Operation: Hear No Evil

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On tv, a blue alien is crying as a man holds her. "Promise me." She said. "I promise you. I'll search the entire galaxy to find out who poisoned your entrée. It's the least I can do now that I know you're my... mother." The man said. As it turns out, Muscle Man, Fives, Elieen, Olivia, Anna, skips, and Pops were watching, and they all gasp. "What?!" Everyone asked. "No way." Muscle Man said, then grabs a tissue and starts sobbing into it just as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby enter the room. "Whoa, Muscle Man, are you crying?" Rigby asked. "Yes, I'm crying. I'm feeling deep emotions, and they're expressing themselves physically on my face. It's part of what makes me a man."

Muscle Man said. "He's finally learned that men cry too." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai and Rigby snicker. "Ahh. Are you guys watching Lazer Hunters?" Rigby asked. "Why is everybody at the station addicted to it?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, it's so cheesy." Rigby said. "It's actually a really good show." Anna said. "Yeah! This show is a cultural phenomenon. It's ending next week. Give it a chance." Fives said, as he gestures to the tv. "Mm. I don't know." (Y/n) said. They glance at the tv as a man sobs. Another man approaches him.

"Brick?" The man asked. "Yes?" He asked. "Mother never wanted us to meet, but now that she's gone, I can tell you... I'm your identical twin-- Angelo." The man said. "Whoa." Mordecai said. "Okay. Maybe we can give it a shot." Rigby said. "I guess..." (Y/n) said. Everyone was sobbing at the end except for the trio once it was over. "Ooh. Heh. That was really good." Rigby said. "Dude, we got to catch up before the finale next week. How many seasons are there?" Mordecai asked.

"Eight." Muscle Man holds the DVD boxes. "Although we're watching the remake, you guys can watch the original if you want, but the remake is better." Muscle Man said. "What's the difference?" Mordecai asked. "The remake gives a bigger role to one of the other characters that was in the original. In the original he doesn't really do anything and then he leaves, he shows up for one more episode later on, but that's it. But in this version he actually plays an important part of the story." Muscle Man said. "That's interesting..." Rigby said.

"If you start watching now, you just barely have enough time to catch up. But only if you use this mayonnaise jar as a toilet." Muscle Man said, holding out the boxes, then hands Mordecai the jar, and (Y/n) flinches in disgust. "Thanks." Mordecai said. "Dudes, weren't we supposed to do something for Benson before we walked in here?" Rigby asked. "Uh..." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) crosses her arms and looks at them in disbelief. "Vacuum the floors?" She asked. "Oh right. But we could put that off till later." Mordecai said.

"You're probably right." Rigby said. "I don't know, are you sure that's a good idea?" (Y/n) asked. "Benson might get really mad." She warned. "It'll be fine. Plus, don't you want to see more before the finale?" Mordecai asked. "Well..." (Y/n) said. "Oh come on, (Y/n)! Just admit you like it!" Rigby said. "I do, but I'm also responsible." She said. "Just watch the show with us, please?" Mordecai asked, and she sighs. "Fine..." later, the trio are watching the first season. "No, Mr. President. Don't open that birthday present." Brick said. The trio watch with anticipation, then Mordecai and Rigby are crying, and later, the trio are watching while lying on their stomaches, they point and laugh, watch with worry, then hear a scream and the trio cover their eyes. "No!" They shouted.

~One week later~

The trio are still staring at the screen, when suddenly Muscle Man walks in front of it. "Bros, you did it. You watched 168 hours of Lazer Hunters. And you're just in time for the finale." Muscle Man said. The rest of the gang were also in the room. "Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. So many questions." Mordecai said. "Like, what was the deal with the space lizard cold open?" Rigby asked. "Was Brick's cousin's salsa in the safety-deposit box?" (Y/n) asked. "Why was there a squid in the percolator?" Rigby asked pointing.

"Who made the holotape that tipped off the colonel?" Mordecai asked. "Not so dumb anymore, is it?" Fives asked teasingly. "And now, finally, the finale will answer all our questions!" Eileen said. "I can't wait!" Olivia said. "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome." Anna said. The group all sit next to each other excitedly as they turn the tv on. Elieen was holding a bowl of popcorn. The group talk to each other with excitement, but just then Benson storms in. "(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby." He said, and the group turn to him. "Uh oh..." (Y/n) said.

"Oh, hey, Benson. We were just about to watch the Lazer Hunters finale." Rigby said. "No, you're not, because you, (Y/n) and Mordecai are going to go vacuum the floors in the house right now. Just like I told you to a week ago!" Benson shouted angrily as he turns red. The trio quickly stand up. "Aw, Benson." Mordecai said. "Can't we just vacuum after?" (Y/n) asked. "Now." Benson said.

"The house is all the way on the other side of the station." Mordecai said. "Don't care." Benson crosses his arms. "The finale will be over by the time we get back!" Rigby shouted. "Go." Benson said. "How are we gonna get back here without hearing spoilers?" Mordecai asked. "Go vacuum the house!" Benson shouted, before storming off, and the trio groan. "Whoa, tough break, guys." Muscle Man said, then turns back to the tv. "Gee thanks, Muscle Man." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Sorry sis." Olivia said to (Y/n). "Yeah, we really wanted you to watch it with us." Anna said. "Whatever shall you do?" Pops asked.

"I can record it for you so you guys can watch it later." Eileen said. "Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm." Mordecai and Rigby said, nodding, and Eileen reaches her paw out. "Hand it over." She said. "Hmm-hmm-hmm. Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm." The trio give it to her. "I just hope they can make it back before they hear any spoilers." Eileen said as she puts the tape in.

~59 minutes later~

The trio are now at the house, getting ready to vacuum. Rigby chuckles. "This is gonna work." He said. "Yeah. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can watch that tape." (Y/n) said, as she's about to plug in the vacuum. Suddenly a beeping goes off, and Rigby looks at his watch. "Oh, no. Lazer Hunters is ending right now, dudes." Rigby said. "Dude, don't panic. We got some time before we're at risk of spoilers." Mordecai said.

"Bros. Bros, you won't believe how Lazer Hunters ends!" Muscle Man shouted as he runs toward the house. "You were saying?" (Y/n) asked. "Operation: Hear No Evil-- phase one." Mordecai said. "Bros. Bros?" Muscle Man asked once he ran in the room, only to see it empty. The trio quickly run outside, over to a hill, take out shovels, and then start digging, then throw down their shovels, and Mordecai grabs a backpack. "Here it is-- Operation: Hear No Evil. Everything you need to avoid spoilers. Two years ago, the ending of the Carter and Briggs movie was spoiled for us, and what did we vow, Rigby?" Mordecai asked.

"That it would never happen again." Rigby said, as he shakes his fist. "That it would never happen again." Mordecai then takes some instructions written down in a notebook out of the backpack. "Okay, step one-- go off the grid." He said. "I don't know guys, I really like this show too, but is all of this really necessary?" (Y/n) asked, and the duo look at her in disbelief. "What? Of course it is!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, besides, don't you want to see how the show ends?" Rigby asked.

"Of course I do, bu-" "phone." Rigby said, reaching his paw out. "Rigby, come on." (Y/n) said. "Just give me your phone!" Rigby shouted, and (Y/n) sighs, and hands it to him. Rigby then uses the shovels to break hers and Mordecai's. "Whoa! You could've just turned them off!" Mordecai said. "I mean, either way." Rigby shrugs, and (Y/n) growls slightly. "You so owe me a new phone, Rigby." She said, and he flinches. "New phone, got it. What's step two?" Rigby asked. "Headphones." Mordecai said. Mordecai then takes out three headphones and turns up some music.

"Okay, step three-- get to the tape!" Mordecai said. "What?!" Rigby and (Y/n) both asked. "We have to go back to the barracks for the tape!" Mordecai said, lifting a earpiece from (Y/n)'s headphones. Rigby still looks at her in confusion. "What did he say?!" He asked, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes, then takes Rigby's headphones off. "We're going back to the tape." She said. "Oh..." Rigby blushes a bit from embarrassment, and (Y/n) sighs, then puts the headphones back on him. "And remember--

everybody is gonna be talking about this, so we got to get there as fast as we can!" Mordecai said, now lifting Rigby's earpiece. "Got it." Rigby said. "Guys? Guys?" Muscle Man asked, as he was still looking for the trio. He lifts up the sofa, then coughs as dust got into his mouth. Benson walks into the room. "Where are they?" Benson asked. "I don't know the answer to that question, bro. But I can tell you that these floors have not been vacuumed." Muscle Man said. "I see. How does it end?" Benson demanded, crossing his arms. "What?" Muscle Man asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Lazer Hunters. I'm gonna ruin it for them." Benson said. "But-" Muscle Man said. "How... does... it... end?" Benson asked. As the trio walk down the hall, they see people that look like the characters from the movie, and cover their eyes. They gasp as they see a sign that says "I already miss "Lazer Hunters" support group" with an arrow pointing to a room where a meeting was going on. Mordecai and Rigby raise their arms up. "La la la la la la la!" They shouted as they run off, and (Y/n) follows them.

They pant, but then the trio see another sign that says "Lazer Hunters finale Q&A" suddenly, the doors open and a group of people begin walking out. "When the beam kills..." "How about that..." "Never saw that coming in a million years." (Y/n) looks at her friends with concern. "The batteries must be dead." Mordecai said, as the music stopped. "What do we do now?" Rigby asked, as the trio take off their headphones. "Operation: Hear No Evil back-up plan-- earplugs." Mordecai then takes out three pairs and gives one to Rigby and one to (Y/n). (Y/n) just sighs and puts them on.

Rigby then starts snapping to test them out. "Blaah. Blaah. Hah." Mordecai said. Rigby continued snapping, and Mordecai and Rigby nod, then the trio continue walking. They see Benson guarding the door to the bedroom, then decide to sneak in by climbing a ladder. "It's not the texture so much. It's the smell." Elieen said to Recap Robot as they walk to the room, then notice Benson standing there. "Oh, hey, Benson. What are you doing here?" Elieen asked. "I'm waiting here so I can spoil the Lazer Hunters finale for (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby." Benson said. "Why do you want to spoil it? It's gonna totally ruin their day." Elieen said worriedly. Benson and Eileen don't see it, but in the background, Mordecai is lowering Rigby head first through an air duct so that he can grab the "Lazer Hunters" finale tape from the VCR.

"Oh, boo-hoo-hoo!" Benson said, throwing his hands up. "You know my day was ruined when Rawls got on my case about getting the dome in shape. Vacuuming the house was the last step. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby don't take anything seriously. And you think (Y/n) would, right? But nooo!" Around this point, Rigby has grabbed the tape and the VHS case, however Rigby accidentally slips up and starts panicking and fumbling with the case. "I mean, we're supposed to take the dome out on our own soon. Spoiler alert for our mission: we fail out there. We fail spectacular... ly?" Benson asked.

He then hears the sound of a tape hitting the floor, and turns to see Rigby holding the recorded show, and yells angrily as he charges at them, and (Y/n) quickly pulls Rigby up. Benson climbs up into the vent. "Fine. I'm glad we're in the air ducts. The acoustics in here are perfect for spoilers!" Benson said, then inhales. "Oh boy..." (Y/n) said. "La la la la la la la la la!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted loudly, and (Y/n) even had to cover her ears from how loud they were. She looks over at the duo in annoyance, then sighs and crawls through the vent with them.

The trio look down, to see a fan below them, then look back nervously at Benson who was catching up, and jumps down just as Benson tries to grab them. "NO!" Benson shouted. The trio fall through, luckily not getting hurt by the fan. Meanwhile, Sureshot and Sally were busy practicing their shooting. Sureshot ends up missing his target. "Nothing but net. You catch that finale, Sally?" He asked. "I couldn't believe Zolthar's bones were in the-" suddenly the trio fell to the ground, surprising them. "La la la la la la!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted as they ran off.

Sureshot and Sally then look at (Y/n), giving her odd looks, as if asking what was going on. She puts her paws up. "Don't look at me." The duo continue screaming as they run down the hall with Benson screaming, as he runs after them. (Y/n) quickly runs to catch up, running past Benson to the duo. "Wow you're fast." Rigby said. "What now?" He asked Mordecai after. "In case of emergency, get to a safe room." Mordecai said, as he takes out the notebook. "If we loop back to the barracks, we can lock Benson out!" Rigby said.

Once Benson reaches the hall, he looks both ways, trying to figure out which one the trio went down, and goes left. The trio enters a room where people are skateboarding, and Mordecai grabs one, causing the kid to fall. "Hey!" They shouted. Rigby then grabs one from a teenage boy, causing him to fall on the bar with both his legs spread out, and (Y/n) cringes. Tears stream from his eyes as he shakes his fist, and tries to shout "Stop! Thief!" "Guys!" (Y/n) scolded. "Sorry. We're just borrowing them!" Mordecai shouted as the trio leave. Benson then approaches an employee who was cleaning a pipe.

"Excuse me. Have you seen three idiots? It's very important that I spoil Lazer Hunters for them." Benson said, holding a notepad and showing a bad drawing of (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, which said "idiots" on top, with Rigby stupidly saying "duh!" In the picture. "Spoilers, huh? That's cold. You know, I used to teach quantum physics. Then my brother-in-law spoiled the Egg Baby Bonanza finale for me. I tell you, I fell into a pit of despair." The guy said as he shakes his fist. "Quit my job, lost my house, rolled a big rock down a hill onto my brother-in-law. Just made some bad choices. Now I sweep up trash for scraps like a gutter urchin. Because of those spoilers, I have nothing.

Benson looked surprised by what he had said, but then smiles. "That's perfect. So have you seen them?" Benson asked. "Yeah, right over there." Benson sees the trio speed past them, (Y/n) being able to keep up with Mordecai and Rigby, despite her not having a skateboard. Benson gets in the man's kart and drives after them. "Hey. Hey. I live in that!" The man shouted, as he reaches out for it. As Benson drives to catch up with the trio, he knocks over multiple people, trash cans, and then catches up to them. Mordecai turns to him. "Huh?" He asked. Benson holds a megaphone out.

"Get ready. You're gonna hear this spoiler!" Benson inhales, then hears a honking and looks ahead. "Huh?" He asked. Another cart then crashes into Benson's. "And now, for the losers who missed it, here are all of the best scenes from the Lazer Hunters finale!" Two people carried a TV into the hallway. A scene showed Bricks in a fire holding a sword, and Mordecai gasps and covers his eyes. "Ahh. Spoilers!" The trio crash into the TV and a dolphin, and Mordecai throws them off. "You guys need to watch where you're going!" (Y/n) scolded. "Where do we go?" Mordecai asked Rigby, ignoring her. "Shortcut. Shortcut!" Rigby shouted.

Benson sees the trio go past and shouts in anger, while waving a fist. "Guys, watch out!" (Y/n) shouted as she sees the fan ahead. "Get ready. Jump!" The trio jump, and hang onto the fan as it spins around, then jump to the other side. "I think I'm really hurt." Rigby said weakly. "No time!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n) grabs Rigby, and pulls him along as the trio run back to their room. "Locking barracks!" Rigby said, pushing a button to lock the doors. "We're safe. Let's do this." Rigby said. "Yes. Finally." Mordecai said, but just as he was about to put in the tape, they hear a familiar voice. "I just wanted the carpets vacuumed." The trio gasp, and turn around.

A bed gets up and turns towards them, then the covers come off and Benson pulls off the pillow. "Pack it up, guys. You failed." Benson said. "Hey, buddy." Rigby said weakly, and the trio stand up and Rigby walks towards him, holding a paw up. "Let's not do anything rash." Rigby said. "All those hours spent planning and planning and running away from me. All that time and energy wasted on Operation: Hear No Evil. Now I'm gonna spoil Lazer Hunters once and for all." Benson said, pointing at them. Rigby covers his ears. "La la la la!" He shouted,

but Mordecai puts a hand in front of him. "No. Benson's not gonna do that to us." He said, and Benson scoffs. "And why is that?" Benson asked. "'Cause you don't know the last phase of Operation: Hear No Evil." Mordecai said as he holds the backpack, and (Y/n) looks at him curiously. "Oh, give it up. You and I both know there's nothing in that backpack that's gonna change my mind." Benson said. "Not even... the finale of Dr. Whiskers, M.D.?" Mordecai asked, pulling out a tape, and (Y/n)'s eyes widen, then she looks at Benson. "What?! I thought you didn't like cats anymore." She said. Benson gasps, and quickly puts his hands out. "Okay, wait. Uh, let's not do anything we'd regret." Benson said.

"Dude, what?" Rigby asked, looking at Mordecai. "Oh, just Benson's favorite show. He was binge-watching it right before we left Earth, but..." Mordecai said. "I never got to see the finale." Benson said. "Wait. So what's on the tape?" Rigby asked. "The last ten seconds of that finale-- Dr. Whiskers' big reveal." Mordecai said as he holds it out tauntingly. "Mordecai..." Benson said warningly. "It's up to you, Benson. Let us watch the Lazer Hunters finale in peace, or we spoil your cat show." Mordecai said. "You're bluffing." Benson said.

Mordecai glares at Benson, then puts the tape in. "And so, after months of unbelievable twists and turns, I will finally reveal whose paws were behind the murders of the Calico Crew." The cat said as he points dramatically. "No. Stop it. Stop." Benson said desperately, lunging to the tv and grabbing it. Mordecai pauses it with a clicker. "Truce?" He asked. "Truce." Benson said. "You can vacuum the floors after you watch the finale." Benson said. "Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa." Mordecai and Rigby said, and (Y/n) puts in the tape.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Mordecai and Rigby said. "We did it, dudes. It's happening." Rigby said. Sureshot and Benson walk in. "Ha ha. The Lazer Hunters finale. You get to the part where LeFever and Iris die yet?" He asked. "No!" The trio groan, and Mordecai grabs Rigby and shakes him roughly. "Dude, I told you to lock the door!" He shouted, and Benson laughs. "Whoops. My bad. Seriously, though, that ending's almost as good as the end of Dr. Whiskers, M.D." Sureshot said, then nudges Benson. "Can you believe Fuzzmeister Fuzzball killed the Calico Crew? Ha ha." Sureshot chuckles, and Benson's eyes widen. "Well, bye." Sureshot waves, then leaves the room, leaving Mordecai, Rigby and Benson traumatized.

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