Power Tower

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At the City Power Tower, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are what appear to be lifting weights, but they're actually holding ping pong paddles, because they're playing. "Ping pong!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. They start playing with Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost. "I got it!" Fives its it with his paddle. "Nice!" Muscle Man said. Mordecai hits it with his paddle, then Muscle Man hits it with his paddle, then Rigby hits it with his paddle. "Oh, Rigby..." Mordecai said. Muscle Man tries to hit it, but missed it. "Aw, come on!" Muscle Man shouted. "You gotta go long with the ping pong!" (Y/n) said,

and the gang laugh. "Ping pong! Ping pong! Ping pong! Ping Pong!" They laugh again. A muscular man named Dale hears them, drops the weights, wipes his face with a towel, and throws the towel on Muscle Man's face. "Hey!" (Y/n) snaps, glaring at the man. "Augh! What's your problem, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "Muscle Man?" Dale asked. "Oh. Hey, Dale." Muscle Man said. "Muscle Man, you know this guy?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, he knows me. We used to be in bodybuilding contests together." Dale said. "Really?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, he used to be hot stuff. Now he's just a hot mess! And we don't allow hot messes like you guys to play ping pong in our gym, so get outta here!" Dale said. "Well, last time I checked this is a free country, so..."

(Y/n) began, and her friends snicker. Dale picks up the Ping pong ball, placed it on his chest, and destroys it with his abs. "Hey!" (Y/n) shouted, angrily about to charge at him for that, but Mordecai and Rigby quickly grab an arm of hers and hold her back. "No, (Y/n), relax!" Rigby shouted, trying to pull her back along with Mordecai, with Muscle Man watching with concern. "He's right, bro, you should really-" but Dale scoffs. "Ha! Had no idea you were the type to hang around weaklings, Muscle Man." He said. "Hey!" Rigby shouted, glaring at him. "What do you mean?" Mordecai asked.

"What're you hanging around this little girl for? As far as I know, this is a gym for men, not little girls." Dale said, and this angered the trio. "Little?! I'm 25!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "You leave us alone, Dale!" Muscle Man throws the towel on Dale's face. "I wouldn't go talking crap about (Y/n) like that! She may be a chick, but she's probably stronger than all of us here! Even you!" Muscle Man snapped,

glaring daggers at him and Dale growls. "What, that rodent? Ha! I highly doubt it." Dale said. "You're just saying that because you haven't even see her fight!" Rigby snapped. "Yeah, we've seen her beat up multiple people! In fact, she would have beat you up if we didn't hold her back! And maybe next time we won't!" Mordecai glares at him, crossing his arms. Dale growls. "Her? Beat me? You two must be dreaming.

Good luck with these idiots!" (Y/n) got up in his face this time. "Say that again about my friends, and you're gonna regret it!" (Y/n) growled. "Oh yeah?" Dale asked, looking like he was about to attack her, and at this the trio panicked. Muscle Man quickly steps in front of her. "Touch her, and you'll wish you were never born, Dale!" Muscle Man shouted furiously. Dale growls. "What? Do you think you're tough now, bro? Look at you. You don't even deserve to be called Muscle Man no more, Mitch." Dale said. "Nobody calls me that except for my girlfriend, and also the guy at the airport who checks my driver's license, but that's besides the point, I've got more muscles now than you'll ever have." Muscle Man said. "Oh yeah?! Okay, then, the Power Tower Biceptennial is this weekend." Dale points at the poster.

"It's the biggest bodybuilding contest around. If you can beat me, then you, your little girlfriend here and your little ping pong posse can come here and play whenever you want. But until that day, I don't wanna to see any of your faces anywhere near the Power Tower! Do I make myself clear?!" Dale asked. "First off, (Y/n) is NOT my girlfriend, Starla is, she's just a friend! And second, you're clear alright. You're clearly gonna lose to me at the Biceptennial, and me and my friends are gonna play ping pong here whenever we want!" Muscle Man shouted.

Later, the gang are at his trailer at the park. "Dude, you don't have to do this, you know." (Y/n) said. "Dude, that guy is super ripped. There's no way you can beat him." Rigby said. "I thought the whole reason you were called Muscle Man was to be ironic, anyways." Mordecai said. "Yeah, 'cause you're so out of shape, you know." Rigby said. "Guys!" (Y/n) scolded. "Hmm. How's this for out-of-shape?" Muscle Man hands (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby a picture of himself with muscles at the Biceptenial. "Wooaahh...." The trio said. "Man, you weren't kidding." Rigby said. "Yeah, bros. Back then, I was the real deal. I was the Muscle Man." Muscle Man said.

~Flashback begins~

Muscle Dad is placing his camera and posing behind the City Power Tower. "I really got into bodybuilding through my dad." The flashback then changes to a young Muscle Man sitting and watching Muscle Dad lifting weights. "Everyday I go with him to the Power Tower and watch him lift weights. He may not have had the most rip body, but he was as strong as an ox, until one day..." Muscle Dad's arm bent and the weights lifted down on his chest. "Muscle Dad!" Muscle Man runs up to him and lifted the weights off him as muscles grew on his body which it ripped his shirt off. "What?" He asked.

"Huh?" Three bodybuilders asked. "Woah, check it. It's pretty cool, man. Awesome. He's ripped." The body builders and Muscle Dad walk right up to Young Muscle Man. "Hey, kid, what happened?" A bodybuilder asked. "I don't know. I was just sitting over there, and my dad was lifting over here, and I lifted the weights up off of him." Muscle man starts posing. "His posing is perfect." "Your boy's a natural, Muscle Dad." The bodybuilders chat, and Muscle Dad smiles at him as Young Muscle Man smiled as well. "Then I was finally ready to compete in the Power Tower Biceptennial." Everyone cheers for him. "I had it all. Muscles, technique, the total package." Muscle Man said. Everyone cheers again. "The winner, Muscle Man!" Muscle Dad smiles at him, as Muscle Man posses with his trophy. "Muscle Man! Muscle Man! Muscle Man!"

~Flashback ends~

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are still holding the picture. "After a while, I kept winning every match and I got bored. So I decided to step away from that whole bodybuilding scene. But now I'm ready to get back into it so I can win the Biceptennial and beat Dale." Muscle Man pulls a rope, but the tire swing and the tree fall down. "Let's go back to the Power Tower." He said. Back at the City Power Tower, Muscle Man is doing some weights. "One more! One more!" Fives said. Muscle Man lifted the weights on top. Fives clapped. "Let's take five." Muscle Man said. "Dudes, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Rigby asked. "What? Oh, ping pong?" Mordecai said. "Ping pong!" Rigby said. "I don't know, what if Dale's here?" (Y/n) asked. "She has a point." Mordecai said. "It's just one quick game." Rigby said. "Okay, but let's hurry before he sees us." The trio go to the ping pong table and start playing. Mordecai tries to hit it to Rigby, but Dale destroys it with his abs again while dust falls on the table. "Go ahead, keep playing." Dale said. "Really?" Mordecai asked, but (Y/n) glares at him, raising an eyebrow, knowing there was a catch here. "Yeah, keep playing." Mordecai picks up another ball and tries to hit it to Rigby again, but Dale destroys it again with his back abs. "Keep playing!" Dale shouted. "But we barely have any..." Mordecai said.

"Come on!" Dale shouted, and (Y/n) growls furiously. "That's it!" (Y/n) angrily walks over to him. "(Y/n), no!" Rigby shouted. "Stop picking on my friends, Dale!" She shouted. "Oh, and what're you going to do about it?" Dale asked mockingly, before grabbing her tail, and yanking her up rather harshly. "(Y/n)!" Her friends shouted. "What did I say, Dale, huh?! Leave us alone!" Muscle Man shouted as he approaches. "I told you guys not to come here, Mitch!" Dale said, still holding (Y/n) by her tail. "I told you not to call me that or hurt (Y/n)!" Dale bumps chests with Muscle Man. "You wanna go?!"

Dale then throws (Y/n) and flings her over to Mordecai and Rigby, who quickly run to her. "(Y/n)!" The duo quickly help her stand. "Are you okay?" Mordecai asked. "How's your tail?" Rigby asked her, checking it to make sure it wasn't broken. "Hey easy! She's not a rag doll you know!" Rigby shouted angrily. "Yeah, she's a living being! You can't just throw her around like that!" Mordecai shouted.

"I warned you not to hurt her, bro! Let's go right now!" They took off their shirts and start flexing, but Fives and the bodybuilders break up the fight. "Alright, alright, break it up! Everyone settle down!" Fives shouted as he flew over. "You don't stand a chance, Mitch!" Dale shouted. "Oh yeah?! Well I'm sure he does! And I'm also sure that he's gonna kick your-" (Y/n) began. "You're so going down! Aaaahhhh!"

Time Skip

"I got to face facts, I'll never be able to get buff in time for the Biceptennial." Muscle Man said. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Hi-Five Ghost look at each other. "There's only one way to beat him....technique." Back at Muscle Man's trailer, Muscle Man does instructions of flexing his muscles in different VHS recordings of the Biceptennial. "Augh! This is hopeless! I'm never gonna win the Biceptennial!" Muscle Man flips the table and a box of VHS tapes on the ground until a red VHS tape case falls out of the box. "Huh? What's this?" Muscle Man picks up a VHS tape that says "For Muscle Son Love, Muscle Dad" He opens it picks up a note which Muscle Dad

wrote and his thought bubble of Muscle Dad writing the note appears as he reads. "Son, if you're reading this, I've passed away and you're about to enter the Power Tower Biceptennail, which you need to win so you can beat some jerk and let your friends play ping pong. This tape contains a pose that will guarantee victory, or very painful death. Good luck, son, I believe in you. Love, Muscle Dad."

His thought bubble disappears, then (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Hi-Five Ghost went into Muscle Man's trailer. "Muscle Man? Hey, Muscle Man, are you ready...?" (Y/n) asked as the four approach him. "Shhh. My ghost dad sent me this ghost tape from beyond the grave. It's gonna help me win the contest." Muscle Man said. The gang watch a clip from the 1976 Power Tower Biceptennial.

"Up next, in the '76 Power Tower Biceptennial is reigning champion, Don Denunzio!" Chaz said. "Oh, my dad told me about this guy!" Muscle Man said. "Denunzio will finish off with the Shredder!" Chaz said. "Remind me again what the Shredder is, Chaz." A judge said. "The Shredder has two meanings. For one, if done correctly, it shreds all of the competition. Two, if you falter in the slightest, it will literally shred all of your muscles, leading of course to an instant agonizing death." Chaz said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "Talk about a double-edged sword." The judge said.

"Oh, he's going behind the head for the hand clasp. I think he's gonna do it! I think he's..." When Don misses the hands, he explodes, then SMPTE color bars appear. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Hi-Five Ghost, except for Muscle Man are shocked. "Easy! Don't worry, bros, I totally got this." Muscle Man said. "What?! Are you crazy?" Mordecai said. "Yeah, man, don't risk your life so we can play ping pong." Rigby said. "Yeah, this is crazy!" (Y/n) grabs his left arm, but he softly pulls it away. "It's about more than just ping pong. It's about sticking up for ourselves.

And getting payback for what he did to (Y/n). And if I want to win the Biceptennial, then I say it's shredding time!" Muscle Man shouted. Back at the Power Tower Biceptennial, Fives shaves his hair off, puts on muscle musk, Muscle Man putting on hair gel, and putting on workout underwear. "Time to win this thing." He and Fives go up to the stage while (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are sitting on a couch, looking shocked about the Shredder.

"This is Chaz McAllister, coming to you live from the Power Tower Biceptennial." "Next up to the stage, we have Dale the Daletard Decico!" Chaz said. Everyone cheers as he comes on stage. He hi fives a bodybuider. "And making his return, we have Muscle Man!" Chaz said. "Yeah! I remember when he was a kid, he spotted his dad!" When Muscle Man comes out, he and the gang look unhappy at his appearance. "It's okay, Muscle Man!" Mordecai said clapping along with (Y/n). "Yeah, you got this, bro!" Fives said. "You can do it, Muscle Man!" (Y/n) cheered.

"And we'll now be commencing the competition with the first pose: Abdominals and Thighs!" All the bodybuilders, including Muscle Man, do the pose. The crowd cheers. "Oh, man! Did you see that technique?" A man asked. "The Crab Most Muscular!" Muscle Man flexes his breasts as the others do the pose. Everyone, including his friends, cheer. The judges are relally impressed. The bodybuilders continue posing. The fifth bodybuilder gives a double thumbs-up. "Hey, we got a two thumbs-up pose!" The fourth bodybuilder gives a double peace sign. "Ooh, there's a peace sign!"

The judges are not pleased. "And it looks like the judges don't seem too convinced by these poses." The bodybuilders give excellent poses. "Unbelievable! This is shaping up to be a true clacial styles!" Judge number 3 raises his hand. "The judges have reached a decision. The two contestants moving on to the sudden death round are: Dale the Daletard Decico..."

"..and although his body is very very out of shape, we all agree that his technique is immaculate. Muscle Man!" "Yes!" Muscle Man said. The crowd cheers, including Muscle Man's friends. "Alright, Mitch. Time to show the world who the real Muscle Man is!" "Yeah! They're all gonna see that it's me!" Dale growls and the two begin posing. Muscle Man soon begins to tire out.

"You're looking kinda tired, Mitch. Why don't you give up, and go play ping-pong with your flabby friends? Ha ha ha!" Muscle Man starts whimpering. "We believe in you, Muscle Man." Fives said, the last part echoes in his mind. "Man. Man. Man." When Muscle Man hears the echoes, he starts to go for the Shredder. "Oh, what's this? I think Muscle Man is going for the Shredder." Chaz said, and Rigby gasps.

"Not the Shredder!" He shouted. "No!" (Y/n) shouted. Muscle Man gravels himself and is about to go behind the head for the hand clasp as he almost reaches for his hands. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Fives shouted. Muscle Man finally clasps his hands together and begins to glow. Dale stops laughing as he notices. Muscle Man glows an even brighter light, startling the bodybuilders. His Shredder start to shred the whole competition.

"Perfection." A judge said. The Shredder continues to shred. "Woah!" Muscle Man stops glowing as he unravels himself. The crowd cheers for him. "The winner of the Power Tower Biceptennial, Muscle Man!" The crowd cheers as he receives the Biceptennial trophy and poses. His friends join him and chant. "Muscle Man! Muscle Man! Muscle Man!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and High Five Ghost chanted.

Muscle Man sees some familiar ghost faces. "You did it, son. I'm proud of ya." His father said. "Si, as am I. You did what I could not." Denunzio said. Dale approaches Muscle Man. "Hey! I'm so sorry I doubted you bro. You always were number one, Muscle Man." Dale said, and Muscle Man sighs. "Look, I'll forgive you Dale,

but only if you apologize to (Y/n) first." He said. Dale looks over at the chipmunk, then approaches her. "Look, kid, I'm sorry for how I treated you and your friends." He said. (Y/n) looks at him for a long moment. "Apology accepted. Just don't mess with my friends ever again." She said. "And also, don't hurt her ever again." Rigby said, glaring at hm. "I won't. I apologize for that too." Dale said, and Muscle Man smiles at him. "But can I ask? Why so protective of her, huh?" Dale asked playfully.

"She must be pretty important to you to be so protective. She must be your girlfriend." Dale joked, and Muscle Man face palms. "I told you, she's NOT my girlfriend dude!" Muscle Man snapped, glaring at him. "She's a close friend of mine from the park." Dale laughs, "hey, I was just kidding, dude." He clasps hands with Muscle Man and pulls out a box. "Here, these are for you guys." He said. Rigby takes the box, opens it and gasps. "Ping pong balls!" He said. "Aw, yeah! Game on!" Mordecai said. "Uhh, maybe later, bros. My muscles are killing me." Muscle Man said.


"Uh, Muscle Man?" Fives asked. "Yeah, bro?" He asked. "Can I ask you something?" Fives asked. "Shoot." Muscle Man said. "I was just wondering, Dale kind of had a point. You have been more protective of (Y/n) recently. Is there a reason for that?" Fives asked, and Muscle Man instantly tenses at the question, and his hands turn into fists, then he sighs. "Okay, look, I'll tell you, but only if you promise not to tell anybody! Especially not Mordecai and Rigby, okay?" Muscle Man asked, and Fives nods, and he sighs. "Yes, there is a reason for it. Remember that whole Exit 9B thing?" Muscle Man asked.


"Now, hand over the document or the intern gets it." He holds a laser gun aimed at Thomas' head and (Y/n) gasps. "Why did I have to hire him right before all this happened?!" Benson shouted, scolding himself. "Leave him alone!" (Y/n) shouted, and Thomas looks at her in surprise. "Oh, what? You suddenly care about him now, (Y/n)? After treating him like nothing before?" GBF Jr asked in a mocking tone, then deactivates the laser gun and grabs Thomas,

and Thomas struggles to escape his grasp to no avail. "Let me go!" This angered (Y/n) further. "Quiet! You were supposed to be my queen, (Y/n)! You and me were supposed to rule this park together! But those pathetic friends of yours had to ruin it! You were supposed to destroy them!" He shouted, and her friends look at him in disgust. "Queen?! Dude I think that's stretching it. You just put me in charge, that's all. And I was only working with you because I was under your control!

Which is the same reason I was mean to Thomas in the first place! Now you leave him out of this!" She shouted furiously. "(Y/n)..." Thomas said quietly. Mordecai sighs. "She's right, this isn't his fight." He climbs off the back of the car, Mordecai slips and loses his footing, dropping the document out of sight. "Sorry." He said. "Quit messing around and bring me the contract!"

GBF Jr said. Mordecai picks up the file and walks to GBF Jr. "Alright, alright." He said. GBF J laughs evilly and takes the file. "Now (Y/n), agree to be mine, and I'll leave your friends alone." He said. "What?!" They all shouted. "(Y/n), you can't!" Muscle Man shouted worriedly. "Yeah! This guy's a lunatic! Don't go!" Skips agreed. "Yeah, he'll just put you back under his control!" Benson shouted. "Please don't leave us!" Pops shouted tearfully.

"(Y/n), no! We just got you back!" Rigby grabs her right arm desperately. "You got the contract, you're not getting (Y/n)!" Mordecai said protectively. GBF J then aims another laser gun at Mordecai and everyone gasps. "Mordecai!" Rigby shouted worriedly. "Quiet! Or you're next, birdbrain!" He shouted. "Don't you dare!" Rigby shouted. GBF J then looks at (Y/n). "Well?" He asked. She looks back and fourth between him and her friends, feeling conflicted as she sees her friends' pleading expressions, silently telling her not to go.

"Tick, tock (Y/n). Come with me, or Thomas and your friends are finished!" GBF J then aims a weapon at all of them and they gasped, eyes widening in fear. "No, please stop!" (Y/n) shouted desperately. "I'll stay, just don't hurt them!" She said. "NO!" Rigby shouted in despair. "I'll only agree to stay if you let Thomas go." (Y/n) said, and GBF Jr scoffs, then releases his grip on Thomas, who rubs his sore arm.

"Fine, I won't hurt him, but he's still my intern. Intern, fetch the coffee - iced! Come now, (Y/n)." And she sighs. "I'm sorry guys." She walks over to him. "(Y/n), no!" Mordecai shouted. "(Y/n)... The park..." Muscle Man said sadly. "Our friend. Our home." Skips said. Pops sheds a tear in anguish. "All is lost." He said. Thomas looks at the group in guilt and pity. His gaze then turns to the girl who had just sacrificed herself for him and the others. "(Y/n).... I can't lose you again... please..." Rigby's voice cracked,

and he began crying, and so did Mordecai, and the rest of her friends shed tears as well. "Thomas! Stop thinking about things and bring us the coffee already." GBF Jr then grabs (Y/n) and starts to abuse her, and she screams in pain. "And don't even think about leaving." He said to her. "STOP! Stop it!" Rigby cried desperately. "Leave her alone!" Mordecai shouted furiously. "I'll do whatever I want with this girl." GBF Jr said before he continued to abuse her.

Her friends looked away as it was hard for them to watch and not be able to do anything about it. Mordecai and Rigby kept crying. Thomas felt fury growing inside him. "GBF, stop!" He suddenly shouted, catching everyone off guard. "Don't you think she's been through enough already?!" Thomas asked. "Shut up, Thomas!" He snapped. Just as (Y/n) was getting back up after being kicked down, GBF Jr then shoots her in the back with a laser gun and she shrieks in pain. That was the last straw. Thomas screams and charges at GBF Jr, throwing the coffee at him. "Leave her alone!" Thomas shouted angrily, before delivering him a quick kick in the nuts.

~Flashback ends~

"Oh... yeah, of course I remember that." Fives said. "I remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember how helpless I felt just watching that jerk torture (Y/n) and not being able to do anything about it! And ever since then I made a promise to myself that I would never let anything happen to her!" Muscle Man shouted, and Fives tenses,

seeing how worked up Muscle Man was getting. "Well, I highly doubt that you're alone in this feeling, Muscle Man. You're not the only one who's gotten more protective of her, I mean, have you seen how Thomas, Mordecai, and Rigby act around her?" Fives asked, a playful tone forming at the end as he smirks, and so does Muscle Man. "What kind of question is that? Of course I have, bro. Those three are practically attached to her." Muscle Man said, then his eyes widened a bit in realization before he snickers. "Oh. No way, bro, you don't think-" he began. "That Thomas, Mordecai, and Rigby all have a thing for her?" Fives asked with a smirk.

"Well, we know that Mordecai and Rigby love her, but Thomas is still up in the air." Fives said. "Bro, not even! Thomas is always trying to get closer to (Y/n), whether it's awkwardly compliment her or help her with what she's doing, admit it Fives, Thomas has feelings for her too!" Muscle Man smirks.

"Well who do you think will end up with her?" Fives asked Muscle Man. He sits back on his couch. "Hmm, good question. Why? You want to make a wager?" He smirks, and so does Fives. "You know it." Fives said. "Okay, then who's your pick: Thomas, Mordecai or Rigby?" Muscle Man asked. "Rigby." Fives said. "That was fast." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, but I've seen some pretty strange and awkward interactions with those two." Fives said.

"Well then, I'm going with the intern. Besides, I'm pretty sure she's got a crush on him." Muscle Man said, and this surprises Fives. "Thomas? Not Mordecai?" He asked. "Yup. Like I said, he's always trying to make excuses to be with (Y/n). So it would be interesting if he's the one to take her. Besides, something tells me that Mordecai has given up on her." Muscle Man said. "Given up?" Fives asked with slight concern.

"Not in the sense of being friends, but for her and him getting together." Muscle Man said. "Oh..." Fives said. "Do you think she still loves Sam?" Fives asked. "The other chipmunk? I highly doubt it, after he abandoned her for education. After what happened, he's a lost cause, bro." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, I suppose." Fives said. Muscle Man then holds his hand out. "So, how about it? If Rigby and (Y/n) get together, I'll give you 100 bucks, but if her and Thomas get together you'll owe me the money." Muscle Man said. "Deal." Fives said, and they shake on it.

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