Busted Cart

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The trio are up to their old antics, as usual. This time, they're ready to do some stunts with the cart. "Alright, dudes, are you ready?" (Y/n) asked. "I finished digging the pit, and the cones are all set up!" Rigby said. "Extreme cartin'?" Mordecai asked. "Extreme cartin'!" Rigby and (Y/n) said. "WHOAAAAA!" The trio shuffle into the car, and they start it up. Mordecai steps on the gas, then, grabs the gear, and the car goes down the hill. They fly through the air in the car, and Mordecai turns the car in midair to land on a metal rail. They skid for a while, holding the poles of the car.

"Hold it, hold it!" Mordecai shouted. "I'm holding, I'm holding!" (Y/n) shouted. Mordecai steps on the brake. "Now!" The trio let go of the poles. As the car jumps off the rail, Mordecai spins the wheel causing the car to do a three sixty. When the car lands, Mordecai skids through the scatter of cones, then switches gears, and the car flies into the air and lands in a big circular hole. Mordecai makes the car rotate along the outer rim of the hole for a couple rotations. The car then flies into the air, does another three sixty, and lands on the top of another hill. Mordecai hits the brake, then, the trio start panting, and, though still left breathless from all of what happened, they laugh.

"Hahaha, we did it, we did it!" Rigby said. "That was awesome!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah-yuh!" They high-five. Then, all of a sudden, the car starts rolling down the hill. At the bottom, Mr. Maellard is walking with Benson, examining the park. "Hmm. Hmph! Yup, the ground keep on the grounds looks excellent. This park is really coming together. Well done, Benson." Mr. Maellard said. Benson and Mr. Maellard see the car, still rolling on its own. The trio run behind to try to stop the car, which crashes into the tree as (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson and Maellard look on.

"(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby! What have I told you about messing with the cart? If you think—" Mr. Maellard puts his hand on Benson's shoulder. "My office. Now." In the office, Maellard is chewing Benson out. "Do you have any idea what those carts COST?!" He pounds on the table. "I'm not paying park money to fix YOUR mistakes!" He shouted. "But, sir—" Benson began. "But NOTHING!" The trio listen outside of the office. "I could find a new park manager right now if I wanted to." He said.

Benson pulls out a receipt. "Don't worry, sir. The warranty will take care of everything. Maellard yanks the receipt and look at it. "This expires tomorrow afternoon!" Mr. Maellard shouted. "But the dealership's too far away! I'll have to drive all day and night." Benson said. "Sounds like a personal problem. Get that cart fixed or you're FIRED!" Seconds later, Maellard slams the door on Benson. Outside, Benson walks out, still steamed, as the trio follow. "Benson, we're sorry. We'll make it up to you." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, we can help you get to the dealership!" Rigby said. Benson turns to the trio. "No, you three only screw things up! I am getting that cart fixed by myself, so stay here." Benson said. "But that drive is way too long for one person to handle!" Mordecai shouted.

"I'll take my chances." Later, the crashed car lays in the bed of the truck once it clears up, his monitor flashes to turn right, and he goes in that direction. Benson drives through the canyon through sun, rain and fog before he stops at a gas station. Benson then drives the truck across the bridge. He passes by a sign that reads, "Cart Dealership, 1000 miles") "Alright, Benson" he checks his watch. "You're making great time." He focuses back on the road. "As long as you don't stop, you can get to the dealership with time to spare." Benson looks in the rear-view mirror. "And then, as soon as you get back to the park, you can fire..."

Benson sees (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby as they peep their heads into view from the car.. "(Y/n), Mordecai and RIGBY?!?! ARGH!" He hits the brake. Seconds later, Benson is yelling at the trio outside of the truck. "I can't believe this! I thought I told you idiots not to come! Does the word "not" not process into your thick skulls?!" Benson shouted. "Of course not! Wait, uh..." Rigby said, and (Y/n) snickered. "Look, Benson, we just wanted to help you make it across the country!" She said. "Shut up! Just shut up and let me think for a second." Benson sighs and pauses for a few moments. "Okay. Ideally, you guys would be a million miles away from me now. But since I don't have time to turn around and take you back, you're gonna come with me... and you're gonna do exactly what I say." Some time later,

Benson is giving one-word commands to the trio on what to do. "Water." The trio grab the water from a shelf. "Open." The trio force the cap off. "Mouth." The trio try to pour it into Benson's mouth, but the truck runs over a rock, causing the water to spill on Benson. "Argh! Napkins!" The trio get a pack of napkins from the shelf. Not seeing the twistie, Rigby tries to rip the bag open, but the bag rips open, blinding Benson. "No napkins, no napkins!" He shouted. Some time later, a police car has pulled Benson over. Benson walks slowly, seemingly drunk, to the police man. The quartet are now back in the truck. "Benson, we're sorry." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah, the bag wouldn't open and the napkins—" Rigby said. "No, no more! Here's what you guys are gonna do for the rest of the trip--Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Don't say anything, don't do anything. Just stop messing things up!" Benson shouted. There was an awkward pause. "Benson, why do you hate us so much?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, you never used to yell at me." (Y/n) added.

Benson's eyes widened and he seems caught off guard by the question, then sighs, and speaks in a calmer tone. "I don't hate you guys, I just hate some of the things you do." He pauses. "Okay, I really hate a lot of the things you do. I know you don't mean them, but I'm your boss, and it's my job to push you to do better. And yes, normally I haven't yelled at you, (Y/n), but ever since I've ordered you to look after these two they've definitely rubbed off on you." Benson said, and (Y/n) smiles sheepishly. He had a point.

"Is that why Maellard yells at you?" Mordecai asked, trying to change the subject, and Benson laughs. "You guys don't know how easy you have it. Let's just say his yelling is way worse than mine." Benson said, and (Y/n) chuckles. "I believe it." She said. "He can be pretty scary sometimes." She said. "But is it worse than his face?" Rigby asked, and they laugh. "Good one, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Yeah. His face." Mordecai said. Benson pulls out a tape. "Hey, do you guys want to listen to some electropop music?" He asked. "Whoa! you listen to that?" (Y/n) asked.

"Just on long car trips. It helps keep me awake." Benson puts the tape into the radio and electronic pop music starts to play. They start to dance, causing them to swerve and then stop on the roadside with another police car, and the police man dances with them. The music ends as Benson is seen falling asleep. "Benson, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked him, but he didn't seem to hear her. "Hey, Benson?" Mordecai asked, and Benson wakes up. "Huh? what?" He asked. "Dude, you look pretty tired. How about I drive for a little while?" Mordecai asked.

"No, no. I'm perfectly fine." Benson said. "Are you sure about that?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "Come on, man. You've been driving all day! It's not safe." Rigby said. "Alright." Benson pulls on the side of the road. Then, he and Mordecai get out of the truck to switch their seats. "I don't wanna sleep for too long, so wake me up in two hours. Only two hours. got it?" He asked. "Got it." (Y/n) said. "Don't worry, dude. You can trust us." Mordecai said. Some time later, Benson is sleeping in what used to be Mordecai's seat as the latter drives. "Check the map to see how much further it is." Mordecai said. (Y/n) pulls out the map. "Where are we now?"

She asked. "Uh..." Mordecai laughs upon seeing a road sign that reads "Now Entering Buttzland") "Buttzland." He said. "Buttzland?" Rigby laughs, and so does (Y/n). "Dude, we're really close to the dealership!" Rigby points to spot on the map. "It's like only two inches away." He said. "Dude. look, dude." From Mordecai's point of view, there's another road sign that reads, "JoySpot Arcade, next exit" "You two thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked. "No guys."

(Y/n) shakes her head. "Normally I would say yes but we're in the middle of something, remember? I'm not letting you boys goof off right now." (Y/n) said. "Aw, come on, (Y/n), it'll be fun! It'll only be for a few minutes." Rigby said. "Well..." (Y/n) thought about it. "Fine, but just a few minutes, deal?" She asked. "Deal." The duo said. "Video game pit stop! WOOOAAHHH—" the duo said until Benson is almost woken up. "Woooaahhh..." they said quietly. The trio leave the exit and go to the Joyspot Arcade and run to the doors. "All right, let's do this, but only for thirty minutes. Benson's job is on the line."

Mordecai said. "Right." Rigby said, but (Y/n) was still unsure about this. They go into the arcade and it goes to...well, several hours later, and Benson wakes up. Benson yawns and looks at his watch. "Huh? What?" Benson runs into the arcade and finds Mordecai and Rigby playing with (Y/n) watching and takes them outside. "Turn it off!" Rigby shouted. "Wait a minute, how long were we in there?" (Y/n) asked, sounding alarmed. "HOURS! You were in there for HOURS! Now we're never gonna make it to the DEALERSHIP in time! It closes in 30 MINUTES!" Benson shouted. "We're sorry. We didn't know it was daytime, there aren't any windows in the arcade." Mordecai said. "Excuses, excuses!

How am I supposed to trust you when all you give me are EXCUSES?! When are you three gonna learn that your actions have consequences?! Consequences that affect other people," his voice breaks. "Like me... Don't you three understand? I'm about to lose my job... You may not care about keeping your jobs, but I care about keeping mine, cause if I lose my job, I have nothing. Do you hear me? I have nothing! And I know it's the same for you, (Y/n)! Which is why I avoid firing you even when you drive me insane!" He buries his face in his hands and sobs. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look horrified and starting to regret what they did. "Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to take my last bathroom break as an employed man." Benson walks to a bathroom. "Dudes, we really messed up." (Y/n) said. A few moments later, Benson comes out of the bathroom. "What?" He sees that the truck is gone, screams with rage, pants, and turns red, then sees a guy with a motorcycle. "Hey, you!" He runs to the guy. "There were two guys and a girl with a truck that were just here. Do you know where they went?" Benson asked. "Oh yeah. They're taking a shortcut out to Highway 13 to the cart dealership." He replied. "What?!" Benson shouted.

"Most dangerous highway in the country." The guy replied. "How much do you want for that bike?" Benson asked. Some time later, Benson is riding the motorcycle onto Highway 13, catches up to the truck, jumps off the motorcycle, crashing it, and leaps onto the car in the truck and opens the window.

"You idiots! That is the most dangerous highway in the country!" He shouted. "But it's the only way to make it to the dealership in time." (Y/n) said. "Get out of that driver's seat!" (Y/n) moves to the middle seat and Benson sits on the driver seat. "I am turning this thing around." They drive over a bridge which breaks and the ground begins to crumble. "Guys, I don't think we can turn around." Rigby said. (Y/n), Benson and Mordecai see this in the rear-view mirror and scream.

"Step on it! Step on it!" Mordecai shouted. Benson speeds up. "Benson, watch out!" (Y/n) points to the spikes on the road ahead and Benson tries to swerve away from them but two spikes pop up, slashing off the rear tires, and they drive towards a canyon and a boulder is seen coming down the side. "Boulder!"

Rigby shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson scream, swerve away from the boulder then the two front tires explode and they scream again. "We're all gonna die!" Benson shouted, shaking and panicking. " No we're not. We can fix this Benson. Rigby, (Y/n), you ready for some extreme cartin'?" Mordecai asked. "Extreme cartin'!" The duo replied. They unhook the straps that hold the back of the truck and holding the cart then (Y/n),

Mordecai and Rigby get into the cart. "Hold on." Mordecai steps on the brake until the cart falls off Benson's truck, then speeds back up to it and hooks the strap on the car. "Take the wheel." While Mordecai tries to hook the strap onto Benson's truck, Rigby and (Y/n) scream to attract Mordecai's attention to the boulders hurling towards them and he slides the cart to the side and successfully hooks the strap onto Benson's truck. "Hang on, Benson!" Mordecai speeds up the car until it is in front of the truck and jumps over a large gap and does the "extreme cartin'" trick like in the beginning of the chapter. "Hold it! Hold it!" Mordecai shouted. "AHHHH!"

The trio shouted. Mordecai makes a few turns with the crashed cart and jumps into a giant hole which he grinds the cart around it a few times until the cart flies into the air with built-up speed. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream throughout the process and finally make it back to land. They make it to a road closed sign. Although they were whimpering, the cart breaks through the sign and into the sky with lightning flashing. "WHOOOOOOA!" The trio said. "AHHHH!"

The trio scream as they're about to land. They finally make it through Highway 13 with clearing skies. They are about to get to the cart dealership. "Look. The dealership." Rigby said weakly. "We're almost there." Mordecai said weakly. "Let's go." (Y/n) said weakly as well. At the cart dealership, there are two workers that are yearning for their job to be over. "Dude, its closing time, dude." The 1st employee said. "Yes!" The first employee tosses a key to the second employee.

"Dude, countdown! Countdown!" "10,9,8,7—" they both began counting. "We're gonna crash! Pull the parking brake!" Benson shouted, and Mordecai gasped. "Parking brake!" Mordecai pulls the e-brake. "3.....2.....1—" The employees see the crashed car up ahead. "Huh?" The cart slows down to a stop and the trio groan in pain. "Hey...are you guys still open?" (Y/n) asked weakly. "Let me guess, last day on the warranty?" The top of the cart falls in.

The paramedic closes the door, and the ambulance drives to the hospital. Inside, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson are on stretchers and there are black belts around them so they won't fall off. The three of them have bandages on them, and Mordecai has a cast on his broken arm, and Benson has one on his broken wrist. "Well Benson, at least we got the cart to the dealership." Mordecai said. "Yeah, but the truck is totaled." Benson said. "When does the warranty on the truck expire?" Rigby asked. "ROAD TRIIIIIP!" The trio shouted.

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