Fortune Cookie

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The park workers are at a Chinese restaurant, celebrating Benson's streak of good luck. They are all sitting at a table. "I'm glad you could all join me for brunch today." Benson said. "What's the occasion?" Pops asked. "Do you even have to ask, Pops? It's to celebrate my amazing streak of good luck." Benson said. "Good luck?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, don't you remember last night?" Benson asked her. "Augh! You only beat me last night because of my bad luck." Rigby said. "No, Rigby, I only beat you because of my good luck, and it's that luck that makes me trust that we're all gonna love this restaurant that none of us have ever even been to." Benson said.

"Yeah!" Everyone said. The waitress appears to give food. "Sui mai, har gow, fung jao..." he said. "I don't know what any of that is, but with my luck, I'm sure it's gonna taste great. We'll take it all! Dig in everyone, dim sum's on me!" The waitress takes the menu and writes on the menu. "Yeah!" The waitresses appear and give everyone their food. Everyone soon finishes their food. "That was delicious." Muscle Man said. "Hey Rigby, where's your food?" (Y/n) asked him with concern.

"Food? He hasn't even brought my water yet." Rigby said. The waiter appears to serve Rigby. "Excuse me? Here is your soup sir." He spills it over Rigby. "I didn't order soup!" Rigby snapped. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll go check on your order." The waiter said. "Don't worry Rigby, I'm sure they'll bring it out eventually." (Y/n) said, she grabs some napkins and tries to help clean the soup off him, but he quickly smacks her hand away. "Oh my gosh, whoa, check it out." Benson is seen holding a pearl while the park workers exclaim in amazement. "Yeah, I just bit into that oyster,

and there it was." Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, and Skips exclaim in amazement. The waiter appears with fortune cookies. "Hey, so can I pay with this?" Benson asked the waiter, referring to the oyster. "Oh, of course, but I don't think we have enough money in the register to make change. Will you take a check?" The waiter asked. "Sure!" Benson said. "Come on!" The waiter laughs.

"I'm telling ya, I can't lose!" Benson gets up and walks away. "I gotta go dry off." Rigby gets up and goes to the bathroom. "Aw what, they're all out of towels?" He asked. "It must be your lucky day sir, the 1000th customer gets a free meal." The waiter said. "All right!" Benson said. "Finally, my fortune cookie's here. At least one good thing will come from this meal." Rigby opens the cookie and sees the fortune. "Aw, what?! "Bad luck is coming your way". Ugh, I can't get a break!" Rigby switches his fortune with Benson's. "What are you doing dude? Hey, that's Benson's cookie! Man, that is not cool, put it back." Mordecai said.

"What's the big deal? They're just fortune cookies, dude. It's not like they're real." (Y/n) said. "Exactly. Besides, Benson will never know. "Good luck is coming your way", that's what I'm talking about." Rigby said. "Oh, we're reading fortunes eh? Okay, lets see what we have here, probably gonna win the lottery or something. Bad luck is coming your way? Ha! Whatever, it will take more than just a slip of paper to break the winning streak I'm having. Come on, let's get out of here." Benson said. The park members except for (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby walk away.

"Rigby, seriously. You need to switch those fortunes back." Mordecai said, but Rigby slaps Mordecai's hand away. "Oh, come on! Benson's been having crazy good luck lately. He won't even know the difference." Rigby walks away from the table. "Besides, it's just a piece of paper, like (Y/n) said." He said. Mordecai and (Y/n) walk away as well. "Yeah.. I guess." Mordecai said. The park workers walk out of the Good Luck Restaurant. "You know what would make that place better? Some fortunes that were actually true." Benson said. A black cat trips Benson over.

Benson stumbles under a ladder and steps on a concrete crack. He knocks his head on a car side mirror and falls down. "Dude, Benson, you okay?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, I'm alright." He replied. Rigby picks up a gold coin. "Alright! It's a bus token!" He said. Skips boards on a nearby bus.

"Come on guys. The bus is here." Pops said. Pops, Mordecai, and Rigby get onto a bus and Benson runs after them. "Nuh-uh. Sorry bro, bus is full. The bus door closes and the bus drives away leaving Benson behind. "That's cool guys! I guess I'll just walk!" The rest of the park members are in the back of the bus. "I told you Benson would never notice. Now we can both be lucky." Rigby said. The thugs approach Benson outside through the back window of the bus. "Yo punk, give us your wallet!" The thugs beat up Benson to the ground.

Rigby gets good luck, which includes beating (Y/n), Mordecai and Muscle Man 3 times in a row at Rock Paper Scissors, receiving free pizza and a drink from a pizza truck, and seizing a dollar note without getting run over, and Benson getting bad luck which includes his bathrobe getting sucked from the janitor and locked out of his room, having coffee spill on him when he goes for a sip, gets shocked when he is almost hit by a pizza truck and stumbles into a tree, which leads him being chased by bees, incidentally knocking down their hive, and having his car key broke along with his car getting wrecked by a falling tree,

before getting beaten up by the same thugs, once again and has bees all over him when a beekeeper comes along and slams a hive on Benson's face. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are later in the arcade. Rigby is playing a video game [Super Donkey Bros.] with his back faced to it, and is surrounded by a crowd of people. Rigby reaches the high score and the crowd cheers. "Oooooh! High score up in here! (Y/n), Mordecai, are you seeing this? I'm so lucky I don't even need to look at the screen! In fact, I don't even need to use my hands! Check it!" Rigby said. Rigby does a handstand and uses his foot to press a button which activates the game's New World Record.

The crowd and Rigby cheer and Mordecai has a blank face. "Ugh, I don't believe this." Mordecai said. "Is it possible that those fortune cookies are real after all? I don't think these are just coincidences." (Y/n) said. "Woah dude. You got some pretty sick gaming skills. The kind to get you on the cover of Video Game Monthly?" Dante hands Rigby a business card. "Name's Dante. I'm the magazine's lead editor. Today's your lucky day bro, cos I'm looking for the world's best gamer and you are totally it!" (Y/n) and Mordecai look disgusted.

"Gimme a call, we'll do an interview. Catch 'ya on the flip side bro!" Dante and the rest of the crowd walk away from the arcade game. "OOOOHH! Did you see that? I'm gonna be on the cover of Video Game Monthly!" Rigby said. "Dude, you're horrible at video games! You just got lucky." Mordecai said. "Exaactlyy! I should have switched fortunes with Benson years ago!" Rigby said.

"What?! You would sacrifice him getting bad luck just so you can have good luck?! That is messed up, dude!" (Y/n) shouted. "She's right! And none of that good luck is yours. It belongs to Benson. All this good stuff should be happening to him." Mordecai said. "What? No way! My life's never been better! I'm on a serious winning streak!" Rigby said. "Give it back!" (Y/n) pushes Rigby to the floor and does a pat search on him. "What are you doing? Hey, get off me!" Rigby shouted. "Give me the fortune!" (Y/n) shouted. "No!" Rigby shouted.

"I'm not gonna let you ruin Benson's life. Ugh!" (Y/n) let's go of Rigby and Rigby stands up. "Where is it?" (Y/n) asked. "It's not on me. I knew you'd try something so I hid it." Rigby said. "Dude, you have to trade it back. Bad things are happening to Benson and it's only gonna get worse!" Mordecai shouted. "What are you talking about? I haven't seen a single bad thing happen to Benson. You know what I think? I think you're both just jealous." Rigby said. "Jealous?" Mordecai and (Y/n) asked. "Are you kidding me?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "Jealous!" Rigby said. "Dude, seriously-" Mordecai said. "JEALOUS!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted.

"JEALOUS OF MY LUCK!" Rigby shouted. "I'm calling Benson." (Y/n) said. "Oh no, don't call Benson." Rigby said mockingly. (Y/n) pulls out her mobile phone and dials Benson's number and the voice says that the number she is calling has been disconnected. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "Oooooh!" Rigby said. "Ugh, forget it." She and Mordecai walk away. "We're telling him. Let's go, (Y/n)." Mordecai said. "Whatever. I'm so lucky I bet he wouldn't even notice. Hm hm hm hm hm!" Rigby said.

Back at Benson's apartment, an eviction notice is stuck on Benson's apartment door and (Y/n) pulls it off. The janitor walks by. "Hey, have you seen the guy who use to live here?" (Y/n) asked him. "Oh that guy. Man, what a string of bad luck. He lost his car, his apartment, his wallet, his credit cards, his driver's license." He replied. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Did he say where he was going?" She asked. "I just clean floors, I don't ask questions. Ooh, excuse me, there's a hot chick getting paper over there." The janitor walks away. At Pops' house,

(Y/n) and Mordecai walk into the kitchen and into Benson's room calling for Benson. Mordecai knocks on Muscle Man's caravan door. "I haven't seen him." Muscle Man said. Mordecai opens the garage door and drives in the golf cart and the duo call for Benson. "Skips, have you seen Benson?" Mordecai asked. "He's playin' cards in my garage. He's convinced he can turn his luck around." Skips said. "No, he can't. It's not even his luck." Mordecai said. "We have to stop him." (Y/n) said. Benson walks into Skips' room. "Benson, we gotta tell you something." Mordecai said. "Not right now, Mordecai. I'm in the middle of a hand." Benson said.

"No, Benson, listen. You shouldn't be playing cards right now." (Y/n) said. "Okay, so I've had a bad stretch lately. So my wallet and credit cards got stolen. So accounting lost my paycheck. So I can't afford to pay my rent or feed myself. But cards are where I'm luckiest. Cards are my girl. She's never let me down before and she won't do it this time." Benson said. "Well you gotta stop playin' now cos you got nothin' left to wager with." Skips said. "Actually, Skips, there is one more thing." Benson walks back into Skips' garage and walks back into the room again.

"I just lost the park to the guy in the fanny pack." Benson said. "WHAT?!" (Y/n) shrieked. The guy's eyes glow yellow and (Y/n), Mordecai, Benson and Skips look scared. "He's a warlock!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. The warlock transforms into his true self and grows bigger and taller. He crashes through the top of Skips' garage and (Y/n), Mordecai, Benson and Skips run out of the house. The warlock cackles and conjures his fanny pack, sucking the park into it. "Wooh, what the?" Mordecai asked. "The park! What have I done?" Benson asked.

"We gotta find Rigby." (Y/n) said. The warlock continues to suck the park in and Mordecai and (Y/n) are running for Rigby as the surroundings behind them are being sucked in. They run past Muscle Man driving the golf cart. "Park! Warlock! Fanny pack!" Mordecai shouted. "What was that bro?" He then screams in terror and jumps into a bush which gets sucked in. The duo run into Pops' house and Mordecai pushes the door open. "Rigby!" The two screamed.

"Uh uh uh! Interview. Video Game Monthly. Can't talk. You're a loser." Rigby said on the phone. "Ugh!" (Y/n) snatches the phone off Rigby. "Hey!" He shouted. (Y/n) throws the phone at the wall and it breaks. "Dude! Why did you do that?!" Rigby snapped. "Look out the window!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby looks out the window. "Huh?" He asked. The park is still being sucked up and is on an isolated island.

"Lucky me! A full house!" The warlock laughs evilly and sucks up a part of the roof and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are standing under and Rigby screams. "Come on!" Mordecai shouted. The trio run out of Pops' house and watches it get sucked up. "What's going on?!" Rigby asked. "Don't you get it? It's the fortunes! Benson's luck is getting so bad it's gonna destroy everything, look!" Mordecai shouted. Benson is being sucked in, but is holding onto a lamppost. "Benson! Take my hand!" (Y/n) shouted.

A black cat hits Benson's face and Benson loses his grip on the lamppost. "Nooooo!" (Y/n) shouted. "Aw, man!" Benson gets sucked in. "Rigby, switch back! Please!" (Y/n) begged. "Okay, okay, I'll switch back!" Rigby shouted. "Where's the fortune?" Mordecai asked. "It's under my trampoline!" Rigby shouted. The trampoline is being sucked in, and the fortune is sticky taped under the trampoline. "Oh man. How are we supposed to get over there?" (Y/n) asked. A man in an orange car arrives in front of the trio. "What are you guys doing? You gotta get out of here! Here!"

He tosses Rigby his car key. "Take my car!" He screams and runs away and jumps off the 'island', but gets sucked in. "Give me the keys." Mordecai said. Mordecai starts the ignition of the car and drives up to the trampoline dodging the flying park objects. "Almost there!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby jump out of the car, which gets shredded by the merry go round. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream but land on spring rocking toys. Rigby reaches for the trampoline and jumps on the trampoline.

He tears the fortune off and tries to give it to Benson. "Benson! We gotta trade fortunes!" Rigby shouted. "Why bother? Another bad thing is just gonna happen." Benson said. "No Benson! All these bad things are happening because of me! I switched fortunes behind your back at the Chinese restaurant!" Rigby shouted. "You what?" Benson asked. "I was jealous of all the good luck you've been having so I gave you all my bad luck! I'm sorry." Rigby said. Benson takes out his fortune and swaps it with Rigby's. The fortunes glow and the scenery is clear again.

(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Benson are back on the park ground and look around themselves. "Is it over?" Rigby asked. "I think so.." (Y/n) said. "Ah, good." Rigby said. "OVER?! Nothing's over! You switched my fortune! Do you have any idea what I went through?!" Benson asked. "Alright alright, I'm sorry! At least I confessed, that's gotta count for something."

The broken mobile phone rings and Rigby picks it up "Hello?" He asked. "Yeah this is Dante from Video Game Monthly. Yeah uh, so looks like I gotta cancel your interview." Dante said. "Aw, what?" Rigby asked. "Sorry, got a new hot player here. He's tearing through all the records!" Dante said. Dante is with Muscle Man who is breaking the records of Super Donkey Bros, twirling his shirt around with a crowd behind him. "Woooo! Wooo! You know who else is hot and tears through stuff? MY MOM!" "I guess you're outta luck, dude." (Y/n) smirks, and Rigby glares at her. "Too soon, (Y/n)." He said.


The park members are at the Good Luck Restaurant when Benson and Rigby get up and walk away. The waitress places a plate of 3 fortune cookies on the table. "I'm telling ya, I can't lose!" Benson gets up and walks away. "I gotta go dry off." Rigby gets up and walks away. "Here are your fortune cookies." The waiter said as he approaches. Muscle Man opens the fortune cookie. "You know what's a hilarious game? Saying your fortunes and saying 'in the back of a car'.

He reads the fortune. "Bad luck is coming your way in the-" Uh, that's not gonna work." Muscle Man sees one unopened fortune cookie left and swaps fortunes. "Hey, that's Rigby's fortune!" Fives scolded. "So? "You're gonna be on the cover of Video Game Monthly". In the back of a car." Muscle Man and High Five Ghost laugh. "Finally my fortune cookie's here! At least one good thing will come from this meal." Rigby said. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost laugh again.

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