Prologue:The Mission

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Hellsing Organization Headquarters

3rd pov

Inside the hellsing headquarters in London England a man in with long black hair red eyes wearing a giant red hat,yellow sunglasses and a suit under a long red trench coat is seen walking along the halls.He is alucard otherwise known as the crimson fucker.

Then a girl with a blonde hair,big boobs and red eyes wearing a yellow police outfit approached alucard this girl was known as Seras Victoria otherwise called as police girl.

Alucard pov

My boss is calling us again i think he wants to talk to us.I hope it's not about the time i stole a seventy inch wide-screen with netflix from the appliances shop.

Seras:Master why do you miss integra is calling us for a meeting?

Alucard:I don't know police girl.Is it because i'm gay?

Seras:Hahaha very funny master.Plus my name is Seras Victoria that's my name you should call me that since we're already married for 5 years now.

Well that's true me and police girl over there have already been married for 5 years straight we even had a son we named him (y/n) alucard and i know he'll grow up to be a great fucking vampire and everyone will remember his name.

(Authors Note:Oh you just don't know.)

Alucard:Fine seras honey.There you're happy now.

Seras:Alright alucard sugar lips.

It's still weird for me to call her pet names or even her real name.We then reached the office of my boss.The beast of a woman integra hellsing.But i love seras with all my heart.

Alucard:Why are we here?Is because of the plasma screen tv that i stole.I swear that appliances shop was already ransacked when i got there.

Intgra:Really we'll talk about that later.But not right now.The reason i called you here is because i want to give your son his first mission.And it involves you two too.

Alucard:So my little boy is finally going vampire hunting.Great i can teach him some pointers.

Seras:At what killing innocent people,destroying mass properties,or getting noise complaints.

Alucrd:So i may not be perfect at everything but i know you love me for that.

Seras:That i can't deny.

Intgegra:Really if you two are just gonna flirt get you're own room.We are here because of a serious issue.

She said in a serious tone.

Alucard:Calm your tits let's just wait for them.

Integra:Sometimes i question why i got you out of the basement.

Alucard:Well if you didn't you would have die.

Intgra:Fair enough.

Just then the door opened and three people came in (y/n) alucard my precious little blood sucker.Charles C. Dornez the son of the traitorous Walter.And arthur anderson son of my greatest rival Alexander Anderson.

(y/n):So why did you call us master integra?

Integra:I going to give you guys your very first mission.

Arthur:Really what are we going to kill a vampire,protestants,or bloody heathen.Maybe a leprechaun i never actually found one before but do you think if i cut one open it'll spill out lucky charms.

(y/n):Me too but that gets me thinking if i shot one lucky charms would explode out everywhere.

Charles:Can you guys just listen to the order of master intergra.

Both:Fine whatever you say 'dad'.

Integra:I need you guys to go to italy.

I could the happy looks on arthur and (y/n)'s faces.

Integra:Find someone for me.

I coulde hear more happy noises from them.

Integra:And guard her.

I could see their smiles turn into frowns

Arthur:Wait,What!?That's not fun at all.

Integra:Sorry but that's your mission and it's final.

(y/n):What's so special about this person anyways that we have to guard her.

I then saw master sigh.

Integra:She was my daughter.

I was suprised to think that she had a daughter already.

(y/n):Wait you have a daughter?!

Integra:Yes,i left her at a orphanage in italy.I didn't want to put her in danger so i left her there.Even though it pains to see.Here's a picture of her.

She then showed us a picture of her.I think she's telling the true they do look similar especially the blonde hair but they have different eyes.

Integra:I gave her the last name of argento after my husband so that no one will know who she is.Her name is asia argento but her real name is asia hellsing.

(y/n):So you want us to go to the orphanage how do you know they're gonna let us in.

Integra:Easy you'll fake as orphans.You'll say your parents left you guys.That's the reason why i called you two here to get a consent since they'll be staying there guarding her.But you'll get to communicate with each other from time to time.

She said looking at us.I could see the worried look on the police girl's face.I mean who wouldn't be worried you're basically sending your son out on the world on his own.

Integra:So what do you guys say?

Seras:We'll be able to communicate with him from time to time am i right?

Integra:Yes that's correct.

Seras:Then i allow it.

I was suprised to think that my own wife will allow my son to do this.I thought she was gonna reject the idea.While me it's okay.It's better to do this so he can learn at a young age to fend for himself.

Integra:How about you alucard?

Alucard:I'm fine with it.

Integra:Okay you guys leave tomorrow morning so pack your stuff and get ready.

And with that she left.I could see our son come closer at us while the other two left to get their stuffs ready.I was suprised becaise he hugged us.

(y/n):I'll miss you guys.

Seras:We'll miss you two but be brave and remember we'll still be able to talk to each other from time to time.

Alucard:Remember son your an alucard so i believe you can do it.


And with that he left.I wonder how this is gonna end.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) and alucard going for a walk.

(y/n) pov

We were finally her at the orphanage.And i must say this place is huge.And it's next to a church great for arthur.We then knocked at door,we waited for a few minutes until a nun opened.

Nun:Who's there?

She looked at us.

Nun:Hey come there are children out here.


We then see another nun and priest come out.

Priest:So what bring you boys here.

(y/n):W-we were left here by our parents.

I said as i fake my tears.

Priest:Oh i can't believe these poor souls abandoned by their parents.Who would do such a thing?

Nun:There there

She said patting my head.

Nun 2:So what's your name?

(y/n):My name (y/n) alucard.

Nun:That's a cute name.

Charles:My name is Charles C. Dornez.

Nun 2:Charles that sounds very british.

Arthur Anderson:And my is Arthur Anderson.

Priest:Arthur,as in the king arthur.


Priest:Never met a child with thar name before.

Nun:So do you want to come in.

All three:Sure.

And with that we entered the orphanage.I must say this looks beautiful on the inside.

Priest:Call the other kids say that we have new visitors.

Nun:Kids we have new visitors!!!!

She screamed and i saw multiple kids go down the stairs.

Priest:Kids we have new people staying here at our orphanage.

As he said that i could see the happy looks on all the kids faces.

Priest:Here they are.

And with we showed ourselves to the group of kids.


Priest:Kids these are (y/n).

He said pointing at me.

Kids:Hi (y/n).


He said pointing at charles.

Kids:Hi charles.

Priest:And this is arthur.

He said pointing at arthur.

Kids:Hi arthur.

Priest:So why don't you kids play with them while we bring their stuffs to their new room.


And with that they left upstairs and the kids come running at us.Trying to talk to us and play with us.I then grab arthur's and charles arm and led them away from ths group.

(y/n):So you guys know the plan?

Both:Yep.Find her,befriend her,and protect her.

(y/n):Okay let's go.

And with that we went to the group of kids i kept searching and searching.And when i was about to give up i saw her sitting on a table reading a bible while wearing a little nun outfit.I saw nobody is with her so i approached her.

(y/n):Hello i see nobody is sitting besides you.May i sit there?


(y/n):So what you reading there.

I said as i got close to her.

Asia:Oh me i'm reading my favorite verse from the bible.


Asia:Yes.And aren't you one of the new arrivals.

(y/n):Why yes.My name is (y/n) alucard.

I said as a bow getting her to giggle a bit.

Asia:Well my name is asia argento.

She said while holding her clothes.And with a genuine smile.I could hear my heart beating so fast while a blush forms on my face.

Asia:So you wanna read the bible with me?

(y/n):Are you sure?

Asia:Yeah you can be my friend too.

(y/n):Really thank you.

And with that we started reading

-------------------------------------------------------------There first chapter of the book done.How did you guys like it?I'll be sure to update it too so don't be impatient.And may the force be with you.

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