A Regular Epic Final Battle

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There's a flash of lightning. (Y/n) is zooming through the air, away from Anti-(Y/n), she slams her fist down, destroying parts of the park, but gets distracted by a yellow light flying around her. (Y/n) squints towards the light and notices that it's a dragonfly. She flies up towards it, then catches it. She opens her hand and discovers that the dragonfly is in fact a 2B pencil. She looks at the pencil anxiously, before Anti-(Y/n)'s hand grabs her. (Y/n) is just dreaming on the sofa, and awakens. "Agh!" Mordecai and Rigby run into the living room after hearing her scream.

"Are you okay?" Mordecai asked. "Ye- yeah, it was just a bad dream." (Y/n) replied. "Oh yeah! I've been having weird dreams too, (Y/n). Like this one where Olivia shows up and she's wearing-" Rigby looks up to Mordecai, who is giving him a visual sign to stop talking. "It's not important! Everybody has weird dreams!" Rigby said. "Well, we've got something that will cheer you up. Come have a look!" The trio enter the control room, where Benson, Skips, Nikolai, Eileen, Pops, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost are all together, staring at what's outside. Pops gasps. Lolliland, Pops' home planet is right in front of him.

"It's you, old friend! All these years watching you through my telescope, and I had no idea you were my home!" Pops said. "No wonder it's your favorite planet." (Y/n) said. "So beautiful up close. Isn't she marvelous?" Pops asked. "Under normal circumstances, I'd agree." Skips said. "Yeah, don't forget what we're here for." Eileen said. "We have to battle Anti-Pops and Anti-(Y/n), whose whole thing is like - erasing the universe as we know it! No big deal." Nikolai said. "All the more reason to be ready. Let's get down there." Benson said.

The Park Dome lands on Lolliland. The gang leave the park and see the ruins of the planet. "This is where Pops came from?" Muscle Man asked. "I can't believe it." Pops said. "I thought it'd be a little cleaner." Fives said. The gang notices silhouettes appearing beyond the ruins, groaning. The gang groans in anxiety. The silhouettes are revealed to be a mushroom man and two lollipop people, one with a striking resemblance to Pops. "Jolly Good Show! They're here!" Frivola-Kranus said. "Yeah, this is definitely Pops' planet." Mordecai said. "Oh my! They're all so welcoming!" Pops laughs. "You're here! You're finally here!" Frivola-Kranus said.

"We've been waiting eons for this moment!" Quadravi-Kranus said. "Allow us to introduce ourselves! I'm Frivola-Kranus!" Frivola-Kranus said. "I'm Quadravi-Kranus!" Quadravi-Kranus said. "And I'm Weird Mushroom Guy!" A random mushroom said. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet all of you!" Pops said. "Hate to invade the moment, but don't we have a battle to prepare for, or something?" Benson asked. "Oh, very true! Come along!" Frivola-Kranus, Quadravi-Kranus & Weird Mushroom Guy said. They all walk to the coliseum. "Uh, no offense, bros, but why's your planet all busted?" Muscle Man asked.

"This is evidence of many battles past! No fight of such a grand scale is free of collateral damage! But the guardian can tell you all about that." Frivola-Kranus said. The gang approach a giant stone foot wearing sandals. "Uhh..." Rigby said. "My eyes are up here!" The whole gang look up, to see that the Guardian of Lolliland is standing there. "I am the Guardian of Lolliland. I exist to witness the titans' battle every 14 billion years!" The guardian said. "Excuse me! Ma'am! Do you know how we can defeat the Antis?" (Y/n) asked. "I do not. I have never seen the battle end in victory. Only mutually assured destruction followed by a reset of the universe. Only this planet survives to record the outcome of each encounter. Chosen ones, if you wish to know more, study the ancient tapestries." The guardian said.

"Do we even have time for that? Aren't the Antis supposed to be here soon?" Skips asked. "There is no sign yet of the ones you call "Antis". Which is odd, Anti Pops is usually on time." The guardian said. Anti-Pops and Anti-(Y/n) are in their ship, looking at a radar of Pops and (Y/n) at Lolliland. "They're already at Lolliland!?" Out of anger, Anti-Pops turns around and erases his chair out of existence. "This wouldn't have been a problem if you had captured (Y/n) for me like I said." Anti-(Y/n) scolded, then she goes to confront one of his pilots.

"You! Why aren't we moving?" She demanded. "Uh, well Anti-Pops erased half the engine, so...we're sorta stalled out, ma'am." The pilot said. "Then I'll take one of the smaller ships!" The Antis are now in a small ship. "Coordinates set. Destination: Lolliland." The computer AI said. "Warp speed at ten!" The mini-ship exists the main ship, but a space deer is in his way. "Huh?" Anti-Pops asked. The ship crashes into the space deer, who begins to start kicking Anti-Pops constantly, then flies away. "Agh! This is why I want to end the stupid universe!" Anti-Pops shouted. "Over a space deer?" Anti-(Y/n) asked in disbelief. "I hit a space deer once, they're way stronger than you'd think." A bounty hunter said

"Quiet!" Anti-Pops erases the Droid's chips. "No! My chips." The bounty hunter shouted. "I need to find another way." Back with the park gang, they are checking out the ancient tapestries. "Welcome to the Hall of Tapestries! Anything you want to know about the previous battles exists in these creations!" Frivola-Kranus said. "They weave a very detailed history!" Quadravi-Kranus said. The Lolliland residents laugh. "He says that one every time!" The mushroom guy said. "Still funny!" Frivola-Kranus said.

"It is funny!" Pops said. Frivola-Kranus shows the gang the first tapestry. "Here, you can see how you came into existence! Different versions of us were born over billions of years, never quite right! Until you! Mega-Kranus!" Frivola-Kranus said. "Mega-Kranus?" (Y/n) asked. "That's his real name?" Anna asked. Mordecai & Rigby laugh. "Mega-Kranus." They said. "Yes! You are the ultimate creation! Almost... However, when you were created, the universe had to balance itself. Hence, Malum-Kranus was born!" Frivola-Kranus said. "Oh! Malum-Kranus!" Rigby whispers to Eileen. "Malum means bad, right?" (Y/n) asked. "Here, you'll see tapestries that show every clash over the millennia." Frivola-Kranus said. "Kinda looks like they were fighting with pole noodles in this one." Fives said.

"Oh yes, that was a fun one!" Frivola-Kranus said. "Wait guys, look!" Eileen points to a tapestry which shows the other park members holding weapons while in armor. "Does that kinda look like us?" Muscle Man asked. "Yes. Everything that's happening now has happened before, well, most of it." The mushroom guy said. "Everything?" Olivia asked. "Everything." He points to a tapestry showing Mordecai asking the same question. "Each battle ends in a draw, with two fists colliding, resetting the universe and ending in rebirth. But this time its different." He said.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked. "Because this is the first time you're involved, and the first time there's been an evil version of you to boot." The mushroom guy said. "Oh." "Uh, hate to be a downer, but this sounds kinda..." Muscle Man said. "Futile?" Fives asked. "I mean, part of this has been happening for billions and billions of years. How are we gonna buck the odds?" Benson asked. Mordecai walks over to get a closer look at the tapestries. "This doesn't look good..." Mordecai notices a pattern between all of the tapestries and gasps. "Dude, you got an idea?" Rigby asked. "Yes." Later they are inside the coliseum.

"Okay, every battle starts in this coliseum, with Pops and on this side, and Anti on that side. We know where they're gonna be! We can catch them off guard with some traps. If we wanna win, the only choice we have is to change things up!" Mordecai said. "That's not a terrible idea." Benson said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Were you expecting it to be terrible?" She asked. "Sort of." Benson said. "This is like pranking the most evil guy ever! Consider the Master Prankster in!" Muscle Man said.

"Oh, a sneak attack? That doesn't seem very sporting." Pops said. "It's true this plan doesn't seem fair, but I think it's our best bet!" Anna said. "You too, Anna?" Pops asked. "I know how it sounds. But everyone and everything we know and love is on the line here!" Eileen added. "It's up to you, Pops and (Y/n). If you wanna keep doing this the way it's always been done, that's your choice. You're the chosen ones." Mordecai said. Pops and (Y/n) look at each other, thinking it over. "Let's do it." The duo said. "But still, we won't know what the other me is planning." (Y/n) said. "We'll figure it out." Mordecai said. "Traps! Traps! Traps! Traps!" Rigby said.

"They already said we'd do it." Fives said. Mordecai unveils a plan he has composed for trapping the Antis. Mordecai and Rigby both dig soil parallel to each other. Skips sharpens wood to make spikes. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost both pull a rope to set up a catapult, in which Pops uses his telekinesis to lift rocks into. Pops forms a rocket out of thin air, as HFG creates flaming arrows. Pops rebuilds a crashed train which was beyond the ruins. Benson ticks everything off, as Pops hides the traps with rocks. Everybody celebrates,

as the Anti-Pops checks his phone for their taxi driver, Gilfoyle, to arrive. The driver arrives and beeps his horn. "'Sup, you Malum-Kranus and (Y/n)?" He asked. "Took you long enough." Anti-(Y/n) said. The Bounty Hunters enter the vehicle, leaving no space for the Antis. "What is this? There's not enough room!" Anti-Pops shouted. "Always room in the front! Come sit up here with me, bro" Gilfoyle said. "I'm not doing that. Gruff! You sit upfront." Anti-Pops said. "Aw man, I don't wanna." Anti-Pops roars. "Uh, yes sir!" Gruff sits in the front, as Anti-Pops sits in the back. "Floor it!" Anti-(Y/n) shouted. "I hate to tell you, traffic's backed up all up and down the 405 galaxy! Oh hey, do you want waters or snacks? They're in the side door back there!" Gilfoyle shouted.

"I don't wanna hear it, just go!" Anti-(Y/n) snapped. The Droid Bounty Hunter picks up a bag of chips from the side door. "Hey, how's the music? The volume okay?" Gilfoyle asked. "Silence!" Anti-Pops shouted, and Anti-(Y/n) face palms. Gilfoyle laughs. "I don't really like this music either." He turns the music off. "Yeah, I've been doing this for about six years, but this isn't like my main gig. DJing's what gets me out of bed! Oh, hey. If you ever need someone to spend an apartment with-" Gilfoyle continued. "Aagh!!" Anti-Pops shouted.

(Back at the coliseum)

"The Antis draw near." The guardian said. The Antis arrive at the coliseum, the lights turn off, and spotlights shine towards their corner. "And in this corner of the ring, the ferocious fighter! The erratic eraser! You love him! You love to hate him! Malum-Kranus!" The lights switch on as Anti-Pops, Anti-(Y/n), and their army walk up to the Park gang, stepping right in behind their tripwire. "Pops, I'm surprised you're still standing after our last showdown! But don't worry, I'll make sure that doesn't happen this time.

Now why don't you cooperate this time and hand (Y/n) over?" Anti-Pops asked. "It doesn't have to end this way! Please, can't we settle this peacefully?" Pops asked. "Peacefully?" Anti-Pops laughs. "Peace doesn't interest me! I won't be satisfied until the universe has come to an end by my hand! Now, let's get on with it." He said. "It is time. The titans have gathered in the coliseum, and now as is tradition, the ancient Lolliland anthem will be performed." The guardian said. The Lolliland residents clap, as a young lollipop boy, Eggum Kranus, walks into the coliseum.

"This year, sung by local boy, Eggum-Kranus!" The guardian said. Eggum-Kranus clears his throat. "Oh Lolliland, Oh Lolliland, our ball of beautiful dust. Her people strong, tall nine miles long with hearts that you can trust. Despite the titan battles, she stands through thick and thin. Oh Lolliland, Oh Lolliland, may good or evil win." The Antis get into a fighting stance, but the song's not over. "Oh Lolliland! Come on and take me to the promised land!" He continued. "Enough! This battle starts now!" Anti-(Y/n) trips over the tripwire, activating the traps. "Oh no." Two spiked plates come out of the ground and crush Anti-(Y/n).

"Now!" Benson shouted. Hi Five Ghost sets the flaming arrows on fire, and fires them towards the conjoined spike plates. Mordecai and Rigby unveil the catapult, which Skips activates by cutting some rope. The rocks surround the burning conjoined spike plates. Muscle Man presses a button, signaling a missile to come along and blow up the rock-surrounded burning conjoined spike plates. Eileen then presses a button, which causes the Park Dome to fly into the air and shoot lasers towards the wreckage. Pops uses his telekinesis to throw a train on top too. Everyone stares. "I think...we did it!" Mordecai said. "Wait." Rigby pats himself, then the ground. "Universe is still here!" Everybody cheers. "Put that in the tapestry, son!" Muscle Man said. "Right away, sir!" A weaver said. "OHHH!!" Everyone said. They all hear Anti-(Y/n) giggle, and look into her direction. She floats from behind the wreckage and laughs. "That tickled." She said, and everyone screams.

Anti-(Y/n) laughs. "Dude, I can't believe she's alive!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, no one could survive that!" Rigby said. "Huh, do you ever think about how many people we've seen probably die?" Mordecai asked. Rigby shrugs it off. "Yeah, I'm sure they're all fine." Pops walks up to Anti-Pops. "Oh. Surely there's still time to settle this like gentlemen." Pops said. "Ha! Tell you what, Pops. I'll make you a gentlemanly deal.

Hand over (Y/n), and you and I fight one on one, just you and me. If you knock me down, the universe is safe. You go home, and everything is...regular again. But if I knock you down... I destroy the universe! How's that for gentlemanly?" Anti-Pops asked. "Very well. I accept your terms." Pops said. Anti-Pops laughs. "Except for the first one! I would never betray my friends!" Pops shouted. "I'll surrender if I lose against you, evil (Y/n)." (Y/n) said. "Great! Let's get this party started!" She said. The park crew are nervous and walk off including the Antis' army. Pops takes off his shirt, and they see his six-pack. Anti-Pops takes his shirt off, revealing a twenty-four-pack. Muscle Man counts his abs. "Ew, that's not for me." Eileen said.

"Ten, eleven, twelve. That's a twenty-four-pack, bro!" Pops and Anti-Pops both get into a fighting stance, along with (Y/n) and Anti-(Y/n). They stare at each other for some time, before Anti-Pops growls, leading to him to making the first punch. He hits Pops multiple times, causing Pops to become slightly unstable. "Pops!" Mordecai & Rigby shouted. "No! This is his fight!" Skips shouted. Pops and Anti-Pops fight each other, and so do (Y/n) and Anti-(Y/n).

"Your technique is impressive, but you won't win this time!" Anti-(Y/n) fires telekinesis beams out of her paw towards (Y/n), who quickly jumps, causing it to take some rubble from a wall, she throws the rubble towards (Y/n), who quickly builds a brick wall to shield her. The rubble shatters into pieces. Anti-Pops throws the train, which was used against him towards Pops, causing Pops to form a train track, for the train to go up and deflect towards Anti-Pops. Anti-Pops erases the train, and fires more beams towards Pops,

breaking his brick wall, but Pops dodges each of them while floating in mid-air. Anti-(Y/n) decides to float as well, and starts attacking (Y/n). She grabs (Y/n) by the leg and throws her across the coliseum. She picks up a piece of Pops' broken wall and throws it towards her. Pops turns the wall into a flutter of butterflies, which Anti-(Y/n) turns into a spiked wrecking ball, which zooms towards (Y/n), who dodges it, and turns it into a large steamboat, which collapses onto the Antis, knocking them to the ground. "Ugh." They are slightly injured. "Pops knocked them over! The universe is safe!" Everybody celebrates, as Pops goes to make a truce with his brother. "It was an arduous battle, and though we had our-" Pops was interrupted.

"Fire!" Anti-(Y/n) shouted. The Bounty Hunters fire towards the park crew, as Anti-Pops erases the steamboat and kicks Pops and (Y/n) to the ground. "Pops! (Y/n)!" Everyone shouted. The Park Crew hide behind a rock. "But I knocked you over! We made a gentlemanly deal!" Pops shouted. "A deal is only as good as the man who makes it!" Everybody hears a noise coming from outside the coliseum, as well as a yellow light. "Huh?" Anti-(Y/n) asked. Streaming lands outside the coliseum. "You thought you could get away from me, Discmasters, but everyone streams eventually!" They said. "Oh great. Streaming's here now?" Benson asked. Streaming and his army enter the coliseum. "Oh good, some extra help! The more, the merrier." Anti-(Y/n) goes to kick (Y/n), but she dodges and jumps up to punch Anti-(Y/n), they continue their fight, as Streaming looks over the Discmasters. "Dude, let's go!" Mordecai and Rigby run off. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Benson asked. "Trust us!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted.

"Ugh." Skips passes Benson a laser gun, and they both start firing while taking cover behind a rock, shooting the Droid Bounty Hunter's gun out of its hand. The Reptilian Bounty Hunter nearly hits Muscle Man, causing him to look up to the Guardian of Lolliland. "Hey lady! You gonna help us down here or what?" Muscle Man asked. "Well, I am supposed to remain neutral, but - aw heck, come on up here!" The Guardian carries Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost onto her shoulder. "Alright!" The Guardian kicks down a side of the coliseum, kicking the rocks onto Streaming's army. She goes to wrestle Streaming. One of his minions jumps onto Benson and tries to destroy him, but Eileen kicks it off him, and Nikolai rapidly fires lasers into it,

while screaming furiously. Mordecai and Rigby appear in their spaceships. "Let's bust a cap on this data!" Mordecai said. "Aw Yeayuh!" Rigby said. They fire giant lasers from their ships towards Streaming. "Minions! Merge with me, and let us stream like we've never strummed before!" All of the minions merge into Streaming, making him much more powerful, and he roars. "Streaming went from "buffering" to "buff"!" Mordecai said. "We're gonna need some more help." Benson said. They hear HD DVD. "Mind if we join in on the fun?" HD-DVD and Blu-ray fly into the coliseum. "HD-DVD and Blu-ray?!" Mordecai asked. "What?! This wasn't in the tapestry!" Anti-Pops shouted. "Well consider this the extended edition!" Blu-ray shouted. "And you're about to get a load of exclusive HD content!" The Baby Ducks fly over. "Baby ducks!" Rigby said.

"What's up, dudes?" Behind them, are Chance Sureshot, Toothpick Sally, and Recap Robot in their ship. "Greetings, dudes!" Recap Robot said. "Told you we'd meet up with you!" Sureshot said. "Sureshot?" Rigby asked. "We thought you died!" Mordecai said. "Not before I cloned myself. I got a whole bunch of backup clones! Sure-enough-shot, Sure-whatever-shot, Close-enough-shot." Sureshot said. "As long as none of them are poor shots!" Sally said. "Not this clone!" Sureshot fires a laser towards the Antis' army, nearly hitting Gruff.

"How many reinforcements do these guys have?" He asked. Gary and the Guardians of Eternal Youth show up in Gary's car, followed by Carter and Briggs in their police cruiser, and Death on his bike. "Oh no!" A Droid Bounty Hunter shouted. "You blokes weren't gonna end the universe without me, were you?" Death asked. "We'll give the Antis something to really cry about!" Reginald said. "Aw y-y-y-y-yeah!" Carter and Briggs said. Party Horse 42699 shows up in his pod. "End of the universe party, whoop!" The Baby Ducks fly to the ground.

"Baby Ducks, assemble!" The baby ducks morph into Hyperduck, this time forming an alliance with Benson, Nikolai, Eileen, Skips, the Giant Babies, Gary, Carter and Briggs, Death, and Party Horse. Everybody observes the transformation, which adds the Fists of Justice, Death's bike wheel and engine, Carter and Briggs' police cruiser, Gary's synthesizer, and Party Horse's 3003 glasses. "Should we take them out while they're still transforming?" Roger asked in his own language. "Nah! I wanna see what their final form looks like." Hyperduck's final form is revealed, transmitting Skips,

Nikolai and Eileen above the 3003 glasses, and Benson's head on top of the cap. "Oh, come on!" Everybody else is transmitted to an unknown location inside Hyperduck. One of the Giant Babies is late. "Excuse me! Sorry!" Hyperduck lands on the ground. "Agh! Back to the ship!" The Bounty Hunters run off, as Streaming faces Hyperduck, and Skips, Nikolai & Eileen T-pose. "Everybody! Follow our lead!" Elieen shouted. Streaming charges towards Hyperduck. "All you, Death!" Skips said. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this." Death summons a giant discoball scythe, but Streaming attacks Hyperduck. "Death ain't dying today!" Death forces Streaming to the ground, then cuts him. Everyone cheers, but Streaming quickly teleports behind Hyperduck. Carter and Briggs prepare to attack. "Resistance!" They punch Streaming, who teleports again. "Break it down, Party Horse!" Thomas shouted.

"Whoo! Get ready for some killer moves!" Party Horse starts breakdancing to attack Streaming, then jumps upside down and spins, which crushes Benson's head into the ground while spinning. "I hate breakdancing!" Meanwhile, Pops gets knocked down by Anti-Pops, and nearly rolls off the edge of the coliseum, but manages to stay upright. The Bounty Hunters are firing lasers from their cab towards Rigby, who attempts to dodge them while screaming, while the Bounty Hunters laugh. "Uh, I still get a five-star rating for doing this, right?" Gilfoyle asked. "No way out this time, dweeb!" Gruff fires a laser, and it hits Rigby. "I'm hit!" Rigby is ejected from his ship, and falls to the ground screaming, but is luckily caught by Mordecai in his ship.

"Hmph, hmph. Nice of you to drop in, dude!" He said. "OOOHHHH!!!" Mordecai & Rigby said. "No way!" Sureshot fires a laser into the Bounty Hunters' cab. "Yahoo!" The cab crashes into the Guardian of Lolliland's arm, causing an explosion, killing the Bounty Hunters and Gilfoyle. "Ow." Meanwhile, Streaming wraps his wires around Hyperduck's wrists. Streaming laughs. Everybody inside Hyperduck screams. "Gary! You know what to do!" Gary uses his Synthos Powers to power up his synthesizer and fire a massive soundwave beam towards Streaming. Everyone celebrates. Streaming is in critical condition. "Let's delete this scene!" Blu-ray said. "5.1 Surround Shockwave!" The siblings fire a shockwave towards Streaming, blasting him across the coliseum. The Guardian of Lolliland slams her elbow onto him. "Elbow drop!" Muscle Man swings his shirt around. "Whoo!" He shouted. "Haha, yeah!" Fives said. The Lollipop Residents observe.

"Good battle! Jolly good battle!" Meanwhile, (Y/n) knocks Anti-(Y/n) off of the coliseum, she looks over the edge to see if she's gone. "Huh?" Suddenly, Anti-(Y/n) emerges from the outside of the coliseum. She fires her Erasing Beam onto Lolliland, which is now much more powerful. Anti-(Y/n) erases Weird Mushroom Guy, Quadravi-Kranus and Frivola-Kranus from existence,

followed by the Guardian of Lolliland. Muscle Man jumps off her shoulder with Hi Five Ghost. Muscle Man squeals. The Erasing Beam is seen getting closer to Muscle Man. Everything goes into slow motion, showing that with his weight, he can't keep running for much longer. The beam reaches Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, starting to erase them. (Y/n) panics and fires a Protection Beam towards them. They both scream, as Anti-(Y/n)'s beam is more powerful. Anti-(Y/n) laughs. "Any last words, Mitch?" She taunted. "You know who else grows really big to show their dominance, but is actually really small deep down? My...mom..!" Muscle Man shouted. Hi Five Ghost laughs and coughs. "Good one..." they high-five. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost get erased from existence, everybody gasps in horror and disbelief. (Y/n) tries to hold in her emotions, but is visibly unable to do so. "Nooo!!!!" She teleports outside of the coliseum, and emerges. She faces Anti-(Y/n). "Give up, (Y/n). All your friends are going to die, and there's nothing you can do about it." Anti-(Y/n) said.

"I won't let you!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "We can still resolve this, other (Y/n)." Pops said. Anti-Pops fires his own Erasing Beam towards Lolliland, and Pops fires his Protection Beam to try and save his friends, but Anti-Pops ends up erasing Chance Sureshot, Toothpick Sally and Recap Robot, who all scream. "No!" Anti-(Y/n) shoots another Erasing Beam which reaches Hyperduck, erasing the Guardians of Eternal Youth, Gary, Death, Carter and Briggs, and Party Horse. "Agh, not cool!" The baby ducks get erased from existence. Out of nowhere, Andy, the baby ducks' older brother, appears in his spaceship. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late, just came from this hot par-" Andy gets erased.

The beam reaches Skips, Nikolai, and Eileen, who scream, before getting erased from existence, and then Benson, erasing all the components of Hyperduck. Mordecai and Rigby are both flying away from Lolliland, but mourning all of the losses they've just suffered. "No!!!" Pops is still attempting to save Lolliland, but Anti-(Y/n) stops the beam and floats up to him. "This ends now!" Anti-(Y/n) kicks Pops away towards a black hole, then grabs (Y/n) and and lifts her towards her and she screams. Pops begins to get sucked in, but closes his fist and boosts himself forwards towards Anti-Pops. Anti-Pops gasps and also closes his fist, while boosting himself towards Pops. "(Y/N)!" The duo shouted.

"Dude, look!" Mordecai looks at both their fists and realizes that they're doing the same thing that they were told by the tapestry would reset the universe. "Oh no. Dude, the end is coming! We have to stop it! Hang on!" Mordecai turns the ship around and starts flying it towards where Anti-Pops' and Pops' fists will collide. "Agh!" Anti-Pops shouted. "Agh!" Pops shouted. The ship fires lasers towards Anti-Pops' fist, but nothing happens. "It's not working!" Mordecai shouted. "Dude, we gotta eject!" Rigby shouted. "Not yet! We gotta fly between them!" Mordecai said. "You're crazy!" Rigby said. Mordecai and Rigby fly up in between Pops' and Anti-Pops' colliding fists. "Guys, no!!!" (Y/n) shouted. "Now!" Rigby presses the eject button, but it comes up with an error screen, and cannot eject them. Mordecai gasps. "N-n-n-n-n-n-no!" The brothers' fists collide, causing Mordecai and Rigby to be erased from existence, and the universe to reset... "NO!!!" (Y/n) shouted, witnessing her friends' deaths.


Mordecai and Rigby are wrestling with a doll in their room. "Alright, Beef Burrito. I'm gonna give you one more chance to take back what you said about my mom!" A doll lies silently on the floor. "I'll kill you!" Rigby pats his elbow and jumps onto a trampoline, body-slamming the doll. He elbows the doll multiple times, and body slams it once more. He picks up the doll and moves its arm, making it punch himself in the face. Behind him, Mordecai is calling to him. "Tag up! Tag up!" Pretending to be weakened, Rigby walks over to Mordecai and high-fives him. As Rigby drinks a soda, Mordecai pulls the doll away. Rigby slams the soda can onto the ground and lets out a ferocious roar.

Mordecai sets the doll up next to a bed before walking away onto the shelves. "What?!" There is silence. "Oh, you want us to put the hurt on you?" Mordecai grabs Rigby. "I think he wants me to put the hurt on him!" Rigby said. "I think he wants you to put the hurt on him!" Mordecai said. "You think he wants me to put the hurt on him?!" Rigby asked. "Yes, I do!" Mordecai and Rigby scream, as the latter is thrown down onto the trampoline, launching him into the wall. Suddenly, there's a slow motion, and Rigby has a sense of déjà vu. "Wait a minute. I think we've done this before!" Rigby screams and crashes into the wall, causing a large hole in the wall and Rigby in the trash can.

"Ugh, ugh..." Rigby removes the trash can. "Yea-!! Hang on dude. This has happened before." Rigby said. "What? What are you talking about? No, it hasn't." Mordecai said. "Yes, it ha-!" Rigby gasps as he has flashbacks to The Power, Hello China, The Dome Experiment, Cool Bro Bots, Space Escape, where he was burying the Blu-ray box set in the ground, and shots from when Pops was fighting Anti-Pops, and Anti-(Y/n) capturing (Y/n). "Man, Are you okay? How hard did you hit your head?" Mordecai asked. "Medium hard. But that's not the point! We've seriously done this before!" Rigby said. "I think you remember breaking a hole in the wall, We're gonna get fired for this." Mordecai said.

"Dude, snap it out of it! We have to save (Y/n)! We don't get fired! Not for this, not for smashing up Benson's car, or ruining everyone's Thanksgiving dinner. Not even for releasing a demon into the park! We actually still have our jobs for like six years after this!" Rigby said urgently. "Who's (Y/n)? You're being insane. Even if you could see into the future, we'd totally get fired for all that stuff." Mordecai said. "(Y/n) is our best friend! And my girlfriend! And she's in big trouble!" Rigby shouted. "I'm right, Mordecai. I can prove it!" Outside, Rigby is digging a hole to pull out the Blu-ray boxset. "Here it is! The futuristic

Blu-ray boxset that tells us the story of the next six years of our lives. Including all those times we didn't get fired, (Y/n)'s relationship issues, plus when we went to space in a dome, and when the universe got destroyed by Pops' evil twin, Anti-Pops." Rigby said. "Dude, just holding up a box while you say crazy stuff doesn't prove anything." Mordecai said. "But it's all here on Blu-ray!" Rigby said. "Ugh! You keep saying that, but Blu-ray just sounds as made-up as anything else! If it was a VHS boxset, you might have a case. Hey, you think if we sell this thing, we can make enough money to fix the-?" He gasps. Mordecai touches the Blu-ray boxset and has flashbacks to Do Me a Solid, Meteor Moves, Real Date, 1000th Chopper Flight Party, Rigby's Graduation Day Special, and the final battle.

"I remember! I remember! We gotta save (Y/n)! Huh?" He sees a white silhouette of Benson next to the shed where he was supposed to be for his first appearance. "What's going on?! Huh?!" He sees a white silhouette of Pops next to the fountain, where he was supposed to be. "This isn't right!" He shouted. "I think we're in a glitch and time didn't reset!" Rigby said. "We gotta get back to help (Y/n)!" Mordecai said. "I know how we can do it!" Mordecai and Rigby use The Power to travel to the end of the universe.

"Take us to the end! Take us to the end! Whoa! Won't you take us to the end?" They disappear. Back at the battle, Pops and Anti-Pops are still fighting. Anti-Pops laughs. "Say goodnight, Pops!" Anti-pops laughs evilly. Pops tackles Anti-Pops. "My friends! You've killed all my friends!" Pops shouted. "Not all of them." Pops hears a scream of pain, and quickly turns to see Anti-(Y/n) sucking (Y/n)'s powers out of her. "Well... it will be the case for her, once Anti-(Y/n) takes (Y/n)'s powers." Anti-Pops smirked. "No!! I won't let you kill any more of my friends!" Pops shouted. "Sorry, but that's not my call." Anti-Pops said.

Mordecai and Rigby appear between them. "Guess who's not dead after all!" They said. (Y/n) turns to see them. "Guys!" She sheds tears of joy. "What?!" Anti-(Y/n) asked in surprise and anger. "Mordecai! Rigby!" Pops said. "That's right! Just hit a little glitch in time!" Mordecai said. "We'll always have your backs, bro! Now let our friend go, evil (Y/n)!" Rigby shouted. Anti-Pops' hand, which has a giant red eye on it, appears behind Mordecai and Rigby. "I don't think so." Mordecai and Rigby shield themselves with The Power as Anti-Pops' hand shoots them. "No!" Pops and (Y/n) shouted. The Power shatters as Mordecai and Rigby fall and land on Lolliland.

Anti-Pops blasts the planet as they run, destroying it, making the blast knock Pops back to a space through a black hole. Pops loses his titan form, and lands in J.G. Quintel's original student film, The Naive Man from Lolliland. Pops looks towards the Naive Man. "I say, quite the handsome man in the newspaper, don't you think?" He asked. "Uh, sure. I'll be back in a second for the check." The waiter said. "Is that me? Hello? Hello? Where am I? What is this?" Pops notices one of the tables being erased. "Anti-Pops!" Pops jumps into the air, and flies through the black hole, to find Anti-Pops, he sees Anti-Pops erasing everything while laughing. He hits a rock, which Mordecai and Rigby are holding onto, causing them to separate. "Rigby! Hold on!" Mordecai shouted.

"Pops, help!" Pops continues flying towards the fight, but approaches a group of giant letters spelling out REGULAR SHOW, he flies around and through them. Anti-Pops gets close to destroying Mordecai. Mordecai screams. "We're dead times a hundred! We're dead times a hundred!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby!" "(Y/n)?" Rigby turns and sees (Y/n) who has somehow escaped Anti-(Y/n). "Give me your ha-" (Y/n) is hit by an adhesive sticky note with a sketch of Muscle Man on it. "(Y/n)!" She throws the sticky note off. "An adhesive note?" A collection of sticky notes race towards (Y/n), pushing her away from Mordecai and Rigby and she screams.

"Dude! I'm freaking out!" Suddenly, Rigby becomes a bunch of sticky note sketches. He screams while kicking his legs around. "Agh! Help! Get it off! Get it off!" Mordecai appears on a storyboard. "Agh! Dude, what the heck is going on?" Anti-(Y/n) appears in front of Mordecai and Rigby. "The fabric of reality is unraveling!" She said. "No!" Anti-(Y/n) goes to throw her fist towards Mordecai and Rigby. "Mordecai! Rigby! No!" Pops and (Y/n) shouted. Pops remembers The Seer speaking to him. "Sometimes, doing something different makes all the difference." Pops remembers earlier in the battle. "We can still resolve this, other (Y/n)." Pops remembers the events of Kill 'Em with Kindness. "Ugh! I don't need a hug!" Pops then looks over at (Y/n) as she tries to protect her best friends, and his eyes widen, finally realizing who she is.

Pops smiles, and uses his powers to push the sticky notes away. (Y/n) teleports to save Rigby, who is screaming. She then teleports away, as Anti-Pops smashes the rock Rigby was holding onto. Pops teleports to grab Mordecai, then teleports away again before Anti-(Y/n) destroys his rock. "Stop running!" They land on a broken part of Lolliland. "Guys they're too powerful! You'll never beat them alone!" Mordecai said. "I know you all mean well, but I should have been listening to my heart this whole time. You boys stay here. (Y/n), I know how you can beat evil (Y/n)." Pops said, and her eyes widened.

"Huh? How?" She asked. "You'll have to attack her full force, unleashing all your power in one attack." Pops said. "Will that really work?" Mordecai asked, and Pops nods. "There's a catch though. Once she does this, she'll no longer have any power, and her kind isn't meant to last without it. I think you can see where I'm going with this." Pops said. "Huh?!" Rigby asked, then frantically looks between Pops and (Y/n). (Y/n) looks a little downcast as she looks at the ground and avoids his gaze. "In order to defeat her, I'll have to sacrifice myself." She said, and Pops only nods. "What?!" Rigby asked. "Wait, how do you know this?" Mordecai asked. "It took me a while, but I finally found out what (Y/n) is." Pops walks closer to her. "She's not an animal, nor a human, or a titan." Pops continued.

"She's a god." The duo's eyes widen in disbelief, and they gasped. "Aren't you, (Y/n)?" Pops asked. She stayed silent, and the duo were still in disbelief. "Yes." (Y/n) said, and the duo gasp again. "Wha... what?" Rigby asked. "There's no way..." Mordecai said. "It all makes sense though, doesn't it?" (Y/n) asked them. "With the way Earl described my powers, the fact that I came from another dimension, the fact that my powers seem to be limitless. The only thing I've ever wanted to do was protect you, but all I've ever done was put all of you in danger!" Her voice was thick with emotion and tears strung from her eyes. "It's time I make things right." (Y/n) said. "No, no!"

Rigby quickly grabs her right paw. "Rigby, you know I have to do this." (Y/n) said. "No! I don't care! You're my best friend, (Y/n)! I'm not losing you!" Rigby shouted, tears streaming down his face. (Y/n) frowns, and turns to Mordecai, who also looked heartbroken at the thought of losing her. "I'm sorry Rigby. It's for the best." (Y/n) said. "You promised! You promised you'd never leave us, remember?!" Rigby asked, sobbing. (Y/n) looks away for a few moments, then turns to the trio. "I know. And I'm sorry. I enjoyed every moment I've spent with all of you! And if I could, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat!" She said, and memories came to her as she hugs the duo, and they hug her back tightly, shedding tears.

(Y/n) then lets go, with the duo still shedding tears. "You ready?" Pops asked her, and (Y/n) nods. They fly into the sky to face their Anti selves. "Pops, (Y/n)! Show yourselves, you cowards!" Anti-Pops shouted. "We're here!" Pops shouted. Anti-Pops prepares his deathblow to Pops, as Pops smiles, spreads his arms out, and floats towards Anti-Pops to give him a hug. "Sh-sh-sh-sh-shh!" Pops ends up giving Anti-Pops positive feelings, causing him to shrink back to his regular size. (Y/n) gets prepaid to fire her attack, using all of her power. "No! Feelings!" Mordecai and Rigby watch in shock and amazement.

"Wha'...?" The duo asked, confused by Pops' move. "Ugh, this can't work, Pops. The minute you let me go, I'm gonna blast you into nothing!" Anti-Pops shouted. "I know. So I'm not going to let go." Pops said. "What?" Anti-Pops notices that he and Pops are floating towards the sun. "Agh, no! You'll kill us both, you fool!" Anti-Pops shouted. (Y/n) continued gathering all the power she had. "Guys, don't!" The duo shouted. Pops telepathically connects with Mordecai and Rigby, to say his final goodbye.

"Don't worry, Mordecai and Rigby. I know you're sad, but I promise this is a happy ending. Take care of each other. Goodbye." Pops and Anti-Pops continue to fly into the sun. Anti-Pops' negativity is now gone. He realizes his brother still cares for him, and Anti-Pops feels remorseful for his actions. "My God...all those one-star reviews," he looks down in shame and guilt. "I wish I could take it all back." He said. "You can try. You and I together, brother." They close their eyes, as Pops' hat disintegrates off his head. Pops and Anti-Pops share a hug, indicating that they've finally made peace. Anti-Pops opens his eyes one last time to look up at his twin brother, in admiration.

They fly into the sun, killing both of them, but reviving everybody who Anti-Pops had destroyed. Once (Y/n) has summoned all of her power, she attacks Anti-(Y/n). "NOOOO!" She shouted as she was erased from existence. (Y/n) was now gone as well. Mordecai and Rigby are watching from afar, crying. Rigby was now on all fours sobbing. "We lost her... we lost (Y/n)." He sobbed. Tears were streaming down Mordecai's face. He walks over to Rigby and hugs him. "No we didn't." Rigby looks at him. "She'll always be with us, no matter what, just like she promised." He said. Rigby nods. Rigby walks over to Mordecai and clings to him, still sobbing, and the duo hug each other.

A Channel 6 news broadcast begins, with Amy Hanlon and Sam presenting. "Breaking news! Months after the return of domes around the world, and three years after their mysterious departure, it seems like we're getting reports that the Park Dome is finally back! It's back, everybody! It's back!" Sam said.

Sam runs off to find his friends. The Park Dome is finally returning to Earth. The whole Park Crew, minus Pops and (Y/n), exit the dome, and are widely celebrated by a huge amount of pedestrians. Mordecai's parents run up to the Park Dome to hug and kiss Mordecai, followed by Rigby's parents and Don. Rigby's father, Sherm, gives Rigby a hug, and is clearly very relieved to have his son back.

Starla follows with a special surprise for Muscle Man, their 3 year old daughter, who Starla was pregnant with when they went to space. Muscle Man holds up his daughter and cries tears of joy that he's going to be a father. Skips reunites with Techmo as they share a hug, and Margaret hugs Eileen. Sam was saddened to hear about what happened to (Y/n), and cried, never fully getting over losing her. Hi Five Ghost reunites with Celia as they hug and spin around. Benson is reunited with Apple Sauce, who jumps up to him for a hug and satisfyingly sets him down. Mordecai looks over to Mr. Maellard, who is unable to reunite with his adopted son, Pops. Maellard wipes a tear away with a handkerchief, as Mordecai frowns towards him out of sympathy.

He looks up towards the moon. Some time later, the dome is no longer over the park, and statues of Pops and (Y/n) have been put up in the park as a memorial. The Park Crew are all in attendance at Pops' and (Y/n)'s funeral, as Benson lays flowers next to their statues, which has a plaque that reads: "HE CHASED BUTTERFLIES. SHE LOVED TO LAUGH. THEY SAVED THE UNIVERSE. THEY WERE OUR FRIENDS. POPS MAELLARD AND (Y/N) (L/N)" Some time after this, Mordecai and Rigby both quit their job at the Park after 6 years of work, and go separate ways. Mordecai shuts his car trunk, which contains memorabilia, such as the Maximum Glove, Mordecai and the Rigbys T-Shirt, and Rigby's Eggscellent hat. He hugs Rigby and Olivia. Rigby drives off east of the park.

as Mordecai drives south. Some time later, Mordecai is in an art studio painting, with visible stubble. Around the studio are paintings resembling Margaret, CJ and his friendship with Rigby and (Y/n). Rigby sometime in the future is now older, and wears a green jacket and has a mustache, playing video games in his new house with his daughter. Olivia walks in with their other daughter, with some sandwiches. Benson, who has grown some hair and stubble back and is going gray, who has got back together with Pam, and is still working as the park manager. He now wears a blue cap, and manages a zebra, hedgehog, a tree, a human, and Skips. Muscle Man and Starla, now live in a cleaner trailer, and have five more children than before. Muscle Man is going bald and wears braces.

Muscle Man and his kids all do Muscle Man's signature shirt spin, one last time. Skips is fixing a car in his garage, still working at the park, drinking a mug of coffee, while wearing shorts. Hi Five Ghost and Celia are now be living in the Czech Republic, working as DJs in Prague. Hi Five Ghost has a goatee and wears a beanie. Sometime soon, an older, more worn out, Mordecai gets back together with Anna. Nikolai ends up becoming a rouge spy, and ends up raising two daughters, one named Hannah and one named (Y/n).

Now, 25 years after the fight against the Antis, the park is having a reunion. Muscle Man is chasing his children, Eileen bonds with Olivia and Anna. Benson, who now has a ponytail, and Pam both admire their cats and Apple Sauce. Mordecai and Anna's children are playing on their phones, while Rigby and Olivia's children help Muscle Man and Starla's children, along with Nikolai's children get candy from a Pops piñata, and a (Y/n) piñata. A statue of Mr. Maellard is placed next to Pops' and (Y/n)'s statues, confirming that he has also passed away in the 25 years since the battle. Everybody gathers around the statues for a reunion photo. Later that night, Mordecai, who now has a beard and wears a beanie, a red hoodie and glasses, and Rigby are sat on the park house steps, drinking a soda, reminiscing their time at the park.

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