Trey's Gift

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Meanwhile at the bakery, Trey is at the kitchen washing dishes after baking.

" has been busy this holiday. Though things have been pretty good so far..." He mutters.

I wonder how Riddle is doing over there?...I hope he's discussing things with his mom during this time.

He thought hopefully despite his conversation with Riddle the other night.

"Hey Trey!"


Soon Trey glance down at his younger brothers and his little sister who are beaming at him while the other holds his present.

"Is this your gift?" The younger brother asked curiously.

"Who's it from, brother?" The little sister chimed with a cute smile.

Trey perks a grin and chuckled softly as he ruffles one of his younger siblings' head.

"It's from a close friend of mine." He said as Trey turns off the faucet and dried his hands with a towel.

"Huh? Like Che'nya?" The second younger brother  asked curiously and Trey shakes his head at him.

"No, not Che'nya." He told them as he saunters over to the table and placed the present on the surface.

"Can you open it?" His third younger brother asked.

"Yeah! What did your friend give you?" His second younger brother chimed.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" The first younger brother asked curiously.

"If you open the letter, can I see it?" The second younger brother asked curiously.

"I wanna see!" The third brother perked.

"Me too! Me too!!" The little sister chirped as all of his siblings squawking pleas and Trey chuckles at his lively younger siblings.

"Relax guys, I'm about to open it right now." He reassured them. As he turns around, he unties the ribbon and opens the box until his eyes widened.

"What?..." Trey muttered as he grabs the gift and pulls out a bracelet of a gold clover.

"Whoaaa!!!" All of his siblings gasped as their eyes glimmer with awe.

"It's a bracelet!!" The second young brother shouted.

"So pretty!!" The little sister marveled with eyes glimmer with glee.

"And there's a clover on it too!" The first sibling chirped. As his siblings chirped with excitement, Trey stares at the bracelet with his eyes gleamed with awe.

She gave me this?...

He thought. Soon, he glance down to notice an envelope and pulls out out of the box.

"Oh! There's an envelope in it too!" The first younger brother pointed out.

"Open it, brother! Open it!!" The little sister pleaded.

"Yeah! Open it!" The third younger brother cheered. Trey ignored his rowdy siblings as he rips open the envelope, but his eyes soon lit up when he pulls out a letter and unfolds it.

Dear Trey,

Bakery has been busy ain't it? Don't blame you. Bakeries are exhausting during the holidays. I'm not sure what you want or like for Christmas; other than baking. However, I wanted to give you something special. I went to Sam's shop to look for some gifts for you and the others, but this bracelet caught my eyes and the look itself reminds me of you. A clover. While clover represents 'luck", a four leaf clover means four words: faith, hope, love, and success. I know it sounds cliche, but that's how I see you. You're hardworking, but you also care for others. You even stand your ground whenever you feel or see something is wrong. Hell, I wasn't expecting you to have such a devious side when you want the Savanaclaw dorm to suffer after Ruggie injured your leg. Brutal, but funny. But I also have fun baking tarts with you, Ace, and Deuce at the kitchen. It was a struggle at first, but I did learn a few things though I'm still an amateur baker. I hope you and your family are enjoying yourselves. Tell them I said hi. See you in second semester, Trey. Happy Holidays!

Sincerely your close friend,
Gloriane Corbett.

Soon, Trey erupts a soft chuckle and perks a smile at the letter.

Brutal but funny? Not sure if I agreed with that...

Trey thought before forming a loving smile as he glance at the clover bracelet.

But...At least she made me happy...

Soon, an image of Glory flashed before his eyes where he reminisced his first encounter with her, her revealing her sundrop magic to him at the library, her performances during the unbirthday party and the magift tournament, and their harvest hangout at the botanical garden.

Just the thought of her bright smile, her vibrant nature, her confidence, and her gentle voice made him smile gently while staring at the clover bracelet.

You've really come this far, haven't you Gloriane-san?

He thought with a fond smile. Suddenly he felt someone pulling his pants when he blinked and glance down at his younger siblings.

"Who's the letter from brother?!" The little brother pleaded.

"Lemme see!!" The little sister begged and soon, his younger siblings start to gather around their older brother yanking and pulling the fabric of his pants making him panic.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy there! I'm gonna-! Waaaah!!!"

Trey soon stumbled to the floor from his younger siblings' tight grip causing his hand to release the letter. One of his younger brothers immediately catches the letter and he along with his brothers and his little sister peered behind him until their eyes popped wide opened and shrieked.

"It's a girl!" The first younger brother shouted.

"Yeah! Gloriane is a girl's name!" The second younger brother pointed out.

"Does that mean, Trey has a girlfriend?" The third younger brother inquired.

"I hope so!" The first younger brother assumed.

"Awww cute! Big brother has a girlfriend!!" The little sister gushed causing poor Trey to blush at their coos and assumptions.

"Wha! Hey no! She's not my-!"

"Big brother, tell us who Gloriane is!" The first younger brother pleaded.

"Yeah! I wanna know too!" The second younger brother shouted.

"What type girl Gloriane is like?!" The third younger brother exclaimed with an excited look.

"Do you have a crush on her?" The first younger brother asked curiously making Trey blush.


"Do you love her, big brother?" The second younger brother asked curiously.


"Are you guys going to get married, big brother?" The little sister asked curiously with an innocent smile as his younger brothers and little sister squawked and gushed about Gloriane. Trey's cheeks flushed beet red and the poor oldest brother pinched his temple while blushing over Gloriane and thought about his private conversation with his childhood friend at his room.

"No matter what happens, I'll always support you as my best friend." Riddle reassures him

I'm sorry Riddle, but....I don't think I hold back anymore...
Trey thought while blushing as he clenched his fists.

Because I'll be the guy to win over Gloriane-san....

Trey pondered feeling the determination running through about it.

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