Meet the Seer

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The Park Dome is zooming through space, and Pops is in a painful struggle after the events of the previous chapter. He has flashbacks. "Bad show..." The gang watch over him. "He's so weak." Eileen said. "What did Anti-Pops do to him?" Rigby asked. "He tried to kill him, Rigby. And kidnap me." (Y/n) said. "What?!" Rigby asked worriedly, turning to her. "Anti-Pops said something about wanting to bring me to Anti-me." (Y/n) said. "Wait, what?! Why?!" Mordecai asked. "I... I don't know." (Y/n) said.

"Well, we won't let that happen." Benson said. "Of course not." Skips agreed. "Let's just do what Earl said, and get Pops and (Y/n) to the Seer!" Benson said. The computer AI can be heard. "Now approaching Planet Nielsen." Everyone looks out toward Planet Nielsen. "That's a planet?" Anna asked. "It looks like some weird appliance." Olivia said. They notice some floating technology being erased from existence. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Skips said. The crew lands on Planet Nielsen. They run forward and are greeted by stream boxes. "Welcome to Planet Streaming. Would you like to upgrade for an ad-free experience? Only $3.99 a month!" A stream box said.

"Planet Streaming? I thought this was Planet Nielsen!" Benson said. "Planet Nielsen is obsolete. Everything is streaming now. We are currently showing 6.8 billion forms of online content. Would you like to start your free trial? We just need your credit card num-" The Stream Box zooms in on the park crew. "-ber..." The Stream Box's screen starts flashing up with "Disc Masters" "It's them! Take them to holding!" The stream boxes dash towards the park crew. "Uh... what's going on?" Anna asked nervously. "Ugh! Does everything have to try to kill us?" Benson asked.

Lasers are suddenly shot down towards the stream boxes. It's revealed that these are coming from Retro and a new ally, Black & White. They land. "Retro?" Mordecai asked. "Discmasters, it truly is a small universe to see you here. This is Black & White, sworn brother of the Format Wars." Retro said. "We need to get you out of here." Black And White said. "But we need to get Pops and (Y/n) to the Seer!" Benson said. "The Seer?" Retro laughs. "No-one sees the all-knowing Seer, but the Seer always sees you." He said. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked. "So, can you take us to her, or...?" Anna asked. "Yeah. We can take you." Retro sees Pops. "But first, he needs medical attention. Follow us." They all run to the medical center.

"Hurry! Before Streaming sends reinforcements! Brace yourselves!" Black & White presses a button, which turns the floor into an elevator. They land underground, and run to Microwave's door. Retro knocks on it. Microwave pulls a blinder, waiting for the password. "Be kind, rewind." Microwave opens the door. "What's the-" He pings as he notices Pops. "Frozen burritos! Get that guy in here, stat!" They lay Pops on a table, as Microwave opens the door on his body, revealing some food. He feeds it to Pops. "Come on, now, come on! Chew it!" He helps Pops chew. "Yes, chew it up. Come on! There you go! He's stable. After 50cc's of Salisbury Steak and a little rest, he'll be good as new!" Microwave said. "You're a doctor?" Rigby asked. "I was a doctor, in the resistance." He reveals a Pops and (Y/n) tattoo on the palm of his hand.

"Before the Format Wars. Before Streaming took over!" Microwave said. "Took over?" Mordecai said. "I've got it all right here." He reveals a reel-to-reel tape, and projects it onto a screen. There is a shot of Planet Nielsen. "Planet Nielsen! A place where all universes can be seen under one roof. Here, we have highly trained analysts, watching and tracking views of the various universes throughout the galaxy." A Nielsen worker is seen working. "Hangin' with the Plartians," 13 million viewers, ages 12-35!" He said. "Business was booming for Planet Nielsen! Advertisers would pay top dollar to know how many people were watching each universe, until Streaming came along and took over!" Streaming is killing a worker and an advertiser on the screen, and laughs.

"Streaming didn't care what people were watching, because it already knew! Thus rendering the Nielsen system obsolete! Hopeless and jobless, Streaming banished the workers to the bowels of the city forever, where they tried to preserve the ways of the old formats. Because - what happens if you want to watch your favorite universe when the internet is down? Or if you want to see the glorious quality of a DVD, instead of the poorly compressed video of streaming? The world may never know." The tape ends. "Now that you know the history,

you understand why the old formats must put an end to this torrenting tyrant!" Retro said. "Why couldn't Streaming be stopped by this all-knowing Seer?" Rigby asked. "She just relays information about what she sees. Whether or not she has actual powers is kind of a gray area." Black and White said. "Everything's a gray area to you, Black & White." Retro said. "Ouch. Retro getting a little too real." Muscle Man said. "Indeed. Shots fired." The whole room shakes, and Microwave enters the room. "They know the chosen ones are here!" He shouted. "We've got to get to the Seer now!" Retro shouted. "Wait, who's they?!" Olivia asked. "What about Pops?" Anna asked. "I'm alright!" Pops sits up. "Take us to the Seer." Everyone runs out of Microwave's office.

"Go! Run! I'll hold them off! I hope they're hungry..." Microwave puts a pizza pocket in his body door. "Always follow proper heating instructions." He runs towards the stream boxes. "For the Formats!" He explodes, along with the stream boxes. The explosion catches up to the park crew, who fall to the ground. "Come on! This way!" They run into the original Nielsen office. They can hear the workers talking to themselves. Mordecai and Rigby look into an office cubicle, where the same worker from the tape is. Rigby gasps. "They've got free coffee!" Mordecai and Rigby run to the coffee machine.

"Work perks!" Rigby goes to take the coffee but is stopped by HD DVD, Reel-to-Reel, and Blu-ray, who are hidden under a hood. "Stop! Nielsen employees only, what are you doing down here?" HD DVD shouted. "It's okay, HD. They're with us." Retro said. HD DVD, Reel-to-Reel, and Blu-ray gasp. "The chosen ones." He said. "And it's the five Discmasters as well!" They take off their hoods to reveal themselves. "DVD? You're here too?" Benson asked. "No. DVD is dead." He replied. "What?" Benson asked. "Yeah. I'm HD DVD now! I got upgraded. New voice chip and everything. High definition, baby! Now I'm the most superior physical format to date. Take that, dad!" HD DVD said. "Forgive my brother. His picture quality isn't as clear as mine, so he forgets things. I'm Blu-ray and I'm obviously the most superior physical format to date." Blu-ray said. "Whatever, I still have better sound definition than you!" HD DVD said.

"Tell that to my ten gigs of extra storage." Blu-ray said. "I would, but I think someone's surface coding is a little too thick to understand!" HD DVD said. "Well at least I'm not the one with the ability to roam any region, and still went crying home to daddy!" Blu-ray said. "You leave father out of this!" HD DVD said. "Whoa, whoa, kids! Don't scratch a disc! We need to get Pops and (Y/n) to the Seer." Reel-to-Reel said. "Right, sorry. Follow us." They arrive outside the Seer's location. They are blocked off by a wall. "Allow me, my bitrate is faster." Blu-ray said.

"Your face is a bitrate." HD DVD said. "Knock it off, you two!" (Y/n) scolded. Blu-ray plugs a USB stick into a slot on the wall, opening the door to the Seer's home. Blu-ray enters, and is followed by Pops and the gang. The Seer can be seen with her back turned, watching multiple universes on her many screens. "Seer! We have brought the chosen ones." Retro said. "Ah yes, Pops and (Y/n). I've been expecting you." She turns her chair around to face them. "You know who we are?" Pops asked. "Of course I do. I know each and every one of you." Seer said. "You do?" Anna asked.

"You don't know me!" Muscle Man shouted angrily. "Oh, Muscle Man. Always so brash. You know who else is always so brash?" She asked. "Oh boy... here we go." (Y/n) said. "Uhh, who?" Muscle man asked. "Come know." Seer said. "I don't know what you're talking about, lady!" Muscle Man shouted. "" she replied. "Whoa, bro." Muscle Man said. "That's right! I've been watching you guys since the very beginning. I know everything about you." Seer said. "What?" Anna asked in surprise. "Everything?" Mordecai asked. "That's not creepy at all..." (Y/n) said. "Sure. You all work at the park; you and Rigby are the slacker duo, (Y/n) is like your second boss, Benson's the grouchy manager, Skips is immortal. Thomas is the intern. Funny stuff!" Seer said. "Psht! Anyone could have known that!" Rigby said. "Oh yeah?" The Seer clicks a button on her remote.

The main opening sound plays as they hear Mordecai and Rigby onscreen shouting "OOHHH!" On the screens, clips from the episodes "The Power", "Caffeinated Concert Tickets" and "(Y/n), Mordecai and the Rigbys" are seen. "You started off really strong." Clips from "Steak Me Amadeus" and "Merry Christmas (Y/n)" are seen. "But when (Y/n) tried dating Sam, things leveled off a little." Clips from "Yes Dude Yes" and "Play Date" are seen. "I was always more of a CJ fan myself." Clips from "In the House", "Creepy Doll", and "Jacked Up Jack-o-Lantern" are shown. "Every Halloween was a spiking interest, but lately that's been a little weak as well." Clips from "Rigby's Graduation Day Special", "The End of Muscle Man", "The Real Thomas" "Dumped at the Altar", "Welcome to Space", and these chapters are seen.

"Rigby going to high school helped! As did Muscle Man getting married. Everybody sure loves weddings. And the whole going to space thing? Whoo! I was not expecting that. I'm curious to see where things go now. But then again-" Seer said, The Seer switches off her screens. "Well, it's not like any of those changes matter anymore.

Everything must end eventually." Seer said. "End? What will end?" Benson asked. "Your universe, of course! Many universes have come and gone, it's the natural order of things. Yours lasted longer than most, surprisingly, considering it's an alternate universe, but now the universe, your lives, the park, everything. It's going to end." Seer said. "Wait, what do you mean? What's an alternate universe?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Geez Rigby, haven't you ever watched Rick and Morty? An alternative universe (also known as alternate reality),

commonly abbreviated as AU, is a type or form in which canonical facts of setting or characterization in the universe are being explored are deliberately changed." (Y/n) explained. Everyone looks at her oddly. "English please?" Eileen asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Never mind." She said. "The universe can't end!" Pops shouted, changing the subject. "Ah, but this is what this has all been leading up to, Pops." The Seer presses her remote again, and a silhouetted image of Anti-Pops and Anti-(Y/n) surrounded by flames is seen. "The final battle with you two and your evil twins." Pops gasps, followed by the room shaking. HD DVD and Blu-ray run in. "We can't hold Streaming much longer!" HD DVD shouted.

"We gotta get Pops and (Y/n) out of here!" Blu-ray shouted. The gang runs through a tunnel, Stream Boxes are seen moving towards the gang as they fire lasers at HD DVD and Blu-ray, who then jump in the air to begin their transformations. "Not today, you dumb data boxes!" HD DVD puts a disc in his chest, as "HD" is seen on the screen. "You cash hungry content coffins!" Blu-ray puts a disc in her chest. The two jump into the air and fire laser beams at the stream boxes. Olivia notices that the Seer is calm. "How are you so calm? The universe is ending!" She shouted. "It's not my universe that's ending, it's yours. It's a shame that I won't be able to watch it anymore. I've really grown quite fond of you all." Seer said. "Ugh, it's like an oversaturation of the marketplace." HD DVD said. "Time to cancel our subscription!" HD DVD and Blu-ray fire a disc laser at an army of stream boxes, who explode. The gang approach the Park Dome. "We're almost there!" Benson shouted. Suddenly, Streaming, an upgraded version of Internet, is formed. "Hahahahaha!" He laughed.

"Streaming?!" Blu-ray shouted. "Hello HD DVD and Blu-ray! And you've brought all your remaining formats to me. Finally, I can add you all to my queue OF DESTRUCTION!" Streaming fires a ray at HD DVD and Blu-ray, but Reel-to-Reel quickly jumps in the way. "NO!" Reel-to-Reel gets blown up, causing his reel-disc to fall to the ground. "Reel-to-Reel! He was the original! Agh!" Black & White runs towards Streaming. "Black & White, no! You can't stop him!" Black & White fires lasers at Streaming.

"Fool, there's no escape. Streaming is the future!" Black & White gets blasted by another ray, as Streaming gets hit by a laser, causing an error and Streaming to buffer. HD DVD and Blu-ray run to Black & White. "You can make it, Black & White. There's still a market for you!" Blu-ray shouted. "In space - *coughs* - No-one can hear" Black & White's screen switches off, indicating his death. "Quick, while he's still buffering!" The gang ran past Streaming and into the Park Dome. "Go, go!" (Y/n) turns to look at HD DVD, Blu-ray, and the Seer. "Now you must go to where it all began, (Y/n). To Pops' planet, Lolliland, that's where the final battle will take place." Seer said. "Do we really have to fight them?" Pops asked.

"You've fought them before, well, one of them, and you will fight him again, and your universe will reset itself. That's how it's always been and how it will always be." Seer said. "There must be another way!" (Y/n) shouted. "Hmm, sometimes doing something different makes all the difference! But then again, everybody loves re reads!" Streaming rises behind the final three. "Oh, no!" Streaming shouted. "Go now, Pops, (Y/n). Make it a jolly good show." Pops and (Y/n) run into the Dome as it flies off. HD DVD and Blu-ray fight off Streaming. Everybody is in the control room. "Eileen, enter the coordinates!" Benson shouted. "You got it!" Eileen searches for Lolliland, and a picture shows up, and it's the exact same planet that Pops felt a connection with. "Pops' Favorite Planet." "My...favorite planet." Pops said. "No way..." (Y/n) said.

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