Dumptown USA

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At Pops' house, Rigby and (Y/n) are playing a video game. "Okay. Whoever makes this jump gets to choose lunch." Rigby said. "You're on!" (Y/n) said. Rigby, who is Player 1, makes the perfect jump while (Y/n) fails. "Ohhhhh! We're going to Wing Kingdom!" Rigby said. "Eh, fine with me." (Y/n) shrugs. The two go back to playing as Benson comes into the living room. "Guys, did you clean out the gutters yet?" Benson asked. "No way. That's a three friends job." Rigby said. "Well, where's Mordecai?" Rigby and (Y/n) exchange a look. "We dunno. We haven't seen him." Rigby said. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since he dumped Anna at Muscle Man's wedding." Rigby and (Y/n) tense. They remembered how disastrous that night had turned out.

"Yeah, no one has. He hasn't come to work for two weeks now. I tried calling, but he won't pick up." Benson said. "What?" Rigby asked. "No, here. I'll call him." Without looking, he grabs his phone from inside the couch and speed dials Mordecai's number. He holds his phone to his ear. A vibration is heard, and Rigby hears it in the couch. He opened Mordecai's phone and saw 300+ missed calls from Benson. "Oh boy..." (Y/n) said worriedly. "Huh, that's not like Mordecai." Rigby said. "I can't believe this! You don't even know where your best friend is!?" Benson asked in frustration. "Best friend?! How can you even say that after everything he's done?!

You expect me to still be on good terms with him after what happened?!" Rigby fired back. Benson sighs. "Look, I know things did get pretty messy that night, but the three of you have been best friends for a long time." Rigby and (Y/n) share a look of guilt. "You're really gonna let this drive a wedge between the three of you forever?" Benson asked, and Rigby sighs. "You're right. The three of us have been best friends for a long time.

I never thought it would come to this. But even if we do want to make things right, how would we even approach him after what happened?" Rigby asked, and Benson sighs. "I don't know, but I do care about the well-being of my employees as any park manager, but I've got a business to run in. If either of you don't find Mordecai and bring him back to work by tomorrow, then I'm gonna have to fire him." Benson said. The duo's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" The duo quickly get off the couch. "WAIT! We can find him." Rigby said. "Well for your sake I hope so, otherwise you'll be cleaning the gutters by yourselves from now on."

The duo digs out a pile of clothes from the whole room until the whole room is filled with dirty clothes to find Mordecai. Rigby digs out socks from the drawer, speaking to himself. "Come on Mordecai, give us a clue here." He said. (Y/n)'s phone rang, and she took out her phone and answered the call. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey, I checked from Sam and Margaret, they haven't seen or heard from Mordecai." Eileen told her. "Yeah, his parents don't know where he is either." (Y/n) said. "And I don't think he'll be hanging out with Anna anytime soon. Well," she says, taking out a flyer of Mordecai labeled 'Missing" on the top. "I'll start putting these flyers around town.

Hopefully a hundred should be enough." Eileen said. "Well I'll be privileging his personal stuff he doesn't like me touching, see ya." (Y/n) hangs up. Rigby takes the mattress off and sees the note, he picks it up and reads it. "..With other single bros! There's a place with hot sandy beaches and an All You Can Eat buffet. So pick up your sax and jam with the crew in Dumptown U.S.A.! Signed, Sad Sax." Rigby read. "Ugh! Not this guy again!" (Y/n) said. Rigby looks at her. "Yeah... he did give you some pretty bad advice..." he trailed off. "I should have known! At Dumptown U.S.A.? That sounds so lame! I bet nobody's ever been to this place." (Y/n) said. Benson suddenly walks in.

"I have." Later on, Benson tells Rigby and (Y/n) about the place. "Dumptown is a refuge for people who have recently been dumped, a place where they can forget about their breakups and embrace their newfound singlehood." Benson said. "Wow. That's depressing." Rigby said. "Oh, no! Dumptown is great! Throughout my life, whenever I got dumped, it was the perfect place to forget about all my ex-girlfriends." He then has multiple flashbacks. "Ashley who? Monica who? Patricia who? Lisa who? Whoo-hoo!" "Audrey who? Yep. Good times. So good that some people don't ever leave. And I don't blame them." Benson said. "Okay, well, how do we get there?" (Y/n) asked.

"The only way you can get to Dumptown is to get dumped." Benson said. Rigby and (Y/n) look at each other. "That means only one of us can go there to get him." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, but who?" Rigby asked. Later on the duo were deciding who should go get him. "I really think I should, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "But I'm the one who ended our friendship, (Y/n)." Rigby said. "And I'm the one who told him I'll never love him! If anything I'm probably the REAL reason he's there in the first place! You have to let ME go, Rigby. Please?" (Y/n) begged.

"But..." he sees her pleading expression and sighs. "Okay, fine. Guess I'm the one who has to do the 'breaking up' then. (Y/n), it's not you, it's me. I think we should see other people." Rigby said. The duo look around, but nothing changed. "Nothing's happening." Rigby said. "Put some more feeling into it. It's not called Gentle Letdown, USA. I got to get dumped. Tell me Rigby, what about me annoys you?" (Y/n) asked. "Maybe that'll help with this." (Y/n) smirks. "Well, you're really bossy at times." Rigby said. "Go on." (Y/n) said. "You keep pushing me to do things even though I've told you multiple times that I got it covered." Rigby continued. "Keep going." (Y/n) said. "You yell at me for the smallest things, you accuse me of being lazy, when I've seen you be equally lazy sometimes, you pester me about never trying anything new." Rigby said.

"Now we're talking!" (Y/n) said. "I just like to stay in my comfort zone, okay?! I don't see anything wrong with that!" Rigby shouted. "Whoa! Okay. I think that's good." (Y/n) said. "You know what? It's over! Get out! Consider yourself dumped, loser! Don't call me!" Rigby shouted, kicking her out of the house, then slamming the door. "Did Rigby just... actually dumb me?" (Y/n) asked. The Sad Sax theme plays and Sad Sax is lying on the roof, and (Y/n) looks up at him. "How long have you been up there?!" She asked. "Lady, I saw the whole thing." The guy said.

"IT WASN'T FOR REALS!!!" (Y/n) shouted. "That's what they all say. Luckily, I have a consolation prize for you: a one-way ticket to a place to make the sad times go away." He drops a letter with Dumptown USA on it, and (Y/n) grabs it. "So, am I supposed to take a cab or..." Sad Sax plays his saxophone as he flies in the air. (Y/n) starts to float and follow him. The two fly past the city and the ocean and reach Dumptown USA. "There she is. Dumptown USA. You're gonna love it here, lady." Sad Sax said. "I'm not here for me! I'm here to find my friend Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Mordecai? Oh, yeah! I brought him here like two weeks ago." Sad Sax said. "You know where I can find him?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, he's probably on a food run. The new guy always gets the food. Try Dumptown Deli." The two land near the bridge at Dumptown U.S.A. "All right, lady, this is you." Sad Sax said. "You're not coming with me?" (Y/n) asked. "Dumpees only, lady. I'll chill around here until you get back." He plays his saxophone and flies away. "Ugh. I hate that song!" (Y/n) walks into Dumptown USA and walks around the deli. "Ugh! Everybody's all gross and wearing bathrobes in public." (Y/n) walks up to Mordecai dressed as a hobo. "Excuse me, sir, have you seen a tall guy by the name of," Mordecai turns around. "Mordeca-- Aah!" (Y/n) shrieks.

"(Y/n)? You're here? Got dumped too, huh? I knew Rigby couldn't take it much longer." Mordecai said. Mordecai chuckles as he elbow bumps her. "Ugh. What? No! Our breakup wasn't for reals." (Y/n) said. "That's what they all say." Mordecai said. "It's true! I came here to bring you back so you don't get fired!" (Y/n) said. "Work? Pfft! Look around you, man. This place is a paradise." A guy picks up a milk carton and falls to the floor. "Also, now that you're the newbie, I don't have to pick up food anymore! OOOOOOHHHHHHH!" He coughs. "Maybe I'm not making myself clear here. If you don't get back to work by tomorrow, Benson's gonna fire you!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "Order up!" An employee shouted. "Come on, dude. We got plenty of time to get back. First, you got to come check out the beach house." Mordecai said.

"Wassup, roomies?" Mordecai asked as he enters the house. Everyone mutters. "I brought you guys some French dips!" Mordecai said. The group suddenly rushes over and begins to eat. (Y/n) follows Mordecai into the kitchen and looks around, spotting a huge pile of dirty dishes and then a huge pile of trash with flies surrounding it. "Ugh!" She turns back to Mordecai. "Dude, this is no way to live." (Y/n) said.

"It's the only way to live." (Y/n) watches in disgust as Mordecai grabs a milk carton and pours some milk into a box of cereal. He then brings it toward her. "Eh? Eh?" He asked. (Y/n) karate chops it out of his hands. "Nyah!" "Aw, dude. That was my brunch." Mordecai said. "Nobody eats brunch at home! Only losers do!" (Y/n) said. "Come on, man. Don't be like that. Hey, I know what you need: A grand tour of Dumptown. Come on. There's plenty of fun things to do." Mordecai said as he walks toward the door.

"Aren't you gonna clean that up?" (Y/n) asked, referring to the box of spilled cereal on the floor. "Nah. Jeffrey's got it." (Y/n) turns to see a dog on the floor wheezing for air. 'Poor thing.' She thought. "Now chop-chop. Dumptown awaits." Mordecai said. Later, (Y/n) ends up trying multiple activities, but falling at each one, but still getting approval from Mordecai. At the end, (Y/n) sees Mordecai fill his plate with disgusting food, then sits at a table by herself, and looks back at Mordecai who gives her a thumbs up. Later she and Mordecai are back at the beach house.

"Band practice!" (Y/n) watches in horror as they play terribly. "Here, dude! Give it a whirl!" Mordecai brings the instrument towards her and she shoves it away. "No! I've had it with this place! Come on. We're going back to the park right now." (Y/n) said firmly. "Yeah, yeah. I'll go, I'll go. All right, guys, one more time!" Mordecai said. Mordecai inhales deeply, but (Y/n) slaps the saxophone out his hands. "Nyah! You're being ridiculous! All of this because Anna dumped you?" (Y/n) asked.

"Anna who?" He replied. "My sister! You've changed, man. I don't even know who I'm talking to anymore." (Y/n) said. "Nah, man, you don't understand. This place is good for me. It's given me a chance to rethink my life, you know?" Mordecai asked. "I know things have been hard for you, but just because we can't be together, doesn't mean you can't be happy with someone else. There's so many more girls out there. But you're not gonna meet them if you're trapped in this place." (Y/n) said.

"Look, I don't see what the big deal is. I've only been here a couple days." Mordecai said. At this (Y/n) blows up. "A couple of days?! Dude, you've been here for two weeks!" She shouted furiously. Mordecai panics at this. "Wait, what? No way! That can't be right. I just got here. Right, guys?" Mordecai asked the other guys. "Yeah, man, you just got here." "1994. ...September or..." "Stacy who?" The other guys replied. "See, dude? Everyone is so out of it because there's no concept of time here. You're wasting your life away. Look at yourself!" (Y/n) grabs his saxophone and shows him his reflection and he gasps in horror, then glances around at the guys laying around,

then the dog on the floor. "You're right, dude. I don't wanna wind up here forever. Let's go! Hup!" The duo jumps over the sofa and runs out the door. "Hey! Mordecai and his little buddy (Y/n) took off! Let's get 'em!" One of the guys said. The guys then chased the duo down the street. "You can't leave Dumptown!" One of the guys shouted. "Yeah! Who's gonna pick up the food for us?" Another asked. The duo jump over someone on the street before they continue running and the guys crashed into the person. "How do we get out of here?" Mordecai asked, and (Y/n) points up ahead.

"The drawbridge!" She shouted. The drawbridge then begins to open. "We're not gonna make it!" Mordecai shouted. "Look!" (Y/n) points to a Lazy Wheels Hut. The duo then ran over and grab one. "Hey, you need to sign the Lazy Wheelz rental agree-- Ah, whatever." The man in the chair shrugs. (Y/n) was driving as Mordecai sat beside her. "Dude! Can't this thing go any faster?" He asked her. "I'm trying! I'm trying!" (Y/n) bangs on it to speed it up. "There they go!" One of the guys shouted.

"Sad Sax!" (Y/n) shouted, as he was playing the saxophone at the end of the drawbridge. "We're not gonna make it!" Mordecai shouted. "Oh yes we are!" (Y/n) pushes a button, speeding up as they approach the bridge. "Hold on!" (Y/n) shouted as she drove over the bridge, and the duo screamed. The duo then crash land once they make it to the other side of the bridge. "Wow. I don't think I've seen anyone leave Dumptown like that. Most guys stay for years. Or never come back at all."

Sad Sax said. "Well, I'm ready to go home." Mordecai said. "You got it, brother." Sad Sax said. Sad Sax begins playing, and takes the duo back to the park. "Welcome back to the real world, dude." (Y/n) said. "I guess. I admit Dumptown was a pretty lame place. But things were definitely a lot simpler there." Mordecai said. "You want my advice? Just take a break, Mordecai. From dating,

I mean. And just focus on what's best for you." (Y/n) said. "Yeah. You're right." He replied. "Well, well. Look who decided to finally show up. Go take a shower, burn that bathrobe, and get back to work, or you're fired!" Benson shouted, then he notices Sad Sax. "Oh. Hey, Sad Sax." He greeted with a wave as he walks off. "What's up, Benson?" He replied. (Y/n) then takes out her phone. "Rigby? It's me. Am I still dumped?" He asked. "Of course not, (Y/n)."

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