Ace's Gift

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A long trip to home is quite exhausting for the poor redhead troublemaker a few days ago when Ace has to deal with his mom nagging him and his older brother teasing him.

Once he got it his room, Ace flops to the bed and let's out a groan.

"Ughhh Jeez. Traveling back from college is bad enough yesterday, but having my mom pinching my cheeks and older brother teasing me 24/7 is just too much." Ace grumbles rolling his eyes while complaining. Then he whips his head to the right when he saw the present that Glory gave him hours ago.

Speaking of which, I wonder what gift she gave to me?

He thought as Ace opens the present and his eyes widen when he saw a two pair of red shoes.

"Holy sh#t!" He yelps as he lifts the shoes out of the box to examine it.

"Damn, this is so awesome!!!" He shouted, but soon Ace whips his head to see a letter in the box.

"What the-?" Ace then puts the lamp down and grabs the letter and opens it.

Dear Ace,

I hope you're having fun with your family during break. Since you're part of the basketball team, I got you these awesome pair of shoes! It's my way of saying thank you for inviting me to come watch your basketball practice yesterday. You really are my coolest best friend I ever had! Can't wait to see you again next semester! Happy Holiday!

Sincerely your best friend,
Gloriane Corbett

Ace felt a string tug from his heart when he saw the word "best friend" from his close female friend. Soon Glory's face flashed before his mind where he remembers her cheeky smile, hearing her laugh, teases him, her unwavering confidence, her gentle genuine nature, and most importantly her smile.

"Hehehe that's what you get for poking fun of me back at the main entrance yesterday."

"Oh? Is that a challenge?"

"Awww thanks Ace."

"You're the best, Ace!"

Soon his cheeks starts to flare up as Ace lays his hand on his temple.

Damn...I really come this far aren't I?

Ace thought curiously. However, the moment was killed when his older brother burst into the room.

"OI! Ace! Time to ea-!"

As soon as he burst into the room, he noticed his younger brother holding a letter with a basketball lamp beside him. Knowing what's up, he crept a cheeky smirk.

"Oh? What's this? Did my baby bro got a gift from a special girl?~" He teases.

"GET OUT!!" Ace bellows as his older brother burst out of laughter and wipes a tear from his eyelids.

"Ok, ok. Learn my lesson. Be sure not to have wet dreams tonight baby bro." He jokes.

"LIKE HELL I WOULD! NOW GET OUT!!" He retorts while flustered.

"Alright, I'm joking. Just come down here once you're done gawking at the letter, got it! Later." He reminds him as he shuts the door leaving Ace sighing while in a blushing mess. Soon he thought about Glory again.

Listen, just because Grim doesn't know the Great Sevens doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it!

You're not too bad for a troublemaker.

I'm so glad that I'm friends with you guys!

You maybe an idiot, but your my idiot.

Then her performances from the beginning to now.

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you
Now that I see you~

I won't give up no I won't give in till I reached the end no I will start again!
No I won't leave! I wanna try everything
I wanna try everything even I could failed!

Why don't you do riiiigght~
Like some other meeen dooo~

I'm not scared to be seen, I make no apologies
This is me!

If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
We would pop champagne and raise a toast
To all of the queens who are fighting alone
Baby, you're not dancin' on your own!

Lastly, he looks back on Cater's words.

Ace-kun, Deuce-kun. You love Angel-chan, don't you?

While reminiscing, Ace grips his fist together feeling his heart beating slowly in his chest where he realized he's falling for his best friend.

Sh#t. My brother and Cater are right...I do love Glory.

Ace thought and soon a memory of Glory talking about her ex flashed in his mind.

Funny you should say, I did. But we're not together anymore...

While reminiscing, Ace clenched the bed sheets.

Damn...That asshole really took a toll on her. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this...

He thought feeling the rage burning inside him, but suddenly his phone rang out of the blue.

"Gah! Who is that?!" Ace shrieks as he grabs his phone and looks at it until he widens his eyes to see his text message from his ravenette friend aka crush.

"She's in trouble?! I gotta run!" Ace yelps as he sprung off from his bed, changed his PJ into his school uniform, and bolts from his room.

Downstairs, Ace's brother is sitting on the table while his mom is bringing food to the table.

"Did you tell Ace about dinner yet?" She asks curiously.

"We'll be down soo-!"

"I'm leaving!!!" Ace shouts through the room where she marches through the stairs and scampers to the door shocking both his mom and his brother.

"Rest my case..." He said with a sweatdrop.

"What in the-! Ace Trappola, where do you think you're going?!" She chides.

"Can't talk! Gotta save my friend!!" Ace yelps.

"He seems lady friend." His brother whispered.

"Shut up bro!!" Ace bellows with a tick mark throbbing from his head.

"Ace wait!" His mother shouts to get back in the house, but it was too late as he slams the door close.

"Ohhhh that boy! What is his deal?!" She rants.

"Oh he's just acting up cuz he's gotta save his girlfriend." His older brother jokes with a smirk. Mrs. Trappola stares dead in the eye before face palming wondering why does she have to deal with her young son's antics during winter break.

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