Chapter 1: The thief

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A female groaned as she slowly began to wake up. She was laying in a dark and slightly messy room with little to no signs of light entering the room. As time slowly passed she took in a deep breath before letting out a long sigh. She then lazily half-opened one of her eyes and reached over to the phone beside her bed. When she did she turned it on to look at the time. When she did she sighed and sat up before stretching slightly.

As she did the covers that had been keeping her warm fell onto the bed revealing what she looked like. She had messy sunflower blonde hair that fell down to her waist, deep, seductive, jewel-like, mossy green eyes, with fine facial features. She had clear rosy skin and was a bit on the shorter side and while at first glance she appeared petite it would only take a few short seconds to realize that wasn't the case. She was slender, but lean with muscle that had been toned rather well, something that tended to intimidate most guys she flirted with.

This female's name was Sapphire. As she stood up she walked over to the small dresser she had and began to look through it for any set of clothes she thought looked appealing. Which at the moment happened to be a red tank top and a black pair of black shorts. When she was dressed she walked over to a standing mirror with a small red scrunchie and began to do her hair. She never cared too much for brushing it as long it was out of the way.

To others, her hair still looked a bit messy but for the most part, she didn't care what others thought of her hair. She tied the sides of her hair into two separate particle braids that went back to the scrunchie which kept them in place while the back of her hair had been tied into a ponytail. Doing this made her hair appear a lot shorter than it actually was, and generally kept most of her hair out of the way while she was out.

Sapphire turned and was about to walk away but stopped when she saw herself out of the corner of her eye. When she did she looked at herself turning a bit so she could get a better look at herself. Sapphire then reached behind her and lifted her butt up a bit before smirking a bit. "Damn, I'm a little snack," Sapphire said with a smile before walking away much happier with herself.

As she did she slowly made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge and began to look over what she had. Nothing really seemed to stand out too much and eventually, she moved over to the freezer and began to look in it. When she did she saw a few sausages and picked them up. "Yeah, I like sausage," Sapphire said before turning the small package over and looking at it. "Contains red peppers, caramelized onions, white cheddar . . . " Sapphire began slowly getting quieter as she read the ingredients.

"Yeah sounds good," Sapphire said as she placed the sausages on the counter and began to walk away. All she needed to do now was wait for them to thaw, which would probably take a while. Sapphire then stretched a bit and began to make her way towards the door. However, just as she was about to walk out of the room she stopped herself. Sapphire then walked over to the small television she had and turned it on. She never really used it much, but it was nice to have it just in case she ever lost her phone.

As she did she saw a man on the news station with a small video playing. "Yet another sighting of the man known as the Ivory step, this time at a local robbery," The man said as the video became larger covering the screen. "The vigilante has been becoming bolder with his acts of so-called 'heroism' recently, and has caught the attention of police who are asking for more Principalities to be sent to the area," The male said causing Sapphire to turn the Television off.

"Great, the last thing we need is, even more, those protectors in the area," Sapphire said a bit annoyed. Sometimes she just didn't understand people, she knew why he was doing what he was. He wanted to use his newfound powers to help people. But by doing so he was just making life harder for not only himself but other people that Eons as well. As she walked out of the small apartment she called home, she began to walk down the sidewalk.

She had big plans for today and wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. But first, she wanted to spend what little time she had just enjoying herself. As she walked down the streets she stretched a bit and began to look around. "I could go to Rudy's, then again last time I went the staff wasn't that great. There's dish café, they're locally sourced, then again they're kind of limited in what they serve," Sapphire said to herself as she continued down the streets thinking of a place she could eat at.

As she was walking she looked around for anywhere she thought would fill her appetite, and eventually found it. Another local restaurant, one that seemed to be doing fairly well if the amount of guests parked in front of it were any indicator. Sapphire looked through the window gauging the food that was being brought to the other customers inside of the building were being brought and eating.

After watching the building for roughly a minute she smiled a bit and began to make her way to the front and walked in. When she did a female looked at Sapphire, and smiled. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked as she looked at Sapphire.

"Table for one please," Sapphire said as she looked at the female causing her to nod and grab a menu.

"Please follow me," The female said as she looked at Sapphire, Sapphire nodded hearing this, and began to follow her to a small table. "Here you are, someone will be with you shortly," The female said as she began to walk away. Sapphire nodded hearing this and began to sit in the seat she had been led to and opened the menu and began to look it over. She already had a fairly good idea of what she was going to order but still, it never hurt to look over her options.

After roughly a minute of waiting a male approached her with a smile. "Hi, how are you doing this evening?" He asked as he looked at her.

"I'm good, and you?" She asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"I'm good, now, do you know what you'd like?" The male asked as he looked at Sapphire causing her to nod.

"Yeah, I'd like the far west plate, with steamed vegetables, and mashed potatoes," Sapphire said as she looked at the male.

"Alright, and how would you like the steak cooked?" The male asked as he looked at her.

"Medium rare," Sapphire said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"And to drink?" The male asked.

"Do you have orange juice?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the male causing him to nod. "Then I'll take a glass of orange juice," Sapphire said as she looked at him. When she said this he nodded and began to walk away. As he did Sapphire turned and began to look out the window beside her. She could see several different people walking down the streets. She could see people giving other passing glares or suspicious looks and sighed.

Ever since Eons were discovered and began to spread this was how life had been for most people. You were either living in fear that some super-powered maniac could go on a rampage at any moment, or you were the super-powered person living in fear of being arrested and prosecuted for merely existing. Sapphire knew there were a few cities that allowed people with Eons to 'live normally' but she knew better.

She had heard the stories about those places. You needed to wear a patch on your clothes signaling to others that you had an Eon. This of course led to them being ridiculed and hated by the others that lived there. And there were times when those safe havens seemed more like imprisonment camps. This was the reality that Sapphire lived in, and it was one she dreaded every day of her life.

As she stared outside she heard a few footsteps and turned to see the male had brought her a cup of orange juice and she smiled as she picked it up and began to drink it. People like her had gotten a bit creative with how they dealt with the constant prosecution. For starters, they had begun forging blood tests so that they could 'prove' that they were free of Eons. Of course, that didn't stop most people from being paranoid.

Most of the time the only people others trusted were their family. And most of the time if it was found out they did have an Eon they were disowned. Sometimes it was even worse than that with the family reporting them as soon as they found out. Sapphire sighed as she continued to let her mind wander. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the waiter bring her, her drink and only seemed to snap out of her slight daze when the movement of a plate out of the corner of her eye got her attention.

"Here you are, and I hope you have a lovely meal," The male said as he began to walk away. Sapphire nodded and looked at the meal in front of her with a smile. She reached for a fork and knife and began to eat her meal rather happily. It wasn't often she got to eat like this, so of course when she did she tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Even now the only reason she planned on eating like this was because of some information she had gotten a few days prior.

She was sure to eat quickly, she didn't have a lot of time to waste, so she wanted to make sure she was set for later tonight. When she finished her meal she asked for the check and after hastily paying and leaving behind a tip she walked out of the building. As she did she noticed that it was a bit later than she had been expecting. The sun was already beginning to set and the sky was turning a bright red.

When she saw this Sapphire turned and began to make her way in the complete opposite direction she had been walking before eating. As she did she eventually saw the building she was looking for. A post office, nothing too out of the ordinary about it, completely fine and generic in nearly every way imaginable. Sapphire turned and began to walk away walking a few buildings down before slipping into an alleyway.

As she did Sapphire began to look at the ground as if searching for something. After a few moments, she leaned down to pick up a rock and tossed it in the air a few times testing its weight before tossing it to the side and picking up another rock. Sapphire looked up at the building and sighed as she squatted down and then jumped up grabbing a small jutting ledge and began to scale the building.

She was glad there were no cameras on this building otherwise her entire plan would just be a waste of time. When she reached the top of the building she sighed and looked at the two buildings separating her from the post office. Sapphire ran towards the edge and easily jumped across the buildings leaping between them with fairly little difficulty. When she reached the post office roof she stopped and reached into her pocket pulling out a long piece of fishing wire.

Sapphire began to wrap the rock with the wire several times before tying it off and moving it to the edge of the building. Sapphire raised a finger into the air and after waiting for a moment moved the rock a bit and smiled before she began to jump back from the buildings and eventually jumping back down into the alley. When she hit the ground she fell and held her ankle. She groaned a bit feeling this and stood up.

She knew that jump was going to be a bit risky but didn't think it would hurt that bad. At this point she thought she was just lucky she didn't break anything. Sapphire tried to ignore the pain she felt in her foot and began to walk back towards the post office building. She took a deep breath as she looked at the building and continued to move forward.

She walked into it fairly confidently and eventually saw a male behind a counter who seemed to be trying to sort several different letters and even a few magazines. "Excuse me," Sapphire said as she looked at the male in front of her. When she said this the male turned around and looked at her. "I'm here for an interview," Sapphire said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Ah, I see. Uh, just wait here a moment, I'll see if I can't find her," The male said as he walked through a small door. Sapphire nodded as he did and looked around trying to kill some time until they returned. When he did Sapphire's attention immediately snapped to him. "Alright, come on," The male said as he moved back to the small pile of letters he had been sorting. As he did a female walked out and looked at her.

"This way please," She said causing Sapphire to nod and follow behind her. "It's a good thing you showed up when you did. I was starting to worry that you may have forgotten or canceled on us," The female said as she looked back at Sapphire.

"Nope, just a bit busy with traffic is all," Sapphire said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Ah, well I can understand that," She said with a smile as she led Sapphire into a small room. Sapphire eventually took a seat and looked at the female in front of her. "First off before we begin the interview properly you're going to be bouncing in between departments. Just sort of going wherever we need you most at the moment. You're okay with that right?" She asked as she looked at Sapphire.

"Yep," Sapphire said with a smile as she looked at her.

"Alright, good to know. So we got a few questions for you. Nothing too out of the ordinary," The female said as she looked at Sapphire. When she said this Sapphire nodded and sat up straight as she looked at the female in front of her.

"First question. Do you have documentation of your Eon blood test, or can obtain such a document?" She asked as she looked at Sapphire.

"Yep," Sapphire said as she reached into a small pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper, and unfolded it before placing it on the table. When she did the female took the piece of paper and began to look it over. "It was taken a little over three months ago so it should still be good," Sapphire said as she looked at the female in front of her. When she said this the female nodded and continued to look over it.

"Yep everything seems fine," The female said as she handed the piece of paper back to Sapphire and she began to once again fold it up. "Next up, do you have a reliable car or another method of transportation," She said as she looked at Sapphire.

"I do, yeah, but even if I didn't I wouldn't need. I'm only like fifteen minutes away," Sapphire said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Alright, next up. Are you, have you had any formal firearm training?" She asked as she looked at Sapphire.

"Yep, I got the documents to prove it, but I didn't bring them with me. Sorry about that," Sapphire said as she looked at the female in front of her causing her to shake her head.

"That's fine for now. But you will need to carry them on you while working. That and your Eon documents. Next up are you leg-" The female began only to stop when a loud shattering sound was heard. When they did the female stood up. "I'm sorry, I need to go check what that was. I'll be back in a moment just . . . uh stay for a moment," The female said as she walked out of the room.

Sapphire smiled and nodded hearing this watching as she walked out of the room before she stood up and walked to the door. Sapphire looked out of the door to check if anyone was around. When she saw that the halls were clear she took a deep breath and began to walk down the halls. Despite moving rather quickly her movements were precise and extremely quiet, not making a sound as her feet hit the ground.

Thus far everything seemed to be going according to plan. She could only hope that it continued to go that way. As she searched the complex it became increasingly obvious that she was looking for something. As she searched through the doors she eventually saw the room she was looking for. A room with several outfits inside of it. Sapphire smiled and slowly opened the door, trying to go slowly so that she wouldn't draw attention to herself.

When she did she saw someone who appeared to be sorting some of the clothes and moved slowly so that she was out of sight before sighing. She was panting a bit heavy but doing so slowly and quietly, showing that while she was a bit out of breath it wasn't to a great extent. Sapphire listened to the figure as they continued to sort the clothes the building had, and as soon as they walked away Sapphire once again took a breath and began to move this time moving behind the counter to grab some clothes.

She had grabbed a security guard outfit and quickly moved from behind the counter and out of the room. Sapphire then moved into a bathroom and walked into one of the stalls locking it as she did. Sapphire sighed and began to change rather quickly leaving behind her old set of clothes as she did. Sapphire then crawled under the door and left the room. As she continued to walk down the hall looked around now acting a bit more confident as she did.

As she continued to move towards the back of the building she began to hear someone pulling up. As she did she looked out the window and saw an armored truck slowly pulling up. Sapphire smiled seeing this but quickly got rid of it as she walked out. When she did she saw the doors open and someone step out of the car holding a box as he did. "Where can we put this?" The male asked as he looked at Sapphire.

"This way," Sapphire said as she led the male into the room and then into a small storage room. There were several boxes in the room, and Sapphire led him to the back part of the room. "Here," Sapphire said as she looked at the male causing him to nod. Sapphire then walked out of the room with the male following behind her. "Thanks, we'll back to get it in a few a bit," The male said as he looked at Sapphire causing her to nod.

Sapphire then turned and began to walk away. However, as she walked down the halls it quickly became obvious that she was circling back to where she had just come from. Sapphire walked into the room and began to look through the shelves for another box. Eventually, she found said box and picked it up moving it back to where the other box was. When she was in the back Sapphire opened the box and saw her prize, two solid gold bullions.

She smiled seeing them and pulled them out before opening the other box. A box that she had sent to herself just a few days beforehand in preparation for this plan of hers. Two bars similar in shape and size, and some similar and color. Two Iron bars that she had painted to look gold. Of course, they were far from the real thing and wouldn't fool anyone for long. Sapphire placed the fake bars into the box before closing it.

Sapphire then placed the gold bars in her box before once again closing it and pushing it a bit off to the side. Sapphire then walked out of the room and back into the bathroom. When she did she looked around making sure no one was around before once again crawling under the stall and changing out of the security uniform back into her regular outfit. As she did she folded the clothes and placed them behind the toilet.

Sapphire then walked out of the bathroom and once again began to make her way back to the room where she was being interviewed. When she arrived she saw that no one was still in the room and smiled as she sat back down on the chair. She saw for nearly a minute before the female from before returned and Sapphire looked at her. "Sorry, but we'll have to cancel the interview today," She said as she looked at Sapphire.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Oh it's nothing really, some joker just threw a rock at one of our windows. And since we got guests here carrying something important . . . well I'm sure you understand," The female said as she looked at Sapphire causing her to nod.

"Yeah, I got it. So when do you want to reschedule?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"How does a week from now sound?" The female asked causing Sapphire to nod.

"Sounds great," Sapphire said as the two stood up and began to walk out of the room.

"You remember how to get out right?" The female asked causing Sapphire to nod. She looked as if she was about to walk away before stopping.

"Actually," Sapphire said gaining the female's attention. "A friend of mine is supposed to be sending me something for my birthday. Would you mind checking to see if it's come in yet?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Of course, just wait by the entrance," The female said as she walked back and Sapphire nodded as she walked back towards the area she had walked into. It took a few minutes but eventually, the female did arrive carrying the box that Sapphire had placed the gold inside. "Well you're in luck," The female said as she placed the box on the counter with a sigh. "Careful though, it's kind of heavy," The female said as she looked at the female.

Sapphire nodded hearing this and picked the box up grunting a bit as she did. "Man you weren't joking," Sapphire said as she looked at the figure in front of her. "Well I'll see you later," Sapphire said with a smile as she walked out of the building. As she did it didn't take long for her to disappear into one of the allies and begin to make her way back home taking several shortcuts to do so.

When she eventually arrived home she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She then began to make a call and it didn't take long for the other person to answer. "Hello," She heard a slightly raspy voice say from the other end.

"Hey, it's me. So I won't lie, I thought you were full of shit when you sold me this info. But it turns out you were right. So I'm guessing you want some of the money made from this?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the male.

"Yeah, I was thinking a nice ninety-ten split," The male said from the other side.

"Really? That's all you want? Ten percent?" Sapphire asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah, I think that's fair. But be careful who you sell that to. Don't let them lowball you. The value of gold is up by quite a bit. Those two gold bars you got are enough to easily get someone over a million dollars. One point three million if you want to be specific," The male said from the phone.

"Really?!" Sapphire said from the phone. She knew gold was valuable, so of course, she assumed she'd be able to get quite a bit for them, but she didn't know just how much she'd be getting. However, she quickly regained her composure before shaking her head. "Alright that's nice to know but I don't think my fence can afford that. Plus I'd need to sell it to him for cheap for him to consider buying it in the first place," Sapphire said from the phone.

"I wouldn't sell this to just anyone, I know a guy I can set you up with who will pay more than a measly three hundred for them. I'm sure once he finds out the goods you've got for sale, he'd be more than happy to meet with you," The male said from the other side of the phone. Sapphire was quiet for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, where would I have to meet him?" Sapphire asked as she looked at the two gold bards.

"Lusty's Motel, eleven P.M. sharp. I don't think I need to tell you not to be late but just in case . . . don't be late," The male said from the other side of the phone.

"Right, talk to you later then," Sapphire said and hung up the phone. As she did she once again turned her attention to the box.

"I hope this goes well," Sapphire said with a sigh before she began to walk out of the room. "Now time for those sausages," Sapphire said with a smile as she began to make her way towards the kitchen. 

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