I Like You Hi

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Mordecai looks at photo booth pictures of him and (Y/n) in his room. While Mordecai stares at the pictures, a ringing is heard. (Y/n)'s sister Anna is riding a tandem bike. "Hey, Mordo! You comin'? The back of this bike is not going to ride itself!" She shouted. "Comin'!" Mordecai runs out of his room. Mordecai and Anna do different activities. Mordecai and Anna are first riding the tandem bike. Second, they're seen rollerskating. Anna makes Mordecai look away so she can get ahead of him. Third, they go to the Community College to paint pictures.

They both draw each other very poorly, and they laugh it off. Fourth, they go to a restaurant called Nesbit's Burgers & Bits. They order a burger with many different condiments; including a slice of pizza, a couple scoops of ice cream, and several gummy worms. Mordecai and Anna both take a bite on the count of three. They immediately spit it out because of the horrible taste, and they laugh it off.

Lastly, they're doing donuts in the golf cart. Mordecai and Anna are walking on a dirt path in the park. "This day was awesome!" Mordecai said. "Yeah. I had a good time." Anna said. "Do you want to come and watch X-Treme Barista with me, (Y/n), and Rigby?" Mordecai asked. "I can't. I gotta go to work. But I'll be able to watch it there. Hey, text me, and it will be like we're watching it at the same time." Anna said. "Heh. Phones are awesome." Mordecai said. "Yeah, they are! Alright, I gotta go. Gimme a hug, you loser." Mordecai and Anna give each other a hug. "Later." Mordecai said. "See ya." Anna said.

~Time Skip~

The trio are now watching tv together. "Today, on X-Treme Barista, K-K-K-Kid Crunchy Z!" The announcer said. "Yo, yo, yo! I ain't come to here to make friends, I came here to make blends, dawg! So Yuji better watch what's up!" Kid Crunchy Z said. "Yo, you see that? Well these three golden barista awards prove that Yuji is number one! So what's he gotta say to that?!" Yuji said. "Man, Yuji is gonna French press this guy!" Rigby said excitedly. "Pfft!" Modecai is on his phone texting Anna.

He writes "Are you watching xtreme barista? hilarious!" While doing so, he says exactly what he's writing. Mordecai pushes "SEND", and the message is sent. Anna responds by saying "Haha yes! So bad it's good!" "Haha. "So bad, it's good." She's so funny." Mordecai said.  tv. "One minute begins now. He's adding an energy drink!" Kid Crunchy Z is seen adding a can of "Thunder Jolto" in a pan. "Haha." Modecai said. "Ugh! All you do is text Anna. Just tell her you like her and quit Mordecaing." (Y/n) said. "Mordecaing? You made me a verb?" Mordecai asked. Rigby snickers, then grunts wimpishly, while shaking his arms.

"I'm Mordecai, I never make a move," Rigby looks at his paws. "And I don't know what to do with my hands". You've been doing this for years." He said. "I'm not like that with Anna!" Mordecai said. "So how come you aren't dating yet?" Rigby asked. "'Cause we're just friends. Not every girl I hang out with has to be a potential girlfriend." Mordecai said. "Shut your excuse hole! Yuji's on." Yuji is adding swan-shaped foam into a cup of coffee. "Ain't nobody can make a swan-esspresso like Yuji can!" Yuji goes to an athlete. "Care for a sip?"

The athlete leans in, but Yuji swipes away. "You don't drink from the cup! You drink from the sky!" He throws coffee in the air, pulls out a gun and shoots it. "Still warm." He said. "Wow!" Rigby said. "Hahaha." Modecai looks at his phone and reads. "Cappuccino he di-dnt!" He types "I like Yuji". "Uh-oh!" The announcer said. His text Auto corrects to "you hi" cops are next to Yuji. "Is this some kind of Yuji psyche?!" Yuji releases himself and goes to the camera.

"Yuji will return, yo! Buy my book, suckers!" The cops beat him down. "Hahahahaha." In slow motion, Rigby cries "Yuji!" and Mordecai continues laughing as he sends the message. He looks down and sees it. "Whaaa?! No, no, no! Cancel, cancel, cancel!" The message is sent, and Mordecai groans. "Ugh, what now? My favorite barista probably has rabies and you're—Woah. What happened?" Rigby asked.

"Are you okay, dude?" (Y/n) asked. "I texted Anna "I like yuji", but it auto-corrected to "I like you hi". (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look in shock as Anna types. "I like you too. Hi." "Wait, what? Aw, no. What am I gonna do?" Mordecai asked. "What do you mean? Isn't this is a good thing? She feels the same way about you." (Y/n) said. "No! I don't like her in THAT way, (Y/n)!" Mordecai shouted.

"Destroy the phone with acid. That makes the text go away." Rigby said. "Yeah, that's a great idea, Rigby." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "What? That's not gonna work. I'm gonna have to ask some real people." Mordecai said. Later him and (Y/n) are in the duo's room. Muscle Man, Skips, Fives and Thomas are in the room too. "So you've been Mordecaing, huh?" Skips asked. "What the—Come on! How long have you been calling it that?" He asked. "How long have you been Mordecai?" Muscle Man asked. Muscle Man, Fives and Skips act like Mordecai when he's around girls, then laugh. Rigby laughs and Mordecai punches him causing (Y/n) to snicker.

"Owww!" Rigby said. "Ugh! Come on, what should I do?" Mordecai asked. "Tell her the truth." Skips said. "Exactly!" (Y/n) said. "Hmmm, hmmm. Thomas?" Mordecai asked, ignoring the two. "Well, my second girlfriend liked dancing, but my fourth girlfriend was more into the DJ scene. So, uh, try, try that." Thomas said. "Wait, 2nd and 4th girlfriend? How many girlfriends have you had, Thomas?" (Y/n) asked him. "Uh..." he looks at her for a split second before avoiding eye contact. "That's not important." He said quickly. "Okay, not really sure why you're on this panel." Mordecai said.

"Well, I figured I'd join to balance out the lack of intelligence." Thomas said, and everyone looks at him in surprise. "What the-? I think you've been hanging around (Y/n) too much dude." Rigby said. Thomas blushes a little, then looks away. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said quickly.

"Ooh, (Y/n)'s been filling you up with sass, bro!" Muscle Man jokes. "Shut up!" Thomas quickly covers his face with his hands and everyone except Thomas and (Y/n) snicker. "She's been filling him up with something all right..." Mordecai mumbles, then looks at Muscle Man. "Muscle Man?" Mordecai asked.  "One word, bro: Cellphone thief." He replied. "Huh?" Muscle Man takes his phone. "Hey!" Muscle Man dials Anna's number. "Hey, Mordecool." She said.

"This isn't Mordecai. This is a common criminal. I've been stealing phones and texting people "I like you hi" all day." Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) snickers at his lame attempt. "I know it's you, Muscle Man. What are you doing with Mordecai's phone?" Anna asked. "Uhh..." Muscle Man makes police siren noises. "Cops are coming, gotta go!" He hangs up and gives back Mordecai's phone.

"Sorry, bro. That always works on Starla." He said. "Ok, any more advice?" Mordecai asked. "Well, you'd have to wait 4 years, but-" Fives said. " Ok, anything I can actually do?" Everyone except Rigby and (Y/n) groan and walk out. "That was a dead end." Mordecai said. "Ugh! Just talk to her already so we don't have to do this all day! I have my own life, you know." Rigby said. "Really?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "Yes, really! I got this book-signing thing I wanna go to." Rigby said. "You wanna go to a book signing?" (Y/n) asked him in surprise.

"Yeah!" Rigby said. A commercial appears on their TV. "Yuji will be at Books, Zines and In-Betweenz signing his new book, "P.S I Love Yuji" today!" The announcer said. "See?" Rigby asked. "Oh, of course...." (Y/n) said. "That's it! Yuji. I'll get a picture of me and Yuji and I'll send it to Anna and write "I like you hi". Then I'll send "Oops, I like Yuji. Dumb autocorrect". Then she'll know my first text was a mistake and her feelings won't get hurt. We'll be able to keep being friends and my life won't be ruined."

Mordecai said. "Whoo, that's bad. That's like one of my plans." Rigby said, and (Y/n) bursts into laughter. "Wow, dude, I never thought I'd hear you roast yourself like that." She said. Rigby glares at her playfully and playfully shoves her. They all walk out. "You're lucky I'm going there anyway. Just don't make me look bad in front of Yuji." Rigby said. The trio are now at Zines and In-Betweenz.

"And that was the day.... I lost my innocence." He wipes a tear and puts on glasses. "At making coffee! Not at making out with girls! I did that waaay earlier... to the extreme!" A light and smoke appear. Rigby claps. They walk up to him. "Sup, Yuji fans." Yuji said. Rigby puts his book on the table. "It's an honor to meet you, sir." Yuji signs the book. "Yeah, uh, huge fan." Mordecai said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. No problem." Yuji said. "Actually, I need a favor. You see, Yuji, I sent a text about you to this girl-" Mordecai said. "And my name auto-corrected to "you hi"?" Yuji asked. "Uh, yeah. How did you know?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow. Yuji stands up. "It's the only reason I'm not famous! If people could viral market by texting about me, I wouldn't be signing books! I would be signing diamonds!" He shouted. "Um, yeah." Mordecai said. "Um, yeah" is right, bro! I went to this tattoo shop and check out what happened." Yuji reveals a tattoo on his back that says

"You Hi" and (Y/n) snickers. "Hmm. So can I get a picture with you to show what I was texting about?" Mordecai asked. "Let me check my planner." Yuji has a reminder under Tuesday 15 that says "Buy more planners?" "I think I can pencil you in." He said. "Awesome! Where do you want to take the picture?" Mordecai asked. "Ohhh, we can take it anywhere extreme!" Yuji said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. "Um....How about the roof?" Mordecai asked.

"Can I base-jump off it afterwards?" The four of them are now on the roof. Rigby sets up his phone. "Ok. Ready?" He asked. Yuji blocks his head. "Ugh, the glare from the sun is too extreme." He said. "I thought you liked things extreme." (Y/n) said. "Not when it comes to white balance, bro! We gotta wait for that cloud to float over and block that sun." Yuji said. A text message sounds. "Hey, you got a text from Anna. It says "I get off work in half an hour - text me then." Rigby said.

"Ugh! We're running out of time." Mordecai said. "Ok, so picture won't work. Let me text this X-treme-Anita." Yuji takes his phone. "Uhh..." Mordecai said. "Sup, this is Yuji, blowin' up your call brick!" Sendo!" The "Yuji" is revealed to have corrected to "you hi" "Ex-sqeeze me?" Yuji types. "Re-sendo." The message has the same result. "Urrgh! What the extreme?! Stupid phone! I can't even send my own name! Ooooh, I hate myself!" He drops the phone. "I'm such a loser." He kneels. "I never should have changed my name from Eugene Mendalman." He said. Mordecai picks up his phone. "Let me try." He starts texting. "I can still fix this." It shows that he sent "That was the real You hi!" "Ugh, come on!" He texts again. "Send!" He sends the same messag. "Aaaaaaah!"

"Dude, chill!" Rigby said. "Maybe if I type "you hi", it'll auto-correct to "yuji"" he sends multi-sends "you hi" to Anna. "Send! Send!" His phone goes in violation. "Whaaaa-" Mordecai's phone sucks himself, (Y/n), and Rigby into it as they scream. Yuji stands up. "I guess warping into a phone is kind of extreme." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby transported to a familiar place. "Whaa...?

What's going on? What are we doing here?" (Y/n) asked. "Welcome to the Virtual Messaging-- What the—Is that you, (Y/n)?" The Answering Machine asked. "Oh...hey...hey guys...how have you been?" She asked. "Oh, you know. Oh, hey our band put out a demo tape." He shows (Y/n) the demo tape. "Oh, cool." The tape name is "fax me gently" by "Phoning in In" "It's sort of an ambient prog-rock fusion. You can keep that." The Answering Machine said. "We had to move on after you didn't call." Tin Cans with String said. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were... serious." (Y/n) said.

"Enough reminiscing! You stand accused of breaking the golden rule of texting—sending the same text message three times." The Answering Machine said. "And that's the worst thing in the world." The Tin Cans with String said. "What? Why?" Mordecai asked. "It's super annoying." The chalkboard writes "and Lame!" "Yes. And some of us have very limited data plans." The Tin Cans with String said.

"Uh, well, he's really sorry." Rigby said. "Yeah, he is!" (Y/n) said. "I'm really sorry!" Mordecai said. "It won't happen again, so if you could just show us the way out—" (Y/n) said. "Burn them!" The Smoke Signal Fire said. The Answering Machine sighs. "But he's right. This is your second offense! You won't be getting off so easy this time." He said. "I just pressed the wrong button." Mordecai said.

"You don't press the wrong button three times in a row." The Tin Cans with String said. "Listen. I'm...I just really gotta go. Okay?" Mordecai walks away. "What?" Rigby and (Y/n) asked. "Tell us what the problem is." the Answering Machine said. "Nah, I'm just...You know....." He floats off. "Going this way..." he said. "Where do you think you're going?!" The Answering Machine asked.

"Dude, you're being really weird!" Rigby said. Mordecai starts swimming. "Mordecai, what are you doing? Come back!" (Y/n) shouted. "You'd rather float towards the infinite abyss than talk about your problem?" The Answering Machine asked. "This is a safe place!" The Smoke Signal Fire said. "Not if you want to burn us, it's not." (Y/n) snapped. "What are you floating away from?"

The Answering Machine asked. "I...I don't wanna talk about it." Mordecai said. "Do you not wish to be with this Anna? Her texting history shows she's quite the witty and independent young woman. And she's quite fond of you." Mordecai stops. "There's nothing out there for you. Literally nothing! It's really boring! Trust me!" Mordecai sighs and goes back to Rigby, (Y/n) and the guardians.

"I really do like Anna." Mordecai said. "Pfft. Duh, you do." Rigby said. "We know that, dude." (Y/n) said. "Really? And you're not mad at me?" Mordecai asked, and (Y/n) looks surprised. "Wait, is that what this is about? No! Why would I be mad at you?" She asked. "Because she's your sister!" Mordecai said. "So? She seems really happy with you, dude. So as long as you're both happy together, I'm happy. I'd never be mad at you for something like this." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah man, this kind of thing should make a sibling happy." Rigby agreed. The Guardians talk in agreement. "This is a normal part of life." The Tin Cans with String said. "Where one phone call ends, another begins. Even if you don't leave a message after the beep." The Answering Machine said. "So, what should I do?" Mordecai asked. "That's for you to decide." A door pops up for (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby to leave. "Uhhhh, also, if you have a music blog or something, we could really use some positive reviews." The Answering Machine said to (Y/n).

"Uhhh...." She said. "Yeah, we'll look into it." Rigby said, and the trio leave. "This is it, guys. This is gonna be our big break!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby appear back on the roof. Mordecai checks his phone, and sees a message from Anna that says "What are all these weird texts? Is something going on?" He replies with, "Date tomorrow?" "Are you sure about this?" Rigby asked. "I'm tired of "Mordecaing"

He hits "SEND". "Nice." Rigby said. "I'm proud of you, dude." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai smiles at her. "Thanks, (Y/n)." He said. Anna replies with "Date date?" Mordecai replies "Yes." Anna replies with a winky face. "Yeah!" Mordecai said. "Awesome!" Rigby and (Y/n) said. "Wait. What does a winky face me-" Anna texts again. "That means yes. Don't misinterpret it." Haha! Alright." He texts "See you soon". And sends the text. "I'm proud of you too, man." Rigby said. The trio watch the sunset. "X-treme Yu-Jump! Whoo-hooooooo!" Yuji said, while hanging from a roof.

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