Trash Boat

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Rigby is watching a commercial about Barracuda Death wish on TV. "Fame, fortune, ultimate power. Today on behind the bands, we give you an inside look at one of the greatest bands the world has ever known. They are: Barracuda Death wish." The announcer said. "Awesome!" Rigby said. "I'm here with musical masterminds, Crash, Hawk Daniels, and the brains behind the band, The Urge. You guys are at the top of your game right now. What's the secret to your success?"

The announcer asked. "Two words: name change. I love me mum and all, but the name she gave me originally—not so awesome. So I changed my name to The Urge. Just rolls off the tongue better." The urge said. "Fascinating. How did you come up with it?" The announcer said. "I simply took two words of random and put them together. I picked "The" and "Urge." The Urge. Once I did that..." he vocalizes while a guitar plays in the background. "I became the coolest person in the world!" He said. "Aw, coooool, I wanna change my name to two completely random words. But what words should I pick?" Rigby looks at a trash can and a picture of a boat. "Hmmm... hmmm.... hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm." Rigby said.

~Time Skip~

"Mordecai, (Y/n)! What would you say if I changed my name to ..." Trash Boat (formerly Rigby) sticks his finger out. "Trash Boat!" He said. (Y/n) stares at him in bewildered. "You're kidding, you're kidding, right?" She asked him. Trash Boat's heart was crushed. He honestly didn't think she'd react like that. "I'd say you're a total loser." Mordecai said. "You wouldn't say it was cool?" Trash Boat asked. "Not if you're changing your name to Trash Boat... Wait, you're not actually considering changing your name to Trash Boat, are you?" Mordecai asked. "What? No, I was just joking." Trash Boat said.

"Then what are you hiding behind your back?" (Y/n) asked suspiciously. "Nothing." Mordecai lunges at Trash Boat and laughs. "No!" Trash Boat shouted, and (Y/n) face palms with a groan. "Rigby are you serious?! You actually changed your name to Trash Boat?!" She asked. Trash Boat laughs nervously. "Maybe?" He asked, and (Y/n) face palms again. "Ugh! You idiot!" She shouted. "What in your right mind thought that was a good idea?!" She asked.

Mordecai holds the frame away and looks at it. "Certificate of Name Change?" He laughs. "You actually did it?" He asked. Trash Boat angrily snatches the frame back. "Give me that!" He shouted. "Oh, man. Wait until everyone hears about this." Mordecai runs away. "Hey, everybody! Rigby legally changed his name to Trash Boat!" He shouted. "No, wait! I gotta change my name back to Rigby." Trash Boat said. Later Trash Boat is at the courthouse. "How can I help you?" The lady asked.

"I'd like to change my name back." Trash Boat said. "That'll be fifty dollars." The lady said. "But I don't have fifty dollars." Trash Boat said. "It's fifty dollars to change your name, otherwise you're stuck with it forever." The lady said. "Forever?" Trash Boat asked in horror. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Trash Boat?" The lady asked. "Ugghhh!" Trash Boat walks away. "Next." A man walks up. "Uh, I'd like to change my name back to Chad." He said. "That'll be fifty dollars, Mr. Butt Checks." The lady said. Back at the house, Muscle Man looks through binoculars.

"Hey, dudes, Trash Boat is back!" He said. All talk while walking down the stairs to see Trash Boat. A banner that says 'Welcome Home Trash Boat' is strung from the house. "Oh, Trash Boat." Pops said. "Traash Boooat!" Mordecai shouted. "Hey, Trash Boat." Benson said. "Did you have to tell everyone?" Trash Boat asked. Trash Boat's eyes trail over to (Y/n), who looked pissed. Not at him this time, but at Mordecai and everyone else. "Yes. It's that funny." Mordecai breaks into a grin. "Trash Boat." He said. He laughs. 'When Mordecai told us, we thought it was only right to welcome you back as a new man. A new man called Trash Boat." Benson laughs. "Here." He gives him a name tag with the name Trash Boat on it.

"Yeah, thanks. Look, is there any extra work around that I can do?" Trash Boat asked. "Whoa-ho! Extra work? You really are a new man, Trash Boat." Benson laughs. "Seriously, I need fifty bucks so I can change my name back." Trash Boat said. "Well, I'm sorry to say that trash ship has sailed. Muscle Man and Hi-Fives have already taken care of all the extra work." Benson said. "Yeah, loser. Don't come begging us for money. Fives and I already spent it all on sweet temporary tattoos. Check it out." Muscle Man lifts up his shirt, revealing a wolf tattoo, and (Y/n) flinches in disgust. "But aren't those things really cheap?" Trash Boat asked.

"Not when you get 'em all over." Muscle Man turns around, revealing another one. "Oh, Trash Boat. I can help." Pops takes out his wallet and gets out a lollipop. Trash Boat holds an arm up. "Don't worry about it, Pops." He said. "Hey, don't sweat it. Things were hard for me too when I first changed my name. But after a couple of years, no one cared. But then again, I didn't change my name to Trash Boat." Skips said. "Please, Benson! I just need fifty bucks to change my name back!" Trash Boat begs.

"There is one thing you can do." Benson said. Later Trash Boat is picking up litter while (Y/n) helps him. A chubby guy walks by and throws a ball of paper on the ground. "Hey, what's your problem, dude? No littering!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yeah, use a trash can!" Trash Boat shouted. the guy looks at Trash Boat's name tag. "Well, why use a trash can when I got a trash boat to pick it up?" He walks away laughing. "Ugh! I don't get it! Yeah sure, Trash Boat wasn't a very wise choice for a name,

but why is literally everyone being a total jerk now?!" She asked furiously. "Even Pops made fun of me," Trash Boat grumbles, then he looks at (Y/n). "Except for you. You're the only one who hasn't been a jerk about my dumb name change. I mean sure you were mad at me, but you haven't constantly made fun of me like everyone else. So thanks." Trash Boat smiles at her. "I just don't see a point in that sort of thing is all." (Y/n) said. "What? Being a total jerk?" Trash Boat asked,

and (Y/n) laughs. "Exactly." She said, and Trash Boat sighs. "Still, I wish I never changed my name in the first place! This name sucks." Trash Boat throws down name tag. "Ugh!" Benson drives up in the cart. "Hey, Trash Boat, pick that up. Name tags are mandatory on work time." Benson said. "But that's only for new employees." (Y/n) defended. "Exactly. New name, new man. Now put it back on, or you're fired!" Benson shouted. "Ugh!" Trash Boat picks up the name tag and puts it on. "Hehehe, never gets old." Benson drives away.

Mordecai, Muscle Man, and Hi Five Ghost are in line at the Taco'Clock truck. "Ugh! Mordecai, I can't take this anymore. I want to change my name back. Could you please just be a pal and lend me fifty bucks?" Trash Boat asked. "Fifty bucks? I don't know. What do you think, Muscle Man?" Mordecai asked. "I don't think you should do it. I like Trash Boat way better than Rigby anyways. It's way easier to make fun of." Muscle Man moves his wolf tattoo. "Isn't that right, Trash Boat?" He asked. "Please, Mordecai; I just need fifty bucks." Trash Boat begs.

"I don't know, dude. I usually lend money to people I know like my buddy Rigby. But I've only known Trash Boat for a day, so I'm not sure." Mordecai said. "Fine! I'll get the fifty dollars myself!" Trash Boat shouted. Trash Boat signs up for jobs, but everyone laughs at his name. Trash Boat is seen everywhere on the news, and he eventually runs away into an alley and trips and lands in a puddle of water and cries. "I'm never gonna get the fifty dollars. I don't wanna be Trash Boat anymore." He said. A red light appears and The Urge, wearing futuristic clothing and also obese,

scans Trash Boat with his visor. "Trash Boat. We meet at last." The Urge said. "Uhhh... who are you?" Trash Boat asked. The Urge removes his helmet. "I'm... The Urge." He said. "What happened to you?" Trash Boat asked. "You happened. I was the most famous man in this time, until you took it all away, with your horrible name, Trash Boat. "You've robbed me of everything." A newspaper appears showing the band breaking up. "I've even tried changing my name to Urge Boat,

but it didn't do nothing." The Urge had gone to a children's party and the children throw tomatoes at him, and the Urge throws a carton of milk at the T.V. when Trash Boat appears on it. "My life was ruined. That's when I realized I had to take matters into my own hands. So I've come back in time to keep you from changing your name to Trash Boat... ...BY KILLING YOOOOUUU!!! "No Trash Boat, no problem!" The Urge attacks and chases Trash Boat by firing lasers from his guitar. Trash Boat proceeds to run away. Trash Boat breathes quickly. "Wait! I'm gonna change my name!" A laser is fired at him. "Aah!" "Talk is cheap, Trash Boat!" The Urge fires another laser at Trash Boat. Trash Boat screams as he is running. Back at Pops' house, Mordecai is walking out whistling and picks up a newspaper on the ground.

He laughs as he sees Trash Boat on the front page. "What's so funny?" (Y/n) asked, and Mordecai shows her the newspaper. "Wait 'til Trash Boat sees this." He replied. Mordecai lowers the newspaper and sees the red glow of the laser, and Trash Boat screams and appears from the trees. "What the?" (Y/n) asked. "Get inside, quick!" Mordecai drops the newspaper and he and (Y/n) follow Trash Boat back into the house. The newspaper is left on the ground and The Urge steps on it. (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat are hiding in their bedroom. "What the heck is going on?" Mordecai asked. "Shhh!" The Urge is seen through the window and walks out of sight.

Trash Boat looks out the window. "I think he's gone." A laser is fired at the window and Trash Boat screams. The laser leaves a huge hole in the wall of the bedroom. "Trash Boat! I know you're in there! Just come out and give yourself up!" The urge shouted. "Dude, what is this guy's deal?" (Y/n) asked fearfully. "He wants to kill me because I've become more famous than him in the future! All because of my name, Trash Boat!" Another laser is fired, and the hole in the wall increases in size. "I need to change my name back to Rigby! Please help me." Trash Boat said.

(Y/n) opens the first drawer of their dresser and grabs a roll of money. "But that's the money you've been saving for when you asked Sam out!" Trash Boat said. "Don't worry about it. We gotta hurry though. The court house is gonna close soon. Let's take the back way out. Come on!" (Y/n) said. The trio run out the back way of the house. The Urge is standing at the front of the house. "You can't hide forever Trash Boat!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat are running and see Muscle Man driving the golf cart and stop. "Tooot tooot! What's your hurry,

Trash Boat?" A hole is made at the back of the house and The Urge walks out. "There you are!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat scream. Mordecai pushes Muscle Man out of the golf cart and they quickly drive away from the house. The Urge groans and presses a button on his wrist and activates a jetpack from his shoulder pads. He flies away and chases after (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat.

The Urge fires a laser at (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat. They scream and try to dodge the lasers. "We'll cut through the woods and lose him there. Hang on!" Mordecai shouted. The Urge sings and flies above the woods. He puts his helmet on and tracks (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat down. "Yea-heh! We lost him!" Mordecai said. Lasers are fired at the golf cart and (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat dodge them. The golf cart gets out of the woods and drives onto the road.

"Hold on! I know a shortcut to the courthouse!" Mordecai swerves to the shortcut and a view of the courthouse is seen. "There it is!" (Y/n) shouted. "We're almost there, dudes!" Mordecai said. A charged up laser is made by The Urge and is fired at the golf cart, throwing (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat out of the cart. They groan in pain as a tire on fire rolls away. The Urge walks out of the smoke cloud. (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat gasp, get up, run up the stairs and burst into the courthouse. They grab the railing stands and Mordecai barricades the door. Trash Boat gets one and drops it in front of the door. The Urge tries to get in the court but the door is jammed.

Mordecai and Trash Boat hold the door shut. "(Y/n) and I got the door! Just change your name back!" Mordecai shouted. Trash Boat runs to the lady and hands her the money. "I wanna change my name back!" He shouted. "Mmhm." The lady said. "Hurry up dude!" (Y/n) shouted frantically as The Urge is still trying to break in. "I'm trying! I'm trying!" The lady has a stack of papers in front of her and stamps a red seal on each one. A gun load can be heard and The Urge shoots the door of the courthouse. Mordecai and (Y/n) scream and slide across the floor and groan when they hit the wall near Trash Boat. "Mordecai? (Y/n)?" He shouted worriedly, then gasps.

The Urge walks up to Trash Boat, the shadow looming over him. "Mordecai! (Y/n)!" Trash Boat shakes Mordecai's head, then (Y/n)'s. The Urge laughs and is about to shoot (Y/n), Mordecai and Trash Boat as they gasp. The lady finally stamps Trash Boat's Certificate of Name Change. "Your name change is complete. Rigby." The lady drops the certificate, and it falls in front of Rigby [formerly trash boat]. "Huh? Wait. What did you say your name was?" The Urge asked. Rigby holds up his certificate. "Rigby! It's Rigby!" He shouted. "Wooohooo! The Urge is back! BABY!"

A red light appears and reveals a musician. "Hey, are you The Urge?" They asked. "What the...?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. "Yeah." He replied. Duncan Flex points to him. "You robbed me of my fame in the future, so I've come here to the past to stop you!" The lady closes sliding doors to her station. Duncan Flex plays his keytar and shoots The Urge with it. "Nice!" Another red light appears, along with another musician. "Are you Duncan Flex?" Velvet Overkill asked.

"What's it to you?" Another musician appears at the front of the court house. "Oi, which one of you is the Velvet Overkill?" Duncan Flex and Velvet Overkill point at each other. "He is." Crocodile Deathspin shoots both Duncan Flex and Velvet Overkill. "Finally. My fame is secure." More musicians appear via red lights. "Anyone here named Crocodile Deathspin?" The trio manage to escape from the battle. A maraca grenade kills everyone in the courthouse and the courthouse is left in flames. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, covered in smoke, are seen walking away from the courthouse. "Thanks, dudes." Rigby said. "Yeah. Don't ever change your name again." (Y/n) said.

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