Firework Run

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A firework is shooting up in the air and exploding. "Muscle Man, there is no way you're gonna pull this off." Rigby said. "I swear, I've done it, before." Muscle Man said. "Pffffft." The trio said. "Watch me!" Muscle Man lights up two gun lighters and lights up two fireworks. The two fireworks shoot up in the air, they bump and explode. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost watch the fireworks. "Whooooa..." Mordecai, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost said. "Oh, wow." Rigby said. The tiny spark from the fireworks itself lights up all the fireworks. They look back, and then the fireworks explode. All of the fireworks goes up and explode all at the same time. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and

Hi-Five Ghost look at the fireworks in shock, while all of this is going on, Benson appears on the scene, enraged. Benson looks in horror at the fireworks exploding, and the grand finale explodes with the words "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!" Benson turns red, livid by what he has seen, he gets out the cart and goes up to them.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!" Benson shouted. "Uh oh..." (Y/n) said. "We were just..." Muscle Man said. "WHY WOULD YOU LIGHT OFF ALL THE FIREWORKS BEFORE THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR?!?!" Benson shouted. "Just hang on now,

Benson. I know this looks bad, but I can fix it." Muscle Man said. "Fix it?! FIX WHAT?!?! YOU JUST RUINED THE 4TH OF JULY!!!!" Benson shouted. "I know, I know. Just hear me out. I know a guy who's got the hook up on cheap fireworks." Muscle Man said. "I DON'T WANT CHEAP FIREWORKS!!!! THAT STUFF YOU JUST BLEW UP WAS TOP OF THE LINE!!!!!" Benson shouted. "Benson, trust me. This guy's stuff is quality. I'll pay for it out of my own pocket." Muscle Man said. "Alright, fine! But if you guys aren't back before the show starts at sundown,

YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!" Benson shouted. Benson drives away, still fuming. "Ugh! Way to go, Muscle Man!" (Y/n) said angrily. "Dude, you better to be able to get those fireworks." Mordecai said. "Don't worry, we'll get 'em." The quartet are now at a desert where the gang are driving the cart and a sign reading "SOUTH OF THE LINE" features the mascot eating chile rellenos. The gang then make the turn into South of the Line. "Dude, no way. Is this where they make South of the

Line Chile Rellenos?" Rigby asked. "Oh, yeah. I heard about those. These are the really spicy ones right?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, my boy Hector runs this place." Muscle Man said. "So they sell fireworks here?" (Y/n) asked skeptically. " Yeah, but it's just a little business he's got goin' on inside. So keep it under DL. Alright, you guys just stay put and don't go anywhere! I'll be right back." Muscle Man said.

Muscle Man leaves the cart, knocks on the door to the warehouse, and whistles. Then a man is seen looking through a peephole. "Are you lookin' for somethin' friend?" The man asked. "Um, I'm here to see Hector. Oh man." The man then brings Muscle Man into the warehouse. A couple of employees are also bringing in (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and HFG. "Let go of us! Dude, what's goin' on!" Rigby asked. "Just keep your mouth shut!" Muscle Man said. A door opens to reveal Hector and a couple of employees. "Hey, Hector." Muscle Man said nervously.

Hector cracks his neck from side to side and laughs. "Muscle Man!" He hugs Muscle Man. "It's good to see you, mi hermano! Why don't you never come to visit me, huh?" He asked. "I...." Muscle Man said. "Who are your friends?" Hector asked. "Oh it's just a couple of...friends from The Park." Hector said. "Oh. Well, welcome...friends from The Park." Hector laughs. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and HFG nervously say Nice to meet you. Hector's employees bring him a chair, and he sits on it. "So, tell me. To what do I owe this pleasure? Ah, let me guess!

You're here for some of the world's spiciest chile rellenos!" Hector said. "Oh, thanks Hector. But, we were actually wondering if we could get some...fireworks." Muscle Man said. "Some what?" Hector asked. "Um...just some fireworks." Muscle Man said. "I don't think I heard him correctly.

Did you hear what he just said?" Hector asked his employees. "He said fireworks." One of them replied. "Oh, fireworks." He screams in anger, and throws the chair at the wall, and yells at Muscle Man. "YOU COME HERE ASKIN' ME FOR FIREWORKS ON THE FOURTH OF JULY?!!" He shouted.

"Look, we screwed up and blew all of our fireworks by accident." Muscle Man said. "So you think you can just come to your uncle Hector and then bear you out huh?! I understand people make mistakes, and I'm a reasonable man." Hector calls for the person with the fireworks. A forklift came with a crate and Hector opens it, revealing fireworks. "Does this please you?" He asked. "Oh yeah." Mordecai, Rigby, and HFG said, but (Y/n) felt suspicious about all of this.

"That's perfect. Thank you, Hector." Muscle Man said. " Then hand it over." Muscle Man hands him an envelope. He looks in it and is in shock. "Where is the rest?" Hector asked. "What do you mean? It's all there." Muscle Man said. "But these are last minute fireworks, it's gonna cost you double!" Hector said. "But that is all we have!" Muscle Man said. "It's one box minimum.

You can't afford it, then get out of my place of business!" Hector said. Rigby points to El Diablo. "How 'bout you just give us that one big one over there." He said. A a firework is displayed in a glass case. "Rigby!" (Y/n) scolded. Hector laughs. "You want to buy El Diablo? Let me tell you a little story about El Diablo. It has been prophesied that if it is ever lit it will kill me, so no it is not for sale!" Muscle Man pushes the people behind him and jumps onto Hector's leg.

"C'mon, Hector, please, you gotta hook us up with the fireworks! We'll do anything!" He said. "Ahh!" Hector shakes Muscle Man off his leg. "Get off of me you filthy dog! Alright! You want the fireworks so bad!" Hector takes out a package from his pocket, and tosses it to Muscle Man. "Here! If you deliver this package with no questions asked, I will give you that box of fireworks!" He said. "Oh, thank you, Hector! Thank you!" Muscle Man said. The quartet go to another part of the desert where the gang drives up to a business with a few men outside sitting at a table.

"Alright. Let's do this. The gang gets off the cart as a man walks up with a shotgun. "Get behind us, (Y/n). Now." Rigby said with an unusually firm voice. Her eyes widened and she was about to protest when Muscle Man looks at her and nods in agreement with Rigby. She sighs and stands behind the trio. "Can I help you?" The man asked. "We're here to deliver a package for Armando." Muscle Man knocks on the door. "What's the matter with you?! I got a caller in here! You're costing me money!" He opens the door. "What?!" He asked. "Armando." Muscle Man said.

"Package delivery from Hector." Muscle Man said. "Oh!" He takes the package. "Then come on in!" The gang goes inside. "Just wait here for a minute. I got something for you to deliver to Hector." The door closes behind him. "Uh... we kinda have to get going." Mordecai said. "Yeah, have a seat!" The gang sits down on the couch. He closes the door to the factory, and yells "Keep going ladies why are you so lazy?!" A dog walks up to the gang with a chile relleno in his mouth and growls.

"Nice doggy!" Fives said. "Forget this I'm going to find this dude." Rigby said. "Rigby, wait!" (Y/n) said. "Dude! No! Don't!" The others shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai, Muscle Man, and HFG go after Rigby, who opens the door to the factory. "Whoa!" The scene reveals workers working in the factory making 'South of the Line' chile rellenos, Armando rips the paper on the side of the package and the words gun powder is shown, and pours gunpowder in the chile rellenos.

"They're putting gunpowder in the South of the Line chile rellenos!" Rigby shouted. "I told you to wait!" Armando whistles and the gang are bagged up by his employees. "Dude, what's goin' on?!" Rigby asked. A car labeled 'South of the Line' on the back window drops off the gang. They are unbagged as they are chained to a bench. "Tisk, Tisk, Tisk! Looks like somebody stopped their noses somewhere they don't belong!" Hector said. "Let us go!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Hector, we can explain!" Muscle Man said. "No! Let me explain something to you, amigo. The FDA allows 0% gunpowder in each chile relleno. Do you know how much gunpowder is in each South of the Line chile relleno? 500%!" The gang gasps. "We're not gonna tell the FDA, Hector!" Muscle Man shouted. "I know you're not gonna tell the FDA." Hector takes out chile rellenos. "'Cuz we're gonna blow you into a million little Muscle Man pieces!" He laughs. "NO!" (Y/n) panicked. "Hector, you don't have to do this!" Mordecai shouted.

"Oh don't worry! It's no trouble really!" He laughs. He lights up the chile rellenos with a gun lighter. "Happy Fourth of July!" He laughs. Hector and his employees go into another room where they watch the gang through a window. Hector laughs as the gang struggles to break free. "Muscle Man," Mordecai struggles to break free. "How do you even know this guy?!" He asked. "You gotta help us get out of here!" (Y/n) panicked. "Yeah! You got us into this Muscle Man!" Rigby shouted.

"What are we gonna do?!" Fives asked. Hector is still watching through the window, while eating a chile relleno and chuckling evilly. "I got an idea, follow my lead! Stand!" The gang stands up with the bench. "Now turn around!" The gang turns around. "Let's stop them!" One of his employees is trying to find the right key. "C'mon! C'mon!" The chile rellenos explode and the blast shatters the bench into pieces, unchaining the gang in the process. "Let's go!" (Y/n) said.

"Give me the keys!" Hector struggles to unlock the door. "AAAHH!" Rigby grabs El Diablo from the glass case and runs out of the door. "Let's go! Let's go!" Hector finally unlocks the door. "Get them!" Muscle Man picks up a chile relleno and locks the door and uses a broom to jam it. He throws the chile relleno through the window and it lands on the other chile relleno. The South of the Line explodes as the gang drive away using the cart. The sun is now setting. "We're not gonna make it!" (Y/n) shouted. "HAAA!" Muscle Man steps on the accelerator and the cart goes faster.

Meanwhile at the park...

"Hey! What's going on? Why aren't they starting yet?" Someone asked. "Yeah! It's sundown." The spectators start to protest. Benson speaks through a microphone. "I'm going to ask you to please remain patient. The fireworks show will commence shortly." Benson moves out of the microphone's range, then screams in anger, unheard by the audience. "I knew I couldn't trust them." Benson said. The cart is shown to have entered the park.

The gang gets off the cart and Muscle Man places El Diablo in the ground. "Where have you guys been? I told you to get here before the show!" Benson shouted. "Sorry it took so long." (Y/n) said. "We're good to go! Rack 'em and stack 'em!" Muscle Man said. Benson snatches the lighter gun from Skips. "Wait, where's the rest of the fireworks?" Benson asked. "That's all we could get." Muscle Man said. "You guys only got one firework?" Benson asked. "That's not just any firework." Rigby said. "This wasn't the deal! You guys were supposed to replace the ones that you set off this morning. That's it, I'm calling it off.

You guys are all fired!" Benson walks back to the microphone about to call off the show. "What?!" Fives asked. "Oh, come on Benson!" Muscle Man said. Hector suddenly arrives, wielding a golden rifle. "Ah-Ah-Ahhh... Hand it over." Benson is scared. He reluctantly gives Hector the gun lighter. "Who are you?!" He asked. "I'm the guy whose business your employees just destroyed. I'm also the guy who's gonna blow you all sky-high with this!" Hector gets a rocket from his pocket and puts it in the rifle. "Starting with you, JEFE." He aims at Benson. Hector activates the gun lighter. "Benson!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "Men! What are we gonna do?"

Muscle Man asked. "I think I got an idea." Mordecai whispers to the others. "Hey Hector! Your Chile Rellenos are the least spicy Chile Rellenos in the world." He then shouted. Hector stops from lighting the rocket. "WHAT?!" He asked. "Yeah! They're not even world-renowned!" Rigby shouted. "Nobody's even heard about them, Hector!" Muscle Man shouted. "Yeah, they stink!" (Y/n) shouted. Fives sprouts his two hands. "And...all the people who have heard about them,

don't even think they're spicy." He said. "South of the Line Chile Rellenos... are the spiciest... most world-renowned..." he begins raising his voice. "CHILE RELLENOS... IN THE WORLD!" He lights up the rocket and shoots it at the gang. "NOW!" Mordecai shouted. The rocket hits El Diablo and some Chile Rellenos, which sets off El Diablo. "NO, THE PROPHECY!!!!"

El Diablo shoots to the sky and a firework version of the South of the Line mascot appears in the sky. Everyone cheers as the mascot starts to spangle. The gang and Hector look up in the sky. Everyone cheers as the mascot starts to spangle. The gang and Hector look up in the sky.

"She's even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined." The mascot repeatedly fires his revolvers as everyone cheers, then he turns to Hector. "Hector." "NOOOOO!!!" As he retreats, the mascot drops his revolvers, grabs his shotgun and starts shooting a firework at Hector. As Hector continues running away, the firework sends him flying up in the air, screaming. The mascot then repeatedly pumps his shotgun and shoots fireworks at Hector. The mascot then pumps his shotgun one more time and shoots one last firework at Hector. "No!" The last firework sends him back to the warehouse as he's screaming and falling.

He and the South of the Line sign explode, killing him, as the fireworks starts to spangle. The spectators and the gang cheer. "Hahahahaha. Alright, you guys, somehow you managed to top last year's firework show, so I'm guess I'm not gonna fire you." Benson said. "Alright! Yeah! Yes! Alright." Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost said. But (Y/n) knew there was a catch to this. "In fact, I'm putting you four in charge of a very special job." Benson said. "Oh, cool. What special job?" Rigby asked. "In 3...2...1..." (Y/n) said quietly to herself. "REPLACING THE THREE FOOTBALL FIELDS WORTH OF GRASS YOU JUST BURNT!!!" He and Skips walk away. "Don't worry, I know a guy who's got the hook up on real cheap sod." Muscle Man said. "Maybe we should've let the guy shoot him." (Y/n) said.

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