Meteor Moves

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At the Coffee Shop, (Y/n), Margaret, Sam, Mordecai and Rigby are laughing. Mordecai is telling a story about Skips defeating monsters... as usual. "And so Skips goes, "if you make me fight one of those things again, you better hope it kills me." All five laugh. "Nice one." Margaret said. Then Eileen comes running in from another room. "Guys, guys! You ready for tonight?" She asked. "What's tonight?" (Y/n) asked. "The meteor shower! I sent you guys like 5 texts about it." Eileen said, and (Y/n) reads the messages on her phone. "Oh, yeah, once in a lifetime meteor shower." (Y/n) said. "What's the big deal about this one again?" Rigby asked. "Uh, maybe that it's a once in a lifetime shower like I just said?" (Y/n) asked, and Eileen snickers. "The meteors fly much closer due to the tragic deterioration of our region's ozone layer." She said. "Nice, that sounds awesome." Rigby said. "The peak of the meteors shower is at midnight tonight, I know a great place where we could watch: Lookout Mountain." Eileen said.

"Oh, you mean Make-out Mountain; I've totally been there." Sam said. "Uhhh..." Mordecai and Rigby blush a bit from the name. "Uhhh, Make-out Mountain? Sounds like a great spot; count me in." Mordecai said nervously. Rigby's eyes darted to (Y/n) for a split second before quickly looking away, but Sam noticed. "Uh... sure... me too." Rigby said, he sounded kind of nervous about it too and Sam smirks as he knew the reason. "Haha, are you sure you won't be scared, Mordecai and Rigby? Up on a mountain top in the dark." Sam asked teasingly. "No, what's there to be scared of, a bunch of people sitting in their cars making out. Why would I be scared of that?" Mordecai asked. "Pfft, yeah that's ridiculous." Rigby agrees.

"Well, we gotta get back to work." Eileen said. "Yeah, see you there, dudes." Sam said. "Friend zone." Rigby teased (Y/n). "What, no way." She replied. "He called you dude, dude. That says it all." Rigby said. "So? You guys call me dude all the time too." (Y/n) said. "But we're your friends though." Mordecai said. "And so is Sam." (Y/n) points out, and Rigby face palms. "That's my whole point, (Y/n)! He's your friend. And he's never going to be anything more to you, than that!" He shouted. "Hell, I bet the two of you have never even kissed before!" Rigby snapped. "Rigby!" Mordecai scolded angrily, glaring at the raccoon. "What? It's true, is it not? Have you two ever kissed before, (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. "I..." she stops to think about what he said and sighs. "No, I haven't." She said, and Rigby smirks, which pissed her off. "He probably thinks that you're not even into him." Rigby said. "Ugh! Why am I even talking to you about this?" (Y/n) asked angrily.

"Come on, it's easy! Just go," Rigby starts imitating Sam and (Y/n) using his hands. "Sam sorry I've been a wuss about kissing you", and he'll be all "That's okay, (Y/n), I'm way into losers", and then you'll be all" Rigby starts making kissing noises until Mordecai punches him. "Ow!" He shouted. "Knock it off!" He shouted. "Come on! I'm just trying to keep her out of the friend zone, man." Rigby said. "Rigby quit it!" Mordecai shouted angrily. "There is no friend zone, I'm gonna kiss Sam tonight, and its gonna be awesome." (Y/n) snapped. Unknowingly to them, Sam had overheard the conversation, and smirks as a plan formed. Later, (Y/n), Sam, Mordecai, Margaret, Rigby, and Eileen are in the car. Mordecai and Rigby are singing a rap about the meteor shower. "Look up, what's that way up high, shooting stars in the sky, sailing up high." Mordecai sung. "There's no denying." (Y/n) rapped. "Psh!" Mordecai said. "Let stars be shining." Rigby said. "Psh, psh!" Mordecai said. "As the heavens are aligning!" (Y/n) sung. "Shine, shine, shine! Shine, shine, sh-shimmey shine!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby sung together, and the gang laugh.

"That was awesome. You dudes should be in a band or something." Sam said, which makes the trio cringe as a they remembered that incident with their past selves. "We uh... we already tried that man, remember?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, didn't work out so well for us." Mordecai said. "What are you talking about? Everyone loved you guys." Sam said. "Yeah, but that was only because of our speech." Rigby said. "Yeah, must I remind you that we P-U stink?" (Y/n) asked, and Sam laughs. "If you're talking about your music then, I'm not sure. I never heard you guys actually play." Sam said. "Let's hope it stays that way." Rigby said, and Sam chuckles. 

The gang all head up to look out Mountain then Margaret parks the car in the lot and now (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby get out and see how the view is among the atmosphere. "Whoa!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. "This is awesome!" Mordecai sets down a blanket. "Aw yeah! Best seat in the house! Haha." He said. "Alright! Perfect view!" Eileen sits down. "Hey, don't hog the whole blanket." Rigby sits down. "So Eileen, when are the meteors supposed to show up?" Margaret asked. "Not for another hour. In the meantime, I like to take down new stars in my star log. In my astronomy club, we pick uncharted stars and name them and I got to name that greenish one." Eileen points at it. "Romulus 5". Best 80 dollars I spent." She said. "I wanna name a star! I'm gonna name that moving one," Rigby points at it. "Stargoz the Destructor". He said. "Umm, that's a satellite Rigby." (Y/n) said, and Sam, Margaret and Eileen laugh.

"This is gonna be a historic meteor shower. Two celestial bodies will converge for the first time ever." Unfortunately for (Y/n) Eileen's nerd-speak about stars turns into an almost a direct reference to (Y/n)'s situation. She has a depressed expression on her face. "Which means if they don't get together now, they will never get together again. And then, they will burn down and die. Which of its-" she continued, and Mordecai and Rigby look at each other with panic at what she was saying, and Sam looks at them worriedly.

'Man, they're never gonna confess to (Y/n) with Eileen talking star-gibberish.' Sam thinks up a distraction just to talk to the duo in private. "Uhh, hey anybody want snacks? Snacks? Snacks? I know I want snacks. Rigby and Mordecai do too." Sam said. "What?" They both asked. Sam pulls the duo as they scream while Sam takes them farther away to Margaret's car. "What's your problem man?!" Rigby snapped. "For real." Mordecai rubs his arm. "Dudes, you can't confess to (Y/n) with me, Margaret and Eileen here. I want us to go somewhere else or something." Sam said. "What?! Why?! We already told you, we're not confessing!" Rigby shouted angrily, then crosses his arms and looks away stubbornly. "Yeah dude, there's no point. She doesn't like us that way. We're just friends." Mordecai crosses his arms.

"But you're NOT though! The two of you are really close to her! And we all know how you feel abut her! We've always known! And she may not feel the same way you two do, but it will feel good just to get if off your chest! Trust me." Sam said. "Oh yeah?! Why don't you do it then?!" Rigby scowls. "You love her too, go make her happy." Rigby said. "I..." Sam said. "Yeah, she'll be thrilled to find out you love her." Mordecai said. Sam glares at them. "No! No more backing out! You two are telling her how you feel, and you're doing it tonight." Sam said. "But-" Rigby said. "Ugh fine!" Mordecai throws a bag of "choco-ducks" to Sam. "Here! Take these "Choco-gooey-choco-ducks" and get out of here." He said, and Sam smirks.

"Hey Eileen, Margaret, let's go up there." Sam points at a higher hill. "We'll get a better view." Sam called to the girls. "Oh good idea! Maybe we'll see Orion's belt!" Eileen said. "Yeah, I'm in." Margaret said. The two girls get up to follow him. "Tell her!" Sam said. Sam, Margaret, and Eileen go to the higher point of the mountain. Mordecai and Rigby then see (Y/n) looking at the stars. Seeing their chance, they sit down beside her. Rigby on her right and Mordecai on her left. "It's really nice up here." Mordecai said. "Yeah." (Y/n) said, and there's a short silence. "You're both unusually quiet. What are you thinking about?" (Y/n) asked her best friends. "Oh, I don't know, just... stuff." Rigby said. "Oh yeah? What kind of stuff?" (Y/n) asked playfully and Rigby rolls his eyes playfully as (Y/n) giggles. Mordecai gives a soda to (Y/n). "Whoa, fancy." She laughs. "Only the finest of beverages for our best friend."

Mordecai said, and (Y/n) giggles. "So, uhh, what should we toast to?" Rigby asked. "How ' us being best friends...forever!" (Y/n) said, and the duo were obviously depressed about this statement. "Yeah...friends." Mordecai said, and Rigby sighs. "Cheers!" The trio open their tip of the can but unfortunately, (Y'/n)s soda squirts out. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" She shouted. "It's fine, it's fine.." Rigby said, using his paws to brush the soda off him. "Yeah. There's some paper towels in the-" Mordecai said. "Yeah, yeah." Rigby said. The duo get up and go to Margaret's car to grab the paper towels. Meanwhile, Eileen is working on her star log as Margaret watches her, and Sam has a pair of binoculars to see what's going on with (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "I'm not sure this is any better than where we were sitting before, Sam." Eileen said. "Naw, it's fine, just keep looking." Sam sees that (Y/n) is sitting by herself and Mordecai and Rigby are in the car upset, much to Sam's disappointment. "Aw what?!" He asked.

"What's the matter?" Margaret asked. "Uhh, we're out of snacks. You both stay here, I'll be right back." Sam gives Eileen the pair of binoculars as he runs down the hill leading to Margaret's car. "Okay, but hurry! I think they're entering the Mesosphere!" Eileen shouted. Sam gets in Margaret's car. "What's up, dudes? Taken down by all the tongue-wrestling yet with (Y/n)?" Sam asked, and Rigby glares at him. "Dude, knock it off! We haven't kissed her yet. We still haven't confessed!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, well what have you been doing?" Sam asked. "Talking. We're having a serious conversation." Rigby said. "Talking huh? Sounds like what people do in the friend zone." Sam said. "Stop it with the friend zone! There's no such thing!" Mordecai shouted. "Look dudes, stop wasting time! You have a great chance tonight! Don't blow it like you always do!" Sam scolded. "We're working on it, lay off!" Rigby snapped. "Stop working on it and start confessing!" Sam shouted. Mordecai and Rigby get out of the car. "Before the door closes!" Rigby closes the car door and Sam grunts. "Where are those chips?" He asked.

Mordecai and Rigby go to (Y/n) with the paper towels. "Hey, hey! Clean up on aisle (Y/n)!" Rigby said, then laughs at his own joke. "Thanks!" (Y/n) gets a paper towel and wipes herself then she starts shivering. "Man, it got cold huh?" She asked. "Hehe. Yeah." Mordecai is seeing the chance to set it up. 'Put your arm around her. Put your arm around her!" Unfortunately, this doesn't go as planned. "Uhh, you could...wear a bunch of these paper towels!" Mordecai rips off pieces of paper towels. "Like it makeshift quilt! Haha." And Rigby face palms. "Or a terrible DIY project." Rigby said. He throws the paper towels to her and it flows down to her. Mordecai is obviously face palming in his mind. "Hehe...yeah." (Y/n) said. 'Ugh! What is wrong with you? How long is it gonna take for you to finally tell her?' Mordecai scolds himself. Sam is watching them with the binoculars. "Dudes, come on! Just kiss her already!" Sam shouted. "(Y/n), we're friends right?" Rigby asked "Yeah we're friends." (Y/n) said. "So, we can tell you anything right?" Mordecai asked. "Of course." (Y/n) said, and Rigby sighs. "The thing is (Y/n), we... we-" before Rigby could finish, an asteroid comes out of nowhere.

The trio are surprised as it nearly kills them. "Ahh!" The trio screamed. "It's beautiful!" Eileen shouted. "I can't take this anymore! MORDECAI! RIGBY!! FRIEND ZONE! FRIEND ZONE! FRIEND ZONE!" Sam got their attention. "FRIEND ZONE! FRIEND ZONE!" He shouted. "Why is he saying "friend zone"?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Dude, quit it!" Mordecai shouted. "NO!! I can't stand this anymore! You're not gonna mess this up again, man! Just go for it!" Sam shouted. Everyone in their car plead to the duo to do it. "We just need more time!" Rigby shouted. "There is no more time! Dudes, I'm just trying to save you from the friend zone!" Sam shouted. "Dude! For the last time, there is no friend zone!"

Suddenly, the meteor shower goes around (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby and zaps them into 2 green quadrilateral moving surfaces. Mordecai and Rigby bang on the surface. "(Y/n)?!" They asked. She can't hear them but is scared like they are. "(Y/n)!" The duo shouted. "She can't hear you! You guys are just friends." The giant head said. "Huh?" The duo asked. "Welcome, Mordecai and Rigby. I'm the Guardian of the Friend Zone." He said. "What?? The friend zone's not a real place!" Rigby snapped. "Aw but it is, a place of friendly handshakes, back pats, side hugs, a pletonic relm where romance goes to die." The guardian said. "Let us out!" Rigby shouted. "We don't wanna be here!" Mordecai shouted. "I'm sorry Mordecai and Rigby. You waited too long." The guardian said. "NOO!! No! We wanted to tell her so many times. But, we never got a good opening." Rigby said.

"Aw, but you did." He zaps a few clips from "Camping Can Be Cool","Death Bear" & "Do or Diaper" where Mordecai and Rigby had a chance to tell her. "Each time, you two hesitated. You let all those opportunities past." He unzaps them away. "You just didn't believe in yourselves. You must be brave enough to show your true feelings. Only then, you will be freed out of the friend zone." The guardian said. "It's just... we've liked (Y/n) for so long. What if she's not into us?" Mordecai asked. "Aw, see that? "What if"? It's time you stop wondering "what if" and you just went for it.

Then you'll know how much she feels about you." The guardian said. "How do you know? You're just a floating talking asteroid thing." Rigby snapped. "Believe it or not, I too was in this very situation. Many times, Angie, Christine, Lola. HOW DO YOU THINK I ENDED UP BECOMING THE GUARDIAN OF THE FRIEND ZONE?! LOOK, I'M JUST TRYING TO KEEP YOU TWO, FROM MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!" The guardian shouted. "THEN LET US OUT!!" Mordecai grunts and bangs on the surface in regret. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill out! That friendship glass is expensive! Look, I'm gonna give you another chance alright. But you better not back out." The guardian said.

"No, no. We swear we'll do it." Rigby said. "Haha, okay, go get her champs." He zaps (Y/n)'s glass so the three can hear and speak to each other. "Guys, where are we?" (Y/n) asked. Mordecai and Rigby walk over to (Y/n) and the 2 glasses are now formed as a hexagon. "(Y/n), we need to tell you something." Rigby began, and she looks at him. "Tell me what, Rigby?" She asked, and he sighs. "(Y/n), this is gonna be so hard for us to say, and maybe hard for you to believe, but... look, Mordecai and I... we... we..." Rigby looks at Mordecai and he nods. "We love you!"

Rigby shouted, and her eyes widened in shock. "You two... love me?" She asked. "Yes! And we didn't want to say anything because we thought if we told you, it would ruin our friendship with you and you wouldn't want to be our friend anymore." Mordecai said as he shed a few tears, and (Y/n) frowns. "The thing is (Y/n)," Rigby said, shifting her attention back to him. "We've felt like this since we both first laid eyes on you. And I'm not a little kid, I know you don't just fall in love at first sight, but... our love for you has only gotten stronger the more we're together." Rigby smiles at her a bit, then it fades. "But... you love Sam, and Sam loves you. That's another reason we kept pushing our feelings aside. We didn't find telling you our true feelings necessary." Rigby said. "So... all of those times you've both acted like jerks towards me when Sam was involved.... was because of jealously..." (Y/n) trails off, 'huh, Margaret and Eileen were right after all...' she thought to herself, and the duo sigh. "Yes." Rigby said.

"And we're sorry. We just wanted you to feel the same way we do but... we know who you love, and it isn't us." Mordecai said. (Y/n) frowns, but then quickly hugs the duo and they gasp in surprise. "Boys, I'm glad you told me." She said. "You.. you are?" Rigby asked. "I would never stop being friends with you, you're my best friends. You have no idea how important you both are to me." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai chuckles a little. "We might have some idea." He said, and she giggles. "Plus, do you have any idea how boring life would be without you guys?" (Y/n) asked.

"Ha! It would be SUPER boring!" Rigby said smugly, and (Y/n) chuckles. "So... we're still friends?" Rigby asked hopefully, and (Y/n) smiles at him, then hugs them both again and they hug back. "Of course. Friends forever." She said. "Yeah, friends forever." Mordecai said. The hexagon breaks as they float down to the ground and Sam is watching. "Freakin finally!" He shouted. "Uh, it's getting late. We should probably take off." (Y/n) said. "Did you see it? Did you see it? What did you think? What did you think?" Eileen asked. "It was amazing." (Y/n) and her best friends smile at each other. "Man, wait until my astronomy club hears about this! I've never seen celestial bodies come together like that." Eileen said. Sam, Eileen and Margaret start walking away talking about the meteor shower. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby stay behind, and help pack up the cooler while another meteor flows above them.

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