Butt Dial

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(Y/n) and Mordecai are picking up garbage off the living room floor while Rigby is sitting on the couch, playing with (Y/n)'s cell phone. "Man last night was the best. The best." Mordecai said. Rigby taps on the keys of (Y/n)'s phone. "Yeah, it was pretty fun." He said. "I mean, Sam, Margaret and Eileen over for "Game Night", and nothing went wrong. No space portals, no video demons, nobody got hurt." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) laughed. "What's so funny?" Rigby asked. "Nothing, it..." she trails off.

"It's funny how we have to worry about such crazy things like that, that's all." She said. "I mean usually people don't have problems with stuff like space portals, and video demons." She smirks and crosses her arms. "Yeah? Well those people just aren't as cool as we are." Rigby said. "The only problem you two had last night was Eileen and I whipping your butts." Rigby said, and (Y/n) chuckled.

"Whatever, I had fun. Dude, come on, help us out. Benson's not going to let us have people over anymore if we leave this place a mess. And put down my new phone before you break it." (Y/n) said. "Ok, just a sec. I'm making you a new custom wallpaper." Rigby said. The wallpaper shows Mordecai getting flushed down a toilet and says "Captain Toilet", "Loser", while Rigby laughs. Mordecai is displeased, and groans and (Y/n) tries not to laugh. "All right, I'm going to take this stuff to the dump." (Y/n) said. "Heh. You mean you're going take that trash to your face." Rigby said. (Y/n) gives a fake laugh.

"... and gimme my phone." She snatches the phone from Rigby's hands. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood from last night." She said. (Y/n) sets the phone next to her on the seat of the cart, and then drives off. "Doo doo doo! A-hanging with Sam just-a feels so good like I knew it would. Laughing together and-a having a blast. And I hope it lasts forever. I can't believe how hot he is. Makes my insides feel like knotted twists. His handsome face and those long, long legs, and I hope someday we are more than just friends!" There's a long pause.

"Oh, Sam Oh Sam! I love it when you stand or sit right next to me. Can't you see? Your future with me is brighter than the ocean... What? "Brighter than the ocean?" She asked herself. "If you are satisfied with your message, press 1." An operator said. "Huh?' (Y/n) asked. "To delete or re-record your message, press 2." (Y/n) slams the breaks on the cart so hard, it causes the back end of the cart to go up in the air. "No! No! No! Delete! delete! Delete!" (Y/n) shouted. "Message sent. Goodbye." The operator said. "Oh, my...." (Y/n) drives at full speed back to the house. "Rigby! Mordecai! Dudes, its over! He's never gonna talk to me again!" (Y/n) shouted. "Who?" They both asked. "Sam! I was singing about him in the cart, and it recorded it to him voicemail!" She shouted. "Why did you call him in the first place?" Mordecai asked.

"I sat on my phone. It was an accident!" (Y/n) shouted. "You butt dialed him?" Rigby asked, and the duo laugh at her horrible mistake. She then sits on the steps of the porch in disappointment, with her eyes covered beneath her paws. "He must think I'm a total loser!" (Y/n) said. "Come on! It can't be THAT bad!" Rigby said. "Yeah, stop being such a drama queen." Mordecai said. "I sang a song about how hot he was, and how I wanted us to be together forever." (Y/n) said, still with her eyes covered with her paws and the duo cringed. "Okay, that's really bad. But we can fix it!" Rigby said.

Mordecai takes (Y/n)'s phone, and starts tapping on the keypad. "Yeah, I'll just call him, and say the message was for someone else!" He said. The phone starts calling up Sam, and (Y/n) takes the phone from Mordecai. "Dude, no! That'll make it even worse!" She shouted. "Hi, this is Sam." The voice on the other line said. "Oh, hey Sam." (Y/n) said nervously. "I'm at work right now, so leave a message after the beep." The phone beeps, and (Y/n) hangs up. "He's still at work." She said. "Which means he hasn't checked his voicemail yet!" Rigby said. "Dudes... we have to get to his phone and erase that message." (Y/n) said.

The trio slam the breaks on the cart in front of the Coffee Shop, right in back of Sam's car. They jump out and peer through the window. "Okay, there he is." Mordecai said. The trio gasp. "Oh no!" They shouted. Sam picks up a cell phone, looks at it, and then puts it down on a table. "Oooooh! Burned! He saw that you left a message, and didn't even CHECK it! That's cold, man." Rigby said. "Shut up." (Y/n) said. The trio turn away from the window, and discuss the plan. "Okay, Mordecai and I will go in and start talking to him. You go in through the side,

go underneath the table behind him, and swipe his phone." (Y/n) said to Rigby. "Love it!" Rigby looks at his hands. "These hands were MADE for swiping!" He said. The duo go inside, and run down the staircase. "Oh, hey (Y/n)! How's it going? Good to see you too, dude!" Sam said to Mordecai. "Oh, yeah, you too..." Mordecai said awkwardly. (Y/n) overlooks Sam to see Rigby entering through the side.

"Goooooood..." she said. "Hey, I had a really fun time last night." Sam said. "Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah! Me too!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, I thought we made a good team, you and me." Sam said. Mordecai growls slightly and crosses his arms, looking away from the two flirting. He hated whenever Sam flirted with her. Meanwhile Rigby, unsuccessfully tries to swipe the phone from underneath the table. "Uh huh?" (Y/n) asked. "We should do it again soon! Or, you know, it doesn't have to be a game night necessarily, with other people, or anything. It could be... whatever."

By the sound of it, Sam wants to spend time with (Y/n) alone, possibly increasing the relationship between the two, which only angered Mordecai further. "Yeah, right. RIGHT!" (Y/n) puts an emphasis on the second "right" to direct Rigby where the phone is, since Rigby is underneath the table and can't see, and Mordecai snickers. "Righhhhht... Well, just let me know. I'm pretty much up for anything." The phone starts ringing. (Y/n) now has a nervous expression on her face. "Sorry!" (Y/n) is so scared that she slaps Sam's hand, causing the phone to fly through the air. "HEY!" The phone lands in a coffee mug full of coffee, causing sparks to come out of the phone.

The phone then smokes, and then sinks further into the coffee. "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Sam asked. "There was a bug!" (Y/n) said quickly. "What?" Sam asked. "Oh, smooth move, (Y/n)." Mordecai said as he laughs a little. "Got it!" Rigby takes the coffee-soaked phone out of the coffee mug. "Rigby! Where did you-" Sam asked. "Oh no! My phone!" Eileen shouted as she ran over. "Wait, YOUR phone?!" (Y/n) asked, and Mordecai laughs even harder. "Yeah, Eileen told me to watch for calls while she was in the bathroom." Sam said.

"Oh, here." Rigby gives Eileen the coffee-soaked phone. "Gee, thanks..." she said. "Wait, so, can I borrow YOUR phone then?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh, I don't know where I left it. Maybe in my car, or something? I can go check if you want." Sam said. "Oh, no no! We can get it. You're still working and all, so..." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, give us the keys!" Rigby said. Sam gives (Y/n) the keys to his car. "Okay, that's cool. I'm almost done with my shift, so I'll just meet you out there." Sam said. "Cool!" (Y/n) said. The trio search frantically for Sam's phone in his car. At one point, Rigby finds a "Fist Pump" CD, referencing "Caffinated Concert Tickets",

Without any luck, they cannot find the phone. "Aw! It's gotta be in here somewhere!" (Y/n) shouted. "Dude, just butt dial her phone again, and then we can hear where it's ringing from!" Mordecai said, and Rigby bursts into laughter. "Dude, shut... Actually, that's a good idea!" (Y/n) dials Sam's cell phone number on her phone. "It's ringing. Do you hear it?" She asked. The trio look around, but can't find it. The phone picks up. "Helloooooo?" Pops asked. "POPS?!" (Y/n) asked.

Pops is sitting on the couch at the house eating a creamsicle. "(Y/n), hello! I was just eating this frozen ice lolly, when all of the sudden, this magical telephone thing started ringing!" Pops said. "Sam must have left his phone at the house last night!" (Y/n) said. "Ask him what flavor he is eating!" Rigby said. "Pops, stay where you are, don't move, got it?" (Y/n) asked. "Oooh, I love this game!" Pops stays completely still while his creamsicle is melting.

"Okay, we need to get back to the house before-" (Y/n) began, but Sam interrupts the two. "Hey guys! Did you find my phone?" He asked. "Uhhh..." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, back at the house!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) punches Rigby in the back. "OW!" Rigby shouted. "Great! I'll go pick it up!" Sam said. "No! We can get it for you! I mean, the park is so far out of your way!" Mordecai said. "No, I don't mind. Besides, I'm the one that left it there!" Sam said. "Fine. Heh heh. We'll see you there!" (Y/n) said. (Y/n) drags the duo with her, and dashes to the cart.

"Okay, I'll see you..." (Y/n) does a donut with the cart, and peels out of the street, and around the corner, leaving Sam. "... there?" Sam is now suspicious. Meanwhile, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are driving the cart at full speed trying to get to the house as fast as possible before Sam arrives. "Dude! Slow down!" Rigby shouted, while holding on to the hood of the cart. "No! He can't hear that message!" (Y/n) shouted. "Then take the shortcut!" Rigby points to his left. (Y/n) drives the cart off an embankment, and drops down to the dirt road below. She then drives full speed over the bridge over the river, flying through the air,

and then uses the restroom roof as a ramp to get back on the ground, tearing the shackles off the roof in the process. (Y/n) then jumps a hill, flying through the air again, and then lands in the driveway of the house. They then charge into the house, and swipe the phone from Pops, still sitting on the couch with his creamsicle completely melted. "Thanks Pops!" (Y/n) said. "One new voice message. Please input password." A voice said. "PASSWORD?!" The trio asked. "Uhhhh, Coffee!" (Y/n) enters "COFFEE" into the phone. It is incorrect.

"Incorrect. You have one more attempt." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby gasp, as they look out the window to see Sam pulling into the driveway in his car. "Dude, hurry!" Mordecai shouted. "Uhhhhh... what could it be?!" (Y/n) asked. "Music! He likes Fist Pump!" Rigby shouted. (Y/n) enters "FISTPUMP" into the phone. Once again, it is incorrect. "Incorrect. You have no more attempts. Any further attempts will be penalized." The trio grunt, Meanwhile, Sam is coming out of his car. "Dude! He's almost here! Try something!" Mordecai said. "Uhhhhhh..." (Y/n) types in her name, Unfortunately, it is incorrect once again. "Too many attempts. You will now be penalized." The voice said. "Wait, what?" Rigby asked. The trio then get sucked into the phone.

"Did I win?" Pops asked. The trio get pixelated, and are being transported to somewhere, screaming. Then they landed in the Virtual Messaging Control Center. "Ughhhh..." the three said. "Get up." The Answering Machine asked. "What the? Where are we?" (Y/n) asked. "You have landed in the Virtual Messaging Control Center. We are the keepers of the voice mail. Guardians of all messages throughout history." The Answering Machine replied. Spotlights shine on five objects, who are apparently characters. These characters include Smoke Signal

(who is a blanket over fire), a message in a bottle, an answering machine, a spool of thread, and a chalkboard. "Whoaaaaaa..." the trio said. "Because of your excessive attempts, you have violated password law, and you are charged for trying to hack into someone's account." The Answering Machine said. "What?! I didn't think that warning was real!" (Y/n) shouted. "Oh, it's very real!" The Answering Machine shouted. "Burn them! Burn them!" The Smoke Signal shouted.

"What?!" (Y/n) asked in fear. "Settle down, we're not going to burn them. Since when have we burned anybody?" Smoke Signal lets out a puff of smoke in disappointment. "We will erase them... from existence." The Answering Machine takes out film from a tape in his mouth, and is ready to hit the "Erase" button on his body. "What?!" The trio asked. Meanwhile, Sam is knocking at the door.

Pops then answers. "Oh, Sam, hello!" Pops said. "Hey Pops! I came to pick up my phone." Sam said. "Oh, so it was YOUR phone that (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby got sucked into?" Pops asked. "Surrrrrrrre.... so, have you seen my phone?" Sam asked. "Yes, come in, come in!" Pops said. Meanwhile the three are still trapped in the Virtual Messaging Control Center. "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" The trio screamed. "We can explain!" (Y/n) shouted. "Proceed with your message." The Answering Machine said.

"Okay, so I accidentally recorded this message on a boy, Sam's phone." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, and we were just trying to delete it before he heard it!" Rigby shouted. "But why not let this person hear the message?" The Spool of Thread. "Because SHE'LL die of embarrassment!" Rigby shouted. "Embarrassment?" The Spool of Thread asked. "Yeah, look. Sam and I have a really complicated relationship." (Y/n) said. "Relationship?" The Spool of Thread asked. "Are you just repeating everything we say?" (Y/n) asked in annoyance. "Aw! We don't have time for this! Can you please delete the message?" Mordecai asked. "It's over there!" Pops said.

"Thanks, Pops!" Sam picks up the phone off the ground. The phone makes a beep noise. "Oh, hey. I have a message!" He said. Sam goes for the "Open" command. Meanwhile back at the VMCC, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hear a beeping noise. "Someone is accessing the voice mail system." The Spool of Thread. "Oh no. Please, I'm begging you, please delete that message!" (Y/n) shouted "Input Password." Sam punches in the password, showing that "COOL DUDE" was the correct password, and Rigby snorts. "Hm hm. Saw that one coming." Rigby said.

"Phone user!" The Answering Machine said. "Uh, yes? Who is this?" Sam asked. "We intercepted three frauds trying to access your voicemail without your permission." The Answering Machine said. "The one who claims to have a complicated relationship with you." The Spool of Thread said. "Don't listen to them, Sam!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yeah, these guys are crazy!" Rigby shouted. "Yeah!" Mordecai shouted. "(Y/n)? Mordecai? Rigby? Wait, you tried to hack into my phone?!" Sam asked. "It was an accident! We didn't know it was YOUR phone!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Yeah, right!" Sam said. "Well, we did know, but..." (Y/n) said. "But what? I can't believe you would do something like that! I TOTALLY misjudged you!" Sam shouted. "(Y/n), just come clean already." Rigby said, and she grunts. "Okay, look. So I sat on my phone, and accidentally-" (Y/n) said. "She called you with her butt!" Rigby grins, but (Y/n) slaps him. "Ow!" He shouted.

"Yeah. So I accidentally left you a voicemail with me singing this dumb song." (Y/n) is scratching her neck. "It is really embarrassing. So we tried to erase it before you heard it." (Y/n) said. "You what? I want to hear the message!" Sam said. "Wait, Sam, pease!" (Y/n) shouted. "No, I want to hear it." Sam said. "Play the message!" The Answering Machine said. "New message." "A-hanging with Sam just-a feels so good like I knew it would. Laughing together and-a having a blast. And I hope it lasts forever!"

(Y/n) face palms. "Oh god..." she said. Pops has a shocked expression on his face since he is hearing this. "I can't believe how hot he is! Makes my insides feel like knotted twists!" Pops drops down to the ground, disgusted about what he heard. (Y/n) has her paws over her face. Rigby and Mordecai have a disgusted face and glance at each other. "His handsome face and those long, long legs. And I hope someday, we are more than just friends!" "Eugh! It's worse than I thought!" Rigby said. "You can say that again." Mordecai said. "Shut up!" (Y/n) shouted.

Everybody at the VMCC is grooving to the message. "Oh, Sam. Oh, Sam. Do you remember last night when our hands touched? We were grabbing for the dice and you were laughing and such..." (Y/n) groans in disbelief. "Not bad!" The Spool of Thread said. The chalkboard writes "CATCHY" "Take one role, then take a chance on me. And maybe then you'll see how perfect we can be. Together you and me for all eternity!" (Y/n) is covering her ears. "Euugh! Could you please just erase me?" (Y/n) asked.

"Okay. Maybe that's a long, long time. But a girl can dream, can't I?" Sam pauses the message, and laughs hysterically. "Okay, stop! I heard enough!" Sam laughs again. "Like knotted twists?!" Sam laughs. "That's TOO good!" He said. "At least he doesn't hate you!" Rigby said. "Would you like us to erase these hackers now?" The Answering Machine asked. "Hmmm... nah. I think they learned their lesson!" Sam said. "Very well. You're free to go. A door with an "EXIT" sign comes out of the ground.

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby smile looking at their way out, but then, the Answering Machine talks to them again. They then turn around at him. "But you could stay if you'd like. We're thinking of forming a band!" The Answering Machine said, and (Y/n) chuckles. "Oh, yeah, we'll give you a call." She said. "Cool, just leave a message, and we'll get it." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby leave. "Oh wait. I didn't give them my number..." the trio drop on the ground out of the phone. They are grunting in pain. "Hooray! Good show!" Pops said. "Hey. HEY! We made it! Thanks, Sam." Rigby said.

"No problem, dude!" Sam said. " Yeah, thanks Sam." Mordecai said. "Sure thing!" Sam said. There is a moment of silence. Rigby looks around with his eyes half closed. "Hey, Pops. Mordecai and I need to show you something in the other room." He could possibly be making up an excuse so (Y/n) and Sam can talk in private. "Oooh! I love being shown things!" Pops said. The three leave the room. "So, heh." (Y/n) said. "So." Sam said. "So, you could go ahead and delete the message now." (Y/n) said. "Oh, no! That song is WAY to good to lose!" Sam said. "What?! Come on!" (Y/n) said. "No actually, I'm going to set it to be your personal ringtone." Sam said. "You're kidding, right?" (Y/n) asked. "Nope. That way I can hear you singing every time you call me. So you better call me." Sam said. "Oh. Uh, okay! I'll try to use my fingers next time, and not my butt!" Sam slams the door. "Rad."

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