The Night Owl

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi Five Ghost are drinking soda and listening to music. "Yeah! Drum solo!" Muscle Man shakes the two cans of soda. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Everyone laughs. "Thanks for sharing the sodas." He said. "Yeah, man. Thanks for sharing the tunes." Mordecai said. "Who's coming at ya? It's The Night Owl." A voice said. "Shut your faces! It's the Night Owl!" Muscle Man said. "Do you like cars? Do you love cars? If a car was a girl, would you take her on a date and try to get to second base? Well, who's giving away a brand new vintage muscle car? W.H.O.Z," Muscle man turns up the volume.

"That's who. All you have to do is be the last one standing on the catwalk up the W.H.O.Z. Billboard downtown. But you gotta be in it to win it, so come on down tomorrow at noon for your chance to win." The night owl said. "A vintage muscle car?" Mordecai asked. "Just for standing?" Rigby asked. "Frickin' Sweet!" Muscle Man said. "I don't know, sounds a little suspicious to me. There's always a catch with this sort of stuff, remember?" (Y/n) asked her three friends, and Rigby just scoffs. "Like what? It's a contest, not a contract." Rigby said. "He has a point. Maybe it's just the sodas talking, but I think we should work together to win that car." Mordecai said.

"I don't know. We really never worked together before." Muscle Man said. "Well, maybe it's time we cracked open an ice cold can of teamwork." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) snickers. "FOR THE CAR!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, we should!" Rigby said. "Let's do it, babies!" Muscle Man said. The trio then look at (Y/n) eagerly, and she sighs. "Okay." She said. "YEAH!" The trio said. The four are now at the W.H.O.Z. billboard. "Hey, there, radio listeners, this is The Night Owl, comin' to ya live from The Night Owl's first annual Stand-Off for the Steel.

We certainly have some ambitious people out here, but only time will tell who has the drive for the ride." The night owl said. "Aw, man! I can't wait to shove a key into that!" Muscle Man said. "Dude, we're gonna look so cool all up in there!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we will."  Mordecai said. Muscle Man notices someone looking. "Is there something on my face?" He asked. "Uhh... no?" They asked. "THEN QUIT STARING BRO!!!" Muscle Man shouted. "Save it for the contest, Muscle Man." (Y/n) said. "Alright, everybody. I hope you're all comfortable up there, because the Stand off For the Steel starts in 3, 2, 1. WOO..WOO..WOO!" The Night Owl said, and the crowd begins cheering. "Bring it in guys. Bring it in." (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, High-Fives & Muscle Man get in a crowd. "We're not leaving here today without that car, so you know we have to do." Mordecai said.

"Yeah, send those other losers home on their cruddy car!" Rigby said. The five of them use many tactics to get rid of the other contestants 1.) Knocking their coffee 2.) shooting spitballs 3.) fanning the sweat off from Muscle Man to the other three contestants 4.) Then lastly, a plan to scare the last person off by Rigby showing up to the contestant and saying that Muscle Man is "stabbing" (Y/n) and her "ghost" which was High-Fives flowing away. "We're down now with the final four, but don't you worry who'd heads, cause there's still plenty of contests left." The Night Owl said. "Hey, man, the take guy heard those final five talking and they're gonna share the car. It's over." A worker asked. "What? The contest can't be over, my ratings were just starting to get good...

Bring in the isolation booth." The Night Owl said. The booth gets up at the top of the billboard. "How does it feel to be a part of the final five?" The Night Owl asked. "It feels GREAT!" Rigby said. "Awesome." Mordecai said. "It's pretty cool." (Y/n) said. "It's exciting!" High-Five Ghost said. "WHOO!!!" Muscle Man shouted. "Hm-hmm, and how did you make it this far?" The Night Owl asked. "Working together, baby!" Muscle Man shouted. The Night Owl laughs. "Fantastic. So, what are you gonna do with the car?" He asked. "Share it." Rigby said.

"Hmm, that's funny, because that's not what High-Five Ghost said." The Night Owl said. "What did he say?" Muscle Man asked. "Well, that he was gonna take the car for himself." The Night Owl said. "Rigby said that?" Hi Five Ghost asked. "(Y/n) said what?!" Mordecai asked, feeling shocked. "That jerk! I can't believe her!" Rigby shouted, feeling hurt and betrayed. "I can't believe this!" Hi Five Ghost shouted. "Oh, he's gonna pay!" Muscle Man shouted. The Night Owl laughs.

"Well, let me tell you, if you really want that car, then you better make sure you're the last one off the W.H.O.Z. Billboard, 'cause there can only be one winner." At the W.H,O.Z. Billboard, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost go into the tent, all staring suspiciously at each other. "Well, we did it." Mordecai said. "Yup." Muscle Man said. "Yeah." Rigby said. "Guess all that's left to do now is step down and get the car." Muscle Man said. "That sounds about right." (Y/n) said.

"Well, I'll meet you guys down there, I gotta take down the tent first." (Y/n) said. "No, no. We'll take care of the tent. You should go first." Mordecai said. "I'm not stepping off this thing until you four step off it first." (Y/n) said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mordecai asked. "It means I know what you're up to!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "You know what WE'RE up to? We know what YOU'RE up to! Step one, working with you was a huge mistake, and step two, get off this billboard, you backstabber." Mordecai said. "You're the backstabbers!" (Y/n) shouted, and she, Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and High Five Ghost start to beat each other up. Liquid nitrogen goes into their tent. "And now a little insurance to make sure this little competition doesn't end too early... " The Night Owl laughs evilly. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, High-Fives & Muscle Man are frozen & days went on, and then years went by.

Year 4224..

The group are now placed in a museum of The Night Owl. A can of nitrogen rund out and they finally begin to melt. "I hate you!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n) was about to punch him until she looks around in shock. "Huh?" She asked. "GET OFF OF THE BILLBOARD BARFSACK!" Rigby shouted. "DON'T CALL ME A BARFSACK!" Muscle Man shouted. "SHUT UP! YOU GUYS ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES!" Mordecai shouted. Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man & High-Fives start fighting again. "STOP! STOP! Something's not right!" (Y/n) shouted. She opens the tent & all of them are shocked. "OH MY-.."

The billboard is in glass and showing everywhere around the museum. "How long have we been up here?" Rigby asked. "Dude, I think we're in the future." Mordecai said. "Aww, this is all YOUR fault!" (Y/n) shouted. "ME?! You were the one who was tryin' to get the car for yourself! Yeah, that's right, The Night Owl told me what you said!" Mordecai shouted, and (Y/n) was shocked. "What?!" She asked. "Yeah, you were gonna trick us so you could get the car for yourself!" He shouted. "Yeah (Y/n), how could you?! I thought we were friends!" Rigby shouted. "I never said anything like that! He told me that's what you and Rigby said!" (Y/n) shouted, pointing at the duo, and their eyes widened. "What?!" The duo asked. "That's what The Night Owl told ME!" (Y/n) shouted.

"But The Night Owl told me that's what you said." Rigby said. "I never said that!" (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Wait, but he told me High-Five Ghost said that." Muscle Man said. "I didn't say that either." He replied. "Wait a minute, guys. I think The Night Owl tricked us." (Y/n) said, and her friends' eyes widen. "Yeah, I think you're right, bro!" Muscle Man said. "Hey! Hey you! What are you doing up in the exhibit?"

A night guard asked, then he gasps. "You're the contestants!" He presses an emergency button & talks on the walkie-talkie. "Contestants are unfrozen! I repeat unfrozen! Requesting backup immediately!" He shouted. The conversation ends & more liquid nitrogen is coming. "Not only did he trick us, he kidnapped us!" (Y/n) said angrily. "That's not good! We gotta get outta here! Muscle Man, can you start that car?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah. Let's blow this popsicle stand!" He replied. "GO! GO! GO!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby & High-Fives get down from the ladders. "Get to the car! Fives and I could hot wire it!"

Muscle Man said. Muscle Man slides down the stairs. "WHOO! WHOO!.." He slides on the car but falls but then gets up & goes into the car. "Stop! Stay where you are!" Muscle Man transports close to the car door. "Get out of the car!" A Security Guard shouted. Muscle Man bangs on the car door. "Let's go! Let's go!" (Y/n) shouted. Muscle Man hot wires the car. The security guard breaks the car window. "GO! GO!" Mordecai shouted. Muscle Man drives the car & crashes to the glass. "We've got a problem." The security guard said. "Contestants fleeing premises, officers in pursuit." Another guard said. "Don't let them escape."

He replied. Muscle Man is driving the car & Mordecai, Rigby & High-Fives are looking behind them as (Y/n) sits beside Muscle Man. "Stop runners! Return to your display by once by the order of The Night Owl!" A guard shouted. "Night Owl?" Muscle Man asked. "He must've built this museum around the contest." Mordecai said. They're still getting away from the guards. "I always knew those guys were special." Benson said. The guards zap at them with lasers, and hit the car's mirror. "We gotta find the time machine!" (Y/n) said. "WHAT?" Her friends asked. "We're in the future, idiots! There's gotta be a time machine!" She shouted back. "I don't think-" Mordecai said.

~ ATTENTION, museum patients, the Time Machine Exhibit will be closing in 5 minutes.~

"WHOOOO!! Eat on that, WRONG-ECAI!!" Muscle Man shouted. "Muscle Man, get closer to that Info Booth!" Rigby shouted. Rigby hangs onto High-Five's arm while getting a map from the Info Booth. "How are we gonna find the Time Pavilion?" Mordecai asked.

~ Time Pavilion calculating directions ~

"It's still loading!" Rigby shouted. The security is still firing lasers. "Take the wheel!" Muscle Man gets on top of the car & (Y/n) is now driving. They are giving out lasers while Muscle Man took off his shirt and moving it. "Uggh!" One laser hit Muscle Man's shirt & turned it into a white figure and he throws it to one of the securities & the other two came on top of the car & Muscle Man was getting one off & High-Fives got the other one off & both of them got back inside the car.

~ Download complete. Time machine pavilion in 0.7 miles. Turn right. ~

(Y/n) steers to the right. "There it is!" Rigby said. They made it to the entrance. "YEAH!" Everyone shouted. "We're gonna make it!" Mordecai shouted. The Night Owl comes right in the middle of their path. "AHH!" Everyone screams. "It's The Night Owl!" Rigby shouted. "Get out of the way, jerk face! We need to use your time machine!" Muscle Man shouted. The Night Owl beams lasers to them. "AHH!" While beaming the lasers they tried dodging it. "You can't leave this place, I froze you thousands of years ago. I made you what you are and what you always must be: Ice cubes in my drink of success. NOW GET BACK INTO YOUR GLASS!" The Night Owl said. They still go for the time machine, then crack The Night Owl's suit and leave him there.

~ Select year of contest. ~

Muscle Man throws an item to the Day One button.

~ "Day One of contest" selected. ~

They all try to leave at the exit. "NOOOO!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Muscle Man, Rigby, and High-Fives finally made to the past/present. "Let's see. Awesome idea for a contest, check. Cool prize for a contest. Check. And enough liquid nitrogen to make sure contest lasts long enough to make me famous, check." The Night Owl laughs evilly. The group have come to the past/present while they crash and destroy the Night Owl's billboard and the car as the prize. "NOOOO! My car!" (Y/n) coughs. Muscle Man kicks the car door to get out while the others get out.

"I maxed out my student loans for that car! You're gonna have to pay for tha—!" Muscle Man punches him in the face while The Night Owl falls to the ground. "That's for freezing us on purpose." He said. Then (Y/n) steps forward and kicks him in the nuts, and her two best friends even wince at that a little. "Ooh..." "And that's for trying to ruin our friendship." She said angrily. The group then walk off as he groans. "Uhh..." he said weakly. "Man, I'm glad that's over with." Mordecai said.

"You can say that again." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, that contest blew logs." Muscle Man said. "Hey, you don't think we'll run into to our past selves, do you?" Rigby asked. "Nah, you can't exist with yourself in any given moment in time, it doesn't work that way." (Y/n) said. "Oh, okay, I guess that makes sense." Rigby said. "And if it does work that way, we can always just fight to the death with each of our copies." Muscle Man said. Everyone laughs. Their past selves heard what Muscle Man said and are now shocked at their present selves. "Uhh....." Past Mordecai said. Past (Y/n) shivers, and past Mordecai puts both wings on her shoulders for comfort as past Rigby holds one of her paws.

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