was my fault. Sam's parents almost died because I freaked out about nothing!" She shouted. "But it wasn't nothing! You thought he was cheating!" (Y/n) persisted. CJ is about to break down. "I have to go!" (Y/n) turns around and watches her go. "CJ..." she said with pity.

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