Steak Me Amadeus

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Sam and (Y/n) are being happy together doing various activities, such as looking at the clouds, going to the aquarium, riding bikes, going to a photo booth, and finally riding on a Ferris Wheel on a boardwalk carnival. The next day at the house, (Y/n) is washing her hair out in the bathroom. "So, Sam... there's something I want to ask you. Noooooooo. Hey Sam, I think we're great, we're great together, you know?

Nah. Hey Sam, I want you to be mah everythin'!" Rigby and Mordecai come into the bathroom overhearing (Y/n) talking to herself in the mirror. "Hey (Y/n), why are you talking to yourself, (Y/n)? Huh? Huh? Got a date with your man? Hm? Hm?" Rigby asked. "Oh, Rigby! Mordecai! You guys aren't still jealous, are you?" (Y/n) asked. The duo look at each other for a moment. "Nah. If you like Sam instead of us, then we should have been the bigger people here and have been okay with that." Rigby said, truth was, he did still feel jealous, but both him and Mordecai wanted to try their best to get over that jealousy and support their best friend. (Y/n) sighs in relief.

"That's good. Because I'm taking Sam out to dinner tonight, and I'm kinda nervous, okay?" She asked. "Oh! Where are you taking him? Cheezer's? Wing Kingdom?" Mordecai asked. "No dude, someplace WAY nicer: Steak Me Amadeus." (Y/n) said. "Wait, what? (Y/n), that place is CRAZY expensive, how are you going to pay for it?" Rigby asked. "BAM!" (Y/n) pulls out yellow dollar bills reading "AMADEUS DOLLARS"  "Amadeus dollars! Remember when Pops gave these out as Christmas gifts? I traded everyone for them in exchange for favors, and now I got MAYD STACKS!"

She said. "Oh. So that explains all the extra work you've been doing." Mordecai said. "This dinner is big dudes. Everything has to be perfect. I'm gonna ask Sam to officially be my boyfriend." (Y/n) said. "Whoa!" The duo said. "That's huuuuuge! (Y/n), you have our utmost respect." Rigby pounds his chest with his fist, and gives her some more Amadeus Dollars. "Use 'em well, (Y/n)." Rigby said.

"Thanks, Rigby." (Y/n) smiles. "No get out of here, I gotta use it." Rigby said. (Y/n) has dressed up in a nice dress for her date tonight. (Y/n) drives the cart to pick Sam up. Later that evening, (Y/n) is again practicing what she is going to say to Sam. "Sam, will you do the honor of being my... boyriend? Ugh, no..." her cell phone rings. She picks it up, and answers it. "I was just on my way to get you. What's up?" (Y/n) asked Sam. "Hey, something came up, so I'm going to be late. I'm sorry, can I meet you at the restaurant?" Sam asked. "Yeah, totally! Don't worry about it! I can't wait to see you!" (Y/n) said. 

"Cool, see you there." (Y/n) hangs up, and is humming her song from Butt Dial. She arrives at Steak me Amadeus, and walks in still humming. She walks up to the receptionist there. "Hi, I have a reservation for two under (Y/n)." She said. The Receptionist is typing on her computer. "Ummmmm... ah! There you are!" She said. "Is there like an extra nice table you could sit us at? If it costs extra, I can pay upfront." (Y/n) gives the receptionist her Amadeus Dollars.

The receptionist looks at them hesitantly. "No, no extra charge." She then goes for a red button located underneath the top part of the desk, and presses it. Within one second, an entire SWAT team moves in, and apprehends (Y/n). "WHAT THE-?" Later (Y/n) is in an "INTERROGATION ROOM".  The rest of the park gang are in handcuffs. (Y/n) is being interrogated by an FBI agent named Morelli. "People like you make me SICK." The agent said. "What? But I haven't even done anything." Two cops enter the room, one male, and one female. "Take five, Morelli, we got this." Morelli then leaves the room. "What's going on?! Why are we locked up?!" (Y/n) demanded.

The female cop then throws a bag of Amadeus Dollars to (Y/n). "You tell me. You and your buddies' prints are all over these counterfeit Amadeus Dollars." She said. "Counterfeit?!" (Y/n) asked. "Don't be cute with me. We've been on the case for months. Your funny money scam is GOING DOWN! DOWN TO PRISON TOWN, YOU HEAR ME?! PRISON!!!" Kessler shouted. "Easy there, Kessler. All of the evidence is stacked against you and all of your friends.

Unless you can prove you're innocent." The park gang all have worried looks on their faces. "We're gonna take you all in." A cop said. "What?! That's not fair! We're innocent! We had no idea! You're accusing the wrong people here!" (Y/n) defended. "Uhhh, I'm just an intern..." Thomas said. "THOMAS!" Everyone scolds. "(Y/n)'s right, this is ridiculous, we don't even know what you're talking about!" Benson shouted. "Yeah!" Fives said. "I want my one phone call, bro!" Muscle Man shouted.

"We're innocent, let us go already!" Rigby shouted. The whole park gang starts arguing. Pops has an ashamed look on his face. "IT WAS ME! I gave them the funny money!" Pops then starts crying. "Hat man! Christmas!" He continues crying. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pops, calm down. Use your words." Benson said. "Well, I met a gentleman who sold them to me for half price." Pops said. "He got a name?" Kessler asked. "I don't know, he just approached me on the street." Pops said. "What did he look like?" The male cop asked. "Well, his hat was covering his face. But, he gave me his card." Pops reaches into his pocket, and takes out a card. He walks over, and gives it to Kessler. "It's just a number. You've got nothing. Let's take them to the van."

Kessler said. "NO!" (Y/n) quickly steps in front of her friends protectively, spreading her arms out. "You can't do that! Look I know we're innocent! And I also can't miss this date tonight, it's important!" She begged. "Well, doing my job is even more important." Kessler said. "You don't understand! I need to ask Sam to be my boyfriend!" (Y/n) then pulls out a series of photos of the two in the photo booth from the night before. "Mmmmm, nice.

Very nice! It looks like you two have a real connection!" The cop said, while looking at the photo. "She's also got a real connection by incriminating evidence."  Kessler said. "Now hold up, Kessler. This is a big moment in someone's life." The cop said. "Yeah, just give me a chance! Look, I'll catch the real counterfeiter! If I bring him, and the fake bills in, then there would be no problem with us! Just let me go on this date, please!

And if I can't pull this off, just take me in. Leave my friends out of it!" (Y/n) begged. "WHAT?!" They all asked in surprise and worry. "Ugh, fine! If you can bring us the perp, and prove he's got the counterfeit bills, you guys are off the hook." (Y/n) is looking at the park gang, who now have smiles on their faces. "Pops, call the guy!" (Y/n) said. Pops is calling the counterfeiter while the cops are setting up (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby with the equipment for the sting operation. Mordecai and Rigby are now wearing full suits and ties and (Y/n) is still in her dress. "You know, you don't have to do this, guys." (Y/n) said. "Hey dude, remember, respect!" Rigby pounds his chest again with his fist and Mordecai nods at her in agreement. "Sam is here." A cop informs (Y/n). A waiter shows Sam, who is wearing a fancy suit and tie, to his and (Y/n)'s table.

Sam sits down. "As soon as the suspect arrives, you gotta leave him. Got it?" The cop asked. "Got it." (Y/n) said. "Remember, (Y/n), no dollars, no deal." Kessler said. (Y/n) walks over to Sam, and sits down with him. "Hey, you made it!" (Y/n) said. "Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late, I-" Sam began. "No, no. It's fine." Sam smiles at her. "You look amazing." (Y/n) said. "So do you." Sam said.

"Are you okay? I hope today wasn't inconvenient with work and all." (Y/n) said. "No, no, I wanted to see you!" Sam said. "Listen, there's something I wanted to tell you." (Y/n) said. "There's something I wanted to tell you too, something kinda important." Sam said. Before Sam can begin, the male cop comes over (Y/n)'s headset. "The suspect has arrived." He said. Unfortunately, Sam can hear it. "Uh, (Y/n)?" He asked. "Time to go, Cassanova." The cop said. "Come on, just give me more time!" (Y/n) snapped. "Are you okay? Time for what?" Sam asked her.

"Uhhhhh, time, time for me to go to the bathroom of course! Heh heh! I'll be right back." (Y/n) said. Sam has a suspicious look on his face as (Y/n) runs off to her best friends. They walk over to the suspect, who is wearing a tan coat and a brown hat. His face is covered. "So, you two work for Pops?" The person asked. "Yeah, show us the goods." Mordecai said. The suspect then pulls out a brown briefcase. Rigby reaches for it, but the suspect soon pushes it near himself.

"Un, un, un. Let's me see my payment first." (Y/n) snaps her fingers trying to contact the waiter. "Give me the ribs, extra juicy." The waiter has a confused look, but he pulls out a box reading "RIBS" on it. "There you are, sir." The waiter walks away. The suspect opens it up, and there are dollar bills in it. He pushes the briefcase over to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby across the table. "Mmmmmm. 10,000 Amadeus Dollars." He said. "Make them admit they're fake, and we can end this." (Y/n) has a nervous look as she looks at Sam who is growing impatient for (Y'/n)'s long "bathroom break" "So, these Amadeus Dollars are legit, right?" Mordecai asked.

"Hey, these are coupons, not cash." The suspect said. "Just tell us if they are the real deal." Mordecai said. "Touch 'em, they don't get any more real than that." The suspect said. "Look man," (Y/n) pounds her fist on the table. "Don't you lie to me!" She shouted. "(Y/n)?" Sam asked. "Uhhhhh..." she replied as Sam walks over. "Why are Mordecai and Rigby here?" Sam asked. "Busted." Rigby said, and Mordecai punches him for that. "Ow!" "I'm really sorry Sam, can you wait at the table?" (Y/n) holds both of Sam's paws. "I'll be right there." She said. "But, I really need to talk to you." Sam said.  "Then why don't you join us, mister?" The suspect asked. "What? No!" Sam shouted. "I said "JOIN US!" The suspect shouted. "Uhhhhh." (Y/n) said. "Come on, there's no reason why we can't have fun here. After all, that's what I was made to do: SHOW PEOPLE A FUN TIME!" "Show people a fun time?" (Y/n) asked, that phrase ringing a bell to her for some reason, until her eyes widen in realization.

"Wait a minute! I know who you are! You're..." before she could continue, the suspect then flips the table as his eyes turn glowing red. He then pulls out a rifle, but it comes out backwards. He then flips the right way. The rest of the patrons see it, and flee the restaurant in fear. The suspect laughs hysterically, then reveals himself. It turns out he is actually the bear from the Capicola Gang in Fuzzy Dice. Parts of him are just metal, while the rest of him is fur. "So you finally figured it out, huh?" He asked her tauntingly. "It's that dice guy from the Fun Fun Zone!" Rigby shouted. "Dude! I thought you were DEAD!" Mordecai shouted. "That's what they all thought."

(Flashback of the night of the shootout at the docks.)

"I was in pretty bad shape after the cops got us. But I survived." The bear reaches to shore while electricity volts are coming out of his body." He's later in a run-down apartment room. "I laid low for awhile. And started making plans for revenge." The bear is watching a commercial on a TV of the restaurant Steak me Amadeus. "A fine culinary experience for ALL! Especially for the couples!

And now, you can pay for it with special Steak Me Amadeus dollars!" The bear is now typing on a computer hooked up to a printer. "I knew I could lure you guys in with affordable steak." The bear hits "PRINT" on his keyboard, and fake Amadeus dollars come out. "So I created thousands of fake Amadeus Dollars!" Thousands of fake Amadeus Dollars come out of his printer. "I knew once you have cheap steak, you'd be back for more." Pops gets the fake Amadeus Dollars, and runs back to the park with them.


(Y/n), Sam, Mordecai, and Rigby all have shocked expressions on their faces. "And BAM! Here we are! The Capicola Gang will have its revenge!" He said. "Dude, that's really weird." Rigby said. "Well, it worked, didn't it? And now I have you right where I want you!" The bear clocks his rifle and points it to the four. The three males quickly step in front of (Y/n) protectively. "If you're gonna shoot us, fine. But don't hurt (Y/n)." Mordecai said, and the bear shrugs. "Sounds fair." He said. "NO!" (Y/n) shouted, as tears formed in her eyes, but before he can shoot, the rest of the gang come to the rescue,

all having guns in their hands pointed at the bear. Benson, HFG, Skips, Muscle Man and Thomas arrive with guns. "FREEZE, BEAR!" Kessler shouted. "(Y/N)!" Thomas shouted worriedly. "Bros! The feds said we could help save you!" Muscle Man shouted to his friends. "Can it, you two!" Kessler moves toward the bear. "Okay, Papa Bear, the jig is up. Drop the gun, and no one gets hurt." Unfortunately, Louie from the Capicola Gang is there too, and cocks his pistol. He is resembled with a robotic arm.

"I'd be careful if I were you." Louie laughs. The Male Officer moves in. "Drop the gun, big guy!" Unfortunately, the duck, now wearing an eye-patch with a mark alongside a cape, from the Capicola Gang moves in from behind a curtain with a 12-gauge shotgun. "Hold up square!" The duck clocks her gun. "Y'all gonna put yo' guns down, NOW!" Everybody has their guns pointed at each other.

(Y/n) is scared and whimpers a little. In case they die, Sam holds (Y/n)'s right paw tightly. The announcer from the commercial brings out some steak on plates. He gasps, and drops the plates. The plates then break on the floor, which breaks the silence. The gigantic shootout begins. While everybody is shooting at each other, Rigby and Mordecai run under a table while (Y/n) and Sam,

still holding hands, run for their lives. "GET DOWN! NOW!" Skips shouted. Pops, Skips, Benson, Thomas, High-Five Ghost, and Muscle Man flip the table so it's on its side. Rigby and Mordecai duck under a table flipped on its side. (Y/n) and Sam are still looking for cover. "Sam! There's something I want to tell you!" (Y/n) shouted. A bullet smashes a plate on the table near them. "(Y/N)!" Her friends shouted worriedly. "Come on! This way!" Sam shouted. They both crawl behind a table and Mordecai and Rigby sigh in relief.

"The last few weeks I have spent with you have been the best weeks of my life." A bullet smashes a glass on the table they are behind. Muscle Man is on the floor shooting off his machine gun uncontrollably while squealing. "I feel like we are growing closer every day, and nobody makes me happier than you do." A bullet smashes a vase of flowers, a plate, and a steak. "Sam," (Y/n) holds both of Sam's paws with love. Sam has a sad expression on his face. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Sam's face is happy for a second, it turns sad. He glances over at Mordecai and Rigby, and he sighs. "(Y/n), I... there's something I need to tell you. For the first time ever, I feel like I can be in a relationship that can actually go somewhere..." (Y/n) has a smile on her face. " ...but there's this." Sam shows her a torn open envelope with a letter inside it, that shows it's from Milten University. (Y/n) has a shocked expression on her face. Sam then starts tearing up. "I got into my dream school." (Y/n) is more shocked than before. "I really like you (Y/n), and what we have is special, but I may never get this opportunity again." He starts crying.

"I'm sorry, but... I can't be your boyfriend." Sam said. "Oh no..." Mordecai and Rigby whispered. Thomas gasps and puts both hands over his mouth in shock, instantly feeling sorry for her. Mordecai and Rigby glance at each other worriedly before looking back at the chipmunks. Sam runs out of the restaurant and (Y/n) raises her paw for him to come back. "CEASE FIRE!" Sam runs through the restaurant. Rigby and Mordecai look at (Y/n) with sympathetic expressions. (Y/n) drops to her knees and is left heartbroken and devastated by the loss. Everybody looks through the doors where Sam left. They all feel sorry for (Y/n), and are in disbelief.

The bear then interrupts. "YOU KIDDING ME?! School is overrated! I didn't go to school, and look at me!" Ironically, a rocket shoots at him, and blows him up. While the rest of the Capicola Gang is trying to clear the smoke, another rocket descends, and blows them up too. It turns out the rocket didn't come from the cops, it came from the restaurant owner, Amadeus. "Nobody talks that way about college education in my restaurant." Later on, (Y/n) is looking at the sunset on the roof of the house heartbroken, mad, and devastated.

Her best friends check up on her, Rigby bringing her a case of soda. "Yo, you take Sam to the airport?" Rigby asked. "Yeah." (Y/n) said. "You wanna talk about it?" Mordecai asked. "No." She said. Being supportive, Mordecai and Rigby sit down with her, and Rigby gives (Y/n) a soda to comfort his friend. The three open their cans of soda, and take a sip from it. The trio then look out at the sunset together.

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