Really Real Wrestling

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The trio are watching a movie together. "What did I tell you, Mannetti? The cream always rises..." he takes his sunglasses off. " the cop!" He laughs. "Boooo. Who writes this stuff?" (Y/n) asked, she eats some chips and passes them to Rigby. "Tonight, and tonight only, at the City Arena Center, it's Double R-W's Wrassle Frassle VII live! Come watch all your favorites battle it out for the championship belt! It's Really Real Wrestling at its best! Tonight at 8! For tickets, call your momma and cry about it,

'cause this event is sold out!" The announcer said. "Augh! I can't believe we didn't get tickets." Mordecai said. "Dude, I told you both we should've left early to stand in line, but no, you wanted to finish your work." Rigby said. "Rigby, Benson would have snapped his crank if we just left work. You gotta be responsible sometimes." (Y/n) said. "And that's why we don't have tickets for wrestling, because all you can think about is Benson's crank." Rigby said.

Mordecai gets up. "Oh. You're asking for it, man." He said. "You're asking for it, man." Rigby said. "You trying to get me mad? You know what happens when I get mad." Mordecai said. "Oh, I know." Rigby said. There's a pause, then Mordecai and Rigby run off, and suddenly, they're wearing wrestling clothes as they mock dramatic entrances and growl. (Y/n) turns to watch them with amusement. "Listen up, Mysterious Mr. R, Mad Man Mordo's gonna take you down." He starts rapping. "And I'm not talkin' downtown, I'm talkin' six feet underground!"

He rips his shirt, and (Y/n) starts laughing. "Mad Man Mordo? More like Bland Man Bored-o. When I'm through with you, people will be all like, "Ah, what happened to his face?", and I'll be like, "Mysterious Mr. R is what happened to his face." Rigby said, and (Y/n) laughs even more at this. "That's it!" Mordecai and Rigby begin fighting, and start mocking slow-motion strikes. "Wow, watching the two of you is like watching a TV show." (Y/n) said. "Hey!" Rigby said. Then, Mordecai knocks Rigby to the ground and pins him there before Rigby gets up to pick up a nearby chair, and then hit Mordecai's back with it. Rigby starts running around in circles as Pops comes into the room. He runs up to Mordecai and pins him to the ground.

(Y/n) suddenly gets up and runs over. "Pops, chill! Let him go!" She shouted. "Oop!" Pops laughs. "Oh, I just love to wrestle!" He lets go of Mordecai, and gets off of him. Mordecai was unconscious for a bit, but was waken by (Y/n). Mordecai gets up and groans. "That wasn't wrestling! You were actually hurting me!" He starts rubbing the back of his head and left arm. "Yeah, Pops, what's your problem? Wrestling's totally fake. You weren't doing it right." Rigby said. "Uh, fake? No. no, no, I assure you, it's real. I used to wrestle back in my schooling days." Pop pulls out his wallet and takes out a picture. "Look, here I am." He shows a black-and-white picture of a young Pops in a helmet and singlet. "We learned how to wrestle just like the Greckos and the Romans!" He said.

"Whoa, cool!" (Y/n) said. Pops reaches further into the wallet. "Oh, I'm so glad you think so! Because I thought you three might want to accompany me to..." Pops pulls out four tickets." ...this." He shows that they are WFVII tickets. (Y/n) gasps. "Wait, what?!" She asked. Her best friends gasp too. "Double R-W Wrassle Frassle VII? You got tickets?" They asked. "Pops, you're a legend!" Rigby pumps his arms. "Really Real Wrestling!" He said. "Really Real Wrestling!" The duo said. "Really Real Wrestling! Really Real Wrestling!" Pops said as he joins in, his timing is slightly off, and (Y/n) giggles. "Aw, you gotta teach us some of your moves, Pops." Mordecai said, and Rigby pushes the table away. "Okay, I will go easy on you boys this time."

M&P face each other. "And, go!" (Y/n) said. Pops lunges towards Mordecai and pins him down. "Impressive, Pops, but you forgot about this. Rigby!" M&R high-five each other. Then, Rigby screams before jumping onto Pops, cracking his back, and (Y/n) cringes. "WHOAAAAA!" The duo said. "My back..." Pops said. Right then, Benson comes into the room. "Hey, do you guys—" Benson gasps, then runs to Pops. "Pops! What happened, are you okay?" He asked. "Yes, yes, all is fine. Just not as limber as I used to be." Pops said. "What did I tell you about wrestling?" Benson asked the duo. "Sorry, we didn't mean to." Mordecai said. "Yeah, come on, Pops! Shake it off, you gotta take us to Wrassle Frassle!" Rigby said. "What?"

(Y/n) asked him in disbelief. "Rigby, come on, Pops can't even get up. He needs to take it easy." She said. "No, no. I can get up." Pops tries to get up, but falls flat on his chest again. "But Pops already got us tickets!" Mordecai said. "It's the biggest wrestling event of the year!" Rigby said. "I don't care." Benson said. "Wait, Benson, surely we can all still go." Pops falls again. "I'm sorry, Pops. It's not gonna happen." Benson said. "Yeah, you have to stay home for your own good." (Y/n) said.

"Oh, boo." Pops said. "Now, help Pops upstairs, and don't even think of leaving him alone. 'Cause if you leave, don't bother coming back." Benson said. " Fine. We get it." Mordecai said. "Does that one get it? 'Cause sometimes, I wonder." Benson said, referring to Rigby. "I get it, I get it. Watch out for Pops and don't go to wrestling." Rigby sighs. "Yeah." He said. "Good." Benson said. Later the trio are tucking Pops into bed. "Why are we going to bed so early?" Pops asked. "It's the easiest way to make sure you don't get hurt again." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, sleep is the best medicine." Rigby said. "I thought laughter was the best medicine." Mordecai said. "Not when you're telling the jokes." Rigby said.

"Pfft, whatever. You wanna hear a joke, Pops?" Mordecai asked. "I better get some rest." Mordecai sighs and turns off the light. The trio go into their sleeping bags under Pops' bed. "Good night, Pops." The trio said. "Sleep speed to all." Pops said. The clock fades from 7:32 to 8:13. Rigby is snoring before he suddenly opens his eyes and looks up to the bed. "Mordecai, (Y/n), come on." Rigby shakes them awake. "Hm? What?" (Y/n) groans. "Come on, let's sneak out and go to Wrassle Frassle." Rigby said. "Oh no, you heard Benson, if we leave, we're fired." (Y/n) said, trying to go back to sleep, but Rigby shakes her again. "Yeah, and what about Pops?" Mordecai asked. "He needs his rest anyways. He'll be fine." Rigby said.

"Without us? Are you sure about that?" (Y/n) asked. "He's a grown man, (Y/n). It's not like he's a child." Rigby said. "A grown man with a back injury, that you gave him." (Y/n) scowls, and so does Rigby. "Fine, if you don't want to come, then don't." Rigby said. "You sure he's asleep?" Mordecai said. "Yeah, look." Rigby whispers as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby turn to Pops. "Pops. Pops." He said. M&R turn to each other and nod, and (Y/n) sighs. She knew she couldn't stop them from going, so she was going too to make sure they didn't get into any trouble. "Okay, fine. I'm coming too." She said. "Yes!" Rigby cheers. "But not because I want to, but to keep you boys out of trouble." She said, and Rigby frowns a little. "Gee thanks, (Y/n)."

He said sarcastically. The trio proceed to exit the bedroom. Mordecai looks onto the bed to a few seconds before leaving the room. As it turns out, the pink shape was not Pops' head, but a big pink teddy bear. Outside, Pops grunts as he crawls his way to the garage and opens the door slightly before he enters and knocks down the door with his taxi and flies off. At the City Arena Center, A fat wrestler pins two-headed wrestler's heads between his arms. The wrestler escapes and weakly punches the other wrestler before he throws them into the ropes.

On top, the trio find their seats. "Row Z, seats 96, 97, 98 and 99!" Rigby said, and the trio sit down. "Man, we made it! This is awesome!" The trio watch on big-screen view. "So close to the action!" Mordecai said. The two-headed wrestler runs to the ropes and rams into the fat wrestler, knocking himself to the ground. The fat wrestler then pins him to the ground as the referee comes in. "One, two, three!" The crowd cheers. "OHHHHH!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "See guys, we couldn't have missed this! Totally worth sneaking out!" Rigby said. "Totally. Still though," Mordecai turns to the empty seat beside him. "It's pretty lame Pops couldn't be here." He said.

"Don't worry, man. We did the right thing. Pops is totally safe back home in his bed." Rigby said. Pops laughs as he approaches the arena. Down outside the arena, two guys are wondering where the new wrestler is. "Hey, bro! Ladder Match is about to start! Where's that new wrestler, Huge Head?" The first one asked. "Eh, I don't know. He hasn't shown up yet." The 2nd one said. Right then, Huge Head's limo drives up. Huge Head steps out. He looks like a younger Pops. He checks his watch and quickly runs to the arena before Pops' headlights shine on him. He gasps before the car crashes on him. "Well, did you call him?" the 1st manager asked. "Yeah, I called him. What, do you think I'm a moron?" The 2nd asked. "Hey, who's this?"

The 1st asked. "Hello!" Pops said as he limps out of the car. "Yeah, this is him, right?" The 2nd manager asked. "He's gotta be. Look at the size of that thing! Hey, Huge Head, you're late!" The 1st manager shouted. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you mind helping me inside?" Pops asked. "What?" The 1st manager asked. "His dramatic entrance!" The 2nd said. "Oh yeah, sure." "Okay, get ready folks, because it's time for the main event! The Ladder Match!" A manager sets up the ladder as a belt is lowered from a wire below. "Aw, yeah! Yeah!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Who's gonna be the one to reach the championship belt at the top of the ladder?

Will it be... The Fire Marshall?" He breathes fire. "Hissy Fit?" The other hisses. "The leading champion on, Four-Armageddon?" The referee asked. "Yeah, yeah! Come on!" Four-Armageddon shouted. Or, making his Double R-W Wrassle Frassle debut, give it up for... Huge Head" Fire machines blaze as the managers, carrying Pops, come into the arena. "Ha ha, look at that guy's head!" Rigby said. "That guy's head is almost as big as Pops'!" Mordecai said. "It is as big as Pops'!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) gasps. "Dudes, that is Pops!" She watches on the big-screen view.

"What? How did he—what?" Rigby asked in shock. "Dudes, he's gonna be pummeled! Come on!" Mordecai said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run down the stairs to Pops. "Pops, what are you doing here?!" (Y/n) asked. "(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, I thought you two were back at home sleeping! Looks like we both couldn't stay away!" Pops said. "Pops, we gotta get you out of here." Mordecai said. "But I just got here! And look, I got here late, and they upgraded my seat!" Pops said.

"No, Pops, they think you're a wrestler!" Rigby shouted. "But I am a wrestler. Besides, you said all this was fake." Four-Armageddon watches from above. "Fake? Who said this was fake?" He asked. Pops points to Mordecai and Rigby. "They did." Four-Armageddon jumps over the ropes to Mordecai. "Is this fake? He slaps Mordecai, sending him into the bars. "Uh, n-no.." "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted. He then goes to Rigby. "How about you, little dude? This seem fake to you?" He double-kicks Rigby into the bars. "Aah! No." Rigby said.

"Hey! Leave my friends alone!" (Y/n) shouted furiously, and the duo look at her horrified. Four-Armageddon turns to her. "What did you just say, little girl?" He asked threateningly. He then kicks her hard and she crashes into the wall. "(Y/N)!" The trio shouted worriedly. They then glared at the man furiously. "Don't touch her!" Rigby was about to charge, but Mordecai quickly pulls him back.

"Look, we were wrong. We're sorry." Mordecai said. Rigby growls, then takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Yeah, just let us take our friends and go." Rigby said. ""Sorry" doesn't cut it. There are only two ways you guys are getting out of here. In a bodybag, or by beating all of us in the Ladder Match." He points to the ladder, then grabs a microphone in the ring. "Listen up! Huge Head and his friends here think all this is fake." The audience boos. "What do you say, we teach him how real this really is?"

The audience cheers, then, the bell rings. 4-AG, The Fire Marshall and Hissy Fit get the audience going. "Come on! You better get in the ring, or we're coming out there after ya!" He said. "Okay, Rigby and I are goin' after the belt. You stay here, Pops. You watch him, (Y/n)." Mordecai said.

"What?! No! You guys can't fight those two, are you crazy?!" (Y/n) panicked. "Don't worry, (Y/n)." Mordecai said. Mordecai and Rigby enter the ring. "Dude, I'll distract him. You get to the ladder." Mordecai said to Rigby. The three wrestlers laugh as Mordecai approaches The Fire Marshall. The Fire Marshall picks up Mordecai and throws him to the ground, following up with a pile driver. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted. Rigby approaches Hissy Fit,

but Hissy Fit picks him up and pounds him against his knee as Pops and (Y/n) watch in horror. Mordecai tries to climb up the ladder before he is pulled off by The Fire Marshall, then, Rigby attempts to climb before he is pulled off by Four-Armageddon, then thrown to the ground, where Hissy Fit body-slams him. "No!" (Y/n) attempts to run into the ring, but Pops grabs her arm and pulls her back. (Y/n) looks at him and he shakes his head worriedly. "I'll handle this, (Y/n).

You stay here." (Y/n) was going to argue, but only nods instead. Pops decides to enter the ring, but, when he gets up, he cracks his spine and lands to the ground. "Pops!" (Y/n) runs over to him. He then starts to crawl up the steps. Four-Armageddon punches Mordecai in the stomach as he is held by The Fire Marshall.

Just as Rigby is thrown by Hissy Fit, Pops crawls his way in and approaches the ladder, then climbs up. Four-Armageddon is still punching Mordecai as Rigby comes over and elbows him, making him twist Rigby with his legs. He then notices Pops on top of the ladder. "Hey!" Four-Armageddon goes over and pile-drives the ladder, sending Pops to the ground. "Pops!" The trio shouted. Four-Armageddon watches as Pops stands up and cracks his pelvis into place.

"Who wants to wrestle?" Pops goes over to grab Four-Armageddon by the leg and pins him down, surprising Mordecai. Then, he throws Hissy Fit over his head and to the ground. Rigby then growls as the Fire Marshall breathes fire at him. Pops takes Rigby to duck for cover before he goes over to Four-Armageddon to throw him over his head and squeezes Four-Armageddon's head with his legs before Mordecai and Rigby come and pull his arms to send him to the ground, and (Y/n) cheers. "Real enough for ya?" Rigby asked. Pops puts the ladder back in place and climbs up to the belt as he is cheered on. He then finally grabs the belt off the wire.

"And the winner, Huge Head!" The Referee said. M&R climb up the ladder to Pops. (Y/n) runs to them. The audience is still cheering for him. Pops' taxi, carrying a police line ribbon, flies down and stops in front of the stairs. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Pops sneak up the steps to the door. Mordecai reaches for the doorknob, but gets surprised to see Benson on the other side. "I knew it. I had a sick feeling, so I came to check on you, and I KNEW it!" Benson shouted. "Wait, listen, Benso-" (Y/n) began. "No! You guys are fired! That's it!" Benson shouted.

"Wait, what? Come on!" Rigby shouted. "No! I told you guys but you didn't wanna listen!" Benson shouted. "Come on, Pops. You gotta help us." Mordecai said. "I cannot tell a lie. Benson, it was all my fault." Pops said. "What?" Benson asked. "I snuck out to the wrestling match on my own, and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby had to come and get me. I'm sorry." Pops said.

"Yeah. Most of that is technically true, somewhat, so..." Mordecai said. "Mordecai, shh!" (Y/n) snapped. "Plus look, Pops' back is all better." Rigby said. "It's true!" Pops said. "This is your last warning." Benson leaves and slams the door behind him. "Wow. Thanks for the save, Pops." (Y/n) said gratefully. He yawns. "I'm just glad it's over." He said. "Yeah. Time for bed, Huge Head." Mordecai said. "Yeah, Huge Head." Rigby said. The real Huge Head looks on from a bush. He's covered in tire tracks and bruises. "So you think you can steal my name, huh? Well, let's see how you like it if I steal yours..." he puts on the hat. "...Pops!" Huge Head laughs evilly.

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