Cube Bros

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"Alright. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, rake the leaves. Muscle Man, the man with the muscle. I've got the usual for you." Benson inhales deeply. "First, I need you to take out the garbage in the entire park." Later, Muscle Man takes out the garbage. Next, Muscle Man repaves the sidewalk. "Next, I need you to repave the sidewalk. Make sure not to get any cement on you. I hear it's impossible to get off." Muscle Man runs into a rake and falls on the cement of the paved sidewalk, then he is plowing the field. "Next, I want you to plow the field, 'cause you're gonna install the new sprinkler system." Then Muscle Man is riding a trencher to dig a line in the dirt. "I rented you a trencher. It should be easy to use." Muscle Man is with steel pipes. "Connect all the galvanized steel pipes. They should be pretty light for you."

Then he puts the pipes on the line and burying the pipes. "Put them in a place, bury them, and that should be it... for the first half of the day, that is." The sprinkler system goes off and Muscle Man slips and falls in the mud. Later the park staff were at the house the next day. Mordecai and Rigby touch their arms. Mordecai groans. "So much raking." He said. "Yeah, two whole bags of leaves. I can't even feel my arms." Rigby said. "Jeez, you two are such drama queens." (Y/n) said, and the duo glare at her. "Hey!" They said. Muscle Man groans. Benson comes in. "Alright, guys, another busy day ahead of us. Muscle Man, you know that sprinkler system you installed?" Benson asked, and Muscle Man groans. "It works great." Muscle Man sighs.

"In fact, I need you to install three more. That should be easy for you, right, big guy?" Benson asked. "Augh! It's not fair! Why do I always get stuck with the hard jobs?" Muscle Man asked. "Well, you are the strong one, I mean, you are called "Muscle Man." Benson said. "Well what about (Y/n)? I mean, she has these crazy powers, right?" Muscle Man asked. "Dude, we've been over this, she doesn't know how to use them yet, well (Y/n)'s only mastered a few, which aren't very useful though." Rigby said. "Hey!" (Y/n) glares at Rigby.

Rigby said. "Well is big muscles all I am to you, just a Muscle Man?" He asked. "Why doesn't Skips do the hard jobs? He's strong." Muscle Man said. "Sure he is, but he's also smart. By the way, Skips, I need you to help me with my taxes today." Benson said. "Oh, so he gets a cushy desk job while I get stuck with manual labor?" Muscle Man asked. "Hey, I'm good with numbers." Skips said. "Well, guess what? I'm sick of this job, and I'm sick of everyone just using me for my body. I'm gonna prove to you all that I'm just as smart as I am strong. I'm gonna leave the park and get an office job!" Muscle Man shouted. "What?!" (Y/n) looks at him in shock.

"Why would you do that?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, working at an office doesn't prove that you're smart." Rigby said. "He's got a point, dude." (Y/n) said. "It will prove it, I'll prove it right now!" Muscle Man takes off his headband and leaves. "Muscle Man out!" He shouted. "Muscle Man, no! I think you're strong and smart! Don't leave!" Fives said. "Yeah, think about what you're doing!" (Y/n) said in panic. "I give him three days." Rigby said. "I give him," Skips counts his fingers. "Let's see, carry the nine... 2.57." Skips said. "You were saying about being good with numbers?" (Y/n) asked, and Skips glares at her. "I'm just saying..." (Y/n) said.

Later at a building called "Omnitech Inc." Muscle Man, wears a tie, and is at the front desk. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asked. " I heard you guys had some jobs." Muscle Man said, and she scoffs. "Not for you." She struggles with a jar of pickles. "Let me get that for you." Muscle Man takes the pickle jar and opens the lid. "Here you go." He said. "Whoa! I've been trying to open that all morning." The receptionist eats a pickle. "Maybe we do have a job for you. Follow me." Muscle Man gasps happily. She walks through the offices with Muscle Man.

"Here at Omnitech, we provide our clients with business intelligence and smart-e solutions." She said. "Yeah, intelligent and smart, that's me." Muscle Man said. "Ha ha! Good. We're only as our employees. Omnitech: Powered by People. You'll be in Ron's old office." The receptionist said. "Where's Ron?" Muscle Man asked. "He got promoted to corporate. I'll leave you to it." Muscle Man looks at Ron's old office, much to his happiness, and he places a "Champions Never Quit" poster and a picture of Hi Five Ghost and his wedding picture with Starla, sits on his chair, getting relaxed.

"Aw, yeah! This'll prove that I'm smart." A clock says "11:59 AM."  There's piles of paper and Muscle Man pulls a card with string as he gets bored and groans. "Boring." He hears laughter and checks out the office next door to find a trio of guys called the Cube Bros having a conversation. "So I told her, "Hey, if you wanna scan my server, you gotta ask me out on a data first." Randy and Gil laugh. Muscle Man laughs. "That was a really funny joke. I totally got that.

You know who else scans her server? My mom!" The guys look at him blankly and Andy sips his coffee. "Hi, I'm Muscle Man, by the way." Muscle Man said. "Randy." Randy said. "Andy." Andy said. "Gil." Gil said. "We're the Cube Bros. We're not your typical office drones." Randy said. "Woaaaah...kay!" The Cube Bros said. "Well, I guess I'm replacing Ron." Muscle Man said. "Oh, wait, are you the guy who opened the pickle jar?" Andy asked. "Yeah!" Muscle Man said. "Pssh. It'll take a lot more than that to replace Ron." Andy said. "Any sack of meat can open a pickle jar." Randy said. "Yeah, a pickle jar is not that hard to open." Gil said. "Look, It's not just 'cause I opened that jar, I'm smart, too, okay?" The Cube Bros check their pagers.

"Oh, look, 12:00. Time for our corporately mandated lunch." Andy said. "Hey, mind if I come?" Muscle Man asked. "Oh, sorry, rookie, Cube Bros only." They leave. " I'll show you." Muscle Man reads "Data Ethics: Volume 6" as time goes by, then at night, Muscle Man continues reading as a janitor mops by.

(The Next Day)

"Hey, Mitch, did you get that TH-29 form to legal yet?" Randy asked. Muscle Man, now in his office casually turns to Randy. "Actually, it's Mitchell, and nice try, but that's a trick question. The TH-29 would never go to legal, because that is, in fact, illegal." He said. "Whoa, good catch. Looks like someone's been studying up on "Data Ethics, Volume 6"." Randy said. "Volume 6?" Muscle Man carries two stacks of books. "I read the whole series. It actually wasn't that hard." He said. "Whoa, those books are massive!" Randy said. Gil comes in and gasps. "How are you holding all of those?!" He asked. Andy comes in. "Do you lift?" He asked. "Well, I used to back at my old job," Muscle Man puts down the books. "But those days are over.

Now, I'm more interested into breaking a mental sweat." He said. "Well, sure, but you're like, really strong." Randy said. "And smart." Muscle Man said. "Oh, yeah, sure. Sure, now that you've read all those books, you're up to protocol." Randy said. "You know who else is up to protocol? My mo...nitor!" The Cube Bros laugh. Muscle Man continues to work in the office while at the Park, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives are installing another sprinkler system, then Muscle Man is at a meeting at Omnitech as he helps the receptionist open a bag of chips and Gil with a 5-gallon bottle of water as Randy switches Ron's old name plate to Muscle Man's name by the name of "Mitchell"  "Cube Bros for life!"

Muscle Man and the Cube Bros shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives are on the stairs. "Come on, guys, those cinderblocks aren't gonna move themselves." Benson leaves. "Augh!" The five said. "Dude, I miss the days when we didn't have to move cinderblocks." Mordecai said. "I miss the days when we didn't have to do Muscle Man's work." Rigby said. "And I miss the way Muscle Man would make me smile with his cool sense of humor after a long day of work." Fives said, and (Y/n) glances at Fives with concern. "You really miss him, don't you?" She asked, and Fives only nods.

"Dude, we gotta go beg him to come back." Mordecai said. Back at Omnitech, Muscle Man types on his computer as the receptionist comes in.  "Uh, Mitchell, you have visitors." She leaves as (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives enter. "Hey, Muscle Ma—" (Y/n) began. "Uh-uh, one more second..." Muscle Man finishes typing on his computer as he finishes sending a memo. "Memo sent." The computer said. Muscle Man turns to the gang. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Dude, Muscle Man, you gotta come back!" Mordecai said, and Rigby and (Y/n) nod. "We really need you back!" Fives said. "Who are these guys, Mitchell?" The Cube Bros look sternly at (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives. "Randy, Andy, Gil, meet my old co-workers, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives. Park Bros, Cube Bros." Muscle Man said. "Park Bros? More like College Dropout Bros, am I right?" The Cube Bros laughs and Muscle Man laughs along nervously as (Y/n) growls. "But seriously, guys, that's a little harsh." Muscle Man said. Randy then spots (Y/n) and gives her the once over, and the guys notice and instantly glare at him. "And who's this hot little number?" He asked, approaching her. Muscle Man growls slightly.

"Back off!" Mordecai shouted. "Yeah, dude! Besides, she's taken." Rigby glares daggers at Randy and he narrows his eyes. "Well, Mitchell, we came to announce the good news." Andy said. "As of today, you're officially being promoted to corporate." Andy said. "Whoa, really?" Muscle Man asked. "Well, we think you're ready." Randy said. "Yeah! You were, like, born for this job." Gil said. "WHOOOOO!!!!" Muscle Man shouted.

"I don't know, Muscle Man. Do you really want to be stuck in a box all day? This isn't you!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, forget this place and come back to the park already!" Rigby shouted. "And lift heavy pipes for the rest of my life? Forget that! For once, I've found a place that appreciates me for more than just my body. I thought you guys would be happy for me "But Muscle Man, we miss you! I miss you! Please come back!" Fives shouted.

"He's made his decision!" Gil shouted. "Well, congrats on becoming corporate. We'll leave you to your new friends then." Fives leaves with (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Well, now that you've ditched those losers, we gotta show you to your new office." There's a huge picture of Ron.  "Whoa! That's Ron? This dude definitely didn't skip leg day." One of the Cube Bros slides his card that opens the picture entrance door to reveal a giant hamster wheel and Ron's corpse. "RON! What is this?!" Muscle Man asked. "The giant hamster wheel generator that powers Omnitech." Randy said. "Our office drone bodies are weak. Your brutish strength will keep the wheel moving to run Omnitech's power generator." Andy said.

"So, you just wanted me for my body all along?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah, Mitch." The Cube Bros laugh. "Oh, yeah. Now, get on the wheel and start ru-u-u-u-u-u-u-nning!" Gil said. "Yeah, or else we won't work-work-work-work-work!" Randy said. "What's the deal, guys? You sound like..." Randy's face blows up to reveal his robotic face. "ROBOTS!!!" The Cube Bros start to struggle to push Muscle Man into the generator room. "Park Bros, help!"

(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives are at the elevator when they hear Muscle Man's cry for help. "Muscle Man!" Rigby shouted. "We gotta save him!" Fives shouted. The elevator doors open to reveal the receptionist in his robotic state and grabs the gang. "Time to sign out! Office drones, attack!" The Omnitech workers turn into their robotic states and start coming towards the gang. "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The gang are released from the receptionist's grasp and run as Mordecai grabs a five-gallon bottle of water, puts it on a wheeling chair, which Rigby grabs, and they roll the chair with the five-gallon bottle of water towards the robots, which hit them and they get electrocuted and die. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives run over the office drones and continue running to save Muscle Man.

"Powered by People!" They shove Muscle Man into the generator room and Randy closes the entrance door as Muscle Man falls on the wheel and lands on Ron's skeleton and he starts squealing for help. A stapler is thrown at Randy and he turns to the gang. "Give us back our friend!" (Y/n) shouted. "No! We need him for his body-y-y-y-y-y-y!" The Cube Bros charge towards the gang. The gang charge towards the Cube Bros and start to fight. (Y/n) kicks Randy to a printer, which scans his face and prints it.

Muscle Man pounds at the entrance door, then looks around to see a mainframe computer. "The mainframe! I'm gonna have to use my smarts to hack into it." Muscle Man runs to the computer and starts to hack. "I've got this." He said. "Hamboning!" Rigby said as he fights Andy. "What's hamboning?!" Andy asked. Rigby pushes Andy to the ground and elbows him, causing him to explode. Muscle Man continues hacking. "Almost got it..." Muscle Man presses a key on the keyboard. "Hah!" It shows a solitaire game. "What?" He asked. Gil is holding Fives while the entrance door opens. "Congrats on "hacking" computer solitaire, genius! Get back on that hamster wheel and run, you sack of meat! You'll never be smart!" He said.

Muscle Man rips his office shirt. "Smart this!" He grabs the mainframe computer and runs towards Gil. "Oh, no! Can't run fast enough with my weak robot legs!" Muscle Man throws the mainframe computer at Gil as it lands on him, causing his head to pop off and fly into Fives' arms, which he drops it and Gil starts laughing evilly as the computer mainframe shows a self-destruct countdown and the building begins to shake. "This place is gonna blow!" Mordecai shouted. As Gil continues laughing evilly, the guys make a run for it and jump out through the window as the building explodes into a pile of rubble. "Whoa, corporate carnage.

Thanks for helping me out, you guys. That escalated really quickly." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, you really dodged a bullet on that one." Rigby said. "I still wish I could prove that I'm more than just a Muscle Man. Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought." Muscle Man said. "Dude, of course you're smart." (Y/n) said. "She's right, you're just a different kind of smart. You just have to find your own way of showing it." Fives said. "I think I got one more idea that will prove that I'm smart." Muscle Man said. Later the group is at the coffee shop. "But seriously, folks, I checked his computer, right? And I told him, he has a pretty bad virus. You know who else has a pretty bad virus? My motherboard!" Muscle Man said. The audience stays silent. Mordecai looks at Rigby and (Y/n). "Well, at least he's strong." He said, and (Y/n) face palms.

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