A Bunch of Full Grown Geese

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At the park lakeside, people are sailing, chilling, etc. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Pops are sitting around a table with a sandwich and some ingredients. "Hoagie Sandwich! Hoagie Sandwich!" The quartet said. "Squeeze out the Mustard, do it real quick!" Mordecai puts on mustard. "A dab of Mayo, too much'd be sick!" Rigby puts mayonnaise on. "Healthy veggies'll make this valid!" Pops puts on lettuce and tomatoes. "And don't forget the main ingredients so we don't confuse it with a salad!" (Y/n) said.

"Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat!" The four said as they put meat on. Mordecai elbows in onto the table and holds it up as everybody in the gang laughs. A group of four fully grown Canadian Geese show up on the bridge. The Geese start attacking the lakeside, starting by scaring a couple away, pushing a squirrel off the bridge, and even dropping a giant rock on a paddle boat with a couple in it, breaking it and sending the couple into the lake. Two of the geese chest pound each other. "Those ruffians!!" Pops gets up and runs to the geese. "Now see here, geese!! Your behavior is most uncouth! Now, I'm afraid- " the geese start pushing him around. "Ahhhh!" Pops runs away, sobbing.

"Why you!" (Y/n) said angrily. She was about to attack them when they start attacking her first. "Ah!" "(Y/N)!" The duo shouted. "Hey, quit it!" Rigby snapped. "Stop!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n) was about to cry just as the duo pull her away from the aggressive birds. "Are you okay?" Rigby asked her worriedly as she holds in her tears. "I'm... I'm fine..." she said. "Don't you dare touch her again you monsters!" Rigby shouted furiously. The geese stare at the sandwich and Rigby realizes it. "PROTECT THE SANDWICH!" The geese attack it and throw it in the trash can before attacking the trio and they quickly run away. "WHYYY?" Rigby asked, sobbing now as well.

The geese start punching the trash can, smashing it in the process, and rolls the trash can towards the three where it may have hit another trash can, sending some garbage flying in the air. Later the trio are in Benson's office. "Benson, something's gotta be done about those geese. Pops is locked in his room crying!" Mordecai said. "Not to mention they hurt (Y/n)! And that is crossing the line!" Rigby shouted angrily.

"Yeah, we gotta get some kind of payback for that." Mordecai crosses his arms, and Benson gazes at (Y/n) and notices her messy state from the attack and frowns slightly. "Yeah, we've been getting complaints. They're highly territorial, war-like birds." Benson lays back his feet on the desk. "Luckily, I got a couple of guys who will be taking care of the problem." He said. "Dude, awesome!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Who is it?" Rigby asked. "A couple of guys named Mordecai and Rigby." Benson said. "What?!" The duo asked. "Wait, by themselves? Shouldn't I help?" (Y/n) asked. "No, (Y/n). I don't want those geese attacking you again. You should stay out of this." Benson said.

The duo were in shock from this and look at each other for a second, then over at (Y/n) for a second. "Maybe you don't understand, Benson. These geese... they're terrifying." Mordecai said. "Terrifying!" Rigby shouted. "I don't wanna hear it! Do it or you're fired!!" Benson shouted. "Man, you always say that. You're all talk, Benson." Rigby said. Benson starts seething in anger. "I don't think you should have said that." (Y/n) said.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUURRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!" Benson gets up in a rage. "URAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby scream, and Benson chases (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby out. The trio are now back at the lakeside. "All right, dude, you ready?" Rigby nods with a blanket in his hand, and Mordecai takes out another blanket. "You stay here (Y/n)." Mordecai said. "But-" "stay!" Mordecai shouted.

"Please just listen to us, (Y/n). We don't want you getting hurt." Rigby frowns, and so does (Y/n). "Okay..." she said. "Here goes nothing." Mordecai and Rigby wave their blankets at the geese, screaming. "It's working!" Rigby said. The geese snatch their blankets away. Two of them turn them into whips and start to whip the duo and (Y/n) cringes, and seeing this infuriated her. Next the duo try something else. "Ready?" Rigby asked. "Ready!" Rigby stares at the geese, attempted to get the hose but the geese in front of him picks it up with its beak and sprays the geese repellent on Rigby. "Hey quit it!" Mordecai gets sprayed at. "Uh! Smells like rotten eggs!" He shouted. The other geese come along. Some fly over to where (Y/n) was hiding and start to attack her. "Ah!" The duo quickly turn around to see. "HEY STOP!" Rigby shouted.

"Yeah! She's not even doing anything to you! Leave her alone!" Mordecai shouted angrily. (Y/n) yelps as they keep attacking her. The duo quickly run over despite them being attacked as well. "STOP!" Mordecai shouted. The duo approach (Y/n) and try to swat the geese away from her. "WE SAID STOP!" Rigby furiously kicks one of them and it turns to look at him. "Uh oh." One of them pushes Mordecai down, and the other geese start to attack Rigby. "Wait, Mordecai! Whyyy?? Whyyyy??!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai pulls Rigby away from the geese as the trio run for it. Later the trio are at Skips' house. "We need your help, Skips." (Y/n) said. "Ew! Rotten Egg Smell! I've got just the thing.

First, drive to the ocean..." Skips said. "No, we need your help with these crazy geese!" Rigby shouted. ".....Oh, no. You're on your own with those things." Skips said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked angrily. "Aw Man, well what are we supposed to do?" Mordecai asked. "Well... Geese and ducks are natural enemies. You guys know any ducks?" Skips asked. "Ducks?" (Y/n) asked. She looks at her best friends. A thought crosses their minds. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby stand outside Skips' house. Mordecai is holding his phone, cycling through the list of contacts. Finally, he finds the connection to the Baby Ducks and dials it. The line on the other end answers. The Baby ducks are back at their place, rollerskating, reading comics, and playing video games. "Hello?" The 1st baby duck asked. "Hey. It's Mordecai." Mordecai said.

"Mordecai! Yo, other baby ducks, Mordecai is calling!" The duck said. "Mordeco! How's it hanging? What's the word, Mordo?" The 2nd duck asked. "Good to hear from you, dude." The 3rd baby duck asked. "Hey, guys. We got a problem with—" Mordecai began. "What's up, Mordecai?" The 4th duck asked. "Uh, a problem with geese." Mordecai continued. "Aw, man. Geese are the worst!"

The 1st duck said. "Yeah, they make me sick." The 4th duck said. "Yeah, and they keep picking on (Y/n), she hasn't even done anything and they keep attacking her." Mordecai said, and this angered them. "What?!" The 1st duck said. "Dude, that's not cool." The 2nd duck said. "Yeah, (Y/n)'s a great person, she doesn't deserve that!" The 3rd duck said. "I know." Mordecai said. "Those guys are awful! You didn't use geese repellent or blankets, did you?" The 2nd duck asked. "Uh... no." Mordecai lied. "Good. 'Cause that just makes them angrier."

The 3rd duck said. The 4th duck laughs. "Yeah, you'd have to be a complete chump to use those." He said. "You want us to come and deal with them, man?" The 1st asked. "Besides, we'd like to get them back for what they did to (Y/n)." He said. "Me too, but no, that's okay. We can do it ourselves. Could you just tell us what we gotta do?" Mordecai asked. "You should use lasers!" The 2nd duck said. "Lasers?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, man. Those losers hate la-sers." The 3rd duck said.

"La-la-la-la-lasers! La-la-la-la-lasers! Shine 'em in their faces! And watch 'em run awaysers! Zoop! Zoop! Zoop! Zoop! Zoop! Zoop! Wooo!" The ducks sung, then chuckle. "Thahah. Yeah, thanks. Uh, later, guys." He hangs up. "Hey, what gives?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, why didn't you ask them for help?" Rigby asked. "Come on, they have better things to do." Mordecai said. Skips opens the door. "You guys are still here?" He asked. "Chill Skips, we're leaving, we're leaving." (Y/n) said as the trio leave his house. The trio are later hiding in a bush and peering through it.

"I can't believe it! They've taken over the entire lake!" Rigby whispers. The Geese are standing their ground. The park is entirely covered in guano. "Looks like they've marked their territory." Mordecai said. "Aw, sick!" Rigby said. "But this isn't even their territory! They stole it!" (Y/n) shouted. "Too right." Rigby agrees. "Let's do this." Mordecai said. The three get out laser pointers. "Hmm, hmm, hmm!" The trio said. They shine the lasers onto one of the geese. The goose looks at himself, and the other geese start looking at the lasers. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scan them up into the air. "And Now! Dude, it's working!" Mordecai said. "Yea-yuh!" Mordecai and Rigby said.

The trio slap a hi-five, but then (Y/n) looks up into the air and sees that there are only three geese flying away. "Hey, weren't there four gee-" (Y/n) gets interrupted as the fourth goose pops its head into the bush, honking angrily. "Aaaagh!" The geese suddenly throw (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby out of the bush. The trio start shining the laser pointers on them, but find they are outnumbered as the geese start attacking them. Suddenly multiple geese begin attacking (Y/n) again. "NO!" Rigby shouted. "Cut it out!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n) screams as she runs away trying to avoid them but they chase her and keep attacking her. "STOP! STOP HURTING HER!" Rigby shouted, tears began to form in his eyes as he saw how injured she was getting. The geese were forming some pretty deep cuts on her skin. "STOP IT!" Mordecai shouted. The duo quickly run to help her,

then the three are thrown onto the ground as they groan, then suddenly all of the geese throw a tree into their way. "I thought lasers were supposed to work!" Mordecai said. The trio scream as they're about to be crushed. Suddenly, a giant green laser fires at the tree and all of the geese fall off it. Then the baby ducks appear in front of them, who have just saved their lives. "Lasers do work! You just gotta use the right kind!" One of them shouted. "Baby Ducks!" The trio said happily. "We thought you losers would get in trouble! Geese! This lake isn't yours! Leave now! And stop picking on (Y/n)!" The Geese's eyes start to glow red and one of them begins to talk. "No! We are in the process of terraforming this lake for our own kind!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are in shock.

"We have removed all non-goose lifeforms and fertilized the soil! This lake is ours, duck! If you want it, you'll have to come and take it!" One of them replied. "That can be arranged!" The Geese begin to glow in red. "Get down! And protect (Y/n)!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby duck behind a bush as the Geese begin posing many times and they fly up to form a giant four-head, goose robot. The Baby Ducks begin fist pumping and they form together the Duck Man. The two giants prepare to fight. "Scrabble Missiles!" The geese fires six missiles at (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Duck Man. "We're gonna die!" Rigby shouted. The Duck Man blocks the missiles and flies toward the Goose Monster but gets shocked. "AHHH!!! Step off!"

The Duck Man gets the metal shocker off but gets blasted backwards by the Goose Monster. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are coughing from the dirt and the Duck Man fires a blast at the Goose Monster but it has no effect. The Goose Monster begins laughing but Duck Man charges at the Goose Monster only to charge directly into a large energy sphere which sends them backwards. "NOO!!!" The trio shouted, running to the Duck Man. The Goose Monster

grabs a tree that is near the house and knocks away the top part of it. Then throws the tree into the sky. "Scrabble Missiles!" And uses missiles to destroy the tree then blasts the house more. "Hey!" Mordecai shouted. "Stop it!" (Y/n) shouted as she ran toward them angrily. "(Y/n), come back!" Rigby shouted, reaching towards her. "Now we will destroy everything you care about!" He grabs a television set. "Starting with this standard-definition T.V.! Which is really doing you a favor!"

He throws the tv into the sky. "Scrabble Missiles!" The tv is destroyed by the missiles. "NOOO!!!!" The trio shouted. Duck Man groans. "Is there any way we can help!?" Mordecai asked. "It's...too dangerous." The Duck man replied. "We're not going to let you die!" Mordecai said. "Yeah! Just tell us what to do!" Rigby then turns to (Y/n) and his eyes widen as he sees the Goose Monster reach out to grab her and she screams. "(Y/N) watch out!" He shouted. The trio gasp as she was snatched up. "(Y/N)!" The duo shouted. "PUT HER DOWN!" Rigby shouted furiously.

"Make me." The Goose Monster taunted. The duo growl furiously. "We mean it, release her!" Mordecai shouted angrily. The duo were glaring at him. "Don't worry, I know how to save her." Duck Man said. "Really?" Mordecai asked. "How?!" Rigby asked urgently. "Did you see what started our transformation?" Duck Man asked. "Uh...fist pumping?" Rigby asked. "Yes...You must fist pump!" Duck Man said. "Like this?"

Mordecai and Rigby hold up their fists. "No. Really fist pump! Fist pump with everything you got!" Mordecai and Rigby begin fist pumping with both arms. "Maybe dial it back a bit..." Mordecai and Rigby fist pump once more which sends a ray of light into the sky. Their video game console along with the gaming fist, shoes, and shorts are also brought out from their room. The items begin to merge with the Duck Man. Mordecai and Rigby are also equipped with items. "Whoa." (Y/n) said.

"Alright!" Mordecai said. "Let's cook this goose!" Rigby said. Mordecai and Rigby position themselves inside the armor of Duck Man. "Dudes! Can you hear me?" Duck Man asked. "Yeah!" Mordecai said. "Loud and clear! Hey birdbrain! You better let (Y/n) go right now or you're in big trouble!" Rigby shouted. The Goose Monster fires a blast. "Watch out!" (Y/n) shouted. "Sonic Shield!" Mordecai and Rigby help bring up the Sonic Shield which blocks the blast. "Rocket fist!" Rigby presses a button. "Bam!" The fist connects with the Goose Monster sending it backwards. "Yes!" The duo said. The Goose Monster gets up and begins charging at them.

"Divert power to shoes!" Duck Man jumps out of the way and begins beating down the Goose Monster. He punches a hole through the Goose Monster and fires musical notes at it. Then Duck Man flies up high. "Draw Power Sword!" Duck Man takes out a large sword and being to charge at the Goose Monster. "Altitude decreasing." Two controllers appear. "Manual Sword Control." Duck Man charges toward the Goose Monster as

Mordecai and Rigby are controlling the movement and being to spin the sword in circles which cuts the Goose Monster apart causing them to drop (Y/n). She screams as she falls and the duo quickly catch her as she falls towards Duck Man. "Gotcha!" Rigby said. The duo then help her stand up. The Goose Monster turns back into the four Geese and the geese are zapped and beaten down. "Yeauya!" Duck Man said. "Game over, Geese!" Mordecai said. "Fools! The game of duck, duck, goose will never end! There will be future lakes! Future sandwiches to ruin...." The goose began.

"Hey Geese!" (Y/n) said. Duck Man's arm begins to glow. "STEP OFF!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Duck Man shouted. Duck Man's arm slams down on the geese completely destroying them. "WOOAHHHH!!!!" Duck Man turns back into the four Baby Ducks. "Awesome!" The trio said. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Rigby asked her with concern. "Yeah, thanks to you guys." She smiles at them and they smile back. "Thanks dudes! We couldn't have done it without you."

Mordecai said to the ducks. "Yeah, you guys rocked out there." (Y/n) said. "Anytime!" One of the baby ducks replied. "(Y/N)! MORDECAI AND RIGBY!" Benson shouted. "Oh no..." (Y/n) said. "Hey...Benson." Mordecai said. "We got rid of the Geese!" Rigby said. "Yeah! And HALF the park along with 'em! And you four! Look at the damage you caused!" Benson shouted at the ducks. Their mother flies over.

"Stop this right now! Mordecai and Rigby saved the Park! Quite possibly the world! You should be thanking them! And how dare you scold my children!? A grown man, yelling at Baby Ducks...You should be ashamed of yourself." She scolded, and (Y/n)'s jaw drops. "I...I'm sorry ma'am..." Benson walks off. "Damn, she sure told him." (Y/n) said. "ALRIGHT! YEAH!" Her friends said. Later (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are with the Baby Ducks, the Duck Man and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby fly though space on a guitar, and the four of them enjoy the sunset.

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