Rigby in the Sky with a Burrito

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In Pops' House, Mordecai and (Y/n) are looking through some letters. He turns around to see if there's anything behind him. Rigby peeks in through the hallway holding letters himself. Mordecai gets up and starts flinging postcards and letters at Rigby. He hides, then rolls to the side. He flings his at Mordecai, who dodges. He hops on top of the sofa, but Mordecai is gone. Mordecai rolls out from under the table, and they both fling letters at each other. Eventually Rigby falls off the sofa and (Y/n) watches with amusement. "The reign of your clan is over!"

Mordecai shouted playfully. He flings an envelope at Rigby, who gets up and holds up his hand in surrender. "For honor! Rigby ticks the envelope at his body. Mordecai gets down for the sofa and pretends to slice him, and Rigby follows up by pretending to have committed seppuku. "Samurai." Rigby said. "I thought you guys were ninjas." (Y/n) said. "Eh, I'm winging it." Rigby opens the envelope and takes out two papers. "Hey, this one's for me! It's an invitation to our high school reunion." He said. "Wait, really?" (Y/n) asked, as she walks over to him. "No way, let me see that." Mordecai said. He kneels next to him along with (Y/n). "It says it's in two days." Rigby said.

"What? So soon?" (Y/n) asked. "We should totally go." Rigby said. "Ugh. Why? High school is so lame. Why would you wanna go back?" Mordecai asked. "Of course high school was uncool, I'm talking about how cool I was in high school, and how awesome it would be to show everyone I'm even cooler now. Here, follow me." They run upstairs laughing. Benson comes in and groans at the mess they left. In their room, Rigby takes out an old yearbook that says 'West Anderson High.' "Whoa. I can't believe that you have this." Mordecai said. Rigby flips over to the profiles and stops on a page. "Wo-ho-hoah! What do we have here?" Rigby is looking at Mordecai's profile. "Urrgh." Mordecai said.

"Activities - art club, dodgeball, jazz band"? Ha-ha! Oh yeah, you played the saxophone!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) laughs, causing Mordecai to glare at her for a few moments before looking back at Rigby. "I signed up late and all the guitar spots were taken!" Mordecai defended. "That doesn't explain why you took your senior picture with it." Rigby said, causing (Y/n) to laugh harder. "Well, yours can't be any better." Mordecai snapped. "We'll see about that." Rigby starts flipping to it and (Y/n) rolls her eyes slightly. "Come on guys, you don't have to turn everything into a competition you know." She said. "We don't turn everything into a competition." Rigby said.

"Oh really?" (Y/n) narrows her eyes in disbelief, and Rigby rolls his eyes as he kept looking. "I'm surprised you even got one since you didn't get your diploma." Mordecai said, this time (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Mordecai don't start this again." She said. "A-ha! Bam!" Rigby points to it. A picture of him riding a skateboard scooter is show. "Check out that photo." Mordecai points to something on the left page. "Oh, right! It's your big To Do list!" He reads it. "A parting message for all you losers going to college." Mordecai takes the yearbook. "While you chumps write book reports and do math for 4 more years, I'm gonna be out having all the fun. Only jerks would choose more school." He said.


Rigby is is in the hallways with Mordecai talking to a girl. "I'm gonna do way more cool stuff." Now he's in the cafeteria. "I'm gonna meet cool people! Go cool places and see cool things!" Rigby shouted. Now he's in the library. "You're the ones who are gonna regret their choices!" He gets tackled by security. Later he's sitting outside the principal's office. "I'll go to our reunion and rub it in your face, then you'll see!" Next he's talking to the principal. "You'll all see!" Rigby shouted. Later he's in the car with his mother. "You're always making so much trouble for yourself. Now, Don never gets in any trouble when he's at school." Rigby's mother said.


"Rigby out? Then you have a long list of stuff you said you'll do." Mordecai said, and at this point (Y/n) was cracking up with laughter. "Oh, no. Did I do anything on the list?" Rigby asked. "Nope." "What do you mean? I can't go without doing something from the list?" Rigby said. "Just don't go then." (Y/n) said. "No, I have to go. If I'm not there, they'll think I didn't do anything after high school and I'm just some loser in a dead-end job. I can't let those guys make fun of me! I've got to do something from the list!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby, it's not a big deal." (Y/n) said.

"Yes it is!" Rigby shouted. "Well, you only have two days, let's see what you can get done. No time for you to become a famous heart surgeon. Hamboning for pope won't work. Get picture taken while mooning on all seven continents? That's actually really cool, but no." Mordecai said. "Ugh! What about getting a slam dunk in the Olympics?" Rigby asked. "No." Mordecai said. "Kill a giant squid?" Rigby asked. "Nope." Mordecai said. "Having the world record for the largest feet in the world, and then kicking the biggest butt in the world?" Rigby asked. "Sorry, dude." Mordecai said. "Ugh! There's nothing on this list that I can do in time!" Rigby said.

"Hmm... What about this? Skydive while eating a burrito? You can probably do that in two days. Actually, that's the only one you can do in two days." Mordecai said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widen in panic. "What?! That sounds crazy!" She shouted. "Okay, then I'll do it! The sky doesn't know what's comin'. "This is the place?" Rigby asked. "What?! No, wait a minute! Rigby, please think this through!" (Y/n) shouted, grabbing his right arm, but he pulls it away from her. "Sorry (Y/n), but I have to do this." He said, and she sighs in defeat. "Okay..." she said hesitantly.

The trio arrived at the place. "This is the place. It's the only skydiving school from miles." Mordecai said. "Hello? Welcome to Jumping Jim's Skydiving Academy. I'm Jumpin' Jim. And are you three ready to fall in love with skydiving?" Jumping Jim asked, then laughs. "Uhhh..." the trio said. "Look, I need you to teach me how to skydive before tomorrow." Rigby said. "Oh, I see you got the real fire in your belly. Well, you bet I can. So let's get you straight to the fans.

Now I'm gonna strap us together tandem-style. That way you'll get a feel for what it's like." Jim said. "I have to be strapped to you?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) cringes at this, as this reminded her of the time Rigby had to be strapped to Muscle Man, and was treated very unfairly. "No one goes alone on their first jump. It just isn't done! Alright, let's get you suited up. Now I know what you're thinking, but don't look too down, son. Not all suits can be made of Chinese silk, real Italian suede, and embroidered in Iceland. But every jumper's got to start somewhere. Ha, ha!" Jim said.

"Dude, burrito." Mordecai said. "Yeah, I gotta make sure I can get this right. Hit me." Rigby said. Mordecai gives Rigby the burrito and puts it in his skydiving suit for safe keeping as (Y/n) just watches with concern. "Alright, here we go. Okay. when you're in the air, you want to stay focused. There's only a limited time-frame,- Whoa, son! What are you doing?" Jim asked as Rigby took out the burrito. "Eating a burrito!" Rigby shouted. "No! No snacks on the fan!" Jim shouted.

"Rigby!" Mordecai and (Y/n) shouted. Rigby throws the burrito in the fan, making the blades of the fan shred it, and Rigby and Jumpin' Jim get covered in the goo condiments of the burrito. Then, Jumpin' Jim throws (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby out of his academy. "Stay out of my school, and stay out of my sky!" Jim shouted. "It's over. There's no other place to go skydiving!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby seriously, this isn't a big deal!" (Y/n) said. "Yes it is, (Y/n)! You don't understand! I can't just say I'd do all these things then show up without doing any of them!" Rigby shouted. "Since when did you care so much about this thing, anyway?" (Y/n) asked,

and Rigby's expression goes flat. "Gee, thanks, (Y/n)." He said sarcastically, looking away from her. "What?!" She asked. "Rigby, she has a point you know, who cares?" Mordecai asked. "Everyone! They're all gonna know! I'll just be a loser who's done nothing since high school!" Rigby shouted. "You know who else has done nothing since high school? MY MOM!" They turn to see Muscle Man. "Okay, for real, bro. If you got to go skydiving while eating a burrito, I've got this guy who owes me a favor." Muscle Man said. "What guy?" (Y/n) asked.

"His name is Johnny, he's got a plane and has been known to take people skydiving from time to time. I'll take you tomorrow after Starla and I finish brunch. And by brunch I mean..." Muscle Man said. The trio flinch in disgust. "Ok, ok, we don't need to hear it. I just need a ride to this guy." Rigby said. "Alright, fine. I'll take you tomorrow right after Starla and I-" Muscle Man said. "This looks kinda shady." (Y/n) said. "It doesn't matter. As long as I can jump out the plane, That's fine." Rigby said.

"Yo, Johnny! Johnny!" Muscle Man said. "Huh? What? Yo, Muscle Man. How's it going, man?" Johnny asked. "Oh, you know, it's all good. How you been?" Johnny asked. "Pretty rad. Still doing the plane thing. Oh! I finally changed my last name to Skydiver!" Johnny said. "Nice." Muscle Man said. "Rigby changed his name to Trash Boat once." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) instantly turns to glare at him. "Dude, not cool." She hissed. "Stop talking! Can we just do this?" Rigby asked. "Anyway, I'm here on business. I'm calling in the favor." Muscle Man said.

"Whoa, heavy, what do you need?" Johnny asked. "My buddy Rigby here needs to sky-dive today." Muscle Man said. "I don't know, man. I have to mow the runway, and then I've got this banner flying." Johnny said. "I said I'm calling in, Johnny Skydiver!" Muscle Man shouted angrily. "OK, OK, you're right, I'll take him up. But I got to fix the plane real quick. Alright, just about ready." Johnny said. "How am I gonna make it? There's only 20 minutes before the reunion." Rigby said.

"Reunion? That's where I'm headed with the banner! You can do the stunt live and skydive straight into the reunion." Johnny said. "Fine! As soon as I grab my stuff, we're hitting the sky! Alright, I got the parachute to live, got the burrito to eat, and the camera to prove it. That should be everything." Johnny said. "Rigby, please just reconsider-" Rigby cut her off. "No, (Y/n)!" He shouted, causing her to flinch in surprise, and he sighs. "Sorry, (Y/n). But I have to do this." He said. "Dude, this doesn't seem safe. I don't think you should do this.

I mean, who cares what your old classmates think of you? It's not important." Mordecai said, siding with (Y/n). "You don't understand, you were actually cool in high school. This is my only shot." Rigby said. "Rigby, we're good to go!" Johnny said. "Rigby, please don't do this! Just lie at the reunion, and tell people you did it. They'll never know!" (Y/n) pleaded. "You know, maybe you're right, maybe they wouldn't. But I would. Johnny Skydiver, let's get this bird in the air!" Rigby said. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "Dude, come on!" Mordecai said.

"Let him go, bros." Muscle Man said. "But this is crazy! He could get seriously hurt!" (Y/n) shouted desperately. "Anyway, the jump site's coming up, so let me hit you with some skydiving 101. You're gonna want to pull the cord on the right to release your parachute at anywhere between 3000 and 2000 feet. If your chute gets tangled, just kick your legs like crazy. You can also grab the chute and throw it away from your body. And if that doesn't work, cut the lose and pull the preserve cord." Johnny said.

"What if that chute doesn't work?" Rigby asked. "You've got the rest of your life to enjoy the view." Johnny said. "Oh! Oh." Rigby said. "Don't worry, you'll do fine." Johnny said. "Wait! You're not jumping with me?" Rigby asked. "No, man! Someone's got to fly the plane." Johnny said. "Who's flying it now?" Rigby and Johnny notice that no one's flying the plane. "Oh, crud!" Johnny slides off as the plane starts losing control. "Whoa, ah!" The plane continues losing control. "Whoa! Whoa!" Rigby slides off of the plane. "Whah! Wah! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AH-Ah-ah!"

Rigby opens his eyes and notices that he's skydiving down to the reunion hall. "Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! HA-ha-ha!! Whoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!!! WOOOO!!!! Heh!" Rigby takes the burrito out of his suit, and tries to get the camera, but then he finally grabs the camera. Rigby rips the top paper part of the burrito, spits it out, and then gets the picture taken of himself pretending to eat the burrito while skydiving. Then, the picture comes out of the camera, but then it flies away. "Na!"

Rigby tries takes another picture, and this time he puts the burrito under his arm, and takes the second picture out of the camera, without making it fly away. "HA!" Rigby looks at his picture of himself pretending to eat the burrito while skydiving. "Perfect!" Rigby let's go of the camera, making it fly away and puts the picture in his suit for safe keeping. Then after Rigby skydives through a cloud, he notices the roof of the Reunion Hall "The Reunion Hall! More perfect!" He said. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "Guys, something is wrong with his chute." She said. "Oh no, bro." Muscle Man said. "Go away!" Rigby shouted, and his chute flew off. "Oh no..." (Y/n) said. "Dude, he cut away his chute!" Mordecai said.

"No! What do I do? What do I do? Burrito! Don't let me down, buddy! Promise to save my life before I let go of you? OK!" He thought it was about to do just that. "Betrayal!" But he was able to use it to land. "Ha, Ha, Yeah! No." Rigby then crashes through the building. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) quickly runs over to him. "I don't know, man, I think that was his last burrito." Muscle Man said,

which panics (Y/n), as she desperately shakes him. "No, no, no! Rigby wake up! Please, please!" She shouted. "Hey (Y/n), why don't you kiss him? That might wake him up." (Y/n) instantly glares at him for that. "First of all, it's usually the guy kissing the girl that wakes THEM up, and secondly, ew!" She said. "Wait, he's waking up!" Mordecai said. "Rigby!" (Y/n) said with relief. "Uhh... (Y/n)? Did I make it?" He asked. "Yeah, dude. You went right through the roof." (Y/n) said.

"And you're not even dead." Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) slaps him for that. "Ow!" He glares at her. "Uhh...Heh, heh, ha, ha, YE-HEAH!! No way I'm gonna die before all you losers, check this out! IN YO FACE!!! You thought I couldn't do it, but I did- Ugh! What the? I don't even need to skydive! Just look how ugly everyone got!" Rigby said. "Wait, dude, these people are just really old." Mordecai said. (Y/n) realized everyone here looked pretty similar to someone else they knew.

"Wait a minute, don't tell me..." she said. "Guys, hello!" Pops greeted them. "Pops?" Mordecai asked. "What're you doing here? You weren't in our class." Rigby said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Idiot! Do I really need to spell it out for you?" She asked, and Rigby turns to her in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked, and she sighs. "This is obviously Pops' reunion." She said, and Rigby's eyes widen. "What?!" He asked. "She's right. I meant to tell you my class president accidentally mailed my invitation to you." Pops said. "I guess I have time to get the slam dunk in the Olympics now." Rigby said.

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