The Brain of Evil

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"So, in conclusion, Rawls says we're all due for some R&R, so you guys have this afternoon off." Benson said. "Awesome!" Mordecai said. The trio high five, but then just stand there. "Why are you still here?" Benson asked. "Where else would we go?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, the coffee shop's back on Earth, so we don't have anywhere to hang out." Rigby said, and (Y/n)'s eyes trail to the floor, and the duo instantly notice. "Well, this is where I'm hanging out.

You guys go somewhere else." Benson said. The trio walk away. "And stay out of trouble!" Benson shouted after them. As the trio continue walking, the duo look at (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. "Hmm?" She asked. "Do... do you miss Sam?" He asked. Her eyes widened, and she looks over at him in surprise. She was not expecting him to ask that. She sighs, and grabs her arm. "May... maybe a little. I mean, I no longer have feelings for him, of course, but he was always a close friend." She replied. Rigby frowns, and puts a comforting paw on her shoulder.

"And then our dome suddenly gets lifted into space, and I never even got to say goodbye." She continued. The duo share a glance. "And who knows how long we're going to be up here. I may never see him again." She said. "Well," Rigby scratches the back of his head nervously. "Look on the bright side! At least you got me and Mordecai! Not to mention your sisters! And we'll always be together!" Rigby smiles at her, and she smiles back. "That's true." She said. The trio walk through a door. "Whoa!" The trio said as they walk in. "It's like a city in here!" Mordecai said, starry eyed, and (Y/n) giggles. The trio approach a small shop with multiple signs hanging on top. One says "caught alive!" Another says "good price." (Y/n) then eyes the red one on top of the door. "You mean the store with the sign that says "don't touch anything?" (Y/n) asked.

"Exactly!" Rigby said. "Why? Just so you can break the rules?" (Y/n) asked, crossing her arms, and Rigby scoffs. "I won't break the rules." He said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Sure you won't." She said sarcastically. Rigby crosses his arms. "Okay, you wanna make a bet?" Rigby challenged, and Mordecai groaned. 'Not this again' he thought. (Y/n) smirks. "Sure, how much you willing to wadge?" She asked. Rigby thought hard about this one. "50!" He said. Mordecai's eyes widen. 50?! "50 in money or space creds?" (Y/n) asked. "You pick." Rigby smirks. "Okay, space creds then." She said. "Deal!" Rigby said. "Guys, are you seriously still making bets with each other?" Mordecai asked in disbelief.

"It's part of our friendship Mordecai, deal with it!" Rigby said, and he rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say." The trio then walk into the store. The bell above rings as they open the door and walk in. "Whoa." Rigby said. Suddenly a man named Keith jumps in front of the trio. "Customers?" He asked, and the trio jump in surprise. "Aah!" The trio shouted. "Dude! You almost gave me a heart attack!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "Welcome to the Chow Mein and Don't Touch Anything Store. You may either buy chow mein, or don't touch anything. Do you have credits? Feel free to look around and buy things with your credits. But don't touch anything." Keith said. "We get the idea." (Y/n) said. "He might not though." (Y/n) gestures to Rigby and he growls a little. "I get it! No touching! I'm not an idiot (Y/n)!" He shouted. 'That's debatable.' She thought to herself. Rigby huffs, and walks off.

Mordecai looks at (Y/n) with concern. "You okay?" He asked as he approaches her. "I'm fine, Mordecai." She said. Mordecai then touches a spinning object and and it falls to the floor, and (Y/n) face palms. "Did I just hear you touch something?" Keith asked. "Uh, nope. Just dropping credits on the floor." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Better be credits. Customers coming in and touching things, but don't buy anything. Abah. They drop their credits on the ground, then it's my ground, my credits." The man mumbled. "Guess I should have made the bet with you instead." (Y/n) smirks. Mordecai fakes a laugh. "Very funny." He said. Rigby looked at (Y/n), then turns away. "What is her deal?" He mumbles, then turns to see some curtains and he gasps. "An arcade?" He asked. He pulls the curtains back, but instead he sees a small room with multiple boxes, a cage on the ceiling, and a small tv playing a channel showing chess.

"Chess TV. Dunst Opening. Knight to C3. Not a common opening." Rigby approaches the cage covered, removing the curtain on it, and reels back in surprise with a yelp. "Whoa!" The brain said. "Aah! Ew, a brain? Gross. Why are you in this case?" Rigby asked as he walks closer. "Why am I in this cage? Well, there I was, a poor country brain picking up groceries for my brain family. As I reached for the brain baby formula, that guy jumped out of nowhere and trapped me in this miniature steel prison." The brain replied. "Wow, why'd he do that?" Rigby asked. "I don't know. Probably because he just doesn't like big, floaty brains." The brain replied. "Well, that's not very fair." Rigby said. "I know. And now all I have to keep me company are my chess shows. I just want to see my wife and kids again. Is that so wrong?" The brain asked.

"No, it isn't." Rigby said as he points at him. "Well, tell you what. There's a key on that wall. You could unlock this soul-sucking enclosure, and I could be free to travel as I please." The brain said. Rigby glances over at the key. "I don't know. I did just make a bet with (Y/n) that I wouldn't touch anything." Rigby said. "Who's (Y/n)?" The brain asked. "She's... my girlfriend." Rigby said. "Oh. Well she won't have to know." The brain said. "She has her ways of finding out." Rigby said. "And I've dealt with a lot of disembodied stuff before. You sure you're not crazy?" Rigby asked. "I assure you, I'm not crazy. This situation is crazy. Now why don't you go get that key so I can stretch my stem a little?" The brain asked.

"Okay..." Rigby walks over to the keys hanging on the wall and grabs them, then walks back over to the cage and unlocks it. The brain laughs evilly as he flies out, knocking Rigby over and he yelps. "Ah, ha ha. Fooled you. I'm not a country brain. I'm an evil brain, and I'm not married. I'm not even dating anybody right now. Ha ha ha ha." The brain laughs evilly and flies out of the room. "Hmm. This is actually pretty go-" Mordecai screams as he's suddenly pushed into the shelves by the evil brain who flies past him. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) quickly goes to help him. "Are you okay?" She asked as she helps him up. "I'm fine, thanks." He said. The evil brain flies out of the store, and the trio turns when they hear Keith shriek.

"What have you done?" He asked angrily. "He said he wasn't crazy!" Rigby shouted. "So you believed him?!" (Y/n) asked, also angry. "That brain led a crime wave that nearly ruined this quadrant. You must stop him." The man said. "Well, why was he locked up in a birdcage and not a maximum-security prison?" Rigby asked. "Good question." (Y/n) said. "You ever imprisoned an evil brain before?" Keith asked. "Uh, nope." Rigby said. "Well, then back off, man. Just get him, all right?" Keith asked. The trio quickly run out of the store and chase after the brain as he flies away. Multiple people see the brain and run away screaming. The brain laughs evilly as he flies away, then begins crashing into the walls.

(Y/n) begins aiming energy blasts, trying to hit the brain but he keeps dodging them. "Damn it!" "Gimme a boost!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai grunts as he lifts Rigby into the air. Rigby then jumps onto the brain. But the brain escapes, leaving a trail of slime that Rigby landed in and he groans. "Rigby!" (Y/n) quickly runs over to help. "(Y/n), wait!" Mordecai runs over and ends up slipping on the slime. (Y/n) helps the duo up, then they catch up with the brain that floats into a dead end. "Cornered, eh? Looks like somebody isn't as smart as he thought he was." Mordecai said. "You're screwed now." (Y/n)'s paws begin to glow. "Stay away, woman." The brain grabs a stick, and the duo jump back, putting their hands out in defense. "Whoa, whoa. He's got a stick?" The brain asked tauntingly as he approaches Rigby, who backs away from him.

"Where am I gonna swing this stick? I'm unpredictable, man." The brain said as he kept swinging the stick. "You gotta be kidding me." (Y/n) said in disbelief. "Aah. Not in the face!" Rigby shouted as he quickly covers his head, but the brain hits his leg, and Rigby screams and falls, holding his leg. "Aah! My shin. I wasn't expecting that." He said. "Rigby!" (Y/n) quickly runs over to him. Mordecai keeps trying to dodge the brain, and the brain laughs. Mordecai then tries to grab it and it flies past him. "You guys are so dumb. That's why you'll never catch me." The brain said. He points to himself, then laughs evilly again as he flies away. (Y/n) helps Rigby up. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. "I'm fine..." he said. "Ahh. Why is everything in space so gross?" He asked. "Come on, dudes." Mordecai said.

The trio runs out then begins to walk into a crowd of people. (Y/n) glances around. "He's got to be here somewhere." She said. "There he is!" Mordecai shouted, then points to the brain flying to their cart. "Heh heh heh. So long, flesh bags."  He grabs the wheel and begins to drive away. The trio pant as the cart flies off. "Always one step ahead. How are we gonna catch up to him?" Rigby asked. (Y/n) looks up at a security camera and gasps. "I've got an idea." She said.

The trio runs to the Space Tree Security, and (Y/n) knocks on the door and a man answers, the trio is still panting to catch their breath. "Hey. Could we—" Mordecai tried to ask. "Yeah, yeah. Come in. You're making me miss it." The man said. "Huh?" The trio asked, then walk in. "Check this guy out. He yells at these kids every time he walks by. Dude just doesn't get it." The man said. (Y/n) looks at the security camera to see it was Benson and face palms.

"Of course..." she mumbled. "Heh heh heh." Rigby laughed, and (Y/n) elbows him. "Ow!" He shouted. "Hey. Have you seen a crazy brain anywhere?" (Y/n) asked. "Nah. I mostly just watch that angry guy or one of my other shows. Feel free to take a look." He said, then gestures to the screens. "We got that awkward first date," the first screen shows Skips and Sally. "That happy big-headed man who sleeps," the second shows Pops sleeping while objects float beside him. "And still levitates..." (Y/n) frowns a little, a little worried. "And whatever this is." the next screen shows the cart driving and the trio gasp. "Ahh. It's the brain. He's headed for our dome." Rigby said, and the trio quickly run out.

"Good luck tall guy, short guy and short girl! I hope you can make it back to Channel 47!" The man yells after them as they ran out. "The cart! Go, go, go, go, go, go!" (Y/n) shouted, as the trio get into the cart. The tires squeal as they drive off. "Sorry. Official Space Tree business!" Mordecai shouted, as he badly drove past everyone, who quickly ran away to avoid getting run over. The trio drives into the food court.

"Sorry. Official Space Tree business!" Rigby shouted as he grabs a cup from the employee and the cart drives off. Rigby then takes a drink from it. "What do we do, dudes? We're gonna get in so much trouble!" Rigby panicked. "No, dude. We'll be fine. We'll capture this brain and fix this mess before anyone finds out." Mordecai said. The trio quickly arrives back at the park and gets out of the cart, when suddenly everything shakes. "What's going on?!" (Y/n) asked. Suddenly their dome began to fly off.

"Top-notch push-up there, cadet." Rawls said. He takes a zip of coffee, then spits it out as he notices the park flying off. "Huh? Whose dome is that, cadet?" Rawls asked as he points. "Uh, the park, sir." The man replied. "CODE RED!" Alarms start going off. Meanwhile the trio sees the evil brain upstairs in the house. "We got to get up there!" (Y/n) said. Her phone suddenly rings and her eyes widened. "Uh oh." She said, but answers. "Hello?" She asked.

"(Y/n), why is the park blasting off into space? I know you three have something to do with this!" Benson shouted. "Oh, so because the park is missing, we had something to do with it?" Rigby asked angrily. "Can it, Rigby!" (Y/n) snapped. Rawls then enters the call. "Why has your dome taken off without clearance?" He demanded. "I don't know. I was trying to eat my Tuscan chicken salad." Benson said, clearly annoyed. "You don't know what's going on in your own park? That is unacceptable. Drop and give me 50." Benson does what he says.

"(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, I have footage of you driving into your dome." Rawls said as Skips enters the call. "Rigby set this evil brain loose from this creepy old guy, and now it's flying the dome into space." (Y/n) said. "What?" Rawls asked. "Why am I not surprised?" Skips asked. "Old guy. Someone get me Keith on the line." Rawls said. "Hello?" Keith asked, as he was now in the call. "Why are we having another brain incident, Keith?

You said you had this under control." Rawls said. "It's not my fault. I put him in a birdcage. These two guys and girl came into my shop all touching everything. They released the brain." Keith said. "That was a dang-good birdcage." Benson gets back up from his push ups. "Your guys messed up, Benson." Benson's and Skips' eyes widened. "Space-tree protocol dictates we have to shoot rogue domes down." Rawls said. "What?!" The trio, Benson and Skips asked. "Wait. Please, just give us a chance to catch him!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yeah. Keith, how did you catch him?" Rigby asked.

"I beat him at chess, heh heh, but that was a long time ago. He's too good now. You cannot beat him." Keith said. "Colonel, I have a plan. Can you give us more time?" (Y/n) asked. "You have ten minutes before the dome's getting blasted." Rawls said. "What's your plan?" Rigby asked. "I'm gonna need a chess board." (Y/n) said. The trio enter the house. The trio approach the same room the brain was in. "Hey, Brain!" (Y/n) shouted. The brain quickly turns around and shoots at them and the trio scream. "Wait, wait, wait!" Rigby shouted,

and (Y/n) quickly steps in front of Mordecai and Rigby and spreads her arms out in front of them protectively. "Stop. Don't shoot. If you shoot us with that gun, everyone will know you couldn't outsmart us with your wits." (Y/n) said. "Hah. Beating you with my wits would be a million times easier than pulling this trigger. What do you propose?" The brain asked, aiming the gun at them. "How about a game of chess?" (Y/n) asked. "Chess? Chess? Ha ha ha. You've got no chance." The brain said. "If you're so sure, then let's play. The winner gets the dome, loser leaves the dome." (Y/n) said.

"And get sucked into the vacuum of space?" The brain asked. "Uh..." (Y/n) trails off, and her friends look at her worriedly. "Yeah, I guess so." She shrugs. "Then I accept. Let's play." The trio are now sitting next to a chess board, as the evil brain sits on the other side. "Did you know there are only 20 possible first moves in chess? Pretty crazy, huh? I choose pawn to E4." The brain moves the pawn. "Are you ready for the fast-paced action of a king/pawn opening?"

The brain asked. Rigby studies his options. "What will you choose? That one?" The brain asked as Rigby is about to grab a piece, then moves his paw and grabs a different piece, and moves it. "Ha. Ah. Pawn to E5. Pathetic." The brain said. A timer began to count down. "Prepare to light this dome up." Rawls said. "Arming the park-seeking missiles." Missiles come out and aim towards the dome. "Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? Mine's my brain. Your epidermis, or as I like to call it, your epi-dumbness, it won't help you in chess. Queen to H5." The brain moves his next piece. "Horse to this square." Rigby said as he goes next, then the trio fist pump. "You calling it a horse makes me want to vomit." The brain said. Rawls watches on a screen.

"Sir, we're getting out of weapons range. What do we do?" One of the generals asked, and Rawls sighs. "Then we have no choice. Fire." He points, and the missiles get shot towards the dome. "Bishop to C4. You're probably asking yourself, "What is a bishop?" Please tell me because I'm so ignorant." The trio were glaring daggers at him. "Or perhaps you're thinking..." The brain then makes a whooshing sound. "Because your brain is so small that the only thing it could think of is the sound of a small breeze. Are you ready for me to blow your mind?" The brain asked as he leans in. The trio reel back and sweat nervously. "Queen takes F7." The brain said. The missiles launch smaller missiles towards the dome.

The trio watch worriedly as the brain is about to place his piece down, and Rawls watches the missiles move toward the dome with worry. The trio watch in shock as the brain knocks their piece off the chess board. "Checkmate. Hah ha ha. Oh, ho-ho-ho-ho. I can't believe you fell for Scholars Mate. It's the oldest trick in the book. Ha ha ha ha." The brain laughs. Rigby and (Y/n) look at each other in defeat. "Huh?" The brain asked as it turns around. Mordecai suddenly traps the brain. "Hey. What?" The brain asked. "Got him!" He shouted, and Rigby and (Y/n) high five each other. "Rawls, we got him!" Mordecai shouted, and Rawls laughs. "Ha ha ha. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, you ignorant geniuses. Ooh-ah." Rawls said as he pushes the disarm button, and the missiles drop and don't hit the dome.

The trio sigh in relief. "Aah. Let me out of here!" The brain said, then pushes against the container. "Ew. So gross!" Rigby cringes. "Pass me the chess board." (Y/n) said. Rigby hands it to her, and she places it under the brain. "Let me go. Wait. Stop!" The brain shouted. "See ya." (Y/n) then tosses the brain into space. "No-o-o. You haven't seen the last of me. I'll get you for this, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby!" The brain shouted. "I really feel like getting chow mein." Rigby said. "About that, guess who owes me 50 creds now." (Y/n) smirks, and Rigby sighs. "I know..."

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