Video Game Wizards

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The three best friends are playing a video game. "Get ready dudes, this is the final fight." Mordecai said. "Okay okay, I got it I got it." Rigby said. "Are you sure you know what to do this time?" Mordecai asked. "Yes. It's like one, two, start, blah, blah, something, whatever." Rigby said. "Dude, it's one, two, start, then four, one, and two, at the same time." (Y/n) said. "Like this?" Rigby taps the controller keys. "No, not now! Wait 'til I tell you to do it." Mordecai said. "Ice this fool!" The announcer said. "Now dudes, do it now!" Mordecai said. "K.O.!" The announcer said. "Wooooooahhhh!" The trio said. "Did you see me deliver that kill blow? That fool never had a chance." Rigby said.

"Congratulations Rigby, you finally finished level one." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) hits him hard. "Ow!" "And it only took me seventeen games. Which is my new record. Come on, let's go, I wanna see what I can do on level two." Rigby said. "Uh, no thanks dude. I think I've had enough video games for one day." (Y/n) begins channel flipping. "Ugh, there's nothing on." She said. "Wait, go back!" Rigby shouted. "Wuh?" (Y/n) asked, and Rigby snatches the remote. "Hey, wait!" (Y/n) said. "Here!" Rigby flips to the channel. "Get ready gamers, to have your minds kill-blown!"

A Teenage boy puts a controller glove on. "It's the only game controller you'll need for the rest of your life!" The teenage boy plays with the controller glove. "The Maximum Glove, maximum power, maximum cool!" The teenage boy smashes the door, then walks up to television in the room. "What the heck is that?" The boy asked. "Haven't you been watching the commercial you idiot? It's the Maxmimum Glove. Huh!" The boy's eyes are set on fire. "My eyes!" He shouted. "The Maximum Glove won't hit shelves 'til next fall but you can win it now by entering the Game Inferno Tournament.

This weekend at the Ferguson Con Center, teams of two will battle for the ultimate prize. So sign up with a friend and go maximum. The Maximum Glove!" The VoiceOver said. "It's so bad." There's an explosion behind the teenage boy. "Dudes. Two player video game tournament. We totally gotta enter so we can waste those losers and win that glove! Woo! Maximum! Maximum! Maximum! Maximum! Maximum!" Mordecai and (Y/n) look apathetic. "Maximum! Maxi-ehh... Dudes, what's wrong with you? Why aren't you saying maximum?" Rigby asked. "I don't know, it wasn't that cool." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Yeah, that thing didn't look cool at all, and besides, can't you go one chapter without wanting something cool that turns out to be a total lame fest?" (Y/n) asked.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Rigby asked, looking at her with wide eyes. "I said can't you go one day without wanting something cool that turns out to be a total lame fest?" (Y/n) asked, and Rigby shakes his head. "No, no, no, you said something before that." Rigby said. "I wa...? (Y/n) asked. "You said chapter, like we're in some kind of story or something." Rigby said, and her eyes widen. "I did...?" She asked. "Yeah you did, I heard it." Rigby said. "Isn't that what she said?" Rigby asked, looking at Mordecai. "I don't know, I didn't really hear." He shrugs. "Anyway, let's just forget about it-" suddenly Skips and Sam walk into the room. "Hey Mordecai, let's get outta here pretty soon-" Skips said. Mordecai makes a throat slashing gesture.

"Yeah, we don't wanna be late for the Video Game Inferno Tournament." Sam said. Mordecai facepalms. "Ugh!" He said. "What?" Rigby and (Y/n) asked. "I'm gonna go pack." Skips said, and the duo leave the room. "Uh, Mordecai, care to explain? What was that about?" (Y/n) asked. "Why are you gonna go with Skips and Sam? Skips doesn't even play video games!" Rigby said. "He's good. He's been practicing lately and-" Mordecai said. "Yeah, but Skips isn't good enough to win the video game tournament with you. And neither is Sam.

Here's what you have to do: lose those two, the three of us enter the tournament, we win the glove and everybody wins. They'll understand." Rigby said. "Dude I can't just switch, that's messed up." Mordecai said. "Uh, I think what's messed up, is you picking them over your best friends!" (Y/n) countered. "Dude, what's the matter with you? You weren't even interested in the glove, remember?" Mordecai asked. "Dude, just switch and enter the tournament with us!" Rigby shouted. "No." Mordecai said.

"SWITCH!" Rigby's voice breaks. "Please, why are you doing this to me?!" Rigby  walks up to Mordecai. "Dude, NO!" Mordecai pushes Rigby away. "I'm not switching back." He said. Rigby begins to cry quietly, and (Y/n) frowns, feeling bad for him. She then tries to pet him for comfort which seems to lessen his crying a little. "Look, why don't you two just come to the video game tournament with us? It's gonna be fun." Mordecai said. Rigby sniffs. "Okay, I'll come." Rigby said. "Me too." (Y/n) said. "Cool, get your stuff together, we're hitting the road in an hour." Mordecai said. Rigby laughs. "Yeah." Rigby said with fake cheeriness. "Oh, I'll get my stuff together. And then I'll get you to pick me and (Y/n) to be your partners instead of Sam and Skips. You'll see." Rigby said maliciously. The five are driving in a VW-style van. "Hey Skips, Sam, want some of my trail mix?" Rigby asked.

The duo take some trail mix. "Thanks Rigby." Skips said. "Yeah, thanks dude." Sam said. Rigby scoffs down the rest of the trail mix. "Oh I'm sorry Mordecai, did you want some? I guess I should've asked you if you wanted some before asking Skips if he wanted some, 'cause I know you like trail mix so much, but I guess it's too late 'cause I already gave it all to Skips and Sam 'cause I asked them first." Rigby said. There's a brief pause. "So, Mordecai, I was thinking about going over some strategy before the tournament. Should I work on my A B A A -" Sam began.

"Hey. Do you guys mind if I put in my mixtape?" Rigby puts in the mixtape and it begins to play. "Why do friends not pick their friends to enter a video game competition with them when they know that they would wanna be in it? I guess it's because they just don't wanna win it. You should've picked ua, do the right thing, you better pick us before we get to this stupid tournament-" they hear door banging on the mixtape. "Dude, what are you doing in there? C'mon, we gotta get on the road." Mordecai said. "Just a minute! They never pick their friends, they never pick their friends, they never pick their friends, they never pick-" (Y/n) rolls her eyes,

she felt hurt too but wasn't going to keep pushing on the subject like Rigby was. The glove didn't matter to her, but she still thought it would be fun to compete in the tournament together. Later on three men are seated at a restaurant. "Thanks again for picking us as your teammate for the Game Inferno Tournament." The 1st said. "Dude of course, you're my best friend. Who else would I pick?" The 1st asked. "This is gonna be awesome!" The 3rd said. "You know, I think it's great that I can be here to support you guys. In fact, I'm so supportive,

I made you three matching uniforms for the tournament." Rigby pulls out a box. "One for Mordecai,-" Rigby throws a shirt at Mordecai. "And one for his valued teammate Skips" he throws a shirt at Skips. "And one for the annoying chipmunk." Rigby throws the last shirt at Sam. "Uh, thanks Rigby, it's great." Mordecai said. "Mine doesn't fit, plus there's an R and (F/l) on it." Skips said. "Oh, yeah. I guess Skips and Sam don't start with an R. Or (F/L). But hey, if you don't wanna wear it, (Y/n) and I can wear it, totally not a problem for us. What do you say Mordecai, should (Y/n) and I switch with Sam and Skips?" Rigby asked. "Uh." Mordecai yawns. "I think we should head back to the hotel and get some rest." He said.

"Yeah, let's do that. Come on, Rigby." (Y/n) said, she walks off. "Fine." He grumbles, then follows her. "Uh...." Sam said. "What?" Skips asked. Outside of the hotel, Rigby is standing on top of the van with a boombox playing the mixtape from before. "Why do friends not pick their friends to enter a video game competition with them-" Mordecai and (Y/n) cover their ears with their pillows. "-when they know that they would wanna be in it?" Later the five are finally there. "Hi. Uh, is this where we register?" Mordecai asked. "Here's the registration form. The first two lines are for player one and two, the third and fourth line are for the alternates."

Mordecai writes on the form and walks up to (Y/n), Sam, Skips and Rigby. "Hey Rigby (Y/n), I've got good news!" Mordecai said. Rigby gasps happily and (Y/n) looks at him quickly. "I put you both down as alternates." Mordecai said. "What? Why?" (Y/n) asked. "C'mon (Y/n), I'm just trying to win the glove." Mordecai said. "Then why did you pick Skips and Sam? They're not even good at video games!" Rigby shouted. "Dude, cool it." Mordecai said. "Why would you pick Sam and Skips over us? We're your best friends!" (Y/n) shouted.

"They're HORRIBLE at video games!" Rigby shouted. "No they're NOT!" Mordecai shouted. "But you do have to admit they're not good!" (Y/n) shouted. "Shut up!"  Mordecai shoves (Y/n) to the ground, and the crowd collectively oohs, and Rigby gasps and runs over to her. "(Y/N)!" He shouted. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern, then glares at Mordecai. "How could you?!" Rigby wanted to punch him hard in the face right then and there, and was almost about to. "It's okay, Rigby. I'm fine..." she glares at Mordecai, with a look of hurt and betrayal. "(Y/n), I... I'm sorry!" He said desperately. He tries to help her up but she smacks his hand away.

Rigby helps her up. "Screw you, Mordecai. I hope you have as much fun winning the glove as you did losing your best friends." She storms out and Rigby quickly runs after her. "(Y/n), wait!" Rigby shouted. "We know what you're doing Mordecai and I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed in you." Skips said. Mordecai sighs. "Look, Skips, I wanna win the Maximum Glove for (Y/n), me and Rigby to share, but I just can't play with him. He's not good enough at video games to win.

And while (Y/n)'s good, it's just... you're better, Sam."  Mordecai said. "Mordecai, I know you wanna make them happy by winning that glove, but are you sure you're going about this the right way?" Sam asked. "Don't worry about it, they'll get over it when we win the glove. Let's go." Mordecai said. The trio then work together to beat people in the tournament until the final round. "Gamers, this is the final match! The winning team will get to take home the Maximum Glove!" The Referee shouted. The maximum glove rises from the ground. "Players to your stations!" " Three, two, one, fight!" The game announcer said. Mordecai sees a sad Rigby and (Y/n) in the crowd, who glance at each other before leaving. What do you say Mordecai, should (Y/n) and I switch with Sam and Skips? Why aren't you saying maximum? Why would you pick Skips and Sam over us?! Dude, SWITCH! Why are you doing this to me?! I hope you have as much fun winning the glove as you did losing your best friends.

"Wait, time out." The whistle blows and the crowd gasps. "Guys, I can't do this. Not without Rigby and (Y/n)." Mordecai said, and Sam smiles. "Yeah, it's about time you changed your mind." He said. "You mean you're both cool with stepping out?" Mordecai asked. "Oh, yeah. These video games are too easy anyways." Skips said. "Sir, what's the trouble?" The referee asked. "Uh, my friends hurt their hands. They can't play." Mordecai said. "Their hands look fine to me." The Referee said. Skips punches a pole. "Wanna check again?" Sam then 'trips' and breaks his hands.

"Oops, guess my hands are both broken." Sam said. Meanwhile Rigby and (Y/n) are outside of the Ferguson Convention Center. "Rigby! (Y/n)! Wait!" Mordecai shouted. The duo turn around. "Why aren't you inside playing?" Rigby asked. "I need my teammates, the ones I should've asked in the first place." Mordecai said. "Huh?" Rigby and (Y/n) asked as they looked at each other. "I want that glove, but I want my friends back more." Mordecai said. Rigby and (Y/n) smile and shake hands with him.

"Let's go win that glove, dudes!" The three go back to the tournament. "Game on!" Fred and Jimmy snigger. "Time for the kill blow!" Rigby taps the wrong button. "Oh, no!" Fred and Jimmy snigger again. "Oh, no, man, you were right Mordecai - I really am bad at video games! Now we're gonna lose and not win the Maximum Glove because of me!" Rigby said. "It doesn't matter, dude! I'm just glad I get to play with my best friends!" Mordecai said. "Really?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah! It's not about winning, it's about having fun!" The game begins to vibrate, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are surrounded by a blue aura and teleported into a dark space with a giant Maximum Glove.

"Congratulations, you've figured it out. You're the first gamers to realize that hanging out with your friends is more important than a stupid glove." The Giant Maximum Glove said. "Cool." The trio said. "As a reward, I will grant you maximum gaming power. Are you ready to be maximized?" The glove asked. "What?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Her best friends said. "MAXIMIIIIIZE! He surrounds Mordecai and Rigby in yellow beam. Mordecai and Rigby return to the match with a fused together body. The crowd gasps. "Urgh!" Skips cringed. "Whoa." Sam said. (Y/n) didn't know how to feel about this, they looked cool, but at the same time...

Fred and Jimmy gasp, and the referee vomits. "Let's finish this." Mordecai said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby viciously play the game. "Eliminate them!" The game said. "MAXIMUM POWEEEEERRRR!!! The trio hit the game and it explodes. The referee emerges from rubble. "Behold, the new winners of this year's Game Inferno, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby!" He shouted. "Yeah!" Skips said. "Whoo!" Sam cheers. Mordecai and Rigby hold up the Maximum Glove while (Y/n) smiles.

Later the trio are back playing a video game at Pops' house. "You go first, dude." (Y/n) said. Rigby puts on the glove. "Aww, yeah. So cool." He said. The racing game starts and Rigby moves the glove around. The cars on the screen do not move. "Dude, why aren't you moving?" Mordecai asked. "I don't know." Rigby said. "Did you type in the code?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah I typed in the code. It's not doing anything." Rigby said. The car falls off the cliff. "Dudes, this controller is a total lame fest." Rigby said.

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