Chapter 13: Melty

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 " ": You talking

' ':You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Blacksmith: So ? Why my store ?

Raphtalia: We're sorry. We couldn't find a better place nearby...

Naofumi: First of all, let's begin with your real name.

Melty: yes. Let me introduce myself again. I am... Melty Q. Melromarc, the second princess, and apparent heiress to the royal throne.

"Apparent heiress ?"

Melty: Aneue has been a troublemaker due to her personality since she was little, so I'm higher now.

"You can be honest and say she's a spoiled bitch rotten to the core, you know."

Naofumi: Hm... Well, now it's clear. Filo, you mustn't play with her from now on.

Filo/Melty: What ?!

"Naofumi, as long as I'm concerned, I'm the one here to give orders to Filo, and I allow her to play with Melty."

Filo: Really ?

"Yes, just be sure to tell us where and when you're going to play."

Naofumi: Y/n, what makes you so sure she can be trusted ?!

"Simple. Myne don't like her, that's enough reason to believe she's a good person. Plus, Filo's really good at revealing a person's true personality."

Naofumi: You don't understand... I should've realized earlier that something was fishy. Like, a kid being there alone ! What was your purpose approaching us with your identity hidden ?

Melty: T-That's a misunderstanding ! I just thought you were...

Naofumi: Who knows ? The villagers knew my identity, so you could have figured it out. You said you got close to Filo because you loved filolials. I see ! You're after Filo. Aren't you actually plotting with Motoyasu ? You can't trick me no matter how thorough your scheme is.

Melty: Wait a second ! Please listen to me firs-

Naofumi: Your sister and father didn't even reason with me, let alone listen to me. Unfortunately, I can't trust you, who are of their blood.

Melty: ... Ugh.

Captain: Excuse me. Lady Melty, so you're here. Please accompany us, his majesty has called for you.

Melty: ... Understood. See you again, Filo.

Filo: Yeah, see you later !

Raphtalia: Naofumi, shouldn't you at least have listened a little ?

"She's right, you went a little too far."

Naofumi: Hmph.

Soldier: ... Excuse me. Mister Shield hero...

Naofumi: Wh-What ?! Aren't you the guy from that time... You too should leave already !

Soldier: No ! I can't leave ! I saw you during a patrol in town. We all decided to ask you to hear us out. So... I can't pull back here !

Naofumi: ... Damn. Okay, I got it ! I'll hear you out, so speak !

Soldier: T-Thank you !! Actually... Please let us soldiers, go with you during waves !!

"... What ?!"

Soldier: I was impressed with the way you fought during the last wave... And there are like-minded people who want to support you in any way they can...

Naofumi: Support us, huh... But I think it helps your career better to side with the other heroes.


Soldier: ... Well, i'm from Ryute village. While it's necessary to fight the wave... As a soldier sworn to protect the kingdom, I believe it's the priority to minimize damage to the subjects.

Naofumi: What a noble idea...

Raphtalia: It's an accessory Naofumi made.

Blacksmith: Heh, so you can make that kind of thing now.

Naofumi: 150 silver coins. I'll consider it if you buy this.

Blacksmith: What ?!

"But, isn't it unsold stock from our peddling trip ?"

Naofumi: You just shut up !

Naofumi: What's the matter ? If you just pay, you'll be able to buy my trust.

Soldier: Ugh... I'll go arrange money right now !!

Blacksmith: Seriously...

Naofumi: Well then... Let's go, guys.

"Go ? Go where ?"

Blacksmith: Hey hey, what about that soldier ?

Naofumi: Well, tell him to wait whenever he's back. We'll come again.

"What do you say ? 15 gold coins for a 'class-up' ?!"

Nun: 15 gold coins per head, sir.

Filo: Is it expensive ?

Raphtalia: Of course it is !! It's outrageously expensive !!

"I see... Could you guys wait for a second, I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, I was back with an-heavy looking bag, and gave it to the nun.

"Here you go, 30 gold coins, for Raphtalia's and Filo's class-up."

Naofumi: What ? Where did you find 30 gold coins ?!

Nun: Ah. Erm... It would appear, that the shield hero and the staff hero are prohibited.

Naofumi: What ?!

Nun: Shield and staff heroes parties are banned from class-up.

Raphtalia: Huh... ?! But didn't you just say-

Nun: It's a direct royal decree.

Raphtalia: No way...

'Unbelievable... Does that trashy king value his interests more than his kingdom ?!'

Slave-trader: Oh my, if it isn't the shield and staff heroes. What brings you here this time ? Pitching in for experiments on the filolial ?

"Hands off now, she told me what happened last time. I ain't letting her with you again."

Naofumi: Slave merchant ! Can you arrange a class-up on your part ?

Slave-trader: Did you say... Class-up ?

Naofumi: You do have slaves with levels over 40, don't you ? I was wondering if the nation gives slaves a permission denied to heroes !

Slave-trader: ... Ah, I see what happened. i'm very sorry, but I can't...

Naofumi: ... Damn, what should we do then ?

Slave-trader: Well, it's simple. You may class-up with another country's hourglass of the dragon's era.

"Th-There's more of them in other countries ?!"

Slave-trader: Yes, but you must gain their trust first. I guess either way is impossible for the time being...

Naofumi: Which means... we must make it through the next wave at any cost.

Slave-trader: So, is that all you want ?

Filo: Yay ! Master, thank you for buying me weapons !

"It can't be helped, we can't class-up, so we can only resort to upgrading our gear."

Naofumi: You didn't used the gold in that bag, why ? And where did you get it anyways ?

"Oh right, that. I suppose I don't need it anyways."

I dumped the gold coins on the ground, where they quickly changed into a little pile of mud and dust.

Naofumi: What the... ?

"Hey, I told you I'd create a spell to change mud into gold sooner or later. It's a transmutation spell."

Raphtalia: Were you really planning on giving the church fake gold ?

"It was real gold. At least as long as the spell is active. And hey, they're spending most of their time and energy to screw up our lives, what's wrong in giving them a slight payback ? But I'm actually more concerned about that 'multi hourglasses' thing..."

Naofumi: Yeah... Once we safely stop the next wave, we have no choice but to go to another country.

Raphtalia: There are many countries out there. I haven't been abroad, but there's a mercenary state, a country of Semi-Humans...

Naofumi: A Semi-Human country...

Raphtalia: It seems humans have inferior status unlike in this kingdom.

Naofumi: that has nothing to do with us. Well then, there's no reason to stay in this rubbish country anymore.

'That concern me... If there's other hourglasses, does it mean the other countries are also affected by the waves ? Did they summoned heroes too to fight ? Does that mean there's actually more than just 4 heroes ?'

Soldier: We've been waiting for you ! Shield hero !! I went around the barracks, and collected a little from everyone ! Here are 150 silver coins. With this, will you believe us... ?

Naofumi: I see...

Soldier: Hey...

Naofumi: is it okay if I set you as leader ?

*You are appointed as a squad leader in the Shield hero's party. Will you accept ? Yes/No*

Soldier: Hero...

Naofumi: I'd have refused it if you had valued money more. I'll give you the accessory as the squad symbol.

"So, all that setup was only to test them ?"

Soldier: So that means !!

Naofumi: I don't trust you completely yet. If you try any tricks on us... You know what will happen, right ?

Soldier: ... Yessir !! I look forward to your command !!

Naofumi: Are you okay ?

Raphtalia: Y-Yes. i'm okay. It heals faster where you put a bandage.

Naofumi: I'm glad if it's true.

Raphtalia: ... Naofumi. Did you see the semi-human child among the soldiers ?

Naofumi: Huh ? Come to think of it...

Raphtalia: They let a semi-human join their ranks... Which is rare in this country... I'm sure you can trust them.

Naofumi: ... It's not that I don't trust them. I just need confirmation.

'No class-up, what a pain in the ass...'

In front of my eyes was displayed a giant screen, showing all the spells I had created so far, plus a few more in progress.

'The problem is not this country, but the ones who reign over it. Since they're trying so badly to put us down, we have no choice but to do everything ourselves.'

'That class-up, it's basically some sort of power-up, to break our limits... breaking our limits... The ultimate power-up...'

I finally had an idea, and after clicking a few icons, it was my staff who suddenly started to blind and bath me in golden light.

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