Cater's Gift

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Later at his house, everything was going smoothly in the living room until...


Soon one of his older sisters tackled him to the couch as she lets out a giggle.

"I miss you so much! How are your friends? Did you miss you big sisters?~" The girl with long curly ginger hair teasingly asked while poking his cheek.

"Gah! Hey! Knock it off, Carina!" Cater shouted as his other older sister giggled.

"Cmon Carina, our little bro is just relaxing from all the hard work that he puts on in NVC." She reassured, the second girl has long straight ginger hair curled into a ponytail.

"But he's so cute, Cori! Don't ya miss cuddling our adorable baby bro?" Carina asked with cuddling Cater.

"Hmmm...True. I'm really glad to see our lil playboy of a brother, again." She admits with a grin.

"Corrine...I'm not a baby anymore.~" Cater whined.

"Yeah I know..." She replied as she released her arms from her younger brother with a perky smile.

"Speaking of which..."

Soon Carina pull out Cater's present from her back causing Cater's eyes to pop wide open.

"Guess what I found under the Christmas tree?~" She teased.

"Hey!" Soon Cater jumps out of the couch and scurries to his sister attempting to retrieve his gift, but she swiftly dodged and hang the present from his reach.

"Haha! Try again, baby bro!" She joked with a cheeky smile as she swifts left and right while holding up the gift while Cater leap up to grab his gift like a desperate cat that wants his toy.

"Cmon sis! This isn't funny!!" He yelled while leaping like a puppy as her sister giggled.

"I wonder what lil Cay got for Christmas this year?" She teasingly asks as she spun her head to look at the tag. Soon, her face perks into a cheeky smile.

"Ooo who's "Glory"? Is she your girlfriend?~" She teased making the poor ginger flustered with his other older sister sigh at her younger brother.

"Typical playboy Cay. Don't tell me she's one of those girls you hit on." She asked dryly.

"She's not! I swear to Great Sevens and give it back!!!" He yelled once more as Cater leaped with full force, but ended up knocking it off her hand as the gift drops to the ground. Soon the ginger grabs it and stares at it.

For me huh?...

He thought until about arm was wrapped around him and was pulled closed by his older sister.

"So what are you waiting for lil bro? Open it!" She chirps.

"Hmm...I'm also curious on what's in this box too." His other sister chimes laying her hand under her chin looking curious. Cater swats her arm off.

"I'm getting to it. Chill!" He snaps as the whips his head back and rips the wrapper off. As soon as he rips the present, Cater froze and pulls out a small golden keychain that shapes like an Angel with a diamond in the middle.

"Awwww how cute!!!" Her older sister squealed.

"She gave you a keychain?" Her other older sister asks. Cater stares at it with green orbs glimmer with fascination.

"Yeah..." He replied while gazing at the angel keychain.

"What's that inside of the gift?" Her older sister asks curiously pointing her finger inside of the box. Cater glance down to find an envelope inside the box as he took it out and opens it. Soon he unfolds it to see a letter from his particular female crush.

Dear Cater,

How are things going on with your family? I couldn't think of what you wanted until I saw something from Sam's shop. I wanted to do something that felt memorable for me, so I bought you an Angel keychain. "Angel" is the first thing you called me when you saw me singing at the rose bushes. I wasn't too on board with the "Angel" name or "Angel-chan" at first, but...I slowly gotten use to it, despite all the chaos happening in school. But I don't mind. Cuz I made new friends during my time here and for the first time, I feel comfortable with myself and my voice. All because of the bonds that I shared with everyone from different dorms; including you Cater. This gift is my way of saying thank you shining light into my life and for teaching me how to post a picture of the chocolate covered strawberries on Magicam. I haven't used Magicam that much due to school, but maybe if I have the time, I'll take a good look at it. Happy holidays, Cater!

Sincerely your close friend,
Gloriane Corbett

Suddenly his heart slowly skips a beat as a light blush crept from his cheeks. Then an image of Glory flashed before his eyes taking back where he first met her at the Heartslabyul dorm.

"You're that Gothel girl right? The one that everybody's been talking about?!" He yelps with a surprise look. She let out a sigh; though unfazed, she gave him a small grin and extend my hand to him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Cay." She greeted kindly. He soon perks a grin as he grabs her hand and starts shaking her hand profusely with a giddy smile.

"Omg! The headmaster and everyone were right about you! You do look like Gothel, but you're actually nice! Ironic but hey! You look gorgeous when up close, awesome!" He gushed making her blink her eyes twice and blush slightly.

"O-Oh you think so? I don't know about that..." She muttered while staring down.

"I mean it! You really do look beautiful!" He complimented. She chortles softly and grins at him.

"Thanks I guess." She replied smiling timidly.

Then it switched to the rose gardens, where remembered strolling through the garden...

"Well these two freshmen are good in hands, now-."

Soon he heard a fainted voice that made him stop his tracks.

"Flower, gleam, and glow~."

"Hm?" He hums looking confused until he heard the fainted voice again.

"Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine~"

That...sounded like an angel.

He thought. Curious, Cater whips around and stroll down to the garden to follow the mysterious voice.

"Heal what has been hurt...
Change the Fates' design..."

Who's singing out here anyway?

He thought curiously while wandering around.

"Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine..."

As soon as he passed the first shrubs of roses, the ginger soon caught the eyes of the ravenette.

"...What once was mine~"

She marveled ending the chant with a gentle harmony. His green orbs gleam in awe.

So she's the Angel with a voice, Huh?

He guessed before forming a small genuine smile.

She sounded wonderful.

Cater mentally praised. Awed by her beautiful voice, the ginger clapped his hands with a bright smile.

"Wow Prefect-chan, you sure got a beautiful voice you have." He compliments making the ravenette flinch and slide down from the latter. She spun around with a blush crept from my cheeks.

"P-Please don't tell me you saw everything?" The ravenette stuttered while staring at the ground.

"You mean hearing an angel's voice that was descended from the heavens? Cuz that's exactly what I heard." He stated making her blink and widen her eyes by his compliment.

"You...don't think I'm terrible?" Glory questions making the ginger puzzled when she asked.

"What makes you think I would?" He asks curiously. He saw her gripping her right wrist while staring at the ground awkwardly.

"Well, it's complicated for me to say, but...I don't like singing in public. I've been hiding my voice since I was a kid..." Glory mumbles before letting out a giggle and glance back at Cater.

"But don't worry about it. Everything is in the past so it's fine." I told him with a grin while biting the inside of her cheek. Cater stares at me for a minute with a hint of concern in his eyes before grinning.

"Well...I don't exactly why you don't like singing and I'm not gonna force you to tell me about it. But to me...I saw a beautiful angel with a beautiful voice." Cater reassures with a grin making her widened her eyes. Touched by his kind words, Glory finds herself smiling warmly at the sweet male ginger.

"Thanks Cay, but me an angel?" She asks skeptically.

"It's the honest truth, Glo-chan." Cater replied with a grin.

"Hm? Glo-chan?" She blinks her eyes.

"Mhm, sure Glory is a good nickname, but I find Glor to be too masculine. So I shorten it up for Glo, cuz you GLOW like an angel." Cater compliments flashing a wink that made her giggle and shake her head at that corny pun he made.

"God, don't say something so cheesy." She pleaded while covering her mouth.

"Awww angel-chan's smiling, how cute~." Cater cooed making her giggle even more.

"Boi stop, you're making me turn red." She begged while grinning.

"But you look cute when you blush." He teased while smiling fondly at the adorably timid ravenette.

Then the memory flashes to the next one where he and his friends witnessed Glory singing in public for the first time at the redo of the unbirthday party.

"And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you~."

Then it's the fight between Glory and the Savanaclaw students. The ginger cringed a bit, but at the same time was endeared to see the ravenette standing up to a bunch of savanaclaw punks all by herself. It's like he's a watching a warrior. Next, it was the second performance at the Magift Tournament where he was mesmerized by her dazzling smile and vibrant energy she brought on stage while taking pics of her.

"I won't give up
No, I won't give in till I reach the end
Then I'll start again
No, I won't leave
I want to try everything
I want to try even though I could fail!"

Finally, it was the livecam on Magicam where Glory performed at the Mostro Lounge. And that is when he felt his heart slowly beating for the first time.

As he reminisced his memories, Cater smiled warmly at the thought of Glory in his mind. That vibrant smile that she shows, her vivacious energy that she emits, her fierce, direct, and sassy personality that she isn't afraid to expressed, and most importantly her empathetic and warmth nature that she shows to others that made him smile as he feel his heart slowly beating.

This year has been a ride hasn't it, Angel-chan?

Cater thought before his lips falter into a frown.

But...would she date a guy like me?....

He thought curiously with doubt swirling in his mind. Suddenly, his thoughts were cut off when her older sister slung her arm around his shoulder.

"Soooo lil bro, tell me more about this Glory girl! What's she like? Is she cute? Come on, spill the deets already!!" She pleaded with a bright smile poking his cheek again.

"Carina, stop it!" Cater shouts with a blush on his cheeks.

"Calm down, Cari." Corrine said as she approached him to give him a gentle pat on the head.

"After all, it's a really cute gift that she gave you. I don't really mind if you brought her here at our house." Soon, she lets out a soft giggle.

"I bet she sounds like a nice girl for you to date." Corrine jokes making poor Cater to turn beet red before sulking his head low.

"Someone please end me..." He mumbles feeling his cheeks heating up with both sisters giggled at their younger brother in amusement.

Heya guys sorry for the hiatus I was feeling a bit down this week but I do have fan art to cheer me up and for you to see. Here it is:

***shout out to Black_BK for sending me this adorable drawing of chibi Glory^***

***Here's a fanart requested by CaraMejia15 . If you're reading this, I hope you enjoy the fan art I drew you^***

Thank you for reading this chapter and I'll let you guys know when the next chapter is updated. Bye bye.

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