Chapter 1: An unexpected hero

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

Before this even start, I have to warn you: Compared to others, this Y/n is more based off me. I included some physical details, so I hope it won't bother you.

 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

King: one of the four saints... Five saints, here to save our world from the calamity... The Shield hero ! From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would bring nothing but trouble... YOU FIEND ! I wondered when you would show your true colors !

Naofumi: 'Wha... And just what did I do wrong ?! Not a single one of you ever believed me from the start... You're the ones who brought us here in the first place ! I'm no hero or whatever... I was just an otaku university student...'

The day before:

Naofumi: My expenses really piled up this month, thank god this library was here. What about you, Y/n ?

Y/n: I'm in fu**ing heaven right now ! I just discovered they have all of Jojo's bizarre Adventures parts here !

Naofumi: You really need to do something about your Jojo addiction, man. It's getting dangerous.

Y/n: Never ! What's wrong in admiring perfection ?! I may be a college student, but I'll always consider it the best manga ever !

Naofumi: I know, but don't you think you're taking this a little too much seriously ? You've started renaming everything after Jojo references recently.

Y/n:... yeah, maybe... Anyway, you're gonna buy something ?

Naofumi: No... I really can't this month, so I'm glad we can read for free here- OW !

Y/n: What is that... A book ? 'The weapons of the four saints...' ?

Naofumi: It looks pretty old. Maybe it's a fantasy novel ? let's have a look... It's the kind that starts out by talking about its world...

*Word tells of a final prophecy that speaks of another world. In order to save our own world, in order to save our own from calamity, heroes are called forth from the other world to aid us. The four heroes who are summoned each possess their own specific weapon: the sword, the spear, the bow, and the shield.*

Y/n: Laaaame... That's a way overused premise...

Naofumi: besides, a "shield" , Shields aren't exactly weapon... And why are the next pages blank ? 'It feels like... the blankness... is entering my mind...'

Y/n: H... hey, Naofumi... ? Where did you go ? Come on, it's not funny, where are you...

There was a blinding white light, and seconds later, the two has disappeared, and the book landed on the ground, empty as ever...

Your POV:

Once I was able to open my eyes and see again, I could see that me and Naofumi were in the middle of what looked like a throne room of sort, surrounded by what looked like priests.

Priest: W-We did it !! It was a success ! But... Why is there two of them at once ?

"The heck is happening right now ? Wha-"

That's when we both noticed what changed with us, changes being that shield that suddenly appeared on Naofumi's arm, and a staff of sort in my hand, somehow forbidding me from even trying to let go of it.

Naofumi: What the hell is going on ?

"I would like to know it as well..."

Behind us were three other guys, each one holding a different weapon in hand, respectively a spear, a bow and a sword.

Spear: This place is different from where we just were...

Bow: the middle ages ? It's almost like we're in a game...

Sword: ... What's with this weapon ?

"Wow, wait a second... You don't mean this is..."

Priest: O, four... ? Saint heroes of old ! Please help us save our world !!

Naofumi: And there it is !

"Okay, time out ! We need explanations here !"

priest: Yes, I understand that you're all very taken aback by your circumstances, but time runs short for all of us ! Within our country of Melromarc, vicious demons in large numbers have crawled out from a materialized dimensional crack, and are exposing everyone to great danger ! Our country's knights and adventurers barely managed to eliminate the first wave of demons, but the dragon hourglass is already indicating that the next wave of calamities will soon be upon us...

"It looks awfully similar to that old book's pitch..."

Naofumi: To think We'd be necessary as a hero to another world... There's no way in hell we wouldn't get pumped up !

King: I am this country's king, Aultcray, the thirty-second ruler of Melromarc. Should you save this glorious country, you will be duly compensated in turn. Aside from that, I have aid funds prepared for you. I ask you to work to your fullest... Now then, heroes. I will now hear of your names.

Sword: My name is Amaki Ren, age 16. I'm a highschooler.

Bow: I am Kawasumi Itsuki, 17 years-old. I'm in high school, as well.

Spear: My name's useless fucking piece of shit, and,,,


Spear: My name's Kitamura Motoyasu. I'm 21, a university student.

'Sword, bow, spear... And shield, counting Naofumi. This is definitely like that old book.'

King: Hm, Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu...

Naofumi: Um, excuse me, but we still didn't introduced ourselves yet !

King: Hm ? Ah, yes. The shield hero, and... Our... unexpected guest... Your names ?

Naofumi: Iwatani Naofumi... I'm a 20 years old university student...

"L/n Y/n, 19 years old, and also a university student."

Naofumi: 'What's going on... ?'

'I can feel it already... We're not really welcome here...'

Priest: Although we weren't expecting this, you will be considered as a fifth hero from now on, given you have a holy weapon. Now, if everyone could please confirm their statuses ?

Naofumi: Huh ? Status ?

Ren: What, you haven't noticed yet ? Don't you see some kind of icon or whatever in your field of vision ?

"Icon ? I thought my glasses were dirty... That's it ?"

Ren: Now you just concentrate your consciousness on it.

We did, and it wasn't long before a screen popped up in front of our eyes, startling us, displaying different kind of information.

*Y/n L/n: Staff hero Lv1.

Equipment: Wooden staff (Legendary weapon)

Stats: Attack; 0/Defense; 0/Agility; above average/HP; Average/Mp; High/Magic; high.*

"Staff hero level 1... Makes sense I guess."

Naofumi: So this is our status... ?

Priest: We would like you to strengthen your legendary weapons and prepare for the next wave. Do you not have any knowledge of any magic... ?

Naofumi: Wow... This is like a game in real life.

Ren: It basically is. It's a Vrmmo, you know ?

Naofumi: Vr... What's that ?

Ren: A virtual reality massively multiplayer online game. There should be one settings for a world like this.

Motoyasu: You're talking about Emerald online, right ? I knew it was just like the map I first went to !

Itsuki: What are you two talking about ? This is a world made in games you pay for.

Motoyasu: The towns and dungeons will be the same, won't they ?

Ren: This will be a piece of cake, then, even if it'll be a pain to grind up from level one again, though.

Motoyasu: What about you two ? You know any games like this place ?

"Not really... I've never heard about those 'Vrmmo' either... But it does sound familiar..."

Naofumi: Yes, if I had to guess, it looks like that book... An old-looking one.

"If I had to guess, it was because of it that we were transported here..."

Motoyasu: A book... ?

Itsuki: Don't forget they got a shield and magic...

Motoyasu: Yeah, that's too bad...

'Why do I get that feeling again... Like everyone's looking down on us...'

King: Fine. You may now enter, FUTURE HEROES OF OUR WORLD !

Itsuki: Who are they ?

King: They are people who have volunteered to join you on your journeys. You will grow and strengthen your legendary weapons. It is said that when fellow weapon users are near one another, it will cause opposition and impede growth. As such, I want you to move separate parties henceforth. These people have already chosen who they will follow, it would seem. Now, select the hero you will attend !

Naofumi: 'Huh ? It's up to them to chose ?!'

'We just got here, and we don't know a thing about this world, it should be normal for them to not trust us right away...'

Priest: My king, they seem to have made their decision.

Ren, five followers. Itsuki, three followers. Motoyasu, four followers. As for Naofumi and I... None at all.

Naofumi: Seriously... ?

King: What is this, I wasn't expecting this to happen... It would seem that the two of you, aren't really inspiring them...

Motoyasu: What can you expect... Shield and magic...

Ren: Yeah...

"You mind telling us what you have in mind about us ? I don't think we've done anything that would justify this."

Motoyasu: It's just... Shields and magic, they're pretty lame things, right ? The games I played were like that. Even though shield user's defense powers are really high, only newcomers use them. High leveled shield users are nonexistent, and job-wise, they're on the verge of being discontinued. And from the very start, shields are "protecting gear", not weapons...

Itsuki: Yes, that's exactly it. Magic makes good pyrotechnic effects, but that's basically all. Classes that only rely on magic are completely useless in fight, they takes way too much time to cast a simple spell, and they can't take a hit; Every classes that uses magic always mix it with real weapons.

Motoyasu: Hey, it doesn't seem like you're on your way to being a hero, you know...

'So that was the feeling we both had sooner... That we were ostracized by all of them ? But then, what are we supposed to do ?'

"I guess it can't be helped then... We'll have to go on our own as a team..."

Priest: Weren't you listening sooner ? Legendary weapons need to stay away from each other, or else their progression will be hindered.

"I know, but it only concern the four only weapons. As far as I'm concerned, the staff is not included in that 'legend'. Second, given my defensive stats, I may lose my leg if I ever trip on a pebble, and Naofumi can't attack, that seems like a good combination. And third... I'll just do as I want, thank you very much."

King: In any case, is there anyone here willing to go to their side ?

???: ... All right then, I volunteer.

Myne: No matter the circumstances, seeing two people traveling on their own is absolutely disheartening ! I am known as Myne Suphia. A pleasure to meet you, heroes !

Naofumi: Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you...

Motoyasu: You sure about that ?

Myne: I am !

King: There are no others, I take it... Then the funds will be distributed to the heroes each and every month. Heroes of the Shield and Staff, I will increase the funds you receive this time ! Henceforth, on your own, persuade and recruit more people to stand by your side !

Naofumi: Y... Yes, my lord !

King: Heroes, you may now begin your journeys !!

"So, we got 800 silver coins each, huh... It more than the other, but we still don't know their real value..."

Myne: Wonderful ! With that much, we'll be able to buy decent equipment for ourselves !

Naofumi: I guess so ! Okay then... 'You guys just watch ! With this money, I'll leave you guys rolling in our dust, and make you regret not choosing us !'

"Everyone takes cover, Naofumi's all fired up now !"

Naofumi: Whoa... I guess it's obvious, but this is seriously the real thing...

Blacksmith: Welcome ! Is this your first time here ?

'Wow, he really looks fitted for this job.'

Blacksmith: What are you looking for ?

Naofumi: Um, well...

Blacksmith: To start, let's see the weapons ! If there's nothing you're particular with, let's first look at the swords. The price vary depending on the materials used, but they are guaranteed to perform well. What's you budget, kids ?

Myne: Somewhere around 240 silver coins each or so. There are still other things we need to buy, after all.

Naofumi: Y-Yeah, you're right... One of the swords over there, then ? I'd fight with this ?

Naofumi: Wh-What just happened ?! What ?

A screen popped up in front of his eyes, displaying the following:

*! Legendary weapon breach of agreement ! A hero can't use any other weapon with the intent to fight other than the one legendary weapon in his possession.*

Naofumi: You're kidding me ?! So you're telling me I can't equip anything as a weapon aside from this shield ?!

"It would seem so, and quite frankly, They could've told us before..."

Behind me was a pile of different weapons, my hands smoking and smelling fried meat.


Naofumi: I ended up being unable to buy anything but protective gear...

"Stop complaining, at least you got some armor... I still can't believe what I just read, 'Due to his magic-wielding abilities, the staff heroes isn't allowed to equip any gear that would raise his physical stats.' I'm glad that guy had some mage gear in his shop, or else I would be really screwed."

Myne: You couldn't get any weapons, but he did lower the price of those for you !

Naofumi: That's right, despite how he looks, he's a nice guy.

"You know what they say, never judge a book by it's cover... An extremely convenient quote given how we got here in the first place..."

Myne: Do not sell yourselves short, heroes. Did you not do me the kindness of listening to my suggestions ?

Naofumi: Well, it's not like I know which ones are better or not, so at least my weapon budget was useful for one of us three.

Myne: I will fight plenty enough for both of us ! Shall we be off to raise our levels ?

"You bet ! I can't wait to see what I can do with my spells !"

Myne: There it is ! Be at ease, it is a very weak demon.

Naofumi: Here we go !

Myne: The only thing is...


Myne: it's very aggressive...

Naofumi: AAAAAHHH !!

Myne: My lord ?!

Myne: Are you all right ? I had not thought so many would attack at once, have I underestimated you ? Ah, there's still one left...

Naofumi: You're right, it doesn't hurt at all, though...

Myne: Are you certain ? You were bitten directly on your head, though...

Naofumi: Yeah... That might be the power of my legendary weapon...

Myne: Then, my lord, I will do away with it...

Naofumi: Ah. Nah, I've got it. Now I know that my defense is super high. So this time, Let's see how strong my attack power is !

Naofumi: Take that ! And that ! And that ! That, too ! And some more ! This stupid... BALLOON THING !


Naofumi: S-Sweet ! I got some experience from that !

Myne: You did well, my lord !

Naofumi: Yeah ! You see that, Y/n... ?


Naofumi: Wow... For how long has he been running ? And why is he attracting these things ?

Myne: monsters are drawn to concentrated mana sources, so... But why isn't he attacking them ?

Naofumi: He always was a pacifist. He hates holding a grudge against someone, and out of us two, he's by far the more forgiving.

(A/n: Before you even ask. No, we won't.)

Evening time:

Naofumi: Guess that's enough for today. You okay Y/n ?

"Almost got my arm chewed off by angry balloons. Even if in the end I still blew them off, it made me learn the harsh truth. My spell tree is as empty as Speedwagon's list of defects..."

Naofumi: please stop making Jojo's references everywhere...

"What ? it's true. I only have a few basic spells, and no traces of potential higher abilities.

Myne: Do not worry, I'm sure it'll be enough ! And today, we can go to that village south from where we were today. there's a dungeon not so far, so we can raise our levels, and harvest some components.

Naofumi: Ah, r-really ?! Well, that's something !

Myne: Indeed. Our equipment is brand-new, so it should be easy battles for the three of us ! But for the time being, well done with everything. Would some wine be to your liking ?

Naofumi: Ah, no thanks, I'm good.

"I'm not old enough to drink yet."

Myne: just one glass will not hurt...

"No really, I don't like that kind of stuff. I think I'll go to sleep early, it still hurt..."

Myne: I see...

Naofumi: Um, Myne. Thank you so much ! Even though we can't really fight by ourselves, you still insisting on coming with us... You've really helped us so much...

Myne: Fufu... You heroes really are good persons...

Naofumi: huh ? Y-You think so ?

Myne: I do.

Naofumi: In that case, please help us out again tomorrow, too, Myne !

"I said I was going to sleep, but it still bugs me. A spell tree that poor for a mage just isn't normal..."

That's when I finally noticed, at the corner of the screen, a tiny icon representing what looked like a purple star, and as soon as I "clicked" on it, two new messages appeared.

*New skill unlocked: Spell creation.*

'Spell... creation ? What's that ?'

*Spell creation is an inherent skill only usable by the staff hero. Depending on its magical abilities, the staff hero can use this skill to create its own spells, going from their effects to their name. The only limits are the hero's magical power, and its imagination.*

'So that's why I only had a few basics spells before. I can't wait to show that to the other twos !'

I was about to, but suddenly I was hit from behind, and everything went black.

3rd person POV:

Myne: Fufufu... The staff hero... Such a buffoon doesn't deserve to be here...

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