Dumped at the Altar

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At Pops' house, (Y/n) is opening a soda and she gives it to Mordecai. "Hmmm." Mordecai sips his drink. "So, how are things with Rigby now that Sam's admitted he has feelings for you and keeps trying to get you back?" He asked. "Oh, it's been..." (Y/n) then sighs. "I don't know. I mean, I don't have feelings for Sam anymore. I feel like that was such a long time ago, you know? Sure I was heartbroken at first when Sam couldn't be my boyfriend and went off to college, but you and Rigby helped me get over that, but not long after, I developed a crush on Thomas. I'm pretty sure he's always had one on me,

considering how awkward he was around me all the time. I actually had planned to ask him out eventually, but then that whole 'him actually being a Russian spy and kidnapping me' thing happened, and then he had to leave, so I never really had a chance to ask him out." (Y/n) said. "When were you planning on it?" Mordecai asked curiously. "Shortly before he revealed his true self and intentions to me." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai cringes. "Yikes..." Mordecai said. "I'll admit I was surprised. So surprised I didn't even want to believe it. I didn't at first. I didn't believe anything he told me.

And I still don't believe that I have these magical abilities that he was claiming that I have either. It just... can't be possible. He must have just had me mixed up with someone else." (Y/n) said. "Uh... yup! Mixed you up with someone else, that's... I'm pretty sure that's what happened." Mordecai said quickly. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at him, then sighs. "Anyway, even after all of that happened, for some reason, I still had that protective feeling for him, especially once Natalia started abusing him, it just brought back bad memories." (Y/n) said.

"Oh... you mean by what GBF. JR did to Thomas." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) nods, then remembered GBF. JR grabbing Thomas and threatening to kill him in front of her. She growls slightly from the memory, but then calms herself. "But then since the whole Thomas thing didn't work out, I started to realize my feelings for Rigby, which is why I confessed at the Christmas party, despite Thomas being there too since I knew he was just visiting. If Thomas is going to be on the run most of the time, a relationship between the two of us could never work." (Y/n) sighs. "I get it." Mordecai said. (Y/n) looks down sadly, and Mordecai sighs. "Well, I'll say this, (Y/n). I know for a fact how happy Rigby has been since the two of you became official, despite Sam returning and the things that have happened between the two of you.

I know you're still heartbroken over Thomas, but you gotta move on. I'm sure you and Rigby can make each other happy." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) smiles. "Thanks Mordecai, I-" suddenly her phone rang and she answers it. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey (Y/n)!" Rigby said cheerfully. "What's up?" (Y/n) asked. "Mmm, not much. How are you?" Rigby asked. "Good, good." (Y/n) said. Mordecai groans with an eye roll, cringing at the two's interaction. "Do we have a lot to do today?" Rigby asked.

"Yeah. Muscle Man's wedding is tonight, so we're gonna be pretty busy." (Y/n) said. "Oh..." Rigby said. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." (Y/n) said. "Definitely. I'll see you tomorrow." Rigby said, then hung up. "See? It's awkward." (Y/n) said. "Well, what're you gonna do?" Mordecai asked. "I dunno. It's fine." (Y/n) said. "Dude!" Mordecai scolded. "I'm fine, what?" (Y/n) asked. Mordecai crosses his arms. "Ok, you're fine." He said. The next morning at Pops' house, the groundskeepers are gathered at the front. "Ok, Muscle Bro's on his way with the tuxes. Skips, you've got the ice sculpture covered?" Benson asked. Skips rolls out the ice sculpture; it is Muscle Man and Starla's heads lip-locking in a horn of plenty. Muscle Man gasps.

"Our horn of plenty!" He said. Benson spins his pen. "Let's see, what else?" Muscle Man stands up. "Can I just take a minute to tell you guys something? If you were to ask me to assemble a team of the best wedding planners I could find, a team more potent than the sum of its parts, each wheel turning...independently...yet together..." Muscle Man breaks down crying, and smashes the sculpture. "Whoa, Muscle Man!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Pops and Hi Five Ghost said.

"Oh no bro, oh no! I'm sorry! I didn't think I'd be this emotional, but it's been a wild ride since about 4 in the morning!" Muscle Man said. "Don't worry about it, Muscle Man." Skips gets a replica of the sculpture. "We expected this." He said. Muscle Man wipes a tear. "You guys..." he yells in happiness. "I meant what I said about the..." He feels another breakdown, but Benson comes to stop him and laughs. "Alright. Let's get this guy married, people!" He said. Later at the Parkside Lux, inside, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are setting up the chairs. "57, 58." (Y/n) holds her arms out to catch the next folding chair. "58...Dude!" She said. Rigby is covered in chairs, pretending to shoot guns. He falls back into the pile of folding chairs and laughs. "Man, come on. Why do you always do that?" Mordecai asked. (Y/n)'s phone rings again, and she fumbles with it.

Rigby gets up. "Oh, man." He grabs a folding chair and goes up to Mordecai. (Y/n) turns away and answers her phone. "Heey, Sam." She said. "Sam? Is he coming to the wedding too?" Rigby asked. "Go away!" (Y/n) said, and Sam laughs. "I am coming to the wedding." He said. "Sorry, Rigby was just not setting up chairs." (Y/n) said. "That actually sounds a lot better than what Margaret and Eileen are doing." Sam said. Starla is being prepped for the wedding.

"Starla's turning out to be a pretty high-maintenance bride. Or so I've heard." Sam said. "Ugh! I feel like a stuffed sausage! Where's Eileen with my Gas-Begone?!" Starla asked. Eileen frustratingly storms in with an iced coffee. "You asked me to go get you an iced coffee!" She sighs, places the iced coffee down, and storms out. "I should run. But I just wanted to say sorry for what happened on our double date. I apologize to Rigby too. I didn't mean to make things weird, it's just-" Sam said. "Yeah, yeah, it's cool." (Y/n) said. "Well, see you at the wedding." (Y/n) looks back and is shocked at something. "Rigby?! Mordecai?!" She asked. "This is the complete opposite of setting up chairs!" (Y/n) said.

"I tried telling him that." Mordecai said. "Yeah, but now who dropped out of art school?" Rigby fired back at him. Later on, Sam arrives for the wedding and sees Mordecai, (Y/n) and Rigby standing by the doors. "Sam, hey!" (Y/n) greeted as he arrives. "Hey. I really like your...shoes. Uh, w-what would you call those? Dress shoes?" Sam asked the chipmunk, and Rigby glares, crossing his arms. "You look really nice." Sam said.

"These old rags? Are you an usher? How about ushing me to my seat?" Sam asked, taking his arm out. (Y/n) glances at Rigby who didn't look very happy. "Uh, you can just sit wherever or whatever." (Y/n) said. "Okay." Sam shrugs, then walks away. Rigby looks grateful that (Y/n) didn't try to get more time with Sam again this time, and Mordecai sighs with relief, and just then, Anna arrives. "Hey, it's good to see you. Wow, you look amazing." Mordecai said to Anna, and she blushes. "Thank you." She said. "Heh, this is gonna be fun. It's gonna be good. You know, there's a separate deep-fryer for each table." Mordecai said as he leads her in. "What? That's not acceptable. I'm gonna need my own!" Anna joked, and the duo laugh. "Mordecai, come in!" Benson said. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked, taking out his walkie talkie "Things are really bad. We need backup now!" Benson shouted.

Time Skip

Muscle Man grabs curtains from a window furiously, about to smash them into another window, when (Y/n) quickly stops him. "Dude, what's going on?" She asked. "It's my wedding day, and I don't have a letter!" Muscle Man shouted. "A letter?" Rigby asked. "From Muscle Dad." Benson said. "There's no way he would've forgotten to leave me a letter for the most important day of my life!" Muscle Man shouted. "Did you look in your trailer?" Rigby asked. "Are you kidding me right now, Rigby?" Muscle Man angrily throws a chair at the wall, causing the wall to break. "Married and broke won't cover damages, Muscle Man!" Benson shouted. "Muscle Man, why don't you sit down? I'll get you some electrolytes, okay? (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby will go find your letter for you." Fives said as he puts a shoulder around Muscle Man to calm him and walks him away from the trio. "Yeah, okay." Muscle Man said.

Fives then looks back at them. "Write it yourselves if you have to, but do not come back without that letter!" Fives shouted. Later, the trio is looking through his trailer. "Nothin'." Mordecai said as he looks under the sofa. (Y/n) looks through a trash pile along with Rigby. Rigby takes out a moldy sandwich, and a bat flies out of it, and Rigby squeals, causing (Y/n) to giggle. "Of course he couldn't find that letter! This place is a sty!" Rigby said. "He won't get married without it, so just keep looking! Ugh! I want to get this dumb day over with. I'm gonna look over here." Mordecai walks away, and (Y/n) and Rigby share a suspicious glance.

"You okay, dude? You seem a little on edge. You and Anna." Rigby said. "What about us?" Mordecai asked. "You decide what you're gonna do yet?" (Y/n) asked. "What's to decide? I'm with Anna. We're happy. It's good." Mordecai said. "Uh-huh." Rigby said. "What? I said it's fine! Just leave it! Besides, no offense, dude, but you and (Y/n) have been having trouble since you started dating." Mordecai said. "Only because of Sam! We'd be fine if he didn't keep making things so weird! It's like he's STILL trying to get with (Y/n), despite her admitting she's not into him anymore, and despite the fact he literally ditched her after she asked him to be her boyfriend, which was a pretty crappy thing to do, and then on top of that

He expects her to be ready to jump right back into their relationship once he gets back, like she's not allowed to move on and find someone else! And despite me TRYING to make things right with the guy, UGH! I STILL hate him! I've tried to like him at this point, I've really tried! But if he's going to keep trying to get (Y/n) back even though we're together, what does that really say about him? I think I was right about him from the beginning about him just not being a good person!"

Rigby shouted, surprising (Y/n) and Mordecai. (Y/n) and Mordecai look at each other worriedly, then (Y/n) puts a paw on Rigby's right shoulder. "Don't worry, Rigby, even with this whole Sam thing going on right now, I promise I won't leave you. Mordecai's told me that you've been really happy since we started dating, and I have too. Sam won't get between us, I promise." Rigby smiles at her. The duo then look at Mordecai. "Look Mordecai, we've been really happy, and we think you deserve to be happy too, man." Rigby said. "We're not gonna tell you what to do, but I will say, I know you, and I think you should go with your gut for once." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah, look at me. I never think things through, and my life rules!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) giggles. "Ah, sweet, chocolate milkshake!" Rigby said, finding a random cup in the pile. "Ew, don't drink that!" (Y/n) said, taking it from him. "Aw..." Rigby said, and Mordecai snickers. "It seems like (Y/n)'s more like your mother than your girlfriend." He joked, and the duo glare at him. "Haha, very funny." Rigby said sarcastically. "A ringtone! Pick up your phone!" The trio's voice sung as Mordecai takes his phone out. "Ugh, didn't we make that like three years ago?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah man, you really need to change that." Rigby agreed. Mordecai glares at them before answering. "Hey, Fives. How much time do we have?" He asked. "Uh..." Fives said. "I do!" Starla said. "And do you?" Pops asked Muscle Man. "Not much." Fives said. "Ugh! With all this junk everywhere, it could take us years to find this stupid letter!" Rigby angrily kicks a speaker, and a trash pile placed on it falls on him and he screams. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) and Mordecai shouted, quickly running over and pulling out as much trash as they could. (Y/n) finds him and pulls him out. Rigby sees he's holding a dirty bag with flies around it and gags, keeping it away from him, until he looks inside and finds the letter, then gasps. "(Y/N)! Mordecai!" He shouted. "That's it! Let's go!" (Y/n) said. "...as long as you both shall live?"

Pops asked, finishing his speech to Muscle Man. He looks nervous. "Uh, I... I can't!" He shouted, and everyone gasps. "Mitch?" Starla asked. "I'm sorry, babe, but this is the biggest moment of my life, and I just can't go through with it until I talk to my dad!" Muscle Man shouted, as if on cue, the trio burst through the doors and ran over. "We got it! We got it!" (Y/n) shouted, holding the letter.

"I knew I could count on you, bros!" Muscle Man grabs the letter. "To Muscle Son on his w-- His w--" Muscle Man falls and starts crying. "I feel too much! You got to read it for me!" Muscle Man said. "Me? Uh, I don't know." Mordecai said, and Muscle Man starts crying. "Okay, okay." Mordecai clears his throat. "To Muscle Son on his wedding day." He began. "Son, if you're reading this letter, you've accomplished something very tough. You found yourself a copilot to help navigate the highway of life. You do your old Muscle Dad proud. Knowing you hitched the right trailer to the right rig is no easy feat. In any relationship, it's normal to have doubts, but when you find yourself wondering if you made the right choice, remember the old Sorenstein rule. "Trust your gut."

Mordecai gasps, he looks over at (Y/n), then sees Anna smiling at him in the crowd.  "It was your gut that told you you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this woman, and it's the same gut that still fills up with butterflies when you make her smile. The Sorensteins have big guts for a reason, son. That ain't fat in there. It's wisdom. Good luck on your journey, Muscle Son. Your dad, Muscle Dad." Mordecai read. Muscle Man cries tears of joy. "Thanks, Dad. Pops, let's do this!" Muscle Man said.

"Do you, Muscle-" Pops began, but was suddenly interrupted. "Muscle Dad is right! Finding the right person is hard. For a while, I've been telling myself there's no such thing as soul mates, but now I'm not so sure. Look at Muscle Man and Starla. It's like they were designed for each other. So where's my soul mate? Are they in this room? It could be anyone. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's that really old lady. I don't know." Mordecai said.  "Why are you talking?" Benson asked angrily. "Oh, uh, right. My point is, I..." Rigby and (Y/n) exchange glances. "Uh, uh, I don't know if there's one perfect person for me, but I know for a long time, I've been ignoring my gut.

I didn't wanna hurt anyone, but instead of saving their feelings, it's made everyone around me miserable." Mordecai said, and Anna glares at him. "Anna, I need to tell you—" she suddenly stands up. "Mordecai, just stop! I know what you're gonna say, so save it." Tears fill her eyes. "I know you're still in love with (Y/n)! But I really like you, so I thought I'd give you a chance, but if you're really this dead set on being with (Y/n) why even date me in the first place?" Anna asked. "I—" Mordecai tried to explain. Anna then runs off crying. "Anna!"  Mordecai shouted.

"Anna!" (Y/n) quickly ran after her sister. "(Y/n)!" Rigby followed quickly after. "Yo, Mordo, if you're finished hijacking my wedding, is it okay if we get married now?" Muscle Man asked. "The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can start up these fryers!" Muscle Man said. "Oh, uh, sorry." Mordecai said. "I do." Muscle Man said. Multiple foods are dropped into friers, and later everyone dances to the music. Benson yells happily. More food is fried, and a small grease explosion occurs. A chicken flies out, and smashes Benson's car. "No!" He shouted, running out. (Y/n) and Rigby see Mordecai talking with Anna. "So when I said "Go with your gut," did you hear "Completely lose your mind and try to dump your girlfriend at a wedding"? That seemed to be the option you went with." (Y/n) said.

Mordecai sighs deeply. "(Y/n), I'm sorry, it's just-" "just what?" (Y/n) demanded angrily. "What excuse do you have for humiliating my sister like that?!" She asked angrily. Mordecai looks around anxiously. "I... I..." "you what?! Spill it!" (Y/n) shouted. "I STILL love you!" He shouted, and (Y/n) and Rigby gasp. Mordecai crosses his arms. "There, I said it. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He asked. Rigby takes a deep breath. "So let me get this straight. I know that you loved her at first, because at one point we BOTH had to admit our feelings for her at the same time, right? Some time later, we both met Anna at the New Year's party, and it seemed like you actually liked her.

But I had a feeling that the only reason you were actually dating her was just because she was (Y/n)'s sister and she was the closest thing to (Y/n) you were gonna get. I felt bad at first for accusing you of such a thing, but that seems to be the case. And that action you pulled back at Muscle Man's wedding proves it! Not only do you still love her, you're still trying to get together with her and take her from me!" Rigby shouted, and tears of betrayal began to fall from his eyes. "What?! No, that's not what happened at all!" Mordecai said.

"Oh yeah?! Then what was that whole soul mate speech?!" Rigby shouted, getting angrier. "You were clearly trying to indicate that (Y/n)'s your soul mate!" Rigby shouted. "That's not true!" Mordecai said. "You know, I thought you were being supportive, but you're just as bad as Sam if you're gonna pull a move like that." Rigby said. Rigby begins to walk away. "Rigby wait!" Mordecai called, and Rigby stops, but didn't turn back to look at him. "Why don't you just try to see things from MY point of view for a second?!

Imagine being in love with one of your best friends, only for them to fall for the other. How would that make you feel?" Mordecai asked, and Rigby sighs deeply. "I'd feel heartbroken, but at least I wouldn't try to steal her from my best friend!" Rigby said. "Rigby, I... I'm sorry." Mordecai said. "Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" Rigby said, as tears began to fall from his eyes, he then turns back to him. "I HATE you!" Rigby storms off, leaving Mordecai in shock, but that didn't compare at all to what (Y/n) says next. "Mordecai," he slowly turns to her. "I will never love you." She quickly ran off, leaving him alone. He had just lost both of his best friends.

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