Pie Contest

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At the porch of the park house, Benson has an announcement for the seven original groundskeepers. "Alright, everyone. As you know, today is the annual pie contest. And, surprise, surprise, we're gonna do it the same as last year. Skips, you're on podium duty." Skips nods, and walks off, carrying a rake. "Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, you guys go and set up the booths." Benson said. "Yeah!" Muscle Man high-fives Hi Five Ghost. "Later grandmas!" He runs off. "Pops, you're in charge of decoration." Benson said. "Oh, rest assured, it will be a delight to the senses." Pops walks off. "(Y/n) you'll be in charge of judging the pie contest." Benson focuses on Mordecai and Rigby. "Mordecai and Rigby, just go pick up garbage or something."

Benson said, and Mordecai groans. "Wait what? Why am I judging the pies? I thought that was your job." (Y/n) said. "Sorry (Y/n), I have something else to do this year." Benson said. "Aw, what?" Rigby asked. "Ugh! Why do we always get the lame jobs?!" Mordecai asked. "Uh oh, I'm starting to sense some serious déjà vu right now." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, why can't we judge the pies?" Rigby asked, and Benson chuckles. "Yeah right! You have no idea what it takes. I know (Y/n) can handle it, but you two?" Benson asked. "Uh, I'm gonna guess eating a bunch of pies." Rigby said.

"No, it's not just eating a bunch of pies! Trust me on this, you're not ready." Benson said. "Come on, how hard can it be? I eat pies all the time." Rigby said. Benson groans. "This isn't a game, Rigby." He said. "Dude, just give us a chance! You always give us jobs we hate. If you gave us a job we liked for once, we might actually be good at it!" Mordecai said. "I don't have time for this. Go pick up some trash or you're fired." Benson gets in the golf cart and drives away. M&R chase him down the dirt road and (Y/n) runs after them. "Wait!" She shouted.

The duo land on the roof of the cart, then, from Benson's POV, M&R are hanging from the roof. "Let us be judges!" They said. Benson screams, then, hits the brake, flinging M&R to the ground and leaving them barely conscious. (Y/n) quickly runs over. "Are you two okay?" She asked. Benson then walks up, annoyed. "You are actually willing to put yourselves in physical danger just so you can judge pies?!" M&R moan in their state of pain. "Okay, fine. But I warned you. If you come to me wanting to quit, YOU'RE FIRED!" Benson storms off. M&R then high-five and (Y/n) face palms.

The trio see some pies contestants have set up. There's a pie contest banner, and the trio are wearing the judge ribbons as the contestants look on. M&R nod, and then walk into the contest. A girl waves to the trio, and Mordecai nods flirtatiously. Rigby does the same to a trio of girls looking on. Next, two teenagers are talking. The blonde teen taps the ginger's shoulder, and points towards the trio. The ginger turns, revealing his pie-shaped sunglasses, and greets Mordecai. Finally, the trio look at the pies set up. There are apple pies, strawberry pies, and even chocolate pies. The trio walk up to judge Pops' pie. "Hey, Pops. What kind of pie did you make?" (Y/n) asked. "This is my cherry tart! Put out your hand, put out your hand!" Pops places one slice of cherry pie into (Y/n)'s,

Mordecai's and Rigby's hands. The trio then begin eating the pies, and show approval. "This is great, Pops!" (Y/n) said. "I'm so glad to know it would be you three who will honor me with my tenth blue ribbon." Pops said. "Hang on, Pops, not so fast! There is a chance someone else's pie will win." Rigby said. "Yeah, we can't make any promises." Mordecai said. Pops almost cries. "Oh, I understand." He walks over to a display of his blue ribbons. He touches the area he planned to hang the tenth ribbon. "Then I guess blue ribbon number ten will just have to wait."

The trio look at each other guilty. The trio walk up to Muscle Man's and Starla's stand. "So what do we have here?" Rigby asked. "It's a rhubarb tartlet." Starla said. Muscle Man points at the trio. "And you're gonna love it." He reaches his hand to Starla's cheek. "Starla put her heart and soul into this pie. Didn't you, baby?" He grabs the forks and digs into the tartlet. "Okay, judges, judge this!" The duo look over at (Y/n). "Stay out of this one, (Y/n)." Rigby said. "Yeah, we'll judge this one." Mordecai said. The duo grab the forks, and eat the piece.

They almost vomit at the sour taste, but manage to swallow it and (Y/n) cringes. "Now give her the blue ribbon, ladies." Muscle Man said. "Um, we can't just give Starla the blue ribbon..." Mordecai said. Muscle Man grabs M&R and pins them against his face. "If Starla's rhubarb pie doesn't win, the next pie you taste will be thrown in a tube! Because you'll be in a hospital bed, hooked to life support!"

Muscle Man throws M&R to the ground and (Y/n) quickly runs over to help them up. Starla runs over to Muscle Man to hug him. "Oh, Mitch!" MM&S kiss. As they do, Muscle Man makes the "I'm watching you" sign to M&R. The trio walk through the stands. "Man, that was horrible! Judging's a lot harder than it looks." Mordecai said. "But not too hard to judge THAT pie!" Rigby points to a very gross looking pie and (Y/n) gags. "Ahhh, sick!" Mordecai said.

"I feel sorry for the apples that died to make this!" Rigby said. "Care to tell that to whoever made the pie?" (Y/n) asked with a playful smirk. "Ha ha, very funny (Y/n)." Rigby said. "I wonder what sort of loser made this loser pie." Mordecai said. Sam comes running to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "(Y/n), Mordecai! Rigby! Hey guys, wait up!" He shouted. "Oh dude! How much do you want to bet this is Sam's pie?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) slaps him. "Ow!" "S- Sam! How's it going?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah it's been a while, huh? Good to see you two dudes."

Sam said to Mordecai and Rigby. "How's it been?" Sam asked. "O- oh. Good. A lot has happened recently. We even got a new employee. His name is Thomas. He's just an intern though so he won't be staying forever." (Y/n) said. "Thomas, huh? As in Thomas the train?" Sam asked jokingly. (Y/n) snorts before nudging him rather roughly. "Don't a jerk, Sam." She said, and he chuckles. "Hey, I was just kidding. Look.... I.... I heard about what happened." And this catches the duo's attention.

"And I'm sorry I wasn't there to help during the whole "Exit 9B" fiasco." Sam said, and the trio frown. "Hey, it's okay. Everything worked out in the end, right? I mean we're here, the park's here, so it's all good." (Y/n) said. "It's NOT all good! We almost lost you, (Y/n)!" Rigby said. "But you didn't." (Y/n) said, and Rigby looks like he was about to argue, but chose not to. "Look guys, there's no need to dwell on this, okay? It's over. Let's focus more on right now, yeah?" (Y/n) asked. "I like that attitude, (Y/n). Ready to try my pie?" Sam asked. "Uh..." (Y/n) said.

"Heh heh, we'd love to, 'cus we're judges..." (Y/n) said. She, Mordecai and Rigby get a piece, and the pie makes a fart sound as they do. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby eat the pie, and they gag and try not to throw up. "Delicious!" (Y/n) said. "Heh heh....heh...." The trio said nervously. "So what do you think? Here's my score card. I won't look right away if you don't want me to." Sam said. "Uhh..huh...we forgot our pencils!" (Y/n) said. The trio run away. (Y/n),

Mordecai and Rigby are walking by more pies, but are now confused to which one they should give the pie to. "Ughhh! Dude, judging BLOWS! I don't wanna tell people the truth about their pies! I hate hurting people's feelings!" (Y/n) said. "We don't like it either, (Y/n)! If we don't pick Starla, Muscle Man is gonna freak out on us!" Rigby said. "I can't tell Sam about his pie, he'll never talk to me again!" (Y/n) said. "And what about Pops? He almost cried and we actually liked his pie." Rigby said. "I know! I felt awful!" (Y/n) said. Mordecai sighs. "Everyone's totally gonna hate us after this." He said. Benson walks in with sunglasses. "Great. Look who's come to rub it in our faces." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Well, well, well. Sounds like pie judging is not as easy as you thought, is it?" Benson asked. "No, it's totally easy." Rigby said.

"Whoa, whoa, don't get all testy." Benson takes a bite of a pie. "What's that?" Mordecai said. "Oh this, it's a piece of pie. You know what the best about cleaning is? You pretty much get to eat pie all day. I don't think I picked a single piece of trash yet." Benson takes another piece of a pie, while (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scowl at him. "Yeah, judging was the worst. Telling people what I think about their pies, hurting their feelings, crushing their dreams. Well, just let me know when you guys wanna quit." Benson rats the rest of his pie. "Oh wait, you can't, because if you do, I get to fire you." Benson laughs obnoxiously at their faces.

"Happy judging, fellas!" He laughs while running off and (Y/n) growls furiously. She was about to run after him to hurt him but her friends quickly pull her back. "(Y/n), no!" Mordecai said. "Don't do it!" Rigby said. "Ugh, fine! But he was very close to a beat up." (Y/n) said. "Uggh. I don't want to judge this contest anymore." Rigby said. "I can it judge it for you." An unknown voice said. "What?" The trio asked. "Who said that?" Mordecai said. "I'm over here. Over by the trash can."

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby open the trash can revealing that the voice they heard was a talking pie. "Hi." He said. "Ugh!" The trio said. "Who are you?" Mordecai asked. "I'm Promise Pie." And (Y/n) scoffs. "What kind of pathetic name is that?" She asked. "Cool." Rigby reaches his hand into the trash. "Talking pie." He said. (Y/n) quickly stops him. "Ew! Don't touch it!" She said. "Wait, I can help you." Promise Pie said. "What?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "How can you help us?" Mordecai asked. "I can help you pick the winner." Promise Pie said. "Oh yeah, let's ask the sinister talking pie in the trash for help, that'll never go wrong." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "We're not idiots you know." She said, then closes the bin.

"Yeah, we'll take a rain check on the talking pie advice. Come on, dudes, we have to do this ourselves. There's gotta be a way to judge this competition without makin' everybody hate us!" Mordecai said. The trio think about how to best judge the contest. Rigby gasps. "Dudes!" He snaps his fingers. "What?" Mordecai and (Y/n) asked. "I know what we gotta do!" Rigby snaps fingers on both hands. "What, snapping?" (Y/n) asked, and Mordecai snickers. "No! It's so simple! We just gotta give everyone a perfect score!" He again snaps fingers on both hands and he then points to the ground. "Boom!" He said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, dude! If we give everyone a ten then everyone wins! And nobody hates us."

He snaps his fingers again. "Boom!" He said. "Dude, that's actually a really good idea!" Mordecai said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "What's the matter, (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. "That's not going to fix anything that's just going to make it worse! If we give everyone a perfect score including the bad pies then that means we're just lying!" (Y/n) said. Rigby crosses his arms. "It's better than hurting people's feelings, (Y/n). Besides, do you have any better ideas? Or would you rather ask the sinister talking pie in the trash?" He asked, repeating her words from earlier, and she sighs.

"Okay, fine. Let's do it." She said. "Time to finish judging this contest right." Mordecai said. The trio walk down an isle, rows of pies at their sides. They come up to Skips and they eat some of his pie, they then write his score on some paper, M&R show it to him, revealing a ten. They then go to Hi Five Ghost and eat his pie, as they do, ghosts stream out of their eyes. Rigby gives him a ten. Mordecai pokes Death's pie,

ravens come out of it, Mordecai gives him a ten. They go to Gary , his "pie" is in front of him, the trio also give him a ten, they are sparkling. They go to Eileen, she is smiling, the trio give her a ten, her pie all over their faces. The trio spin around gleefully, each holding a perfect score. Many people are standing outside the tent. "Dudes we did it, we judged those pies in their faces!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we did!" Mordecai said. "Perfect score! Perfect score! Perfect score!" The duo said.

"But, seriously, dudes, we're never judging again." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, (Y/n)." Rigby said. Benson enters and (Y/n) instantly glares at him. "Alright guys, let's go, it's time to pick a winner." He said. "Oh, it's cool, we gave everyone perfect scores, so it's a tie." Rigby said. "It's totally a tie." Mordecai said, and Benson groans. "No! It doesn't work that way!" He said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. "In the event of a tie the judges have to pick a winner live in front of all the contestants." Benson said. "What?!" The trio asked. "That's right, doesn't seem so easy anymore, does it?"

Benson starts to leave. "Look, if you're trying to teach us a lesson, we've learned it already, okay?!" (Y/n) asked. "So could you just help us?" (Y/n) asked. "No way! You wanted be judges, you get to be judges." Benson said. "I never wanted to a judge!" (Y/n) shouted. "What do we do?!" Rigby asked. "I don't know! I gotta think." Mordecai said. (Y/n) sighs in defeat. "I guess we don't have a choice but to tell everybody the truth." (Y/n) said. "See? Now there's a good idea." Benson said before he walks off. "Dude, we can't do that. Everyone's gonna hate us!" Rigby said.

"Well, we have to do something." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, if we quit Benson will fire us!" Mordecai said. Rigby then gasps. "Dudes the pie!" He said. "Are you serious?" (Y/n) asked. "Do you wanna tell Sam how bad his pie was?" Rigby asked. (Y/n) stares at Rigby. Mordecai opens the lid, the trio are now consulting Promise Pie. "Well, well, well, look who's come crawlin' back." Promise Pie said. "Yeah, yeah." (Y/n) said. "Can you really help us?" Mordecai asked.

"Of course, I can. Just say the word and I'll make pickin' a winner as easy as pie." Promise Pie said. "Okay, but can you stop talking like that? It's making me uncomfortable." Rigby said. "Yeah, me too." (Y/n) said. "Oh, sure, I can use my natural voice." Promise Pie's voice deepens to a monster-like quality. "HOW'S THIS?" (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "Uh, probably better to go with the first voice." She said.

"Look, just help us judge the contest." Mordecai said. "Not a problem." Promise Pie sprouts arms and legs. "I'll call you to come out as soon as it's done. Oh, and one more thing, no matter what ya hear, don't come out 'till I say." He said. "What, why?" (Y/n) asked. "JUST DON'T COME OUT 'TILL I SAY!" Promise Pie shouted. "Okay!" (Y/n) said. Promise Pie chuckles and walks outside. (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby flop on the steps to the stand outside. "Phew!" Mordecai & Rigby said. "Man, problem solved!" (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby hear screaming, so they go outside. The world around them is a hazy red. Promise Pie is now a giant and he is eating people,

he eats Starla. "Oh no!" (Y/n) said. "Babe! Gimme—" Promise Pie eats Muscle Man. "Promise Pie! What are you doing?!" (Y/n) asked. "I'M NARROWING DOWN THE COMPETITION, SO IT'LL BE EASIER FOR YOU TO JUDGE." He picks up Sam, he is about to eat him and the trio gasp. "SAM!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. The trio run toward Sam, Promise Pie swats them aside and he eats Sam, he resumes feeding. Benson runs up. "What've you done?! I knew you guys wouldn't be able to judge pies!" Benson is grabbed by Promise Pie,

he is about to be eaten, so is Pops. "Was my pie so terribly bad that you couldn't judge it?" Pops is thrown into Promise Pie's mouth, screaming. "POPS, NO!" (Y/n) shouted. "POPS, YOUR PIE WAS ONE OF THE BEST ONES WE TASTED!" Mordecai shouted. Pops is spit out of Promise Pie's belly. Promise Pie shrinks a little. "KEEP JUDGING!" Benson shouted. "OKAY! UH... I GUESS STARLA'S PIE WAS KIND OF OKAY." Mordecai said. "BE HONEST! YOU HAVE TO BE BRUTALLY HONEST!"

Benson shouted. "ALRIGHT, FINE! STARLA, YOUR PIE WAS GRITTY AND IT TASTED LIKE A SACK OF BUTT CHEEKS!" Rigby shouted. Muscle Man and Starla are thrown out. Promise Pie roars and throws Benson, screaming, to the ground. "It's working!" (Y/n) said. Promise Pie runs toward them and almost crushes the trio, but they jump out of the way. "SKIPS, NEXT TIME YOU BAKE, WEAR A HAIRNET, BRO!" (Y/n) shouted. Skips is shot out, screaming.

"DEATH, THIS WAS TERRIBLE, STICK TO KILLING PEOPLE!" Rigby shouted. Death is shot out. "Hey, Dude with the Pie Glasses. THE ONLY THING MORE TASTELESS THAN YOUR GLASSES WAS YOUR PIE." Mordecai said. The dude with the pie glasses is shot out. "SCABITHA, YOUR PIE WAS SOGGY, AND I FOUND A BANDAGE IN IT!" Rigby shouted, and Scabitha is shot out. "Sam, your pie... UGH! Your pie... It was the worst pie I've ever seen. Somehow it was burned and raw, it tasted like barf." Sam is now shot out and Promise Pie has shrunk to his normal size. "I'm Sorry, Sam. Pops, your pie was the best. You're the clear winner." (Y/n) said.

"Yeah, here's your ribbon, man." Rigby said. "Good Show! Jolly good show!" Pops laughs. Everyone, except Sam gather around (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Pops. Promise Pie is on the ground, coughing. "What about me, fellas?" He asked. "What about you? I think it's time to put you back in the trash where you belong." (Y/n) said. Mordecai picks him up with a shovel and throws him against the side of a garbage truck. It drives away as Benson shows up. "(Y/N)! MORDECAI! RIGBY!" He shouted.

"Whoa! Benson, we're sorry." Mordecai said. "Yeah, at least we didn't give up, right?" Rigby asked. "UNBELIEVABLE!" Benson shouted. "Hey, Benson, we judged that pie contest." (Y/n) said. "You're just mad we didn't quit, and now you can't fire us." Rigby said. "Oh, can't I?" Benson asked. "No, you can't." The trio said. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Benson hands the trio cleaning equipment. "Clean up this mess, or you're fired!" Benson walks out as the trio stand in silence. "You think there's any pie left?" Rigby asked. "I think I've had enough pie for a lifetime." (Y/n) said.

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