Guy's Night

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Mordecai is mowing the lawn, Muscle Man is digging a hole for a box and Hi Five Ghost is washing a window. Mordecai checks the time on his watch. It is 6:00, meaning it's— "Guy's night!" Muscle Man checks the exact same time on his radio, and realizes it's— "Guy's night!" Rigby, who is cleaning the toilet, checks the exact same on his watch, and also knows it's-- "Guy's night!" Hi Five Ghost,

who is wiping the windows, sees the time on the clock in the computer room, and also knows it's-- "Guy's night!" Mordecai hops off the lawnmower. "Guy's night!" He said. Rigby flushes the toilet. "Guy's night!" He goes out of the park bathrooms. Muscle Man whoops away from the hole. "Whoo-hoo!" Fives throws his stuff in celebration.

Benson and Skips are walking off. "Benson, guy's night!" Mordecai said. "Guy's night, Benson!" Rigby said. "Has a month passed already?" Benson asked, and Skips nods in confirmation. "All right, don't get too crazy." Benson said. "Oh, you don't have to worry about us." Mordecai said. "Guy's night!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Guy's night!" Muscle Man and High Five Ghost said. The guys put a bunch of snacks and drinks on the kitchen table. "Chips, chips, chips, chips!"

They scarf down the potato chips and throw away the bag. "You gotta scoop it." Mordecai is holding a chip and a flat can of salsa. "Scoop it." He said. "Soda, soda, soda, soda!" All of them chanted. Muscle Man pours two full bottles of soda into one cup, drinks it, and whoops. Later the guys are staring at a magazine. "Oh, yeah!" Rigby said. "She looks good." Muscle Man said. "I think I'm in love." Fives said. "Uh, yeah, I'd parallel-park that." Mordecai said.

They laugh as they hear the doorbell ring. They run to the door. "Za! Za! Za! Za! Za! Za!" They open the door. "Pizza!" They said. The pizza guy chuckles. "Guy's night?" He asked. "GUY'S NIGHT!" They laugh. Later the guys are playing poker. "OH!" They all said at different times. "OHHHHHH!!!!" They are later playing video games and laughing. "Yeah, get it!" Rigby said. There's more laughter. "Still, it's kind of a shame (Y/n) couldn't be here with us, she'd love all of this stuff."

Rigby said. "Yeah." Mordecai agreed. "Well yeah, but if we invited her it wouldn't really be a guy's night anymore, would it?" Muscle Man asked. "Even though you call her bro all the time?" Rigby teased, and Fives laughs. Muscle Man shrugs. "She acts like a bro, bro. Even if she is a lady. And I'm sure it's because of you dudes as well." Muscle Man said. Fives then holds a VHS tape. "Movie time!" He said.

"Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie!" On the television screen, Sergeant AWOL is seen shooting a gun, and all four are on the couch. "OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Everyone said. "Oh, well, look at this. What are you all up to?" Pops asked as he, (Y/n) and Thomas entered the room. "Guy's Night." They all said. "Guys night, huh? Have fun." (Y/n) said. "We will." Rigby said. "Hey, Thomas, go get us more chips at the store." Muscle Man throws keys at Thomas

And (Y/n) glares at him. "Hey, watch it, dude! He's an intern, not a slave! I didn't think you'd stoop as low as GBF Jr." (Y/n) mumbles the last part, and Muscle Man's eyes widen as he turns to her. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing..." she sighs and picks the keys up. "I'll go with you Thomas." She said. Thomas sighs a bit. "Thanks, (Y/n)." "Ooh... looks like someone's got a crush on the new guy." Muscle Man mocks. The two look at each other and instantly start blushing a little. (Y/n) turns to glare at Muscle Man. "It's not like that!" She shouted. "Yeah, we're just friends!" Thomas said.

They look at each other in surprise as they had both spoken at the same time. The two then chuckle nervously and Muscle Man snickers. "We should uh... we should probably get going." (Y/n) said. "Ye... yeah, that." Thomas said. Rigby raised an eyebrow at the weird exchange that just went on with the two. The duo then left the room and Muscle Man chuckles. "Who wants to bet that their drive to the store is going to be so awkward now?" He asked. Rigby turns back to the others.

"Hey, you don't think it's possible for those two to become like a thing or anything... right?" Rigby asked. "Who? (Y/n) and Thomas?" Muscle Man asked. "They would be pretty cute together." Fives said. "Yes they would be." Pops said, and everyone turns to him. "Oh Pops, didn't know you were still there." Rigby said. "Uh, well, why didn't I receive an invitation to guys' night?" Pops asked. "Well, we just didn't think you'd like any of the stuff we're doing." Mordecai said. "Yeah, you're not really a guy's guy. You're Pops." Rigby said. "Well, I can be one of the guys, too.

Chanting! Chanting! Chanting!" Pops said. "I don't know, Pops. It's gonna take something tougher than chanting to be one of the guys." Mordecai said. "Well, what's the toughest thing one of the guys can do on Guys' Night?" Pops asked. "Milk challenge." All of them said. "Ooh, what's that?" Pops asked. "You have to drink a gallon of milk in an hour." Mordecai said. "Without getting sick." Rigby said. "Toughest thing a guy can do." Muscle Man said. "Never seen a guy pull it off, though." Fives said. "Sounds perfect!" Pops said. "What?" Everyone asked.

"I'll beat that Milk Challenge, and then you'll see who's one of the guys." Pops said. Later all of the guys are in the kitchen. "MILK" Fives said. "Pops, wait, are you sure you want to do this?" Mordecai asked. "The milk challenge is brutal." Rigby said. "But (Y/n) and Rigby ate that giant omelet for a trucker's cap." Pops said. "Yeah, but—" Mordecai said. "Muscle Man defeated the Wing Kingdom Wing Challenge. Even Hi Five Ghost drank a tub of creamed corn for that radio contest." Pops said. "Best free tote bag ever!" He and Muscle Man high-five.

"Surely I can handle a gallon of milk." Pops said. "Uh..." Rigby said. "I don't know, Pops." Mordecai said. "Chillax, bros. Pops is right. We've all had our challenges. It was hard, but we didn't give up. That's what made us guys. If Pops thinks he can handle it, we should let him try." Muscle Man said. "I guess." Mordecai said. "Okay." Rigby said. "HOORAY!" Pops said. "MILK! MILK! MILK! MILK! MILK! MILK!" Pops, Hi Five Ghost and Muscle Man chanted.

"All right, Pops, you have one hour. When you're done, you've got to hold the jug over your head, or it doesn't count, got it?" Muscle Man asked. "Hmm." Pops said. "GO!" Pops begins to chug down the milk. "He's really doing it!" Mordecai said. "POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! " They continue to chant his name until Pops stops and drops the milk.

He's ready to puke and runs to the bathroom. "Oh, no, bro!" Muscle Man said. Mordecai and Rigby are waiting for Pops. "Pops, are you okay?" Mordecai said. Pops flushes the toilet. "Did I finish?" Pops asked. "You didn't even make it halfway." Rigby said. "Don't feel bad, Pops. No one can drink that much milk." Mordecai said. "Yeah, we'll just hang out some other night." Rigby said. "Or we could hang out as fellow guys when I complete the milk challenge!" Pops said.

"You're gonna try again?" Rigby asked. "Of course. A guy never quits, right?" Pops laughs. "POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS!" Pops spits. "POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS!" Pops spits again. "POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS!" The timer dings. Pops moans and goes to the toilet again. "Oh!" They all said. Pops sighs. "Oh, man, Pops, do you need to see a doctor?" Rigby asked. "No. No." Pops said. "Look, Pops, you gave it your all.

It's an impossible task. You don't need to complete the challenge. It's fine. You can still be one of the guys, right, guys?" Mordecai asked. "Oh yeah, for sure." Muscle Man said. "Totally, Pops." Rigby said. "I don't want your charity... I want to earn being one of the guys the right way..." Pops moans. "I just need to lie down for a little while." He said. "But, Pops, you've already drank like 6 gallons of milk in total." Rigby said. "But none in one hour..." Later Pops is lying on his bed in his bedroom.

"Maybe they're right. Maybe I'm not meant to be one of the guys." He then grabs a book from his nightstand and looks through the pictures. "No. Ahem." "Oh, hey, Pops. How are you feeling?" Mordecai asked. "I'm feeling like some milk, please." Pops said. "Last gallon. Pops, you sure you want to do this?" The timer starts ticking again. Pops gulps down the milk... and gulps some more... until he finishes the whole gallon before the hour is up. He sighs, then burps, and everyone cheers.

"Yeah, you did it, Pops!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, Pops, you actually pulled it off!" Rigby said. "I can't believe it, bro!" Muscle Man said. "Wait, you got to raise the jug over your head, Pops!" Rigby said. "Raise the jug! Raise the jug! Raise the jug! Raise the jug! Raise... Pops? POPS!" Everyone shouted worriedly. "Pops! Can you hear me?!" Mordecai asked. "Oh, man, is he alright?" Muscle Man asked. "He's not alright, he's all white!" Rigby shouted. "Quiet! Pops?! Pops!" Pops wakes up in an elevator with a creature that looks like a drop of milk, with a mask. The creature signals Pops to follow it, which he does. "What is this place?"

The creature points to a tunnel as they walk to a white room. One of them offers him a glass of milk. "No thank you." The creature leaves as Pops sees a group of people who won the milk challenge. "Excuse me." Pops said. "You lost or something?" A tough guy asked. "No. I mean, yes. I—" Pops said. "Ah, just yanking your chain! We know why you're here. Milk challenge, right?" The tough guy asked. "How did you know?!" Pops asked. "That's why we're all here. Name's Russell."

A milk person offers him a glass of milk. "Oh, thanks, man." He said. "'I'm Pops. Who are they?" Pops asked. "I don't know. They're just here to keep the milk flowing. This is paradise, Pops! Oh, congrats. You're one of the guys now." Russell said. "Pops! Pops! Pops! Pops!" Back in the kitchen, Rigby is trying to wake Pops up. "POPS? POPS?! Oh, man, he's still not waking up!" He panics. "We need to call for help." Mordecai goes to the phone to call 911.

"911! 911! 911!" Muscle Man shouted. "Dude, not cool." Mordecai scolded. "9... 1-- Whatever. It's still guy's night." Muscle Man said. Back in the white room, the guys are still chanting. "Pops! Pops! Pops! Pops!" They shouted. "Hey, take a load off, man. You earned it." Russell said. "But I didn't earn it. I haven't completed the challenge yet." Pops said. "What do you mean?" Russell asked. "I never lifted the jug over my head." Pops said. "Well, you're one of the guys now. You must have." Russell said. "I'm quite certain I didn't. I only have a few minutes left." Pops said.

"That's impossible! We all beat the challenge! That's why we're here!" Russell said. "Actually, I didn't lift the jug either." Another guy said. "I don't think I did." A 2nd guy said. "Yeah, I didn't." A 3rd guy said. "Were we supposed to?" The 4th guy asked. "No, that's-- wait, did I? Huh. I can't remember." A milk person offers him another glass of milk, but he slams it to the ground. "I don't want any more milk! What's going on? We're here because we beat it, right? ANSWER ME!" Russell shouted.

The milk person removes his mask to reveal he has sharp teeth, as the rest of the milk people have as well. "Something's wrong. We should go to the elevator." Pops said. "No way. We're gonna stay and fight. Am I right, guys?" The milk people bite one guy and he changes into a milk person. The guys gasp in shock. "EVERYBODY, FOLLOW POPS!" The guys fight the milk people, but as they attack Pops, Russell grabs one off of him and throws it aside, then the milk people chase the guys.

The milk people get another guy and devour him. "COME ON!" Russell and the two remaining guys go to the elevator as Pops sees a "way out" button. A milk person opens the doors and growls at them as they scream, but Pops kicks him out as the rest of the milk people are still charging. Pops presses the "way out" button and the elevator moves up. "Oh man, thanks Pops, we wouldn't have gotten out of there without you." Russell said. "Do you still think there's enough time to complete the challenge?" Another guy asked.

"I don't know, but we made it this far and a guy never quits." Pops said. "You're right. Thanks, Pops. No matter where we end up, we'll be lifting a jug in your honor." Pops and the guys look up as they're almost out. Pops finally comes to and opens his eyes. "He's awake! Give him some room!" Rigby shouted. "I'm back!" Pops accidentally punches Rigby, then gets up and raises the jug over his head.

The timer dings and everybody cheers. "POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS! POPS!" Everyone chanted. "Somebody call the paramedics? Where's the body?" A guy asked as he came in. "No body here, just us guys." Pops said. "Guy's Night?" The paramedic asked. "Guy's Night!" Everyone laughs. Pops laughs. "I'm finally one of the guys!" He said. Mordecai laughs. "Yea-yuh!" He said. A camera shutter clicks. The picture of Pops and Mordecai together is now placed in Pops' scrapbook. Pops, in his bed, closes the scrapbook and laughs.

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