Trucker Hall of Fame

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Muscle Man grabs a radio to check on his father. "Muscle Dad! Come in, Muscle Dad!" He said. There's just static. "Muscle Dad, come in! I wanna wish you a happy Father's Day!" He shouted, and there's just more static. "Come on, Muscle Dad! You better not be pranking me!' Through the window, a truck drives up. "Bro?" John opens the door, seemingly shaken. "Geez, bro, who died?" Muscle Man asked. From behind his back, he pulls out a trucker's hat that reads "World's Greatest Trucker", indicating that Muscle Dad died. Muscle Man becomes shocked and speechless about the death of his father, he drops the microphone onto the floor in slow-motion.

Some time later, Muscle Dad's funeral is taking place. Muscle Man opens a soda can to give his speech. "We're here today because my dad put a cactus under a cop in a bear costume, who turned out to be an actual bear." Tears form in Muscle Man's eyes. He begins to squeal, and turns around to furiously knock everything off of the table behind him. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are also at Muscle Dad's funeral, see the whole thing during his flip out. "Muscle Man!" (Y/n) shouted. The trio go over to Muscle Man as he kicks a water bucket, and hold him locked.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Mordecai shouted. "You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm okay." He goes over to Muscle Dad's picture on the table, pointing. "My dad might not have been the best pranker in the world, but he was the best trucker in the world. And that hat was his crown." Muscle Man said. Muscle Man is now holding an urn. "That's why this urn is filled with the ashes of his hat. As the ultimate Father's Day tribute, I'm gonna help my dad fulfill his final wish, by spreading the ashes of his hat at the Trucker Hall of Fame." Benson walks over to the trio.

"Guys, I'd like you to go with Muscle Man to help him spread those hat ashes." He said. "What? Why can't Hi Five Ghost go with him?" Mordecai asked. "Hi Five Ghost doesn't deal well with this sort of thing." Sure enough, Hi Five Ghost is seen looking through the window, crying. "Okay, we'll go with him." Mordecai said. "Thanks. Just make sure to watch after him.

If Muscle Man can't spread those hat ashes and get some closure, he may never be the same again." Benson said. "WOO-HOO! WHOOO!" Muscle Man is on the couch, twirling his suit in the air, guzzling a soda. He jumps off the couch. "WHOOOOO!" He shouted. Later on the highway, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Muscle Man are driving on the road. "Thanks for coming along to help me spread my dad's trucker hat ashes. It really means a lot to me. I know that sometimes, I act all crazy when I'm bummed out, so just let me know if I'm freaking out too hard, and I'll stop." Muscle Man said. "No problem." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, it's cool." Rigby said.

"You dudes wanna listen to some tunes?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah, we do!" The trio said. "Haha, yeah! And I know my dad wants to listen to some tunes, all right!" He goes over to turn on the radio. However, the knob goes loose and crumbles away. "Uh?" He asked. "Oh no." Mordecai said. Just as expected, Muscle Man starts squealing and flips out, turning the car violently.

"Muscle Man, calm down! Chill! Chill!" Mordecai said. Muscle Man calms down. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to listen to some music with my dad." He said. "We don't need to listen to any music. It's cool." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, man." Rigby said. "Okay." The trio go back in their seats. "Sorry for freaking out, guys." Muscle Man said. "No. No. It's fine. Do you want to tell some stories about your dad? It might make you feel better." Mordecai said. "Okay. My dad was the best." He began. "Nobody loved a good prank more than my old man. We used to play the best pranks on his trucker buddies." And one time, at my brother's birthday party... "


"Hit it, Muscle Bro!" Muscle Man said. "I will, yo! Stop moving her to and fro!" He hits it, and, out of the pinata, scorpions fall out, scaring him. "AGH! Get them off! AGH!" He squirms to the ground as Muscle Man and his father laugh.


"But he loved pulling pranks on me the most. My dad was awesome at pranks, but he was an even better trucker. He would always check in from the road." Muscle Man said. "Wow, Muscle Man. Your dad sounded like he was really awesome." (Y/n) said. "He was." Muscle Man drives under a bridge. "Now let's pull over, I gotta use it!" He said. The trio are are standing outside waiting. "Man, I've never seen Muscle Man open up like this!" Mordecai said.

"I know! And I gotta say, Muscle Dad sounds like the greatest dad!" Rigby said. A trio of truckers are heard. "Muscle Dad?" The truckers walk over. "Boy, I've never heard that name in a long time! Big green guy, loved pranks, trucker of the year hat..." one said. "Yeah, that's him! Were you guys friends with him?" (Y/n) asked, and the truckers laugh. "No, we were not friends with him! Why, that puke never rode a big rig in his life!" Bear Dog said. "What?!" Mordecai asked. "No, sirree! Why, that ratchet-jaw was nothing but a... ...forklift driver."

The trio gasp in shock as Muscle Man comes out of the restroom, he overheard their conversation, and becomes incredibly furious. "Take that back! Take back what you said about my dad!" He shouted. "Sorry there, ankle-biter, he was just a trucker wannabe!" Bear Dog said. (Y/n) growls, and was about to step over to punch him in the face, but her best friends hold her back by the arms and glance at each other worriedly. "You shut your mouth-hole!" Muscle Man shouted.

"Remember how he'd sneak into our rigs and call himself in a fake voice?" The truckers laugh. "No, bros!" Muscle Man turns around the photo he is holding. "You can't fake this, bro!" He shouted. "Uh, actually, you can." Bear Dog points to two teenages taking a photo near a stand of the Muscle Dad photograph. "Dude, check it! My butt's Trucker of the Year!" The other teenager snaps a photo as they both laugh.


Young Muscle Man is laughing. "Nice prank, dad!" He said. "Yeah, I really got the other trucker for that one!" He replied, over the radio; whispering. "Why are you whispering?" His father is sitting behind a bush, hidden away from the young Muscle Man. "Oh, there's a hitchiker sleeping in the passenger's seat." His father replied. "Dad, you're the best trucker ever!" Muscle Man said. "I do it all for you, son." He said. "Hey, Dad, do the thing." Muscle Man said. "Sure, son." He blows an air horn into the air horn.


Muscle Man finds out his Dad was pranking him, so he drops the picture frame and drops to his knees and yells out in fury and despair. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He shouted. Muscle Man, dumbfounded and speechless, stands silently as he holds the picture in his hands. He spitefully and menacingly watches at the picture of his father, then angrily punches the face of the Muscle Dad photo, breaking it. He runs around in circles, squealing, as the trio look on from the distance. As he rolls on the ground, the frame still on his arm, Muscle Man finally shatters the frame,

and finds a note within the debris. "Son, if you're reading this, you punched my face and freaked out in the field by the rest stop where I faked that picture. I'm sorry for pranking you all these years... ...Especially about being a trucker. The world is a harsh place, and I only did it to toughen you up from when I'm gone. Now you know the truth. You aren't a muscle boy anymore. So please, drive to the highest point of the Trucker Hall of Fame, and spread my hat ashes over those stuck-up jerks. It's my final prank from beyond the grave. But if you hate me too much to do it, I understand."

Muscle Man read. Muscle Man stops reading and walks back to the trio. "So, what happened?" Mordecai asked. Muscle Man hands the three the note, and the three read it. "Whoa!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. "What are you gonna do?" (Y/n) asked. "Maybe he wasn't the best trucker in the world... or a trucker in the world. But he was my dad. And I'm gonna carry out his wish if it's the last thing I do." He replied. "That's great, dude. We'll be right there with you." Mordecai said.

"Of course we will." (Y/n) said. "Whooo!!!" They all said. They drive to the Trucker Hall of Fame. "There it is. The Trucker Hall of Fame." Muscle Man said. "Whoa!!!" The three said again. "Now let's go spread these hat ashes." (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Muscle Man walk up to the entrance. Two guards drive up and block them. They all gasp. "Where do you think you're going with that urn, son?" The 1st guard asked. Muscle Man hides the urn behind his back. "Uh, what urn?" He asked.

"Don't play dumb. We heard about your plan on the horn. You're Muscle Dad's son. And what you got there is his hat's remains." The guard said. "Let me in, you tools!" Muscle Man shouted. "Those ashes are worthless. Hey, you wanna scatter them somewhere? Heh," the guard points to the dumpster. "Why don't you scatter them in that dumpster?" (Y/n) gasped, and Muscle Man tears up as the two guard laughs. Muscle Man runs back, followed by (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Dude, Muscle Man!"

Mordecai said. "Muscle Man!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "What are you doing?!" Rigby asked. "You gotta turn back! You can't give up!" (Y/n) said. "Come on!" The four go into the car. "You gonna come all this way just to quit?!" Mordecai asked. "What about Muscle Dad?" Rigby asked. "Look, bros. My old man was a screw-up. And let's face it, so am I. I'm overweight, I work in a lame park, and you three and Fives are my only friends. But the one thing that a Sorrenstein almost never screws up is a prank." He smiles.

"And my dad's hat ashes in that stuck up Trucker Hall of Fame is the funniest thing I can think of right now. Now, are you ladies in or aren't you?" He asked, and the trio smile. Muscle Man opens up the boot of his car. The four get their stuff together and whoop as they swirl stuff around. Back at the entrance, the guards have locked up the gate. The 2nd guard chuckles. "Dumpster." He said.

"Yeah, I know. I just opened my mouth and it came out." A light shines into view. "Whooooo!" The four break through the gate. "Special delivery!" (Y/n) throws a brick as they drive on, and it smashes one of the guards' motorcycles. The first guard pulls out a walkie talkie. "Calling all truckers! We have a bogie going towards Memorial Hill! I repeat: A forklift driver's hat ashes are on Memorial Hill!"

As the four enter Memorial Hill, the ghost of Trucker Berg comes out of the statue. "Forklift driver?" He flies after the guys. As they continue driving, the ghosts of Dog Face and Huge Marge fly out of their statues and go after them. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby notice this. "What's going on back there?" Muscle Man asked. Berg's ghost hand comes into the car, trying to take the urn. "Dude, let go!" Mordecai shouted. He tries to pull the urn out of the hand. It comes out and Muscle Man grabs it. Berg blubbers something to the other ghosts, and they go either side of the car to try and retrieve the urn. "Rigby, catch!" Muscle Man throws it past the hands to Rigby, who catches it.

"Got it!" A hand punches Rigby, allowing the hands to grasp the urn. "We gotta shake 'em!" (Y/n) shouted. Muscle Man starts swerving, sending the 3 ghosts away. A truck with the three alive truckers from before appears next to them. "Hand over them ashes! Memorial Hill's for truckers!" A truck driver shouted. "We're not handing over anything!" Muscle Man shouted. "Oh, yeah?!" Bear Dog tries to swerve the car away, but Muscle Man steps on it, and speeds off. They finally reach the top of Memorial Hill and get out of the car. "Hurry! Bear Dog's catching up to us!"

Rigby shouted. They run to where they can see the sign. "Hey, Trucker Hall of Fame!" He opens the urn. "Kiss my dad's trucker hat ashes." He throws the urn into the air, and laughing can be heard as it transform into lightning. A form takes shape, and reveals itself as Muscle Dad. He is in a forklift, whooping and twirling. "Muscle Dad?" Muscle Man asked. "Heh, heh. Yep, it's me, Muscle Son! Thanks for honoring your old man's last wish." He said. "No problem, Muscle Dad. Huh?"

They notice Bear Dog's truck coming toward them. "You desecrated this place! Now we're gonna make road kill outta you!" The four scream as Bear Dog starts driving at them. Muscle Dad steps in with his forklift. "Hey, Bear Dog! Need a lift?" He uses his forklift to send Bear Dog's truck flying out of Memorial Hill. He then laughs. "Ha, ha! Did you see that?" Muscle Dad asked. "Dad, why didn't you tell me you were a forklift driver?" Muscle Dad asked.

"I wanted you to be proud of me, Muscle Son. I'm sorry I lied to you all those years." He replied. "It's okay, Muscle Dad. I forgive you." Mordecai and Rigby hear a sniff coming from next to them and the duo turn to (Y/n). "Aw man, (Y/n) are you crying?" Mordecai asked with concern as she rubs her eyes. "N- no! I just had something in my eyes." She said. Rigby smiles at her before placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's an honor to meet you, Muscle Dad." Mordecai said. Cars are heard. "Looks like we got company." The trucker ghosts are floating up to the hill.

"I'll hold 'em off." Muscle Dad said. "But how, Muscle Dad?" He snaps his fingers, and the sign on his hat says, "World's Greatest Forklift Driver". "That's what I'm talking about." Muscle Man said. "Now go!" Muscle Man and the gang head back to the car and drive off while Muscle Dad drives toward the trucker ghosts. "You sure your dad can handle them on his own?" Mordecai asked.

"He'll be fine." Muscle Man said. "Come on, pull my finger!" Muscle Dad said. "No!" Muscle Dad laughs as the guys drive out of the Trucker Hall of Fame. The sun starts to come up, and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are sleeping, and (Y/n) and Rigby were leaning on each other while they slept without knowing. "I had a great time dudes. This was the best bro trip ever. We'll probably just be jerks to each other again tomorrow. But I really see you guys as good friends. Pranks and insults are just how my old man taught me to show it. Aw man, I sound like such a winner. I'm glad you guys aren't awake to hear this. Or this." He farts, and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby wake up. "Dude, Muscle Man!" Mordecai shouted, and (Y/n) groans in disgust. "Ugh, gross!" She shouted.

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