New Year's Kiss

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost and Thomas are at the Coffee Shop. "Hey, hear me out. All I'm saying is that it's hard to make a New Year's resolution when you're always bringing your "A" game." Muscle Man said. "Tch! Come on, you gotta have a resolution for new years." Mordecai said. "Hmm. I guess I can put in more time on my amazing muscles.

I'll really get these kittens to purr next year." Muscle Man said, as Thomas was giving him a bit of a disturbed look which made (Y/n) giggle. "I think I would like to learn a second language. What about you, Thomas?" Fives asked. "I'm going to try to help my mom more next year." Thomas said. "Aw, that's so sweet." (Y/n) said, and Thomas blushes slightly and looks away for a second. Rigby blows raspberries in response. "Not cool, bro. That resolution is legit." Muscle Man said. "Oh really? I thought you would have made fun of that goal, Muscle Man." (Y/n) smirks.

"What's there to make fun of? It's an honorable goal." Muscle Man said. "Here are your coffees, guys." Eileen said. "Hey Eileen, you got a resolution?" (Y/n) asked her friend. "Well, I would like to work on my craft blog more, but I won't have time until we get a new waitress around here." Eileen said. "Can I get a refill?" A man asked. "Later." Eileen walks off. "Ugh! Let's talk about real resolutions. This year is going to be the year of the Rigby. I'm keeping it all Rigby, all the time." Rigby said, and (Y/n) laughs. "What's so funny?" Rigby snapped. "What kind of resolution is that?" She asked. "A cool one." Rigby said. "What does that even mean?

You're just picking something vague so you can't fail at it" Mordecai said. "Oh! Roasted!" (Y/n) shouted, and her friends except for Rigby laugh. "No, last year definitely didn't have enough Rigby. This year is gonna be Rigby crazy!" Rigby shouted. "I don't know, last year felt pretty crazy." (Y/n) said. "That's just cause Sam dumped you." Rigby said bluntly. "Aw, dude! Come on!" (Y/n) snapped, glaring at him. "What? I'm just keeping it Rigby." Rigby said.

"So, you gonna turn around your lady luck this year?" Muscle Man asked Mordecai. "Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am. This year, no more waiting to wuss out. If I see a cute girl, I'll just talk to her." Mordecai said. The gang cheers. "So, when are we meeting up for the New Year's Eve party?" Muscle Man asked. "What New Year's Eve party?" Thomas asked. "It's one of those parties where you wear masks and stuff." Rigby said. "Masquerade. They're called Masquerades, Rigby." (Y/n) said, and Thomas snickers. "Yeah, whatever. Like I said, you wear masks." Rigby said. "You wanna go, Thomas?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh! Uh..."

Just then, a door opens up, which reveals a girl with snake hair and her friends. She manages to catch Mordecai's eye. "Yo, bro. She's pretty smoking." Muscle Man said. "Eh, I've seen better." (Y/n) shrugs, unimpressed. "Yeah. Uh, I mean what?"  Mordecai asked. "You should go talk to her, man." Rigby said. "Yeah dude, go for it." (Y/n) said. The gang complains. "Oh come on! What happened to your new year's resolution?" (Y/n) asked. "She has a point." Thomas said. "Yeah, come on, dude. Come on." Muscle Man said. "Uh, I don't really think-" Mordecai said.

"Come on, dude!" Everyone complained. "Come on, dude. You got this. No problem." Rigby said. "Yeah, go on Mordecai." (Y/n) said. "Yeah. All right. I got this." Everyone cheers Mordecai on while he walks up to Tracy. Mordecai talks to her and her friends and they start laughing while the gang tries to hear the conversation. "What are they saying?" Rigby asked. "Hang on, hang on." (Y/n) said, waving her paws in the air as she tried to listen. "She's smiling a lot." Thomas said, and (Y/n) smiles. "What?" Thomas asked her, noticing her smile. "He got her number!" She said. "What?" Thomas asked happily. "Shh! Shh! He's coming back. How did it go?" Fives asked.

"I got her digits!" The gang cheers, then Thomas turns to (Y/n). "How did you-" and she shrugs. "Guess I just have better hearing than the rest of you." She said playfully, and he rolls his eyes playfully. "Sure. So, are you gonna call her?" He asked Mordecai. "Yeah. I think I'll ask her to the New Year's party tomorrow." Mordecai said. "Nice." Muscle Man said. "Looks like we need a round of victory coffees! But first, I need to empty the tank." Rigby flushes the toilet and starts washing his hands when a hologram appears that looks just like Rigby. "R-R-Rigby!" He shouted. "Ahh!" Rigby shouted. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Chill, dude. It's just me, I mean you. Look, I'm you from the future." Rigby said. "What the--? Were you in the stall the whole time?" Rigby asked.

"Gross! No! I got something to tell you. You have to help Mordecai. He's going to kiss a girl at New Years and you have to stop him." Rigby said. "That sounds like the opposite of helping him. Are you really me from the future?" Rigby asked accusingly. "Come on! You have to trust me!" His future self shouted. "Oh, yeah? Prove it. If you're from the future, then what's my New Year's resolution?" Rigby asked.

"Year of the Rigby, baby!" Future Rigby said. "Whoa! You are me from the future!" Rigby said. "Yeah, I know." Future Rigby said. "Okay, so what's the deal about this New Year's kiss again?" Rigby asked. "Okay, so it's going to happen like this. Tomorrow at the New Year's mask party, Pops is going to open a bottle of sparkling apple juice too early, then Muscle Man is going to streak in a diaper, Thomas will be there trying to flirt with (Y/n)," Future Rigby said. "Wait, what was that last part?" Rigby asked. "Rigby!" Future Rigby scolded. "Okay, okay! Continue." Rigby said. "And then right after that, Mordecai is going to kiss a girl he shouldn't kiss. You gotta stop that kiss!" Future Rigby shouted.

"Okay, but why?" Rigby asked. "Sorry dude, future rules say I can't tell you. But—" Future Rigby said. "Insert five credits to continue hologramophoning." A voice said. "Wait! Trust me! It's the only way he'll be happy!" Future Rigby disappears. "Uhhhhh..." Rigby said. Back at the house, Rigby is having a nightmare about what his future self told him, which shows him running as a lot of clocks spin around until they hit midnight. He then falls onto the cork on the apple juice bottle as Pops is opening it up. It sends him flying,

and he sees Muscle Man streaking as he passes by, then sees Thomas flirting with (Y/n). "Happy New Year, bro! Whoo hoo!" Then Mordecai shows up puckering up for a kiss. Rigby screams, then wakes up. He quickly grabs Tracy's phone number and flushes it down the toilet. In the morning, Mordecai starts looking for Tracy's phone number. "Dude, have you seen that girl's phone number? I thought I put it on the nightstand, but I can't find it." Mordecai said. "Uh, what did it look like?" Rigby asked. "Like a bunch of numbers next to a girl's name." Mordecai said. "Oh, that phone number! Nope, haven't seen it."

Mordecai looks at Rigby suspiciously. "Rigby, where's the number?" He takes Rigby's magazine away. "Look, you don't need to be mad, but I might have thrown it away." Rigby said. "What?! What's wrong with you? Ugh!" Mordecai said. "Hey, just calm down. My future self told me this is the right thing to do." Rigby said. "Oh, yeah; then where's this future self now?" Mordecai asked. "Uh, he had to go; he ran out of credits. Future credits." Rigby said. "Not cool, bro." Mordecai said. "Come on, we'll go to the party with a group like we planned. It'll be fun." Rigby said. "And (Y/n) too?" Mordecai asked.

"Um, future me said she'll be busy tonight." Rigby said. "Okay..." Mordecai narrows his eyes. Mordecai's phone suddenly rings, and he answers. "Hello? Oh, hey, Tracy. Yeah yeah, of course I remember you, from the coffee shop. No, no, I was totally gonna call you; I just didn't know if I had to wait like a day or two or two and a half. But, um, yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to, if you don't have plans, to go to this New Year's masquerade party tonight? With me, I mean."

There's a short pause, and Mordecai silently cheers as Rigby walks out of the room. Mordecai still continues to talk to Tracy. "Cool. So, should I pick you up?" Rigby then goes downstairs and sees Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost. "Yo, Rigby; check it out. I'm gonna prank in the New Year right. I'm making these tear-away tuxedo pants, so I can streak at midnight." Muscle Man tears off the pants. "Fives, time." Muscle Man said. "Point forty-five seconds." Fives said. Rigby makes a disgusted face. "You're streaking at the New Year's party?" He gasps. "Oh, no!" He runs off.

"Whatever. Not everyone understands performance art." Rigby goes to Skips' house. "Skips! I have to stop Mordecai from kissing this girl at midnight." Rigby said. "Why?" He asked. "Cause my future self appeared to me in the bathroom, and he told me all this stuff that's going to happen, and now it is happening, and all I know is it's really important!" Rigby shouted. "Hmm. Well, it sounds like the wheels of fate are already in motion, so... you're probably gonna fail." Skips said. "What?! So, what do I do?" Rigby asked. "Time traveling gets really complicated,

and my advice is to not overthink it. See you at the party." Skips said. "Aghhhhhh!" At the party, Rigby starts talking to Benson. "Benson, have you seen Mordecai?" He asked. "Yeah, he came in a while ago with his date. She seems pretty nice, yeah." Benson said. "No! Ahhhh!" He runs into the party trying to find Mordecai. "Mordecai? Pops! Have you seen Mordecai?" Rigby asked. "Oh, Rigby; how did you know it was me?" Pops laughs. "Oh, before I forget, make sure you get your sparkling apple juice." Pops said. Rigby gasps as he remembers that Pops was going to open an apple juice bottle at the party. "Oh no!" He then looks and sees Thomas approach (Y/n).

"Hey (Y/n), you look great tonight." He said. "Oh thanks, you too Thomas." She said. "Ugh!" Rigby runs off. "So, you work and live at the park." Tracy said, unamused. "Yeah; it's pretty cool. Uh, hey, do you know what this party reminds me of?" Mordecai asked. "Uh, what?" She asked. "Well you know that video game where you're spying that foreign embassy, and you have to fight all the zombies?" Mordecai asked. "I wasn't allowed to play video games as a kid." Tracy said. "What? You gotta be kidding me." Mordecai laughs. "So, what are you into?" He asked. "Texting, some social media." Tracy said. "I'm gonna get us some punch."

Mordecai leaves while Rigby comes in. "Mordecai!" He hides behind a pole as Tracy is seen talking on the phone. "Ugh, this date is the worst. I thought he was eccentric, but he's just weird. The good news is when Tommy finds out I'm with another guy, he'll be so jealous. We're totally getting back together." Tracy said. "Aw, future me totally called it." Rigby said. Mordecai returns with a cup of punch. "Here's your punch." Mordecai said. Rigby knocks down the punch.

"Dude, no!" He shouted. "Ugh! Rigby! what are you doing?" Mordecai asked. "You can't kiss that girl! She said you were "electric" and weird, and she's just using you to get back with Tommy!" Rigby shouted. "That's it." Mordecai grabs Rigby. "She's the wrong girl! You have to listen to me!" Rigby shouted. "No, dude. will you quit messing with me? I think I have a chance at this." Mordecai said. "Aghhh! You can't do this! My future self told me this is important!" Rigby shouted. "Oh, the future self you met in the bathroom? Right?"

Mordecai asked. "No!" Rigby grabs onto Mordecai's leg. "Don't kiss her!" He shouted. "Get off of me!" Mordecai shakes Rigby off of his leg, but Rigby tries to stop him. He finally ends up pushing Rigby into the bathroom. "No! Wait!" Mordecai closes the bathroom door and shoves a chair under the knob so Rigby can't get out. "I hope you enjoy spending the year of the Rigby alone."

Rigby pounds on the door and his future self appears. "R-R-Rigby!" He shouted. "Dude, why are you always showing up in the bathroom?" Rigby asked. Future Rigby shrugs. "I just get better reception. Anyway, what are you doing in here? You're running out of time." He said. "Me? What are you doing in here? I could've used you out there when I was trying to convince Mordecai. He wouldn't believe me, and now it's almost midnight!" Rigby shouted. "Alright, alright, here's something to help you." Future Rigby sends his past self a stopwatch.

"This stopwatch will slow down time for about sixty seconds. It will buy you some time to stop the kiss." Future Rigby said. "Great, but how am I supposed to get outta here in time to use it?" His future self points up to an air vent. "Alright, everybody, the ball is dropping on my watch, which means it's time to countdown for the New Year." The DJ said. Rigby climbs up to the air vent. "Uh, I guess I'll see you later?" Rigby asked. "Not unless you screw up something royal."

Future Rigby said. Future Rigby teleports away and Rigby gets inside the vent. He tries to find an exit while everyone is counting down to the New Year. Rigby finds the exit unsuspectingly and falls down. He then sees Mordecai and Tracy about to kiss and he uses the stopwatch, which slows down everything except for Rigby himself. Muscle Man is shown tearing up his clothes while in a diaper. Rigby starts running over to Mordecai and Tracy, but accidentally bumps into Pops,

which makes him open his sparkling apple juice early. The juice gets on Benson and Skips, Thomas ends up tripping, and the cork bounces and hits Muscle Man's eye, which makes him go on a rampage. Mordecai and Tracy are about to kiss once again. "Nooooooo! Huh?" Rigby notices some people that Muscle Man knocked down are blocking his path and jumps on one of them and shoves "Mordecai" away from the kiss. The stopwatch breaks into pieces,

and the time goes back to normal. "Happy New Year!" Everyone cheers and balloons fall down. "Did I make it?" Rigby asked. "Get off me, punk!" Tommy shouted, who has Mordecai's hairstyle and color, and is wearing a mask that represents Mordecai's face. "Huh?" Rigby asked. "Oh, Tommy; are you okay?" Tracy asked as she helps him up. "Tracy Hashtag, you're the best." Tracy and Tommy start kissing. "Wait, what?" Rigby asked. "Hey." Mordecai said. "Mordecai!" Rigby said.

"So I figured out who Tommy was. You were right, dude. I should've listened to you. Sorry for locking you in the bathroom." Mordecai said. Mordecai bumps into a girl whose head represents another chipmunk. "Oh, uh sorry." She said. "No worries. Running to meet your date? I get it." She replied. "Actually, the date thing didn't plan out tonight." He said. "Oh, I know how that goes." She said. Mordecai and the girl laugh as they notice everyone kissing their dates.

"You know, while the clock isn't over yet, we can still make the best of this." The girl said. "Huh?" The girl kisses Mordecai. There is a short pause, and they kiss again. "And let's greet the New Year with a fresh face. Everyone, take off your mask!" The DJ said. Mordecai and the girl stop kissing to take off their masks. When the girl takes off her mask, Mordecai finds out that the girl is another female chipmunk, which reminds him a lot of (Y/n) and he gasps.

"What's wrong?" She asked curiously. "Mordecai, what's the matter?" Rigby asked, and his eyes go wide and he gasps as he sees her too. "I'm... I'm sorry. You just remind me so much of (Y/n)." Mordecai said, and at this the chipmunk's eyes widen. "Did... did you say (Y/n)?" She asked. "Yeah, why?" Rigby asked. "Is this (Y/n) of yours another chipmunk?" She asked. "Yeah..." Mordecai said. And her expression turns to even more shock. "Hey, what's wrong?" Rigby asked softly. "Where is she?" She said. "What's going on?" Mordecai asked. "I'm Anna, and I'm (Y/n)'s sister." She said with a serious tone, and the duo's widen in shock. "Sister?!"

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