Favorite Shirt

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At the now dome-sealed park, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and High Five Ghost are pruning trees. Rigby grunts as he is pruning, and stops. "Aargh! Pruning's lame!" Rigby said. "It wouldn't be so bad if Benson would buy some new tools. These things are like a hundred years old." Mordecai said. "Yeah! How come Muscle Man gets to do this the cool way?" Rigby asked. "Uh, maybe because I'm highly trained, bro." Muscle Man picks up a bow and arrow tied to a rake. "Call me when you've taken a semester of archery classes online."

He shoots the rake from the bow the rake lands on a tree branch successfully. Muscle Man pulls the branch down with the rake. "Um... Is anyone else curious about the scientists who've been watching us all morning?" Fives asked, looking over at them. The dome scientists are taking notes in the distance, hiding in a bush. "Ugh, again?" (Y/n) asked, glaring at them. "They're probably taking notes on how to do an honest day's work for once. Hey, mama's boy, they're called muscles! Write that down in your field notes!" The dome scientists continue to take notes.

"Last load, losers." Wood chips fly as Muscle Man throws a tree in a shredder. They land on Rigby, making him furious. "Ah..." he sits down on a fold-out chair and puts a blob of sunscreen on each cheek. "It's time for my 45-minute afternoon siesta." (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and HFG look at Muscle Man, disgusted by his actions. Rigby continues pruning but cannot release the pruner from the tree branch. Frustrated, he swings on it until he is sweating and panting. "That's it! I'm taking Muscle Man's bow and arrow! He's not even using them!" Rigby said. "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. Muscle Man doesn't like his stuff being touched without his permission." Fives replied.

"Fine! So I'll wake him up and ask." Rigby said. Muscle Man is snoring. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and HFG approach him. "Muscle Man, wake up." Rigby said. "That's not gonna get you anywhere. Once he's down for his nap, nothing can wake him up." Fives said. "Nothing, eh?" Mordecai and Rigby chuckle.

"What are you two planning?" (Y/n) asked suspiciously. "Muscle Man." Rigby clicks his fingers. "Mitch, wake up!" Mordecai slaps his face. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouting in a scolding like manner. "What? He's fine, see?" He gestures to Muscle Man who is still sleeping. The duo continue to chuckle. "Wait, check this out." Mordecai pulls off Muscle Man's shirt. "Oh, my gosh." He runs back to original spot. "Whoo! You know who else doesn't understand joke structure? My Mom!" He said, and (Y/n) snickers, trying not to laugh.

"Oh, guys. I don't know about this." Fives said. "Nah, it's funny. Watch." Rigby grabs Muscle Man's stomach and squishes it together. "I'm Muscle Man. I think I am so good at work just because I am so freakishly strong!" He said, and (Y/n) actually laughs at that one. "Okay. Uh, let me try. Um, okay, okay." Fives swings Muscle man's shirt. "Whoo! Ha ha! It's me, Muscle Man! Ha ha! Despite my rough exterior, I'm a loving and supportive friend! I-- oops!"

HFG accidentally lets go of Muscle Man's shirt, landing in the wood chipper and shredding in the process. "Oh, no! Do you realize what you've done?!" Fives asked, grabbing Mordecai. "Me?! What?!" Mordecai asked. "That was Muscle Man's favorite and only shirt! If we don't replace it before he wakes up from his nap, he'll never forgive us!" Fives said. "Now, when you say "never forgive us" you mean, just never talk to us again, or..." (Y/n) said fearfully. Fives looks at her. "He'll probably try to kill us." Fives said.

"Okay, okay, calm down. All we gotta do is go out and buy Muscle Man the same shirt." (Y/n) said. "Yeah! We just gotta find the tag to see what brand it was." Rigby agreed. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Fives are looking for the tag of the shirt. Rigby looks around and finds the tag. "Oh, guys, I found it!" (Y/n) looks at the label.

"Uh, the label's too worn to read anything." She said. "Great! So now what?" Mordecai asked. "I've only ever seen Mitch shop at one place. Let's try there first." Fives said. They are now in front of a BIG and ANGRY apparel. "Discontinued?" Mordecai asked. "Discontinued! That shirt was a limited-run deal!" The clerk said. "Limited run?" Rigby asked. "The FDA pulled it 'cause it was mostly asbestos. Guess the man doesn't care if a guy is flame retardant or not." The clerk said. "Is there anywhere else we can find one?" Rigby asked. The clerk growls and thinks. "You could check In Yo Face Apparel, I guess." The group go to Yo Face Reclaimed Apparel.

"Dude, this place is huge!" Rigby said. "Let's split up." Mordecai said. (Y/n), Rigby, Mordecai and HFG split up. Rigby is looking at some clothes then notices the front counter with a tub saying "Free! Giveaway" on it with Muscle Man's shirt on top of the tub. "The shirt!" Rigby runs towards the tub and grabs Muscle Man's shirt. "Come to Papa!" He said. "Quit pilfering the promos, dawg! These tees have a price!" The clerk said.

"Yeah, but it says Free! right on it!" Rigby said. "Yeah! If you're talking about dollars." The clerk said. "How else do you pay for clothes?" Rigby asked. "Every hour, we give away a free t-shirt by shooting it out of this cannon and blasting a customer in the face with it." The clerk loads the t-shirt with a cannon. "Don't people get hurt?" Rigby asked. "Nah, they love it." A crowd cheers, waving their hands waiting to get their hands on the T-Shirt. "Are you ready?!" The clerk asked. "Yeah!" They shouted. "Dude, wait! Just let me buy the shirt!" Rigby shouted.

"Kid, I work in retail. Hurting people is all I have." The In Yo Face Apparel Clerk aims his cannon and shoots it into the crowd. Rigby screams "NO!" and blocks the shirt by jumping into the crowd. After Rigby is shot in the face with it, the customers try to take the shirt off of him. Later Rigby wakes up and sees (Y/n), Mordecai and High-Five Ghost. "You okay, Rigby?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "I did it! I got the-" Rigby puts his paws up to see the shirt but realizes he doesn't have it. "Shirt." He said, "Lets just go back to the park." (Y/n) said.

Back at the dome, Muscle Man is still snoozing on his fold-out chair. "Now what?" (Y/n) asked. "Whatever it is, we gotta hurry! Muscle Man's nap is over in 20 minutes!" Fives shouted. "Hmm..." Mordecai said. "(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and High Five Ghost walk over to three scientists. "Uh, hey. What's up? You are scientists, right?" Mordecai asked. "Science assistants, yes." One replied. Rigby sighs. "We took our friend's shirt off and threw it in a wood chipper. We need to replace it before he wakes up so he doesn't kill us. Here's a piece of his shirt." Rigby pulls out a piece of Muscle Man's shirt. "Can you guys do some science and fix it?" He asked.

"Funny you mention it, actually, We just got this 3D knitter that could analyze the fabric and replicate_" Pam began. "Pam! Shhh! Come on! Next you'll tell them the back window at the science dome is stuck open!" The scientists notice that they have already left. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look down a hall. They see a door for the

"Copy Room" "Dudes, there's the copy room. I bet the knitting thing is in there." Mordecai said. "Looks like it's locked." Rigby said. "Someone's coming!" (Y/n) said. She puts her paw on the duo's mouths and pulls them back to prevent being spotted. A scientist is moving a trolley. "He's going in." Mordecai said. "I've got an idea. You distract him." Fives said. The trio walk over to the scientist. "Uh, hey, fellow scientist. Do you know if there's a bathroom that way?" (Y/n) asked.

"Oh, sure. Uh, let's see... There's the co-ed one around the corner here. Or you could go down that really weird hallway that's nothing but urinals. Frankly, sir, it seems like you've got the pick of the litter." High Five Ghost jumps out of the trolley and knocks the scientist to the ground unconscious by hitting him with a device. "Aah! I thought you'd just hide in the cart and open the door from the other side." Mordecai said. "Oh. That would have worked, too." Fives said. "I think that would have been better." (Y/n) said.

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hold the scientist by the head and put his mouth onto a security lock, unlocking the copy rom in the process. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and High Five Ghost walk into the copy room and find themselves surrounded by various items. "Whoooooa!" The five said. "Look at all this copy equipment." (Y/n) said. "There it is." Rigby runs over and turns on the machine. "Rigby, come on. We don't have much time." (Y/n) said.

Rigby walks over to (Y/n). "Dude, that thing over there replicates smells. Guess what this is." He holds a test tube in front of her and she sniffs, then recoils back in disgust. "Oh! Dude, gross! Just give me the shirt." She said. (Y/n) snatches the shirt piece from him. The knitter scans and starts to put the shirt together. "It's working!" Fives said. "That was too easy." Rigby said. "Error. Foreign object detected-- dentified as human hair. Continue using all detected materials?" The machine asked. "Agh! We're in a hurry, you stupid machine! Yes." Rigby said, then pushes the button. "Rigby, no!" (Y/n) shouted, as she grabs him and pulls him back. "Override accepted. Completing 3-d knit." The machine said.

Rigby walks over to the others. "See, it's fine. You guys gotta learn to act on your instincts more often." He said. "Uh... Rigby?" (Y/n) asked, then points ahead and he turns to see a knitted-up Muscle Man figure, and his eyes open. "Knit complete." The machine said, and the five scream. "That is... unsettling...." (Y/n) said, cowering behind everyone else. "Should we say something to it?" Rigby asked. "Are you nuts?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm not going anywhere near that creepy thing." Mordecai said. "Fives, you're Muscle Man's best friend-- go talk to it." (Y/n) said. "What?" He sighs, then flies over. "Hey, buddy." He chuckles nervously.

"Look, this is awkward for all of us, but we're gonna need that shirt. So, uh, if you could just pop it off." Fives said, but he walks toward them. "Oh, okay, maybe later. Good idea." Fives said. "Aah!" Mordecai shouted. "What's it doing?" (Y/n) asked. The fake Muscle Man punches (Y/n) and she crashes into the wall with a loud grunt. "(Y/n)!" Everyone shouted. "Are you okay?" Rigby quickly runs over and helps her up. "I'm fine..." she said.

"Cupcake." The fake Muscle Man begins eating cupcakes that were placed on the counter. "I know this is a weird moment for everyone, but we only have 10 minutes to get that shirt back on the real Muscle Man." Fives said. (Y/n) sighs. "Okay, let's do this. Sorry, dude. We need it more than you—" Mordecai said, then lunges at him, and tries to pull the shirt off, but he punches him off, then charges at him, but Rigby jumps on it, covering its eyes.

He then successfully pulls off the shirt. "I got it!" He shouted, enraging the figure, that throws the knitter towards them. "RUN!" (Y/n) shouted. The gang duck into a hallway. "Is it still following us?" Rigby asked. Mordecai turns to look and sees it running towards them and screams. "We gotta split up! Rigby, give me the shirt! You guys, go that way!" He said. "Okay." He splits off in the opposite direction from (Y/n), Rigby and Fives.

The figure is confused at first, but then goes after Mordecai because he has the shirt. Mordecai opens a door and the fake Muscle Man breaks it open from behind him and shoves him under a table. As Mordecai starts crawling under the tables towards the exit, the figure begins flipping the tables over as he runs after him. Mordecai dives for an exit across the room and gets tackled by the figure. But his leg is stuck on a door handle, and stars to unravel the monster's pants. In the next door he runs through, he catches up with (Y/n), Rigby and Fives. "Mordecai, you're alive!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Of course he's alive." She said. "How do we get out?!" Mordecai asked in panic.

"There's a loading bay straight ahead. Just keep running." Fives said as he points ahead, and they do. Dr. Langer is talking to some other scientists. "And what about Muscle Man? Anything to report?" He asked. "Yes, um, physically very strong, but he's kind of a jerk about it." One of them replied. "Nicely. And, uh, what about Hi Five ghost?" Dr. Langer asked as he looks at some papers. Fives, (Y/n), Mordecai, and Rigby pass behind him, much to the scientists' shock. "Well?" Dr. Langer asked. The figure passes by.

One of the scientists points behind and says "Uh..." but Pam and the other one shake their heads and glare at him. The gang make it outside. "What now?" Mordecai asked. "The jeep!" (Y/n) shouted. The gang run over to it and jump in. "Hey! I'm not even allowed to drive that!" A man said as he walks by and notices them getting in. "Sorry, man. Official park business." Rigby said. "Thank you!" Fives shouted as they drive off, multiple boxes fall out. "Aw. I'm fired for sure." The figure then runs over him, causing him to fall. "Oof!" He shouted. "Did we lose it?" Rigby asked fearfully, looking back to check. But when he turns back around he's on the jeep and they scream.

Mordecai shakes it off the hood onto the road. "Where'd it go?" (Y/n) asked, and it unexpectedly pops up on the rear, and (Y/n) and Rigby scream and back away. "What do we do?!" Rigby asked. "Oh, no! Muscle Man's gonna wake up any second." Fives said. "Circle back past Muscle Man." (Y/n) said. With the figure hanging on for dear life, upon getting there, Rigby grabs the bow (and somehow, arrow) and ties a loose thread from the figure to it. ""Time to unwind." Rigby fires it away.

The arrow attaches to a tree, and the figure unravels the further away from it they get. "Thank you." It becomes merely a skull. (Y/n) puts the shirt back on, and a few seconds later, Muscle Man wakes up and looks at them in confusion. "Hey bros." He said. "Hey, Muscle Man. How was your nap?" Mordecai asked. He stands up and groans as he stretches. "Pretty good, but...wait. Something's not right." He said, as he turns around angrily and they tense. "Uh... what's that?" Rigby asked as he turns around and they notice the tag on the back of his shirt. "There's a fingerprint on my bow! Man, you guys have no respect for my stuff." Muscle Man said as he walks away.

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