Prank Callers

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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are laughing while they watch a prank call video on the computer. On the computer a phone rings. "Hello." An old woman asked. "Oh, yes, this is I'm a sure." The voice on the other end said. "I'm a sure, who?" The old woman asked. "I'm a sure glad I ain't Joe Mama!" (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby laugh at the prank call video.

"Oh, yeah! You just got pranked by the Master Prank Caller!" He said. "The Master Prank Caller is the funniest thing on the internet, right, dudes?" Rigby asked. "Ye-e-eyah, I guess he's pretty funny." (Y/n) said. "But you know what's even funnier than watching prank phone calls?" Mordecai looks at the telephone. "Hmm, hmm, hmm!" The trio said. In Pops' room, Pops is ironing his pants when the telephone rings. "Hello?" He asked. "Hello, Pops?" Rigby asked.

"Yes?" He asked. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby start snickering. "Please hold for a collect call from... JOE MAMA!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby laugh, and call Skips, who is seen lifting weights. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey, Skips, do you have a son named "Joe Mama"?" Rigby asked. "Excuse me?" Skips asked. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby laugh again. Skips hangs up with an angry look. At Benson's apartment, he is sitting in his easy chair when the phone rings. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey, Benson, you got any books by "Joe Mama"?" Mordecai asked. "Who is this?"

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby laugh even harder than before. Mordecai lets go of the phone with Benson still talking. "Wherever this is coming from, I will track you down and I will find you, and if it...!" Benson said, still on the phone. "Oh, dude, he's still on the phone!" Mordecai  said. "HE'S STILL ON THE PHONE?!?!?!" Rigby asked. "HE'S STILL ON THE PHONE! HA, HA, HA, HA!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby laugh their hardest and Mordecai hangs up. Rigby's eyes begin to water. "O-O-O-h! Oh, Mordecai, we're the best prank callers ever, aren't we?" He asked. "Yeah, second best." (Y/n) said. "What? Uh. Did you not hear what we just did? We were hilarious!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we were. But we're not number one until we do this."

Mordecai picks up a phone book and starts shifting through pages. "Who are you calling?" (Y/n) asked. Mordecai stops shifting through pages and points to a number on the book. "The Master Prank Caller." He replied. Mordecai takes the phone. "Holy crap." Rigby said. Mordecai is about to dial when Benson bangs the door open. "HANG UP THAT PHONE! You think your little pranks are funny, huh? You think they're funny? Well, what do you guys think of my prank?" Benson walks towards the phone, and pretends to think he's being called by someone.

"Ring, ring. Hello, what's that? Mordecai and Rigby are banned from using the house phone? Okay." Suddenly, Benson's face turns red. He pulls the phone from the wall and smashes it to pieces on the floor. "GOOD LUCK MAKING YOUR PRANK CALLS NOW!" Benson then throws the remains of the phone down and slams the door on his way out. "Dude, let's go use Pops' phone." In Pops' room, Pops is still on the phone and the iron is still on his pants, which are smoking. "Pops, can we borrow your phone?" Mordecai and Rigby asked. "Oh, I would, but I'm holding to talk with Joe Mama." (Y/n) snickers. 'Oh god, he took that literally.' She thought. A pulse tone is heard from the phone. "But you're welcome to use the phones under my bed." He said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby walk towards Pops' bed.

"Aw, cool! What kind are they?" Mordecai asked. Rigby pulls a case from under Pops' bed and opens it to find 80s brick-sized phones. "Aw, '80s cellphones!" Rigby said. "Sick." (Y/n) said in agreement. "Cool. Thanks, Pops." Mordecai said. "Oh, and guys... do be careful. I think they might cause brain tumors." Pops turns back to the phone and then his head starts to throb. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby exchange knowing glances.

Later at the park, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby wrap foil around their heads. "Alright. Now let's prank the Master Prank Caller." Rigby said. "Okay, here I go." Mordecai dials the phone and the telephone rings. The Master Prank Caller picks up to answer. "Hello?" The Master Prank Caller asked. "Yeah, this is, uh, pizza delivery guy? I have 50 pizzas here that you ordered." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby snicker. "Sounds great. Bring 'em over." He said. "Uh, you ordered 50 pizzas?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, and hot wings. Get here quick, okay? Your mom's like totally starving." He replied. " Yeah, uh, okay. I gotta go." Mordecai hangs up the phone. "Let me take a crack at it." Rigby dials and the telephone rings again. "Hello?" The same voice asked. "Hi, this is Stan." Rigby said in an idiotic voice. "Stan who?" The guy asked. "Uh... Stan.. Stanminson?" Rigby asked the rest in his normal voice, and (Y/n) face palms. "Your name is Stan Stanminson?" The guy asked.

"Uh... yep." Rigby said. "Well, congrats. That's the stupidest fake name I've ever heard. And what happened to your unfunny fake voice?" The prank caller asked. "I don't know." Rigby said. "Now listen up, stop calling here or I'm gonna make you sorry!" MPC hangs up phone. "Whoa, this guy's good. I don't know, maybe we shouldn't do this." Mordecai said. "Agreed. By the way, instead of saying your name is Stan Stanminson, I think you should have said Pines. At least that's a real name." (Y/n) said.

"She has a point, dude." Mordecai said. "Aw, what? My choice of name was fine. Are you two really givin' up? Dudes, we can prank this guy. Do you want to be this guy's son, or do you want to be number one?" Rigby asked his friends. "Hmm, hmm, let's do it." Mordecai dials the phone. "Hello, Master Prank Caller, this is..." "Did it." MPC hangs up. "Hmm." Rigby dials the phone. "Yeah, buddy, it's Joe Ma...!" "Heard it." MPC hangs up again. (Y/n) dials the phone. "Yeah, hello?" She began. "You got anything original?" MPC hangs up once again. ""Yeah, hello?" (Y/n), that was the worst try yet." Rigby said. Rigby dials the phone.

"Time to put an end to this junk fest. Hmm." MPC hangs up right away. "Looks like the junk fest just got a new member." Mordecai said. "Yeah, right, like your "50 pizzas" thing was way better." Rigby said. "Whatever Stan Manastan, man." (Y/n) said, then laughs. The phone suddenly rings. "Pff, nice try, dude. I know it's you." Mordecai said. "Yeah, dude, stop playing around." (Y/n) said.

"Uh... not me, dudes." Rigby said. Mordecai picks up and they all listen. "Hello?" He asked. "Is this the pizza guy or Stan Stanminson?" The prank caller asked. "Uh... both?" Mordecai asked. "I warned you to leave me alone. Now I'm gonna prank you so hard, you're all gonna poop a duke. The 1980's called: they want their cell phones back!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are sucked into the phone and are sent tumbling through cables in space, with year numbers floating around them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The three are sent to another spot in the Park after they get spit out of a portal. "Where are we?" Rigby asked. "Dude, I think we're back at the park." Mordecai said. "Are we?" (Y/n) asked. "What do you mean?" Mordecai asked.

"Guys, all the trees are small, and look at that park bench, it's so new looking. I'm telling you, something weird's going on." (Y/n) said as she looks around at everything. "Look, there's Pops. Let's go ask him." Pops is facing away from the trio, working on planting a tree. "Pops! Hey, Pops, can you tell (Y/n) here that everything is fine?" Mordecai  asked. Pops turns around, looking and sounding much younger than normal, as well as lacking a mustache.

"What now?" The trio gasped. "Why does Pops look so young?" Mordecai asked. "Now then, who are you two gentlemen and young lady? How do you know my name?" Pops asked. "Pops, It's us, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby." (Y/n) said. "But I've never met any of you in my entire life." Pops said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "I agree with (Y/n), something weird's going on." Rigby said.

The trio see a few B-Boys dancing. "Hey, guys!" Rigby calls to them. "What?" One of them asked. "You notice anything strange going on around here?" Rigby asked. "Is he getting fresh with us?" One of them asked. "Yo, I think he's up in our threads, homefry." His friend said. "That dillweed just barfed me out." The B-Boys walk away. "Fresh? Barf me out? Homefries? We're in the '80s, dudes!" Rigby shouted. "Pops, what year is this?" (Y/n) asked him. "Well, it's 1982, of course." He replied. "See?" Rigby asked. "Dudes, this is bad." Mordecai said.

"I know, I don't even like the '80s that much!" Rigby said. "The only way we're gonna get back is that we prank him harder than he pranked us." Mordecai said. "Or apologize!" (Y/n) shouted. Her best friends look at her in shock. "Apologize? You really think that's going to work?" Rigby asked her. "It could!" She shouted back, but Mordecai dials the phone. "Hello?" The prank caller asked. "The '60s called, they want..." Mordecai began, but was interrupted. "What did I tell you about calling me?!" A yellow, sparkling cloud begins to shoot out of the top of the phone, shocking (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Hang up! Hang up!" (Y/n) panicked. "I can't!" Mordecai drops the phone.

A giant '80s cell phone morphs out of the cloud. It's the Master Prank Caller. "You couldn't leave me alone. Now you're gonna pay!" MPC dials on himself. "We should get out of here." Mordecai said. "The cart!" Rigby shouted. The trio drive away in the golf cart. The Master Prank Caller follows them, dialling again. In the cart, the phone rings and Rigby picks up. "Hello?" Rigby asked.

"You idiot! Don't answer it!" (Y/n) shouted. "The '80s called. They still want ya!" 80s clothes appear on (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. They gasp, the Master Prank Caller laughs, and Rigby hangs up. "Aw, man, these aren't even the cool clothes from the '80s!" Mordecai shouted. "Not our number one problem right now, Mordecai!" (Y/n) snapped. The phone rings again and Rigby picks up. "Listen, just leave us alone, will you?!" Rigby shouted. "Don't you ever hang up on me!" More clothes from the '80s appear on (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. Mordecai waves his arm and screams at a golden bracelet on his arm that reads 'Dawn' "Rigby, you have to call somebody to help us prank this guy!" (Y/n) shouted. "Who?!" He asked her.

"Just call somebody!" Mordecai shouted. Back at the park in the present time, the other 80s cell phone rings. Pops picks it up. "Ooh, telephone. Hello?" Pops asked. "Pops, you gotta help us; we're stuck in the '80s!" Rigby shouted. "Who are you talking to?" Benson asked. "Why it's (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. They're stuck in the 1980's." Pops said. "Oh, really?" Benson takes the phone away from Pops and begins talking sarcastically. "Hello?" He asked. "Benson, you have got to help us! We're stuck in 1982!" Mordecai shouted. "Oh, wow. That's really something, Mordecai." Benson said. "Crap! He thinks we're pranking him!" Mordecai shouted. "What?! Well give it to (Y/n), he'll trust her!" Rigby shouted. "I got a better idea." She grabs the phone. "The '80s called, they want their cell phones back!" She shouted. Pops,

Benson and Skips are sucked into the phone and are sent to 1982 through phone space, landing on the back of the golf cart. "What happened?" Benson asked. "We need your help to prank the Master Prank Caller." (Y/n) said. "Who?" Benson asked. "Why did you prank him?" Skips asked. The phone rings and Benson picks up this time. "I'll take care of this. Hello?" Benson asked. "Nice ride, but I like mine better." MPC summons a limo, which he is driving beside the golf cart. "Blargh!" The park workers scream and the Master Prank Caller tries to ram them off the road. "Forget the phone, hold the wheel steady." Skips said. Skips jumps onto the Master Prank Caller's limo. He tears the hood ornament from the back,

jumps to the front of the limo and smashes it onto the engine. Skips jumps back to the golf cart as the Master Prank Caller's limo flips several times. The Master Prank Caller escapes from his crashed car and begins to dial himself, causing the phone in the cart to ring again. "Don't answer it, don't answer!" Mordecai shouted. "Mordecai, look out!" (Y/n) shouted. Mordecai runs over younger Pops, who is crossing the street with one of the phones. "Dude, we just hit past Pops!"

Rigby shouted. Pops rises, moans briefly, and lets out a manic laugh, much like his present self and (Y/n) sighs with relief. "I think he's okay." She said. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Pops, and Skips crash into the '80s Electronic Store, where they come to rest next to a counter full of answering machines. "Uh, can I help you with anything?" The clerk asked. "Guys, I got an idea." (Y/n) said. At the park, everyone is running to the field getting ready to hide. "Quick, get to the field! Everybody hide!" Mordecai said. The answering machine trap is deployed. "Over there!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby put down the phone attached to a tape recorder and then hide in the bushes. "I hope this works." (Y/n) said.

Rigby puts a paw on her left arm. "It will, (Y/n). It has to." He said. The phone rings. The tape recorder turns on with a recording of (Y/n)'s voice. "Hello?" "This is The Master Prank Caller telling you-" "hello?" She asked again. "I said this is The Master Prank—" "Hello? uh.. I'm sorry, I can't hear you." (Y/n)'s recording said. "I said this is The Master Prank Caller!" He shouted. "Hello, hello, are you there?" "RRRRGH!" The Master Prank Caller appears next to the phone and tape recorder. "I SAID—" he realizes that the voice is coming from a recorder - he's been psyched. "Ha ha! Just kidding. You just got pranked, loser!" The recording stops. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Now!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Pops and Benson jump out of the bushes and make a dog pile on the Master Prank Caller, holding him down. "Now, Rigby, hit the power button!" (Y/n) shouted. "Who's the best prank caller now, jerk-dish?!" Rigby climbs up the phone and hits the power button. "No! No! NOOOOOOO-" he shut downs, the MPC falls to the ground and makes no movement. Mordecai and Rigby laugh. "In your face! Who's the master prank caller now, you loser?" They they laugh again, a light shines out from the MPC's speaker. (Y/n),

Mordecai and Rigby look in. "Guys, this is it; it's the way back! Come on!" (Y/n) said. The park workers appear in a hallway with doors that each have a different year on them. "One of these doors leads us back to the present." (Y/n) said. Benson then spots the present door. "There it is." Benson said. Benson, Skips, and Pops walk through the door, but as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are about to go through, they see the Master Prank Caller. "Wait." MPC's speaker breaks,

revealing his true identity - a thin, undead-looking man. "You guys were better than me today, but you can't leave me here. All I ever wanted to do was make prank calls like you. Was that so wrong?" The Master Prank Caller splutters and moans. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look at each other. Later that day at Benson's apartment, he receives a call. "Hello?" He asked. "1, 2, 3. The '70s called: they want their chair back!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and the Master Prank Caller said. Benson's chair disappears. The four of them laugh.

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