The Best VHS in the World

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The trio are at the Movie Shack Hut Store. "Huh, well if it ain't (N/n), Mordo and Rigs. Hey, is it V-H-fest time again already?" The employee asked. "Yeah, dude." Mordecai said. "Check out our picks." Rigby said. "Hmm, let's see what we've got here." He looks at the tapes, beginning with Ciao Chow. "Ooh, great director." He looks at Future War 4. "Ah, that's a good one." He goes to Re-Exploder.

"Pre-Exploder was better." He finally moves on to Let Me Axe You Something, which has a "formatted to fit your TV" blurb on the box. "Huh? What the heck, man? Pan and scan? Dude, letterbox! Always! Membership card, por favor." He scans the card, and an error occurs. "Beep, beep?" The duo asked, making (Y/n) giggle a little. "Looks like you dudes have an overdue video." He types in their card number for results. "The Best VHS in the World. Out for 2 months?" He asked. "What?" Mordecai asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Of course." She said. "The Best VHS in the World?" Mordecai and Rigby asked.


The trio are watching the tape on the sofa. The man in the movie drives off a dock and getting zapped into a spaceship. The pug barks and spaceship explodes. The movie cuts to title card with voiceover saying "The Best VHS in the...WOOORLD!" "That was it?" (Y/n) asked. "Dude, this blows, take it out. Why'd you pick this one anyways?" Mordecai asked. "Dude, because it's called "The Best VHS in the World", plus it's made of gold plastic." Rigby said. "Next." (Y/n) said. Rigby throws the tape at the wall.


"Look, you guys need to return the tape and pay the late fee." The employee said. "But we can't afford a late fee!" Rigby said. "Yeah, and what if we can't find it?" (Y/n) asked. "Then you leave me no choice." The employee pulls out a pair of scissors and threatens to cut their membership card in half. "STOP!" The trio shouted. "Why should I?" He asked. "All we have is a VCR and you're the only place in town that still rents tapes." Rigby said. "Oh, yeah. All those other places upgraded to "DVD". The man said. "Dude, we'll find it! I think I remember where it is suddenly." Mordecai said.

"Hmmm." The employee said. "Pleeeeease!" Rigby begs, and the employee sighs. "Fine, but it's only because you dudes appreciate superior video formats. Get it back here ASAP and I won't cancel your membership. I'll even waver the fee." He said. "You won't regret this." (Y/n) said. The trio run off. "I'd better not, OR YOU'LL NEVER RENT ANOTHER TAPE HERE EVER AGAIN!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby leave the Movie Shack Hut as the Movie Shack Hut Employee threatens to cancel their membership pulling up his scissors and the membership card itself.

"Didn't you throw it over there?" Mordecai asked, pointing at the wall. Rigby groans as he looks. "I don't see it." He said. "It's gotta be around here somewhere. Check the VCR." (Y/n) said. Rigby does what she says. "Nothin'!" He said. Mordecai groans. "Benson probably put it in our room." They walk upstairs to their beyond cluttered room. "Aw, man. Do you have any idea where it could be?" Mordecai asked. "No, I can't even find my bed." Rigby said. "Ugh. You boys seriously need to clean up once in a while. This room is disgusting." (Y/n) said.

"There's just too much junk everywhere." Mordecai said. "Maybe it's in this empty pizza box." Rigby lifts his trampoline. "Aw, there's my butt-cheek pants! But no VHS." He said. (Y/n) looks at him strangely. "What?" He asked. "Butt check pants? Do I even want to know?" She asked, and Rigby only shrugs in reply. "I know what we have to do." Mordecai said. "Skip town?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) slaps him. "Ow!" "No, he means clean the room, idiot." She said. Rigby groans while rolling around on the floor. "That's the worst, you're the worst." He groans.

"Why don't we just pay for the stupid tape?" He asked, and (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Quit being a baby." She said. "That's not a bad idea." Mordecai said. The phone rings back at the Movie Shack Hut and the employee answers it. "Movie Shack Hut." He said. "It's Mordecai." Mordecai said. "Dude, the game is changed, I need that tape back by 9:00. My manager's doing inventory after we close, and he'll call collections agency if he finds out it's missing." The employee said. "What would it cost to just replace the tape?" Mordecai asked, and the employee sighs. "You're not gonna like it." He said.

"Dude, just tell me." Mordecai said. "One...thousand...dollars." the employee said. "A thousand dollars!?" Mordecai asked. "It's a rare and out-of-print VHS; a piece of film history!" The employee said. "It's a piece alright." Mordecai said. "Just find it by tonight. I hear those guys break thumbs." The employee said, and Mordecai groans. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked. "We either return the video, pay a thousand dollars, or have our thumbs broken." Mordecai said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. Rigby starts hyperventilating and rummaging through junk. "We don't have that kind of money! And I really enjoy my thumbs!" He shouted.

A shirt thrown hits (Y/n)'s face covering it. She removes the shirt from her face. "Dude, dude, chill. How are we gonna find the tape in here if you're just gonna panic and make a bigger mess?" She asked. "Give me one better idea than panicking." Rigby said. "We're gonna buckle down and methodically clean this room until we find that tape." (Y/n) said. Rigby scoffs. "Fine, we'll do this the "right way" or whatever." Rigby said. The trio clean the room and search through a drawer, under a pillow and the bed. They stuff all their junk in the closet and find one shirt lying on the floor. They walk over and pick it up, only to find an old peanut butter sandwich.

"Woah, I remember this." Rigby said. "Gross." (Y/n) said. "I guess that's it. There's no other place it could be. We only have a few hours left. Now what?" Mordecai asked. "What if somebody in the house borrowed it?" (Y/n) asked. "Dude, yeah! Let's split up and ask everybody." Mordecai said. "Dude, where are the balls? You're supposed to bring them." Muscle Man said. "Well, where's your racket?" Fives asked. "I'm not talking about rackets! I'm talking about balls!" Muscle Man shouted. "But Badminton doesn't have balls." Fives said. "What?! I'm not playing a game that doesn't have balls in it!" Muscle Man shouted.

"Dudes, dudes, shut up and listen. Did you ever borrow The Best VHS In The World from me and Rigby?" (Y/n) asked. " No way." Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) sighs. "Thanks for nothing." She said. "You're welcome for nothing!" Muscle Man shouted back. "Hmm... Now where did I put my winter hats?" Pops asked. "Pops! Did you borrow The Best VHS In The World from us?" Rigby asked.

"V, H, Who?" Pops asked. "Never-mind." Rigby said. "No, I haven't seen your dumb movie, I have my own problems, like the extension cord for the drill I can't find, and this stupid ventilation system that rattles all the time! I think we might have rats." Benson said. "Rats?!" (Y/n) asked fearfully. Rigby looks at her. "Why does that bother you so much? You're a chipmunk, right? So aren't you like, in the same family or whatever?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, but... do I really need to explain this to you?" (Y/n) deadpanned. The Ventilation System rattles, and (Y/n), Mordecai and Benson start coughing.

"Oh, great." Benson said sarcastically. "Hey, have any of you guys seen my Bass AMP anywhere?" Skips asked. "No. Did you borrow The Best VHS In The World?" Mordecai asked. "No. That movie's terrible." Mordecai runs away and sighs. "Alright, let's re-group." Mordecai sees the bigger messs. "Aww, what?! Rigby, you messed up everything!" He shouted. "Dude, it wasn't me!" Rigby said. "Yeah, right." (Y/n) said. "What does that mean?" Rigby asked suspiciously. "It means, she doesn't believe you." Mordecai said, and that's when Rigby punches him.

"Rigby!" (Y/n) scolded. "I said, I didn't do anything!" Rigby shouted. "Dude," he gets punched in the face by Rigby again. "That's it!" Both fight and punch each other and (Y/n) quickly runs in to intervene. "HEY! HEY! STOP IT! STOP FIGHTING!" She shouted in the same tone Rigby usually used for 'stop talking!' She quickly shoves the duo apart, but they still tried to reach beyond her to hurt each other. "This is all your fault! It was your idea to rent The Best VHS In The World!" Mordecai shouted. "UGH! Let me at him, (Y/n)! I'll kill him! I'll kill-" the door cracks open,

revealing someone named Buttonwillow McButtonwillow. "Did you say, "The Best VHS In The World"?" He asked. "Yeah?" (Y/n) asked, as she still held her arms out, separating her friends from fighting. He laughs evilly and unzips his front pocket pouch, revealing The Best VHS In The World tape. "That's my favorite movie." He said. "Wait a minute, YOU stole it?" (Y/n) asked. "Dude, that's ours! We have to take it back to the video store." Mordecai said. "Huh?" The guy asked. "We need that tape!" Rigby shouted. "No! NO!" Buttonwillow slams the door shut.

The trio see Buttonwillow McButtonwillow closing the vent door. "Stop him!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby throw the door away and Buttonwillow McButtonwillow pulls a scary face at them making his eyes straight lines and his mouth open with sharp teeth. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are shocked and move away. Buttonwillow runs away, and (Y/n) Mordecai and Rigby follow after him. "There he is! come on, dudes!" Rigby said.

The two struggle to climb in but make it, and they all crawl in ventilation following Buttonwillow. "Keep going!" Mordecai shouted. Buttonwillow turns left and is a 45-degree angle down. Mordecai sighs, then Benson hears banging in the Ventilation System. "I'm gonna need bigger mouse traps." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby see him go down a 90-degree slope down. "Oh, man!" Rigby said. "Where the tape goes, we go!" (Y/n) said.

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby do Paper Scissors Rock to see who goes down first. Rigby loses and sighs. Mordecai smiles and watches Rigby going down then he goes down screaming and landing on some objects people in the house were looking for. Mordecai and (Y/n) go down next. "Huh? Muscle Man's Badminton Racket?" Mordecai asked. "Pops' Winter Hat." Rigby said. The trio see a TV with tape cover. "There it is." The three run towards the TV. "It's not in the box." (Y/n) said.

"Nothing dudes." Rigby said. Lightning sounds are heard. "Get out of my lair!" A voice boomed. "Show yourself!" Rigby demanded. "Give us back the tape!" Mordecai shouted. "I'll never give you The Best VHS In The World, it's my favorite!" Buttonwillow shouted. "Dude, it's not even yours! Give it back!" (Y/n) shouted. "You don't deserve it! I saw you throw it away!" Buttonwillow shouted. "That's only because it's horrible!" Mordecai said. "We still want it back." Rigby said. "BLESS ME!"

An earthquake occurs, and rocks start to fall. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream and run away from a huge pointy rock that destroys the TV, and everywhere turns to pitch black. "I'll prove to you it isn't lame!" Lights to a desk turn on. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked. "Check out the desk. That's right! I'm a published author, and I think it's awesome!" Buttonwillow said. "I can't believe this." (Y/n) said as she looks at it. "Dude, you just stapled this together yourself." Mordecai said.

"Nobody's gonna read your lame fanzine man." Rigby said. " We're gaining readership." Buttonwillow said. "Whatever. I bet this is the only copy." (Y/n) said. "But look at all this art I painted inspired by it." 3 Lights turn on to show 3 paintings of Buttonwillow McButtonwillow and The Best VHS In The World. "This one is of me, and The Best VHS In The World. This is me, pointing at it. And here's one of it in what I think Hawaii looks like. Well, what do you think?" He asked. "Maybe, take some life drawing classes?" (Y/n) asked, and her friends snickered. The earthquake occurs again. "I don't care what you have to say!

RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" Buttonwillow shouted. "Dude, not again!" Rigby said. "We gotta find the light switch!" Mordecai said. "Art, is subjective, you know. You don't come into my lair, insult my art and my favorite VHS, and LIVE! Now DIE! DIE! DIE, DIE,-- Die?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby pull Benson's Extension Cord from his speaker and he falls over.

"Dude, it's over! Give us the tape!" Mordecai shouted. "NO!" He shouted. "Dude, look at yourself. You're going crazy over that tape, and it's not any good." (Y/n) said. "No! You're wrong! It is good! This tape is everything to me. And if I can't have it, NO ONE CAN!!!" He gets angry and lights a fire straight out of his finger. "No!" Rigby shouted. "You can't do that! If we don't return that tape, we'll lose our video store membership!"

Mordecai shouted. "Video Store?" Buttonwillow asked. "Uh... yeah, yeah." (Y/n) said. "It's a magical place filled with videos, and they're all better than that one." Rigby said. "What?! Have you read the title?!" Buttonwillow asked. "Dude, they just put that on a lame video to get people to rent it." (Y/n) said. "SILENCE!!! I won't let you guys trick me!" Buttonwillow shouted. "I know you really love that tape.

We love tapes too. We've seen hundreds of them, and that's one of the worst." Mordecai said. "So, everything I know was a lie?" Buttonwillow asked. "There's a whole world of VHS tapes out there for you to see. Haven't you ever wondered what it's like outside your cave?" (Y/n) asked. "It's true. There are times when I've pondered what other tapes might hold." Buttonwillow said. "Dude, if you give us the tape, we can show you." (Y/n) said. "I could experience the outside world, where dogs drive cars, and UFO's pepper the skies." Buttonwillow said.

"UFO's totally pepper the skies. Now will you please just give us the tape?" Rigby asked. "Well, old friend, we had a good run. It's time you go back to where you came from." His teardrop falls on the tape. "And me, well, don't you worry about old Buttonwillow McButtonwillow." Rigby chuckles at his name and Mordecai punches his arm and later they are at the Movie Shack Hut.

The four are now back at the movie store. "Thanks for returning the video, hombres." The employee hands (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby their membership card. "Here's your card back." He said. "Wooooooah!" Mordecai and Rigby said, and (Y/n) laughed. The employee hands Buttonwillow a card with his name on it. "And here's one for you, dude." He said. "What is this?" He asked. "It's a membership card. With that, you can rent any video you want." (Y/n) said. Buttonwillow giggles and runs over to shelves of tapes, then runs back to the counter, the trio not amused. "So, what do you wanna rent, little dude?" The employee asked. "I would like The Best VHS In The World." He said, and (Y/n) face palms.

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